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chore(algebra/homology): further dualization (#7657)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed May 19, 2021
1 parent aee918b commit 918dcc0
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Showing 3 changed files with 390 additions and 6 deletions.
143 changes: 141 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/homology/augment.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import algebra.homology.exact
import tactic.linarith

# Augmentation and truncation of `ℕ`-indexed chain complexes.
# Augmentation and truncation of `ℕ`-indexed (co)chain complexes.

open category_theory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def truncate_augment (C : chain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : C.X 0 ⟶ X) (w : C.
(truncate_augment C f w).inv.f i = 𝟙 ((truncate.obj (augment C f w)).X i) :=
by { cases i; refl, }

@[simp] lemma cochain_complex_d_succ_succ_zero (C : chain_complex V ℕ) (i : ℕ) :
@[simp] lemma chain_complex_d_succ_succ_zero (C : chain_complex V ℕ) (i : ℕ) :
C.d (i+2) 0 = 0 :=
by { rw C.shape, simp, omega, }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,3 +159,142 @@ def to_single₀_as_complex
let ⟨f, w⟩ := to_single₀_equiv C X f in augment C f w

end chain_complex

namespace cochain_complex

The truncation of a `ℕ`-indexed cochain complex,
deleting the object at `0` and shifting everything else down.
def truncate [has_zero_morphisms V] : cochain_complex V ℕ ⥤ cochain_complex V ℕ :=
{ obj := λ C,
{ X := λ i, C.X (i+1),
d := λ i j, C.d (i+1) (j+1),
shape' := λ i j w, by { apply C.shape, dsimp at w ⊢, omega, }, },
map := λ C D f,
{ f := λ i, f.f (i+1), }, }

There is a canonical chain map from the truncation of a cochain complex `C` to
the "single object" cochain complex consisting of the truncated object `C.X 0` in degree 0.
The components of this chain map are `C.d 0 1` in degree 0, and zero otherwise.
def to_truncate [has_zero_object V] [has_zero_morphisms V] (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) :
(single₀ V).obj (C.X 0) ⟶ truncate.obj C :=
(from_single₀_equiv (truncate.obj C) (C.X 0)).symm ⟨C.d 0 1, by tidy⟩

variables [has_zero_morphisms V]

We can "augment" a cochain complex by inserting an arbitrary object in degree zero
(shifting everything else up), along with a suitable differential.
def augment (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) :
cochain_complex V ℕ :=
{ X := λ i, match i with
| 0 := X
| (i+1) := C.X i
d := λ i j, match i, j with
| 0, 1 := f
| (i+1), (j+1) := C.d i j
| _, _ := 0
shape' := λ i j s, begin
simp at s,
rcases j with _|_|j; cases i; unfold_aux; try { simp },
{ simpa using s, },
{ rw [C.shape], simp, omega, },
d_comp_d' := λ i j k, begin
rcases k with _|_|k; rcases j with _|_|j; cases i; unfold_aux; try { simp },
cases k,
{ exact w, },
{ rw [C.shape, comp_zero],
simp, omega, },
end, }

@[simp] lemma augment_X_zero
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) :
(augment C f w).X 0 = X := rfl

@[simp] lemma augment_X_succ
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) (i : ℕ) :
(augment C f w).X (i+1) = C.X i := rfl

@[simp] lemma augment_d_zero_one
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) :
(augment C f w).d 0 1 = f := rfl

@[simp] lemma augment_d_succ_succ
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) (i j : ℕ) :
(augment C f w).d (i+1) (j+1) = C.d i j :=
by { dsimp [augment], rcases i with _|i, refl, refl, }

Truncating an augmented cochain complex is isomorphic (with components the identity)
to the original complex.
def truncate_augment (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) :
truncate.obj (augment C f w) ≅ C :=
{ hom :=
{ f := λ i, 𝟙 _, },
inv :=
{ f := λ i, by { cases i; exact 𝟙 _, },
comm' := λ i j, by { cases i; cases j; { dsimp, simp, }, }, },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext i, cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext i, cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, }, }.

@[simp] lemma truncate_augment_hom_f
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) (i : ℕ) :
(truncate_augment C f w).hom.f i = 𝟙 (C.X i) := rfl
@[simp] lemma truncate_augment_inv_f
(C : cochain_complex V ℕ) {X : V} (f : X ⟶ C.X 0) (w : f ≫ C.d 0 1 = 0) (i : ℕ) :
(truncate_augment C f w).inv.f i = 𝟙 ((truncate.obj (augment C f w)).X i) :=
by { cases i; refl, }

@[simp] lemma cochain_complex_d_succ_succ_zero (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) (i : ℕ) :
C.d 0 (i+2) = 0 :=
by { rw C.shape, simp, omega, }

Augmenting a truncated complex with the original object and morphism is isomorphic
(with components the identity) to the original complex.
def augment_truncate (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) :
augment (truncate.obj C) (C.d 0 1) (C.d_comp_d _ _ _) ≅ C :=
{ hom :=
{ f := λ i, by { cases i; exact 𝟙 _, },
comm' := λ i j, by { rcases j with _|_|j; cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, }, },
inv :=
{ f := λ i, by { cases i; exact 𝟙 _, },
comm' := λ i j, by { rcases j with _|_|j; cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, }, },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext i, cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext i, cases i; { dsimp, simp, }, }, }.

@[simp] lemma augment_truncate_hom_f_zero (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) :
(augment_truncate C).hom.f 0 = 𝟙 (C.X 0) :=
@[simp] lemma augment_truncate_hom_f_succ (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) (i : ℕ) :
(augment_truncate C).hom.f (i+1) = 𝟙 (C.X (i+1)) :=
@[simp] lemma augment_truncate_inv_f_zero (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) :
(augment_truncate C).inv.f 0 = 𝟙 (C.X 0) :=
@[simp] lemma augment_truncate_inv_f_succ (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) (i : ℕ) :
(augment_truncate C).inv.f (i+1) = 𝟙 (C.X (i+1)) :=

A chain map from a single object cochain complex in degree zero to a cochain complex
can be reinterpreted as a cochain complex.
Ths is the inverse construction of `to_truncate`.
def from_single₀_as_complex
[has_zero_object V] (C : cochain_complex V ℕ) (X : V) (f : (single₀ V).obj X ⟶ C) :
cochain_complex V ℕ :=
let ⟨f, w⟩ := from_single₀_equiv C X f in augment C f w

end cochain_complex
138 changes: 136 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/homology/homological_complex.lean
Expand Up @@ -544,8 +544,6 @@ end of_hom

section mk

/- TODO: dualize to `cochain_complex` -/

Auxiliary structure for setting up the recursion in `mk`.
This is purely an implementation detail: for some reason just using the dependent 6-tuple directly
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,4 +737,140 @@ from a dependently typed collection of morphisms.

end of_hom

section mk

Auxiliary structure for setting up the recursion in `mk`.
This is purely an implementation detail: for some reason just using the dependent 6-tuple directly
results in `mk_aux` taking much longer (well over the `-T100000` limit) to elaborate.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure mk_struct :=
(X₀ X₁ X₂ : V)
(d₀ : X₀ ⟶ X₁)
(d₁ : X₁ ⟶ X₂)
(s : d₀ ≫ d₁ = 0)

variables {V}

/-- Flatten to a tuple. -/
def mk_struct.flat (t : mk_struct V) :
Σ' (X₀ X₁ X₂ : V) (d₀ : X₀ ⟶ X₁) (d₁ : X₁ ⟶ X₂), d₀ ≫ d₁ = 0 :=
⟨t.X₀, t.X₁, t.X₂, t.d₀, t.d₁, t.s⟩

variables (X₀ X₁ X₂ : V) (d₀ : X₀ ⟶ X₁) (d₁ : X₁ ⟶ X₂) (s : d₀ ≫ d₁ = 0)
(succ : Π (t : Σ' (X₀ X₁ X₂ : V) (d₀ : X₀ ⟶ X₁) (d₁ : X₁ ⟶ X₂), d₀ ≫ d₁ = 0),
Σ' (X₃ : V) (d₂ : t.2.2.1 ⟶ X₃), t. ≫ d₂ = 0)

/-- Auxiliary definition for `mk`. -/
def mk_aux :
Π n : ℕ, mk_struct V
| 0 := ⟨X₀, X₁, X₂, d₀, d₁, s⟩
| (n+1) :=
let p := mk_aux n in
⟨p.X₁, p.X₂, (succ p.flat).1, p.d₁, (succ p.flat).2.1, (succ p.flat).2.2

A inductive constructor for `ℕ`-indexed cochain complexes.
You provide explicitly the first two differentials,
then a function which takes two differentials and the fact they compose to zero,
and returns the next object, its differential, and the fact it composes appropiately to zero.
See also `mk'`, which only sees the previous differential in the inductive step.
def mk : cochain_complex V ℕ :=
of (λ n, (mk_aux X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ n).X₀) (λ n, (mk_aux X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ n).d₀)
(λ n, (mk_aux X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ n).s)

@[simp] lemma mk_X_0 : (mk X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ).X 0 = X₀ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_X_1 : (mk X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ).X 1 = X₁ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_X_2 : (mk X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ).X 2 = X₂ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_d_1_0 : (mk X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ).d 0 1 = d₀ :=
by { change ite (1 = 0 + 1) (d₀ ≫ 𝟙 X₁) 0 = d₀, rw [if_pos rfl, category.comp_id] }
@[simp] lemma mk_d_2_0 : (mk X₀ X₁ X₂ d₀ d₁ s succ).d 1 2 = d₁ :=
by { change ite (2 = 1 + 1) (d₁ ≫ 𝟙 X₂) 0 = d₁, rw [if_pos rfl, category.comp_id] }
-- TODO simp lemmas for the inductive steps? It's not entirely clear that they are needed.

A simpler inductive constructor for `ℕ`-indexed cochain complexes.
You provide explicitly the first differential,
then a function which takes a differential,
and returns the next object, its differential, and the fact it composes appropriately to zero.
def mk' (X₀ X₁ : V) (d : X₀ ⟶ X₁)
(succ' : Π (t : Σ (X₀ X₁ : V), X₀ ⟶ X₁), Σ' (X₂ : V) (d : t.2.1 ⟶ X₂), t.2.2 ≫ d = 0) :
cochain_complex V ℕ :=
mk X₀ X₁ (succ' ⟨X₀, X₁, d⟩).1 d (succ' ⟨X₀, X₁, d⟩).2.1 (succ' ⟨X₀, X₁, d⟩).2.2
(λ t, succ' ⟨t.2.1, t.2.2.1, t.⟩)

variables (succ' : Π (t : Σ (X₀ X₁ : V), X₀ ⟶ X₁), Σ' (X₂ : V) (d : t.2.1 ⟶ X₂), t.2.2 ≫ d = 0)

@[simp] lemma mk'_X_0 : (mk' X₀ X₁ d₀ succ').X 0 = X₀ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk'_X_1 : (mk' X₀ X₁ d₀ succ').X 1 = X₁ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk'_d_1_0 : (mk' X₀ X₁ d₀ succ').d 0 1 = d₀ :=
by { change ite (1 = 0 + 1) (d₀ ≫ 𝟙 X₁) 0 = d₀, rw [if_pos rfl, category.comp_id] }
-- TODO simp lemmas for the inductive steps? It's not entirely clear that they are needed.

end mk

section mk_hom

variables {V} (P Q : cochain_complex V ℕ)
(zero : P.X 0 ⟶ Q.X 0)
(one : P.X 1 ⟶ Q.X 1)
(one_zero_comm : zero ≫ Q.d 0 1 = P.d 0 1 ≫ one)
(succ : ∀ (n : ℕ)
(p : Σ' (f : P.X n ⟶ Q.X n) (f' : P.X (n+1) ⟶ Q.X (n+1)), f ≫ Q.d n (n+1) = P.d n (n+1) ≫ f'),
Σ' f'' : P.X (n+2) ⟶ Q.X (n+2), p.2.1 ≫ Q.d (n+1) (n+2) = P.d (n+1) (n+2) ≫ f'')

An auxiliary construction for `mk_hom`.
Here we build by induction a family of commutative squares,
but don't require at the type level that these successive commutative squares actually agree.
They do in fact agree, and we then capture that at the type level (i.e. by constructing a chain map)
in `mk_hom`.
def mk_hom_aux :
Π n, Σ' (f : P.X n ⟶ Q.X n) (f' : P.X (n+1) ⟶ Q.X (n+1)), f ≫ Q.d n (n+1) = P.d n (n+1) ≫ f'
| 0 := ⟨zero, one, one_zero_comm⟩
| (n+1) := ⟨(mk_hom_aux n).2.1,
(succ n (mk_hom_aux n)).1, (succ n (mk_hom_aux n)).2

A constructor for chain maps between `ℕ`-indexed cochain complexes,
working by induction on commutative squares.
You need to provide the components of the chain map in degrees 0 and 1,
show that these form a commutative square,
and then give a construction of each component,
and the fact that it forms a commutative square with the previous component,
using as an inductive hypothesis the data (and commutativity) of the previous two components.
def mk_hom : P ⟶ Q :=
{ f := λ n, (mk_hom_aux P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ n).1,
comm' := λ n m,
by_cases h : n + 1 = m,
{ subst h,
exact (mk_hom_aux P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ n).2.2 },
{ rw [P.shape n m h, Q.shape n m h], simp }
end }

@[simp] lemma mk_hom_f_0 : (mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).f 0 = zero := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_hom_f_1 : (mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).f 1 = one := rfl
@[simp] lemma mk_hom_f_succ_succ (n : ℕ) :
(mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).f (n+2) =
(succ n ⟨(mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).f n,
(mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).f (n+1),
(mk_hom P Q zero one one_zero_comm succ).comm n (n+1)⟩).1 :=
dsimp [mk_hom, mk_hom_aux],
induction n; congr,

end mk_hom

end cochain_complex

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