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ADedecker committed Aug 21, 2022
1 parent 175a095 commit 90bc957
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Showing 3 changed files with 161 additions and 124 deletions.
123 changes: 0 additions & 123 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/adjoint.lean
Expand Up @@ -47,129 +47,6 @@ variables {𝕜 E F G : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜]
variables [inner_product_space 𝕜 E] [inner_product_space 𝕜 F] [inner_product_space 𝕜 G]
local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y

namespace linear_map

/-! ### Symmetric operators -/

/-- A (not necessarily bounded) operator on an inner product space is symmetric, if for all
`x`, `y`, we have `⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫`. -/
def is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E) : Prop := ∀ x y, ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫

section real

variables {E' : Type*} [inner_product_space ℝ E']

-- Todo: Generalize this to `is_R_or_C`.
/-- An operator `T` on a `ℝ`-inner product space is symmetric if and only if it is
`bilin_form.is_self_adjoint` with respect to the bilinear form given by the inner product. -/
lemma is_symmetric_iff_bilin_form (T : E' →ₗ[ℝ] E') :
is_symmetric T ↔ bilin_form_of_real_inner.is_self_adjoint T :=
by simp [is_symmetric, bilin_form.is_self_adjoint, bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair]

end real

lemma is_symmetric.conj_inner_sym {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T) (x y : E) :
conj ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪T y, x⟫ :=
by rw [hT x y, inner_conj_sym]

@[simp] lemma is_symmetric.apply_clm {T : E →L[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E))
(x y : E) :
⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫ :=
hT x y

lemma is_symmetric_zero : (0 : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
λ x y, (inner_zero_right : ⟪x, 0⟫ = 0).symm ▸ (inner_zero_left : ⟪0, y⟫ = 0)

lemma is_symmetric_id : ( : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
λ x y, rfl

lemma is_symmetric.add {T S : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : T.is_symmetric) (hS : S.is_symmetric) :
(T + S).is_symmetric :=
intros x y,
rw [linear_map.add_apply, inner_add_left, hT x y, hS x y, ← inner_add_right],

/-- The orthogonal projection is symmetric. -/
lemma _root_.orthogonal_projection_is_symmetric [complete_space E] (U : submodule 𝕜 E)
[complete_space U] :
(U.subtypeL ∘L orthogonal_projection U : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
inner_orthogonal_projection_left_eq_right U

/-- The **Hellinger--Toeplitz theorem**: if a symmetric operator is defined everywhere, then
it is automatically continuous. -/
lemma is_symmetric.continuous [complete_space E] {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T) :
continuous T :=
-- We prove it by using the closed graph theorem
refine T.continuous_of_seq_closed_graph (λ u x y hu hTu, _),
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_self_eq_zero],
have hlhs : ∀ k : ℕ, ⟪T (u k) - T x, y - T x⟫ = ⟪u k - x, T (y - T x)⟫ :=
by { intro k, rw [←T.map_sub, hT] },
refine tendsto_nhds_unique ((hTu.sub_const _).inner tendsto_const_nhds) _,
simp_rw hlhs,
rw ←@inner_zero_left 𝕜 E _ _ (T (y - T x)),
refine filter.tendsto.inner _ tendsto_const_nhds,
rw ←sub_self x,
exact hu.sub_const _,

/-- For a symmetric operator `T`, the function `λ x, ⟪T x, x⟫` is real-valued. -/
@[simp] lemma is_symmetric.coe_re_apply_inner_self_apply
{T : E →L[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E)) (x : E) :
(T.re_apply_inner_self x : 𝕜) = ⟪T x, x⟫ :=
suffices : ∃ r : ℝ, ⟪T x, x⟫ = r,
{ obtain ⟨r, hr⟩ := this,
simp [hr, T.re_apply_inner_self_apply] },
rw ← eq_conj_iff_real,
exact hT.conj_inner_sym x x

/-- If a symmetric operator preserves a submodule, its restriction to that submodule is
symmetric. -/
lemma is_symmetric.restrict_invariant {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T)
{V : submodule 𝕜 E} (hV : ∀ v ∈ V, T v ∈ V) :
is_symmetric (T.restrict hV) :=
λ v w, hT v w

lemma is_symmetric.restrict_scalars {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : T.is_symmetric) :
@linear_map.is_symmetric ℝ E _ (inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E)
(@linear_map.restrict_scalars ℝ 𝕜 _ _ _ _ _ _
(inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E).to_module
(inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E).to_module _ _ _ T) :=
λ x y, by simp [hT x y, real_inner_eq_re_inner, linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars_eq_coe]

section complex

variables {V : Type*}
[inner_product_space ℂ V]

/-- A linear operator on a complex inner product space is symmetric precisely when
`⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ` is real for all v.-/
lemma is_symmetric_iff_inner_map_self_real (T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V):
is_symmetric T ↔ ∀ (v : V), conj ⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ = ⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ :=
{ intros hT v,
apply is_symmetric.conj_inner_sym hT },
{ intros h x y,
nth_rewrite 1 ← inner_conj_sym,
nth_rewrite 1 inner_map_polarization,
simp only [star_ring_end_apply, star_div', star_sub, star_add, star_mul],
simp only [← star_ring_end_apply],
rw [h (x + y), h (x - y), h (x + complex.I • y), h (x - complex.I • y)],
simp only [complex.conj_I],
rw inner_map_polarization',
ring },

end complex

end linear_map

/-! ### Adjoint operator -/

open inner_product_space
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/projection.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Zhouhang Zhou, Frédéric Dupuis, Heather Macbeth
import analysis.convex.basic
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import analysis.inner_product_space.symmetric
import analysis.normed_space.is_R_or_C

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -946,6 +946,12 @@ begin
(submodule.coe_mem (orthogonal_projection Kᗮ u))],

/-- The orthogonal projection is symmetric. -/
lemma orthogonal_projection_is_symmetric [complete_space E]
[complete_space K] :
(K.subtypeL ∘L orthogonal_projection K : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
inner_orthogonal_projection_left_eq_right K

open finite_dimensional

/-- Given a finite-dimensional subspace `K₂`, and a subspace `K₁`
Expand Down
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/symmetric.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Moritz Doll, Frédéric Dupuis, Heather Macbeth
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic

# Symmetric linear maps in an inner product space
This file defines and proves basic theorems about symmetric **not necessarily bounded** operators
on an inner product space, i.e linear maps `T : E → E` such that `∀ x y, ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫`.
In comparison to `is_self_adjoint`, this definition works for non-continuous linear maps, and
doesn't rely on the definition of the adjoint, which allows it to be stated in non-complete space.
## Main definitions
* `linear_map.is_symmetric`: a (not necessarily bounded) operator on an inner product space is
symmetric, if for all `x`, `y`, we have `⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫`
## Main statements
* `is_symmetric.continuous`: if a symmetric operator is defined on a complete space, then
it is automatically continuous.
## Tags
self-adjoint, symmetric

open is_R_or_C
open_locale complex_conjugate

variables {𝕜 E E' F G : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜]
variables [inner_product_space 𝕜 E] [inner_product_space 𝕜 F] [inner_product_space 𝕜 G]
variables [inner_product_space ℝ E']
local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y

namespace linear_map

/-! ### Symmetric operators -/

/-- A (not necessarily bounded) operator on an inner product space is symmetric, if for all
`x`, `y`, we have `⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫`. -/
def is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E) : Prop := ∀ x y, ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫

section real


-- Todo: Generalize this to `is_R_or_C`.
/-- An operator `T` on a `ℝ`-inner product space is symmetric if and only if it is
`bilin_form.is_self_adjoint` with respect to the bilinear form given by the inner product. -/
lemma is_symmetric_iff_bilin_form (T : E' →ₗ[ℝ] E') :
is_symmetric T ↔ bilin_form_of_real_inner.is_self_adjoint T :=
by simp [is_symmetric, bilin_form.is_self_adjoint, bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair]

end real

lemma is_symmetric.conj_inner_sym {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T) (x y : E) :
conj ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪T y, x⟫ :=
by rw [hT x y, inner_conj_sym]

@[simp] lemma is_symmetric.apply_clm {T : E →L[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E))
(x y : E) : ⟪T x, y⟫ = ⟪x, T y⟫ :=
hT x y

lemma is_symmetric_zero : (0 : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
λ x y, (inner_zero_right : ⟪x, 0⟫ = 0).symm ▸ (inner_zero_left : ⟪0, y⟫ = 0)

lemma is_symmetric_id : ( : E →ₗ[𝕜] E).is_symmetric :=
λ x y, rfl

lemma is_symmetric.add {T S : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : T.is_symmetric) (hS : S.is_symmetric) :
(T + S).is_symmetric :=
intros x y,
rw [linear_map.add_apply, inner_add_left, hT x y, hS x y, ← inner_add_right],

/-- The **Hellinger--Toeplitz theorem**: if a symmetric operator is defined on a complete space,
then it is automatically continuous. -/
lemma is_symmetric.continuous [complete_space E] {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T) :
continuous T :=
-- We prove it by using the closed graph theorem
refine T.continuous_of_seq_closed_graph (λ u x y hu hTu, _),
rw [←sub_eq_zero, ←inner_self_eq_zero],
have hlhs : ∀ k : ℕ, ⟪T (u k) - T x, y - T x⟫ = ⟪u k - x, T (y - T x)⟫ :=
by { intro k, rw [←T.map_sub, hT] },
refine tendsto_nhds_unique ((hTu.sub_const _).inner tendsto_const_nhds) _,
simp_rw hlhs,
rw ←@inner_zero_left 𝕜 E _ _ (T (y - T x)),
refine filter.tendsto.inner _ tendsto_const_nhds,
rw ←sub_self x,
exact hu.sub_const _,

/-- For a symmetric operator `T`, the function `λ x, ⟪T x, x⟫` is real-valued. -/
@[simp] lemma is_symmetric.coe_re_apply_inner_self_apply
{T : E →L[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric (T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E)) (x : E) :
(T.re_apply_inner_self x : 𝕜) = ⟪T x, x⟫ :=
suffices : ∃ r : ℝ, ⟪T x, x⟫ = r,
{ obtain ⟨r, hr⟩ := this,
simp [hr, T.re_apply_inner_self_apply] },
rw ← eq_conj_iff_real,
exact hT.conj_inner_sym x x

/-- If a symmetric operator preserves a submodule, its restriction to that submodule is
symmetric. -/
lemma is_symmetric.restrict_invariant {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : is_symmetric T)
{V : submodule 𝕜 E} (hV : ∀ v ∈ V, T v ∈ V) :
is_symmetric (T.restrict hV) :=
λ v w, hT v w

lemma is_symmetric.restrict_scalars {T : E →ₗ[𝕜] E} (hT : T.is_symmetric) :
@linear_map.is_symmetric ℝ E _ (inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E)
(@linear_map.restrict_scalars ℝ 𝕜 _ _ _ _ _ _
(inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E).to_module
(inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E).to_module _ _ _ T) :=
λ x y, by simp [hT x y, real_inner_eq_re_inner, linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars_eq_coe]

section complex

variables {V : Type*}
[inner_product_space ℂ V]

/-- A linear operator on a complex inner product space is symmetric precisely when
`⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ` is real for all v.-/
lemma is_symmetric_iff_inner_map_self_real (T : V →ₗ[ℂ] V):
is_symmetric T ↔ ∀ (v : V), conj ⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ = ⟪T v, v⟫_ℂ :=
{ intros hT v,
apply is_symmetric.conj_inner_sym hT },
{ intros h x y,
nth_rewrite 1 ← inner_conj_sym,
nth_rewrite 1 inner_map_polarization,
simp only [star_ring_end_apply, star_div', star_sub, star_add, star_mul],
simp only [← star_ring_end_apply],
rw [h (x + y), h (x - y), h (x + complex.I • y), h (x - complex.I • y)],
simp only [complex.conj_I],
rw inner_map_polarization',
ring },

end complex

end linear_map

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