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feat(representation_theory/Rep): the category of representations (#13683
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We define `Rep k G`, the category of `k`-linear representations of a monoid `G`.

Happily, by abstract nonsense we get that this has (co)limits and a monoidal structure for free.

This should play well with the new design for representations in #13573.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Apr 29, 2022
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323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions src/representation_theory/Action.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import algebra.category.Group.basic
import category_theory.single_obj
import category_theory.limits.functor_category
import category_theory.limits.preserves.basic
import category_theory.adjunction.limits
import category_theory.monoidal.functor_category
import category_theory.monoidal.transport

# `Action V G`, the category of actions of a monoid `G` inside some category `V`.
The prototypical example is `V = Module R`,
where `Action (Module R) G` is the category of `R`-linear representations of `G`.
We check `Action V G ≌ (single_obj G ⥤ V)`,
and construct the restriction functors `res {G H : Mon} (f : G ⟶ H) : Action V H ⥤ Action V G`.
When `V` has (co)limits so does `Action V G`. When `V` is monoidal so is `Action V G`.

universes u

open category_theory
open category_theory.limits

variables (V : Type (u+1)) [large_category V]

An `Action V G` represents a bundled action of
the monoid `G` on an object of some category `V`.
As an example, when `V = Module R`, this is an `R`-linear representation of `G`,
while when `V = Type` this is a `G`-action.
-- Note: this is _not_ a categorical action of `G` on `V`.
structure Action (G : Mon.{u}) :=
(V : V)
(ρ : G ⟶ Mon.of (End V))

namespace Action
variable {V}

lemma ρ_one {G : Mon.{u}} (A : Action V G) : A.ρ 1 = 𝟙 A.V :=
by { rw [monoid_hom.map_one], refl, }

/-- When a group acts, we can lift the action to the group of automorphisms. -/
def ρ_Aut {G : Group.{u}} (A : Action V (Mon.of G)) : G ⟶ Group.of (Aut A.V) :=
{ to_fun := λ g,
{ hom := A.ρ g,
inv := A.ρ (g⁻¹ : G),
hom_inv_id' := ((A.ρ).map_mul (g⁻¹ : G) g).symm.trans (by rw [inv_mul_self, ρ_one]),
inv_hom_id' := ((A.ρ).map_mul g (g⁻¹ : G)).symm.trans (by rw [mul_inv_self, ρ_one]), },
map_one' := by { ext, exact A.ρ.map_one },
map_mul' := λ x y, by { ext, exact A.ρ.map_mul x y }, }

variable (G : Mon.{u})


/-- The trivial representation of a group. -/
def trivial : Action AddCommGroup G :=
{ V := AddCommGroup.of punit,
ρ := 1, }

instance : inhabited (Action AddCommGroup G) := ⟨trivial G⟩

variables {G V}

A homomorphism of `Action V G`s is a morphism between the underlying objects,
commuting with the action of `G`.
structure hom (M N : Action V G) :=
(hom : M.V ⟶ N.V)
(comm' : ∀ g : G, M.ρ g ≫ hom = hom ≫ N.ρ g . obviously)

restate_axiom hom.comm'

namespace hom

/-- The identity morphism on a `Action V G`. -/
def id (M : Action V G) : Action.hom M M :=
{ hom := 𝟙 M.V }

instance (M : Action V G) : inhabited (Action.hom M M) := ⟨id M⟩

The composition of two `Action V G` homomorphisms is the composition of the underlying maps.
def comp {M N K : Action V G} (p : Action.hom M N) (q : Action.hom N K) :
Action.hom M K :=
{ hom := p.hom ≫ q.hom,
comm' := λ g, by rw [←category.assoc, p.comm, category.assoc, q.comm, ←category.assoc] }

end hom

instance : category (Action V G) :=
{ hom := λ M N, hom M N,
id := λ M, M,
comp := λ M N K f g, hom.comp f g, }

lemma id_hom (M : Action V G) : (𝟙 M : hom M M).hom = 𝟙 M.V := rfl
lemma comp_hom {M N K : Action V G} (f : M ⟶ N) (g : N ⟶ K) :
(f ≫ g : hom M K).hom = f.hom ≫ g.hom :=

/-- Construct an isomorphism of `G` actions/representations
from an isomorphism of the the underlying objects,
where the forward direction commutes with the group action. -/
def mk_iso {M N : Action V G} (f : M.V ≅ N.V) (comm : ∀ g : G, M.ρ g ≫ f.hom = f.hom ≫ N.ρ g) :
M ≅ N :=
{ hom :=
{ hom := f.hom,
comm' := comm, },
inv :=
{ hom := f.inv,
comm' := λ g, by { have w := comm g =≫ f.inv, simp at w, simp [w], }, }}

namespace functor_category_equivalence

/-- Auxilliary definition for `functor_category_equivalence`. -/
def functor : Action V G ⥤ (single_obj G ⥤ V) :=
{ obj := λ M,
{ obj := λ _, M.V,
map := λ _ _ g, M.ρ g,
map_id' := λ _, M.ρ.map_one,
map_comp' := λ _ _ _ g h, M.ρ.map_mul h g, },
map := λ M N f,
{ app := λ _, f.hom,
naturality' := λ _ _ g, f.comm g, } }

/-- Auxilliary definition for `functor_category_equivalence`. -/
def inverse : (single_obj G ⥤ V) ⥤ Action V G :=
{ obj := λ F,
{ V := F.obj,
ρ :=
{ to_fun := λ g, g,
map_one' := F.map_id,
map_mul' := λ g h, F.map_comp h g, } },
map := λ M N f,
{ hom :=,
comm' := λ g, f.naturality g, } }.

/-- Auxilliary definition for `functor_category_equivalence`. -/
def unit_iso : 𝟭 (Action V G) ≅ functor ⋙ inverse :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ M, mk_iso ((iso.refl _)) (by tidy)) (by tidy).

/-- Auxilliary definition for `functor_category_equivalence`. -/
def counit_iso : inverse ⋙ functor ≅ 𝟭 (single_obj G ⥤ V) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ M, nat_iso.of_components (by tidy) (by tidy)) (by tidy).

end functor_category_equivalence

open functor_category_equivalence

variables (V G)

The category of actions of `G` in the category `V`
is equivalent to the functor category `single_obj G ⥤ V`.
def functor_category_equivalence : Action V G ≌ (single_obj G ⥤ V) :=
{ functor := functor,
inverse := inverse,
unit_iso := unit_iso,
counit_iso := counit_iso, }

attribute [simps] functor_category_equivalence

instance [has_limits V] : has_limits (Action V G) :=
adjunction.has_limits_of_equivalence (Action.functor_category_equivalence _ _).functor

instance [has_colimits V] : has_colimits (Action V G) :=
adjunction.has_colimits_of_equivalence (Action.functor_category_equivalence _ _).functor


section forget

variables (V G)

/-- (implementation) The forgetful functor from bundled actions to the underlying objects.
Use the `category_theory.forget` API provided by the `concrete_category` instance below,
rather than using this directly.
def forget : Action V G ⥤ V :=
{ obj := λ M, M.V,
map := λ M N f, f.hom, }

instance [concrete_category V] : concrete_category (Action V G) :=
{ forget := forget V G ⋙ (concrete_category.forget V),
forget_faithful :=
{ map_injective' := λ M N f g w,
hom.ext _ _ (faithful.map_injective (concrete_category.forget V) w), } }

instance has_forget_to_V [concrete_category V] : has_forget₂ (Action V G) V :=
{ forget₂ := forget V G }

/-- The forgetful functor is intertwined by `functor_category_equivalence` with
evaluation at ``. -/
def functor_category_equivalence_comp_evaluation :
(functor_category_equivalence V G).functor ⋙ (evaluation _ _).obj ≅ forget V G :=
iso.refl _

noncomputable instance [has_limits V] : limits.preserves_limits (forget V G) :=
(Action.functor_category_equivalence_comp_evaluation V G)

noncomputable instance [has_colimits V] : preserves_colimits (forget V G) :=
(Action.functor_category_equivalence_comp_evaluation V G)

-- TODO construct categorical images?

end forget

section monoidal

instance [monoidal_category V] : monoidal_category (Action V G) :=
monoidal.transport (Action.functor_category_equivalence _ _).symm

/-- When `V` is monoidal the forgetful functor `Action V G` to `V` is monoidal. -/
def forget_monoidal [monoidal_category V] : monoidal_functor (Action V G) V :=
{ ε := 𝟙 _,
μ := λ X Y, 𝟙 _,
..Action.forget _ _, }

-- TODO braiding and symmetry

end monoidal

/-- Actions/representations of the trivial group are just objects in the ambient category. -/
def Action_punit_equivalence : Action V (Mon.of punit) ≌ V :=
{ functor := forget V _,
inverse :=
{ obj := λ X, ⟨X, 1⟩,
map := λ X Y f, ⟨f, λ ⟨⟩, by simp⟩, },
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, mk_iso (iso.refl _) (λ ⟨⟩, by simpa using ρ_one X))
(by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ X, iso.refl _) (by tidy), }

variables (V)
The "restriction" functor along a monoid homomorphism `f : G ⟶ H`,
taking actions of `H` to actions of `G`.
(This makes sense for any homomorphism, but the name is natural when `f` is a monomorphism.)
def res {G H : Mon} (f : G ⟶ H) : Action V H ⥤ Action V G :=
{ obj := λ M,
{ V := M.V,
ρ := f ≫ M.ρ },
map := λ M N p,
{ hom := p.hom,
comm' := λ g, p.comm (f g) } }

The natural isomorphism from restriction along the identity homomorphism to
the identity functor on `Action V G`.
def res_id {G : Mon} : res V (𝟙 G) ≅ 𝟭 (Action V G) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ M, mk_iso (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy)

attribute [simps] res_id

The natural isomorphism from the composition of restrictions along homomorphisms
to the restriction along the composition of homomorphism.
def res_comp {G H K : Mon} (f : G ⟶ H) (g : H ⟶ K) : res V g ⋙ res V f ≅ res V (f ≫ g) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ M, mk_iso (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy)

attribute [simps] res_comp

-- TODO promote `res` to a pseudofunctor from
-- the locally discrete bicategory constructed from `Monᵒᵖ` to `Cat`, sending `G` to `Action V G`.

end Action

namespace category_theory.functor

variables {V} {W : Type (u+1)} [large_category W]

/-- A functor between categories induces a functor between
the categories of `G`-actions within those categories. -/
def map_Action (F : V ⥤ W) (G : Mon.{u}) : Action V G ⥤ Action W G :=
{ obj := λ M,
{ V := F.obj M.V,
ρ :=
{ to_fun := λ g, (M.ρ g),
map_one' := by simp only [End.one_def, Action.ρ_one, F.map_id],
map_mul' := λ g h, by simp only [End.mul_def, F.map_comp, map_mul], }, },
map := λ M N f,
{ hom := f.hom,
comm' := λ g, by { dsimp, rw [←F.map_comp, f.comm, F.map_comp], }, },
map_id' := λ M, by { ext, simp only [Action.id_hom, F.map_id], },
map_comp' := λ M N P f g, by { ext, simp only [Action.comp_hom, F.map_comp], }, }

end category_theory.functor
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions src/representation_theory/Rep.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import representation_theory.Action
import algebra.category.Module.limits
import algebra.category.Module.colimits
import algebra.category.Module.monoidal

# `Rep k G` is the category of `k`-linear representations of `G`.
If `V : Rep k G`, there is a coercion that allows you to treat `V` as a type,
and this type comes equipped with a `module k V` instance.
Also `V.ρ` gives the homomorphism `G →* (V →ₗ[k] V)`.
Conversely, given a homomorphism `ρ : G →* (V →ₗ[k] V)`,
you can construct the bundled representation as `Rep.of ρ`.
We verify that `Rep k G` has all limits and colimits, and is a monoidal category.

universes u

open category_theory
open category_theory.limits

/-- The category of `k`-linear representations of a monoid `G`. -/
@[derive [large_category, concrete_category, has_limits, has_colimits]]
abbreviation Rep (k G : Type u) [ring k] [monoid G] :=
Action (Module.{u} k) (Mon.of G)

namespace Rep

variables {k G : Type u} [ring k] [monoid G]

instance : has_coe_to_sort (Rep k G) (Type u) := concrete_category.has_coe_to_sort _

instance (V : Rep k G) : add_comm_monoid V :=
by { change add_comm_monoid ((forget₂ (Rep k G) (Module k)).obj V), apply_instance, }

instance (V : Rep k G) : module k V :=
by { change module k ((forget₂ (Rep k G) (Module k)).obj V), apply_instance, }

-- This works well with the new design for representations:
example (V : Rep k G) : G →* (V →ₗ[k] V) := V.ρ

/-- Lift an unbundled representation to `Rep`. -/
@[simps ρ]
def of {V : Type u} [add_comm_group V] [module k V] (ρ : G →* (V →ₗ[k] V)) : Rep k G :=
⟨Module.of k V, ρ⟩

-- Verify that limits are calculated correctly.
noncomputable example : preserves_limits (forget₂ (Rep k G) (Module.{u} k)) :=
by apply_instance
noncomputable example : preserves_colimits (forget₂ (Rep k G) (Module.{u} k)) :=
by apply_instance

end Rep

namespace Rep
variables {k G : Type u} [comm_ring k] [monoid G]

-- Verify that the monoidal structure is available.
example : monoidal_category (Rep k G) := by apply_instance

end Rep

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