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feat(data/polynomial): misc on derivatives of polynomials (#2596)
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Co-authored by: @alexjbest
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jcommelin committed May 5, 2020
1 parent d6ddfd2 commit 91b3906
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 3 deletions.
50 changes: 47 additions & 3 deletions src/data/polynomial.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ end field
section derivative
variables [comm_semiring R]

/-- `derivative p` formal derivative of the polynomial `p` -/
/-- `derivative p` is the formal derivative of the polynomial `p` -/
def derivative (p : polynomial R) : polynomial R := p.sum (λn a, C (a * n) * X^(n - 1))

lemma coeff_derivative (p : polynomial R) (n : ℕ) : coeff (derivative p) n = coeff p (n + 1) * (n + 1) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2354,12 +2354,26 @@ derivative_C
by refine finsupp.sum_add_index _ _; intros;
simp only [add_mul, zero_mul, C_0, C_add, C_mul]

/-- The formal derivative of polynomials, as additive homomorphism. -/
def derivative_hom (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] : polynomial R →+ polynomial R :=
{ to_fun := derivative,
map_zero' := derivative_zero,
map_add' := λ p q, derivative_add }

@[simp] lemma derivative_neg {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (f : polynomial R) :
derivative (-f) = -derivative f :=
(derivative_hom R).map_neg f

@[simp] lemma derivative_sub {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (f g : polynomial R) :
derivative (f - g) = derivative f - derivative g :=
(derivative_hom R).map_sub f g

instance : is_add_monoid_hom (derivative : polynomial R → polynomial R) :=
{ map_add := λ _ _, derivative_add, map_zero := derivative_zero }
(derivative_hom R).is_add_monoid_hom

@[simp] lemma derivative_sum {s : finset ι} {f : ι → polynomial R} :
derivative (s.sum f) = s.sum (λb, derivative (f b)) :=
(s.sum_hom derivative).symm
(derivative_hom R).map_sum f s

@[simp] lemma derivative_mul {f g : polynomial R} :
derivative (f * g) = derivative f * g + f * derivative g :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2391,6 +2405,36 @@ calc derivative (f * g) = f.sum (λn a, g.sum (λm b, C ((a * b) * (n + m : ℕ)
lemma derivative_eval (p : polynomial R) (x : R) : p.derivative.eval x = p.sum (λ n a, (a * n)*x^(n-1)) :=
by simp [derivative, eval_sum, eval_pow]

@[simp] lemma derivative_smul (r : R) (p : polynomial R) : derivative (r • p) = r • derivative p :=
by { ext, simp only [coeff_derivative, mul_assoc, coeff_smul], }

/-- The formal derivative of polynomials, as linear homomorphism. -/
def derivative_lhom (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] : polynomial R →ₗ[R] polynomial R :=
{ to_fun := derivative,
add := λ p q, derivative_add,
smul := λ r p, derivative_smul r p }

/-- If `f` is a polynomial over a field, and `a : K` satisfies `f' a ≠ 0`,
then `f / (X - a)` is coprime with `X - a`.
Note that we do not assume `f a = 0`, because `f / (X - a) = (f - f a) / (X - a)`. -/
lemma is_coprime_of_is_root_of_eval_derivative_ne_zero {K : Type*} [field K]
(f : polynomial K) (a : K) (hf' : f.derivative.eval a ≠ 0) :
ideal.is_coprime (X - C a : polynomial K) (f /ₘ (X - C a)) :=
refine or.resolve_left (dvd_or_coprime (X - C a) (f /ₘ (X - C a))
(irreducible_of_degree_eq_one (polynomial.degree_X_sub_C a))) _,
contrapose! hf' with h,
have key : (X - C a) * (f /ₘ (X - C a)) = f - (f %ₘ (X - C a)),
{ rw [eq_sub_iff_add_eq, ← eq_sub_iff_add_eq', mod_by_monic_eq_sub_mul_div],
exact monic_X_sub_C a },
replace key := congr_arg derivative key,
simp only [derivative_X, derivative_mul, one_mul, sub_zero, derivative_sub,
mod_by_monic_X_sub_C_eq_C_eval, derivative_C] at key,
have : (X - C a) ∣ derivative f := key ▸ (dvd_add h (dvd_mul_right _ _)),
rw [← dvd_iff_mod_by_monic_eq_zero (monic_X_sub_C _), mod_by_monic_X_sub_C_eq_C_eval] at this,
rw [← C_inj, this, C_0],

end derivative

section domain
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