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Compute `∫ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)` when `b` is complex (with positive imaginary part).
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loefflerd committed Jan 11, 2023
1 parent 7c523cb commit 914cb17
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Showing 3 changed files with 264 additions and 73 deletions.
254 changes: 181 additions & 73 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/gaussian.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,27 @@ Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import analysis.special_functions.gamma
import analysis.special_functions.polar_coord
import analysis.convex.complex

# Gaussian integral
We prove the formula `∫ x, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b)`, in `integral_gaussian`.
We prove various versions of the formula for the Gaussian integral:
* `integral_gaussian`: for real `b` we have `∫ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b)`.
* `integral_gaussian_complex`: for complex `b` with `0 < re b` we have
`∫ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2) = (π / b) ^ (1 / 2)`.
* `integral_gaussian_Ioi` and `integral_gaussian_complex_Ioi`: variants for integrals over `Ioi 0`.
* `complex.Gamma_one_half_eq`: the formula `Γ (1 / 2) = √π`.

noncomputable theory

open real set measure_theory filter asymptotics
open_locale real topological_space

open complex (hiding exp continuous_exp abs_of_nonneg)
notation `cexp` := complex.exp

lemma exp_neg_mul_sq_is_o_exp_neg {b : ℝ} (hb : 0 < b) :
(λ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)) =o[at_top] (λ x:ℝ, exp (-x)) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,11 +85,7 @@ end

lemma integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℝ} (hb : 0 < b) :
integrable (λ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)) :=
have A : (-1 : ℝ) < 0, by norm_num,
convert integrable_rpow_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb A,
by simpa using integrable_rpow_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb (by norm_num : (-1 : ℝ) < 0)

lemma integrable_on_Ioi_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff {b : ℝ} :
integrable_on (λ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)) (Ioi 0) ↔ 0 < b :=
Expand All @@ -98,109 +103,212 @@ end
lemma integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff {b : ℝ} : integrable (λ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)) ↔ 0 < b :=
⟨λ h, h.integrable_on, integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq⟩

lemma integrable_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℝ} (hb : 0 < b) :
integrable (λ x:ℝ, x * exp (-b * x^2)) :=
lemma integrable_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℝ} (hb : 0 < b) : integrable (λ x:ℝ, x * exp (-b * x^2)) :=
by simpa using integrable_rpow_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb (by norm_num : (-1 : ℝ) < 1)

lemma norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq (b : ℂ) (x : ℝ) : ‖complex.exp (-b * x^2)‖ = exp ( * x^2) :=
by rw [complex.norm_eq_abs, complex.abs_exp, ←of_real_pow, mul_comm (-b) _, of_real_mul_re,
neg_re, mul_comm]

lemma integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < : integrable (λ x:ℝ, cexp (-b * x^2)) :=
refine ⟨(complex.continuous_exp.comp
(continuous_const.mul (continuous_of_real.pow 2))).ae_strongly_measurable, _⟩,
rw ←has_finite_integral_norm_iff,
simp_rw norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq,
exact (integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hb).2,

lemma integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < :
integrable (λ x:ℝ, ↑x * cexp (-b * x^2)) :=
have A : (-1 : ℝ) < 1, by norm_num,
convert integrable_rpow_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb A,
refine ⟨(continuous_of_real.mul (complex.continuous_exp.comp _)).ae_strongly_measurable, _⟩,
{ exact continuous_const.mul (continuous_of_real.pow 2) },
have := (integrable_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb).has_finite_integral,
rw ←has_finite_integral_norm_iff at this ⊢,
convert this,
ext1 x,
rw [norm_mul, norm_mul, norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq b, complex.norm_eq_abs, abs_of_real,
real.norm_eq_abs, norm_of_nonneg (exp_pos _).le],

lemma integral_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq {b : } (hb : 0 < b) :
∫ r in Ioi 0, r * exp (-b * r ^ 2) = (2 * b)⁻¹ :=
lemma integral_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq {b : } (hb : 0 < :
∫ r:ℝ in Ioi 0, (r : ℂ) * cexp (-b * r ^ 2) = (2 * b)⁻¹ :=
have I : integrable (λ x, x * exp (-b * x^2)) := integrable_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb,
refine tendsto_nhds_unique
(interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Ioi _ I.integrable_on filter.tendsto_id) _,
have A : ∀ x, has_deriv_at (λ x, - (2 * b)⁻¹ * exp (-b * x^2)) (x * exp (- b * x^2)) x,
{ assume x,
convert (((has_deriv_at_pow 2 x)).const_mul (-b)).exp.const_mul (- (2 * b)⁻¹) using 1,
field_simp ['],
have hb' : b ≠ 0 := by { contrapose! hb, rw [hb, zero_re], },
refine tendsto_nhds_unique (interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Ioi _
(integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on filter.tendsto_id) _,
have A : ∀ x:ℂ, has_deriv_at (λ x, - (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * x^2)) (x * cexp (- b * x^2)) x,
{ intro x,
convert (((has_deriv_at_pow 2 x)).const_mul (-b)).cexp.const_mul (- (2 * b)⁻¹) using 1,
field_simp [hb'],
ring },
have : ∀ (y : ℝ), ∫ x in 0..(id y), x * exp (- b * x^2)
= (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * exp (-b * y^2)) - (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * exp (-b * 0^2)) :=
λ y, interval_integral.integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at (λ x hx, A x) I.interval_integrable,
simp_rw [this],
have L : tendsto (λ (x : ℝ), (2 * b)⁻¹ - (2 * b)⁻¹ * exp (-b * x ^ 2)) at_top
have : ∀ (y : ℝ), ∫ x in 0..(id y), ↑x * cexp (-b * x^2)
= (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * y^2)) - (- (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * 0^2)) :=
λ y, interval_integral.integral_eq_sub_of_has_deriv_at
(λ x hx, (A x).comp_of_real) (integrable_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).interval_integrable,
simp_rw this,
have L : tendsto (λ (x : ℝ), (2 * b)⁻¹ - (2 * b)⁻¹ * cexp (-b * x ^ 2)) at_top
(𝓝 ((2 * b)⁻¹ - (2 * b)⁻¹ * 0)),
{ refine tendsto_const_nhds.sub _,
apply tendsto.const_mul,
apply tendsto_exp_at_bot.comp,
exact tendsto.neg_const_mul_at_top (neg_lt_zero.2 hb) (tendsto_pow_at_top two_ne_zero) },
{ refine tendsto_const_nhds.sub (tendsto.const_mul _ $ tendsto_zero_iff_norm_tendsto_zero.mpr _),
simp_rw norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq b,
exact tendsto_exp_at_bot.comp
(tendsto.neg_const_mul_at_top (neg_lt_zero.2 hb) (tendsto_pow_at_top two_ne_zero)) },
simpa using L,

theorem integral_gaussian (b : ℝ) : ∫ x, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b) :=
/-- The *square* of the Gaussian integral `∫ x:ℝ, exp (-b * x^2)` is equal to `π / b`. -/
lemma integral_gaussian_sq_complex {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < :
(∫ x:ℝ, cexp (-b * x^2)) ^ 2 = π / b :=
/- First we deal with the crazy case where `b ≤ 0`: then both sides vanish. -/
rcases le_or_lt b 0 with hb|hb,
{ rw [integral_undef, sqrt_eq_zero_of_nonpos],
{ exact div_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos pi_pos.le hb },
{ simpa only [not_lt, integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff] using hb } },
/- Assume now `b > 0`. We will show that the squares of the sides coincide. -/
refine (sq_eq_sq _ (sqrt_nonneg _)).1 _,
{ exact integral_nonneg (λ x, (exp_pos _).le) },
/- We compute `(∫ exp(-b x^2))^2` as an integral over `ℝ^2`, and then make a polar change of
coordinates. We are left with `∫ r * exp (-b r^2)`, which has been computed in
`integral_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq` using the fact that this function has an obvious primitive. -/
/- We compute `(∫ exp (-b x^2))^2` as an integral over `ℝ^2`, and then make a polar change
of coordinates. We are left with `∫ r * exp (-b r^2)`, which has been computed in
`integral_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq` using the fact that this function has an obvious primitive. -/
(∫ x, real.exp (-b * x^2)) ^ 2
= ∫ p : ℝ × ℝ, exp (-b * p.1 ^ 2) * exp (-b * p.2 ^ 2) :
(∫ x:ℝ, cexp (-b * (x:ℂ)^2)) ^ 2
= ∫ p : ℝ × ℝ, cexp (-b * ((p.1) : ℂ) ^ 2) * cexp (-b * ((p.2) : ℂ) ^ 2) :
by { rw [pow_two, ← integral_prod_mul], refl }
... = ∫ p : ℝ × ℝ, real.exp (- b * (p.1 ^ 2 + p.2^2)) :
by { congr, ext p, simp only [← real.exp_add, neg_add_rev, real.exp_eq_exp], ring }
... = ∫ p in, p.1 * exp (- b * ((p.1 * cos p.2) ^ 2 + (p.1 * sin p.2)^2)) :
(integral_comp_polar_coord_symm (λ p, exp (- b * (p.1^2 + p.2^2)))).symm
... = (∫ r in Ioi (0 : ℝ), r * exp (-b * r^2)) * (∫ θ in Ioo (-π) π, 1) :
... = ∫ p : ℝ × ℝ, cexp (- b * (p.1 ^ 2 + p.2 ^ 2)) :
by { congr, ext1 p, rw [← complex.exp_add, mul_add], }
... = ∫ p in, (p.1) • cexp (- b * ((p.1 * cos p.2) ^ 2 + (p.1 * sin p.2)^2)) :
rw ← integral_comp_polar_coord_symm,
simp only [polar_coord_symm_apply, of_real_mul, of_real_cos, of_real_sin],
... = (∫ r in Ioi (0 : ℝ), r * cexp (-b * r^2)) * (∫ θ in Ioo (-π) π, 1) :
rw ← set_integral_prod_mul,
congr' with p,
congr' with p : 1,
rw mul_one,
conv_rhs { rw [← one_mul (p.1^2), ← sin_sq_add_cos_sq p.2], },
conv_rhs { rw [← one_mul ((p.1 : ℂ)^2), ← sin_sq_add_cos_sq (p.2 : ℂ)], },
... = π / b :
... = π / b :
have : 0 ≤ π + π, by linarith [real.pi_pos],
simp only [integral_const, measure.restrict_apply', measurable_set_Ioo, univ_inter, this,
sub_neg_eq_add,, mul_one, volume_Ioo, two_mul,
ennreal.to_real_of_real, integral_mul_exp_neg_mul_sq hb, one_mul],
field_simp ['],
simp only [integral_const, measure.restrict_apply', measurable_set_Ioo, univ_inter,
volume_Ioo, sub_neg_eq_add, ennreal.to_real_of_real, this],
rw [←two_mul, real_smul, mul_one, of_real_mul, of_real_bit0, of_real_one,
integral_mul_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb],
field_simp [(by { contrapose! hb, rw [hb, zero_re] } : b ≠ 0)],
... = (sqrt (π / b)) ^ 2 :
by { rw sq_sqrt, exact div_nonneg pi_pos.le hb.le }

open_locale interval

/- The Gaussian integral on the half-line, `∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2)`. -/
lemma integral_gaussian_Ioi (b : ℝ) : ∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b) / 2 :=
theorem integral_gaussian (b : ℝ) : ∫ x, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b) :=
/- First we deal with the crazy case where `b ≤ 0`: then both sides vanish. -/
rcases le_or_lt b 0 with hb|hb,
{ rw [integral_undef, sqrt_eq_zero_of_nonpos, zero_div],
exact div_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos pi_pos.le hb,
rwa [←integrable_on, integrable_on_Ioi_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff, not_lt] },
have full_integral := integral_gaussian b,
{ rw [integral_undef, sqrt_eq_zero_of_nonpos],
{ exact div_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos pi_pos.le hb },
{ simpa only [not_lt, integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff] using hb } },
/- Assume now `b > 0`. Then both sides are non-negative and their squares agree. -/
refine (sq_eq_sq _ (sqrt_nonneg _)).1 _,
{ exact integral_nonneg (λ x, (exp_pos _).le) },
rw [←of_real_inj, of_real_pow, ←integral_of_real, sq_sqrt (div_pos pi_pos hb).le, of_real_div],
convert integral_gaussian_sq_complex (by rwa of_real_re : 0 < (b:ℂ).re),
ext1 x,
rw [of_real_exp, of_real_mul, of_real_pow, of_real_neg],

lemma continuous_at_gaussian_integral (b : ℂ) (hb : 0 < re b) :
continuous_at (λ c:ℂ, ∫ x:ℝ, cexp (-c * x^2)) b :=
let f : ℂ → ℝ → ℂ := λ (c : ℂ) (x : ℝ), cexp (-c * x ^ 2),
obtain ⟨d, hd, hd'⟩ := exists_between hb,
have f_meas : ∀ (c:ℂ), ae_strongly_measurable (f c) volume := λ c, by
{ apply continuous.ae_strongly_measurable,
exact complex.continuous_exp.comp (continuous_const.mul (continuous_of_real.pow 2)) },
have f_int : integrable (f b) volume,
{ simp_rw [←integrable_norm_iff (f_meas b), norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq b],
exact integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hb, },
have f_cts : ∀ (x : ℝ), continuous_at (λ c, f c x) b :=
λ x, (complex.continuous_exp.comp (continuous_id'.neg.mul continuous_const)).continuous_at,
have f_le_bd : ∀ᶠ (c : ℂ) in 𝓝 b, ∀ᵐ (x : ℝ), ‖f c x‖ ≤ exp (-d * x ^ 2),
{ refine eventually_of_mem ((continuous_re.is_open_preimage _ is_open_Ioi).mem_nhds hd') _,
refine λ c hc, ae_of_all _ (λ x, _),
rw [norm_cexp_neg_mul_sq, exp_le_exp],
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (neg_le_neg (le_of_lt hc)) (sq_nonneg _) },
exact continuous_at_of_dominated (eventually_of_forall f_meas) f_le_bd
(integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hd) (ae_of_all _ f_cts),

theorem integral_gaussian_complex {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < re b) :
∫ x:ℝ, cexp (-b * x^2) = (π / b) ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) :=
have nv : ∀ {b : ℂ}, (0 < re b) → (b ≠ 0),
{ intros b hb, contrapose! hb, rw hb, simp },
refine (convex_halfspace_re_gt 0).is_preconnected.eq_of_sq_eq
_ _ (λ c hc, _) (λ c hc, _) (by simp : 0 < re (1 : ℂ)) _ hb,
{ -- integral is continuous
exact continuous_at.continuous_on continuous_at_gaussian_integral, },
{ -- `(π / b) ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ)` is continuous
refine continuous_at.continuous_on (λ b hb, (continuous_at_cpow_const (or.inl _)).comp
(continuous_at_const.div continuous_at_id (nv hb))),
rw [div_re, of_real_im, of_real_re, zero_mul, zero_div, add_zero],
exact div_pos (mul_pos pi_pos hb) (norm_sq_pos.mpr (nv hb)), },
{ -- squares of both sides agree
dsimp only [pi.pow_apply],
rw [integral_gaussian_sq_complex hc, sq],
conv_lhs { rw ←cpow_one (↑π / c)},
rw ← cpow_add _ _ (div_ne_zero (of_real_ne_zero.mpr pi_ne_zero) (nv hc)),
norm_num },
{ -- RHS doesn't vanish
rw [ne.def, cpow_eq_zero_iff, not_and_distrib],
exact or.inl (div_ne_zero (of_real_ne_zero.mpr pi_ne_zero) (nv hc)) },
{ -- equality at 1
have : ∀ (x : ℝ), cexp (-1 * x ^ 2) = exp (-1 * x ^ 2),
{ intro x,
simp only [of_real_exp, neg_mul, one_mul, of_real_neg, of_real_pow] },
simp_rw [this, integral_of_real],
conv_rhs { congr, rw [←of_real_one, ←of_real_div], skip,
rw [←of_real_one, ←of_real_bit0, ←of_real_div] },
rw [←of_real_cpow, of_real_inj],
convert integral_gaussian (1 : ℝ),
{ rwa [sqrt_eq_rpow] },
{ rw [div_one], exact pi_pos.le } },

/- The Gaussian integral on the half-line, `∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2)`, for complex `b`. -/
lemma integral_gaussian_complex_Ioi {b : ℂ} (hb : 0 < re b) :
∫ x:ℝ in Ioi 0, cexp (-b * x^2) = (π / b) ^ (1 / 2 : ℂ) / 2 :=
have full_integral := integral_gaussian_complex hb,
have : measurable_set (Ioi (0:ℝ)) := measurable_set_Ioi,
rw [←integral_add_compl this (integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hb), compl_Ioi] at full_integral,
suffices : ∫ x in Iic 0, exp (-b * x^2) = ∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2),
rw [←integral_add_compl this (integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb), compl_Ioi] at full_integral,
suffices : ∫ x:ℝ in Iic 0, cexp (-b * x^2) = ∫ x:ℝ in Ioi 0, cexp (-b * x^2),
{ rw [this, ←mul_two] at full_integral,
rwa eq_div_iff, exact two_ne_zero },
have : ∀ (c : ℝ), ∫ x in 0 .. c, exp (-b * x^2) = ∫ x in -c .. 0, exp (-b * x^2),
have : ∀ (c : ℝ), ∫ x in 0 .. c, cexp (-b * x^2) = ∫ x in -c .. 0, cexp (-b * x^2),
{ intro c,
have := @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_left _ _ _ _ 0 c (λ x, exp(-b * x^2)) 0,
have := @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_left _ _ _ _ 0 c (λ x, cexp (-b * x^2)) 0,
simpa [zero_sub, neg_sq, neg_zero] using this },
have t1 := interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Ioi _
((integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on) tendsto_id,
have t2 : tendsto (λ c:ℝ, ∫ x in 0 .. c, exp (-b * x^2)) at_top (𝓝 ∫ x in Iic 0, exp (-b * x^2)),
((integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on) tendsto_id,
have t2 : tendsto (λ c:ℝ, ∫ x:ℝ in 0..c,
cexp (-b * x^2)) at_top (𝓝 ∫ x:ℝ in Iic 0, cexp (-b * x^2)),
{ simp_rw this,
refine interval_integral_tendsto_integral_Iic _ _ tendsto_neg_at_top_at_bot,
apply (integrable_exp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on },
apply (integrable_cexp_neg_mul_sq hb).integrable_on },
exact tendsto_nhds_unique t2 t1,

/- The Gaussian integral on the half-line, `∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2)`, for real `b`. -/
lemma integral_gaussian_Ioi (b : ℝ) : ∫ x in Ioi 0, exp (-b * x^2) = sqrt (π / b) / 2 :=
rcases le_or_lt b 0 with hb|hb,
{ rw [integral_undef, sqrt_eq_zero_of_nonpos, zero_div],
exact div_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos pi_pos.le hb,
rwa [←integrable_on, integrable_on_Ioi_exp_neg_mul_sq_iff, not_lt] },
rw [←of_real_inj, ←integral_of_real],
convert integral_gaussian_complex_Ioi (by rwa of_real_re : 0 < (b:ℂ).re),
{ ext1 x, simp, },
{ rw [sqrt_eq_rpow, ←of_real_div, of_real_div, of_real_cpow],
exact (div_pos pi_pos hb).le, }

namespace complex

/-- The special-value formula `Γ(1/2) = √π`, which is equivalent to the Gaussian integral. -/
Expand All @@ -210,7 +318,7 @@ begin
have hh : (1 / 2 : ℂ) = ↑(1 / 2 : ℝ),
{ simp only [one_div, of_real_inv, of_real_bit0, of_real_one] },
have hh2 : (1 / 2 : ℂ).re = 1 / 2,
{ convert complex.of_real_re (1 / 2 : ℝ) },
{ convert of_real_re (1 / 2 : ℝ) },
replace hh2 : 0 < (1 / 2 : ℂ).re := by { rw hh2, exact one_half_pos, },
rw [Gamma_eq_integral _ hh2, hh, Gamma_integral_of_real, of_real_inj, real.Gamma_integral],
-- now do change-of-variables
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