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feat(group_theory/free_group): is_free_group via free_group X ≃* G (#…
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The previous definition of the `is_free_group` class was defined via the universal
property of free groups, which is intellectually pleasing, but
technically annoying, due to the universe problems of quantifying over
“all other groups” in the definition. To work around them, many
definitions had to be duplicated.

This changes the definition of `is_free_group` to contain an isomorphism
between the `free_group` over the generator and `G`. It also moves this
class into `free_group.lean`, so that it can be found more easily.

Relevant Zulip thread:

A previous attempt at reforming `is_free_group` to unbundle the set
of generators (`is_freely_generated_by G X`) is on branch
`joachim/is_freely_generated_by`, but it wasn't very elegant to use in some places.
  • Loading branch information
nomeata committed May 4, 2022
1 parent 552a470 commit 923ae0b
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Showing 3 changed files with 113 additions and 156 deletions.
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/group_theory/free_product.lean
Expand Up @@ -704,15 +704,16 @@ end ping_pong_lemma
instance {ι : Type*} (G : ι → Type*) [∀ i, group (G i)] [hG : ∀ i, is_free_group (G i)] :
is_free_group (free_product G) :=
{ generators := Σ i, is_free_group.generators (G i),
of := λ x, free_product.of (is_free_group.of x.2),
unique_lift' :=
introsI X _ f,
refine ⟨free_product.lift (λ i, is_free_group.lift (λ x, f ⟨i, x⟩)), _ ⟩,
{ simp, },
{ intros g hfg, ext i x, simpa using hfg ⟨i, x⟩, }
end, }
mul_equiv :=
(free_group.lift (λ (x : Σ i, is_free_group.generators (G i)),
free_product.of (is_free_group.of x.2 : G x.1)))
(free_product.lift (λ (i : ι),
(is_free_group.lift (λ (x : is_free_group.generators (G i)),
free_group.of (⟨i, x⟩ : Σ i, is_free_group.generators (G i)))
: G i →* (free_group (Σ i, is_free_group.generators (G i))))))
(by {ext, simp, })
(by {ext, simp, }) }

/-- A free group is a free product of copies of the free_group over one generator. -/

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240 changes: 98 additions & 142 deletions src/group_theory/is_free_group.lean
@@ -1,175 +1,131 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 David Wärn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Wärn, Eric Wieser
Authors: David Wärn, Eric Wieser, Joachim Breitner
import group_theory.free_group
# Free groups structures on arbitrary types
This file defines the universal property of free groups, and proves some things about
groups with this property. For an explicit construction of free groups, see
This file defines a type class for type that are free groups, together with the usual operations.
The type class can be instantiated by providing an isomorphim to the canonical free group, or by
proving that the universal property holds.
For the explicit construction of free groups, see `group_theory/free_group`.
## Main definitions
* `is_free_group G` - a typeclass to indicate that `G` is free over some generators
* `is_free_group.lift` - the (noncomputable) universal property of the free group
* `is_free_group.to_free_group` - any free group with generators `A` is equivalent to
`free_group A`.
* `is_free_group.of` - the canonical injection of `G`'s generators into `G`
* `is_free_group.lift` - the universal property of the free group
## Implementation notes
## Main results
While the typeclass only requires the universal property hold within a single universe `u`, our
explicit construction of `free_group` allows this to be extended universe polymorphically. The
primed definition names in this file refer to the non-polymorphic versions.
* `is_free_group.to_free_group` - any free group with generators `A` is equivalent to
`free_group A`.
* `is_free_group.unique_lift` - the universal property of a free group
* `is_free_group.of_unique_lift` - constructing `is_free_group` from the universal property
noncomputable theory
universes u w

/-- `is_free_group G` means that `G` has the universal property of a free group,
That is, it has a family `generators G` of elements, such that a group homomorphism
`G →* X` is uniquely determined by a function `generators G → X`. -/
class is_free_group (G : Type u) [group G] : Type (u+1) :=
(generators : Type u)
(of : generators → G)
(unique_lift' : ∀ {X : Type u} [group X] (f : generators → X),
∃! F : G →* X, ∀ a, F (of a) = f a)

instance free_group_is_free_group {A} : is_free_group (free_group A) :=
{ generators := A,
of := free_group.of,
unique_lift' := begin
introsI X _ f,
have := free_group.lift.symm.bijective.exists_unique f,
simp_rw function.funext_iff at this,
exact this,
end }
universes u

namespace is_free_group
/-- `is_free_group G` means that `G` isomorphic to a free group. -/
class is_free_group (G : Type u) [group G] :=
(generators : Type u)
(mul_equiv [] : free_group generators ≃* G)

variables {G H : Type u} {X : Type w} [group G] [group H] [group X] [is_free_group G]
instance (X : Type*) : is_free_group (free_group X) :=
{ generators := X,
mul_equiv := mul_equiv.refl _ }

/-- The equivalence between functions on the generators and group homomorphisms from a free group
given by those generators. -/
@[simps symm_apply]
def lift' : (generators G → H) ≃ (G →* H) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, classical.some (unique_lift' f),
inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ of,
left_inv := λ f, funext (classical.some_spec (unique_lift' f)).left,
right_inv := λ F, ((classical.some_spec (unique_lift' (F ∘ of))).right F (λ _, rfl)).symm }
namespace is_free_group

@[simp] lemma lift'_of (f : generators G → H) (a : generators G) : (lift' f) (of a) = f a :=
congr_fun (lift'.symm_apply_apply f) a
variables (G : Type*) [group G] [is_free_group G]

@[simp] lemma lift'_eq_free_group_lift {A : Type u} :
(@lift' (free_group A) H _ _ _) = free_group.lift :=
-- TODO: `apply equiv.symm_bijective.injective`,
rw [←free_group.lift.symm_symm, ←(@lift' (free_group A) H _ _ _).symm_symm],
congr' 1,

@[simp] lemma of_eq_free_group_of {A : Type u} : (@of (free_group A) _ _) = free_group.of :=

lemma ext_hom' ⦃f g : G →* H⦄ (h : ∀ a, f (of a) = g (of a)) :
f = g :=
lift'.symm.injective $ funext h

/-- Being a free group transports across group isomorphisms within a universe. -/
def of_mul_equiv (h : G ≃* H) : is_free_group H :=
{ generators := generators G,
of := h ∘ of,
unique_lift' := begin
introsI X _ f,
refine ⟨(lift' f).comp h.symm.to_monoid_hom, _, _⟩,
{ simp },
intros F' hF',
suffices : F'.comp h.to_monoid_hom = lift' f,
{ rw ←this, ext, apply congr_arg, symmetry, apply mul_equiv.apply_symm_apply },
simp [hF'],
end }
/-- Any free group is isomorphic to "the" free group. -/
@[simps] def to_free_group : G ≃* free_group (generators G) := (mul_equiv G).symm

### Universe-polymorphic definitions
variable {G}

/-- The canonical injection of G's generators into G -/
def of : generators G → G := (mul_equiv G).to_fun ∘ free_group.of

The primed definitions and lemmas above require `G` and `H` to be in the same universe `u`.
The lemmas below use `X` in a different universe `w`
@[simp] lemma of_eq_free_group_of {A : Type u} : (@of (free_group A) _ _ ) = free_group.of := rfl

variable (G)
variables {H : Type*} [group H]

/-- Any free group is isomorphic to "the" free group. -/
@[simps] def to_free_group : G ≃* free_group (generators G) :=
{ to_fun := lift' free_group.of,
inv_fun := free_group.lift of,
left_inv :=
suffices (free_group.lift of).comp (lift' free_group.of) = G,
from monoid_hom.congr_fun this,
by { ext, simp },
right_inv :=
(lift' free_group.of).comp (free_group.lift of) = (free_group (generators G)),
from monoid_hom.congr_fun this,
by { ext, simp },
map_mul' := (lift' free_group.of).map_mul }
/-- The equivalence between functions on the generators and group homomorphisms from a free group
given by those generators. -/
def lift : (generators G → H) ≃ (G →* H) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.comp (mul_equiv G).symm.to_monoid_hom,
inv_fun := λ f, f.comp (mul_equiv G).to_monoid_hom,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, },
right_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, }, }

variable {G}
@[simp] lemma lift'_eq_free_group_lift {A : Type u} :
(@lift (free_group A) _ _ H _) = free_group.lift := rfl

private lemma lift_right_inv_aux (F : G →* X) :
free_group.lift.symm (F.comp (to_free_group G).symm.to_monoid_hom) = F ∘ of :=
by { ext, simp }

/-- A universe-polymorphic version of `is_free_group.lift'`. -/
@[simps symm_apply]
def lift : (generators G → X) ≃ (G →* X) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, (free_group.lift f).comp (to_free_group G).to_monoid_hom,
inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ of,
left_inv := λ f, free_group.lift.injective begin
ext x,
right_inv := λ F, begin
rw ←lift_right_inv_aux,
simp only [equiv.apply_symm_apply],
ext x,
dsimp only [monoid_hom.comp_apply, mul_equiv.coe_to_monoid_hom],
rw mul_equiv.symm_apply_apply,

lemma ext_hom ⦃f g : G →* X⦄ (h : ∀ a, f (of a) = g (of a)) :
f = g :=
is_free_group.lift.symm.injective $ funext h

@[simp] lemma lift_of (f : generators G → X) (a : generators G) : (lift f) (of a) = f a :=
@[simp] lemma lift_of (f : generators G → H) (a : generators G) : lift f (of a) = f a :=
congr_fun (lift.symm_apply_apply f) a

@[simp] lemma lift_eq_free_group_lift {A : Type u} :
(@lift (free_group A) H _ _ _) = free_group.lift :=
-- TODO: `apply equiv.symm_bijective.injective`,
rw [←free_group.lift.symm_symm, ←(@lift (free_group A) H _ _ _).symm_symm],
congr' 1,

/-- A universe-polymorphic version of `unique_lift`. -/
lemma unique_lift {X : Type w} [group X] (f : generators G → X) :
∃! F : G →* X, ∀ a, F (of a) = f a :=
have := lift.symm.bijective.exists_unique f,
simp_rw function.funext_iff at this,
exact this,
@[simp] lemma lift_symm_apply (f : G →* H) (a : generators G) : (lift.symm f) a = f (of a) :=

@[ext] lemma ext_hom ⦃f g : G →* H⦄ (h : ∀ (a : generators G), f (of a) = g (of a)) : f = g :=
lift.symm.injective (funext h)

/-- The universal property of a free group: A functions from the generators of `G` to another
group extends in a unique way to a homomorphism from `G`.
Note that since `is_free_group.lift` is expressed as a bijection, it already
expresses the universal property. -/
lemma unique_lift (f : generators G → H) : ∃! F : G →* H, ∀ a, F (of a) = f a :=
by simpa only [function.funext_iff] using lift.symm.bijective.exists_unique f

/-- If a group satisfies the universal property of a free group, then it is a free group, where
the universal property is expressed as in `is_free_group.lift` and its properties. -/
def of_lift {G : Type u} [group G] (X : Type u)
(of : X → G)
(lift : ∀ {H : Type u} [group H], by exactI (X → H) ≃ (G →* H))
(lift_of : ∀ {H : Type u} [group H], by exactI ∀ (f : X → H) a, lift f (of a) = f a) :
is_free_group G :=
{ generators := X,
mul_equiv := monoid_hom.to_mul_equiv
(free_group.lift of)
(lift free_group.of)
apply free_group.ext_hom, intro x,
simp only [monoid_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app, monoid_hom.id_apply, free_group.lift.of,
let lift_symm_of : ∀ {H : Type u} [group H], by exactI ∀ (f : G →* H) a,
lift.symm f a = f (of a) := by introsI H _ f a; simp [← lift_of (lift.symm f)],
apply lift.symm.injective, ext x,
simp only [monoid_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app, monoid_hom.id_apply,
free_group.lift.of, lift_of, lift_symm_of],
end }

/-- If a group satisfies the universal property of a free group, then it is a free group, where
the universal property is expressed as in `is_free_group.unique_lift`. -/
def of_unique_lift {G : Type u} [group G] (X : Type u)
(of : X → G)
(h : ∀ {H : Type u} [group H] (f : X → H), by exactI ∃! F : G →* H, ∀ a, F (of a) = f a) :
is_free_group G :=
let lift {H : Type u} [group H] : by exactI (X → H) ≃ (G →* H) := by exactI
{ to_fun := λ f, classical.some (h f),
inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ of,
left_inv := λ f, funext (classical.some_spec (h f)).left,
right_inv := λ F, ((classical.some_spec (h (F ∘ of))).right F (λ _, rfl)).symm } in
let lift_of {H : Type u} [group H] (f : X → H) (a : X) : by exactI lift f (of a) = f a :=
by exactI congr_fun (lift.symm_apply_apply f) a in
of_lift X of @lift @lift_of

/-- Being a free group transports across group isomorphisms. -/
def of_mul_equiv {H : Type*} [group H] (h : G ≃* H) : is_free_group H :=
{ generators := generators G, mul_equiv := (mul_equiv G).trans h }

end is_free_group
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/group_theory/nielsen_schreier.lean
Expand Up @@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ end
/-- Given a free groupoid and an arborescence of its generating quiver, the vertex
group at the root is freely generated by loops coming from generating arrows
in the complement of the tree. -/
def End_is_free : is_free_group (End (root' T)) :=
{ generators := set.compl (wide_subquiver_equiv_set_total $ wide_subquiver_symmetrify T),
of := λ e, loop_of_hom T (of e.val.hom),
unique_lift' := begin
def End_is_free : is_free_group (End (root' T)) := is_free_group.of_unique_lift
(set.compl (wide_subquiver_equiv_set_total $ wide_subquiver_symmetrify T))
(λ e, loop_of_hom T (of e.val.hom))
introsI X _ f,
let f' : labelling (generators G) X := λ a b e,
if h : e ∈ wide_subquiver_symmetrify T a b then 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ def End_is_free : is_free_group (End (root' T)) :=
{ rw [loop_of_hom_eq_id T e h, ←End.one_def, E.map_one] },
{ exact hE ⟨⟨a, b, e⟩, h⟩ } }
end }

end spanning_tree

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