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feat(ring_theory/witt_vector): Witt vectors over a domain are a domain (
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Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
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robertylewis and robertylewis committed Jan 11, 2022
1 parent 83b0355 commit 93e7741
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Showing 4 changed files with 258 additions and 2 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ lemma ghost_component_apply (n : ℕ) (x : 𝕎 R) : ghost_component n x = aeval

@[simp] lemma ghost_map_apply (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) : ghost_map x n = ghost_component n x := rfl

section invertible

variables (p R) [invertible (p : R)]

/-- `witt_vector.ghost_map` is a ring isomorphism when `p` is invertible in `R`. -/
Expand All @@ -257,4 +259,19 @@ def ghost_equiv : 𝕎 R ≃+* (ℕ → R) :=
lemma ghost_map.bijective_of_invertible : function.bijective (ghost_map : 𝕎 R → ℕ → R) :=
(ghost_equiv p R).bijective

end invertible

/-- `witt_vector.coeff x 0` as a `ring_hom` -/
def constant_coeff : 𝕎 R →+* R :=
{ to_fun := λ x, x.coeff 0,
map_zero' := by simp,
map_one' := by simp,
map_add' := add_coeff_zero,
map_mul' := mul_coeff_zero }

instance [nontrivial R] : nontrivial (𝕎 R) :=

end witt_vector
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -311,6 +311,12 @@ lemma neg_coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) :
(-x).coeff n = peval (witt_neg p n) ![x.coeff] :=
by simp [has_neg.neg, eval, matrix.cons_fin_one]

lemma add_coeff_zero (x y : 𝕎 R) : (x + y).coeff 0 = x.coeff 0 + y.coeff 0 :=
by simp [add_coeff, peval]

lemma mul_coeff_zero (x y : 𝕎 R) : (x * y).coeff 0 = x.coeff 0 * y.coeff 0 :=
by simp [mul_coeff, peval]

end coeff

lemma witt_add_vars (n : ℕ) :
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/domain.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Robert Y. Lewis

import ring_theory.witt_vector.identities

# Witt vectors over a domain
This file builds to the proof `witt_vector.is_domain`,
an instance that says if `R` is an integral domain, then so is `𝕎 R`.
It depends on the API around iterated applications
of `witt_vector.verschiebung` and `witt_vector.frobenius`
found in `identities.lean`.
The [proof sketch](
goes as follows:
any nonzero $x$ is an iterated application of $V$
to some vector $w_x$ whose 0th component is nonzero (`witt_vector.verschiebung_nonzero`).
Known identities (`witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_mul`) allow us to transform
the product of two such $x$ and $y$
to the form $V^{m+n}\left(F^n(w_x) \cdot F^m(w_y)\right)$,
the 0th component of which must be nonzero.
## Main declarations
* `witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_mul_coeff` : an identity from [Haze09]
* `witt_vector.is_domain`

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical

namespace witt_vector
open function

variables {p : ℕ} {R : Type*}

local notation `𝕎` := witt_vector p -- type as `\bbW`

## The `shift` operator

`witt_vector.verschiebung` translates the entries of a Witt vector upward, inserting 0s in the gaps.
`witt_vector.shift` does the opposite, removing the first entries.
This is mainly useful as an auxiliary construction for `witt_vector.verschiebung_nonzero`.
def shift (x : 𝕎 R) (n : ℕ) : 𝕎 R := mk p (λ i, x.coeff (n + i))

lemma shift_coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (n k : ℕ) : (x.shift n).coeff k = x.coeff (n + k) :=

variables [hp : fact] [comm_ring R]
include hp

lemma verschiebung_shift (x : 𝕎 R) (k : ℕ) (h : ∀ i < k+1, x.coeff i = 0) :
verschiebung (x.shift k.succ) = x.shift k :=
ext ⟨j⟩,
{ rw [verschiebung_coeff_zero, shift_coeff, h],
apply nat.lt_succ_self },
{ simp only [verschiebung_coeff_succ, shift],
congr' 1,
rw [nat.add_succ, add_comm, nat.add_succ, add_comm] }

lemma eq_iterate_verschiebung {x : 𝕎 R} {n : ℕ} (h : ∀ i < n, x.coeff i = 0) :
x = (verschiebung^[n] (x.shift n)) :=
induction n with k ih,
{ cases x; simp [shift] },
{ dsimp, rw verschiebung_shift,
{ exact ih (λ i hi, h _ (hi.trans (nat.lt_succ_self _))), },
{ exact h } }

lemma verschiebung_nonzero {x : 𝕎 R} (hx : x ≠ 0) :
∃ n : ℕ, ∃ x' : 𝕎 R, x'.coeff 00 ∧ x = (verschiebung^[n] x') :=
have hex : ∃ k : ℕ, x.coeff k ≠ 0,
{ by_contradiction hall,
push_neg at hall,
apply hx,
ext i,
simp only [hall, zero_coeff] },
let n := nat.find hex,
use [n, x.shift n],
refine ⟨nat.find_spec hex, eq_iterate_verschiebung (λ i hi, _)⟩,
exact nat.find_min hex hi,

## Witt vectors over a domain
If `R` is an integral domain, then so is `𝕎 R`.
This argument is adapted from

instance [char_p R p] [no_zero_divisors R] : no_zero_divisors (𝕎 R) :=
⟨λ x y, begin
rintros ⟨ha, hb⟩,
rcases verschiebung_nonzero ha with ⟨na, wa, hwa0, rfl⟩,
rcases verschiebung_nonzero hb with ⟨nb, wb, hwb0, rfl⟩,
refine ne_of_apply_ne (λ x, x.coeff (na + nb)) _,
rw [iterate_verschiebung_mul_coeff, zero_coeff],
refine mul_ne_zero (pow_ne_zero _ hwa0) (pow_ne_zero _ hwb0),

instance [char_p R p] [is_domain R] : is_domain (𝕎 R) :=
{ ..witt_vector.no_zero_divisors,
..witt_vector.nontrivial }

end witt_vector
116 changes: 114 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/identities.lean
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ In this file we derive common identities between the Frobenius and Verschiebung
* `frobenius_verschiebung`: the composition of Frobenius and Verschiebung is multiplication by `p`
* `verschiebung_mul_frobenius`: the “projection formula”: `V(x * F y) = V x * y`
* `iterate_verschiebung_mul_coeff`: an identity from [Haze09] 6.2
## References
Expand All @@ -27,9 +28,9 @@ In this file we derive common identities between the Frobenius and Verschiebung

namespace witt_vector

variables {p : ℕ} {R : Type*} [fact] [comm_ring R]
variables {p : ℕ} {R : Type*} [hp : fact] [comm_ring R]
local notation `𝕎` := witt_vector p -- type as `\bbW`

include hp
noncomputable theory

/-- The composition of Frobenius and Verschiebung is multiplication by `p`. -/
Expand All @@ -50,9 +51,120 @@ begin
verschiebung_coeff_succ, h, one_pow], }

lemma coeff_p_pow_eq_zero [char_p R p] {i j : ℕ} (hj : j ≠ i) : (p ^ i : 𝕎 R).coeff j = 0 :=
induction i with i hi generalizing j,
{ rw [pow_zero, one_coeff_eq_of_pos],
exact nat.pos_of_ne_zero hj },
{ rw [pow_succ', ← frobenius_verschiebung, coeff_frobenius_char_p],
cases j,
{ rw [verschiebung_coeff_zero, zero_pow],
exact hp.out },
{ rw [verschiebung_coeff_succ, hi, zero_pow],
{ exact hp.out },
{ exact ne_of_apply_ne (λ (j : ℕ), j.succ) hj } } }

/-- The “projection formula” for Frobenius and Verschiebung. -/
lemma verschiebung_mul_frobenius (x y : 𝕎 R) :
verschiebung (x * frobenius y) = verschiebung x * y :=
by { ghost_calc x y, rintro ⟨⟩; ghost_simp [mul_assoc] }

lemma mul_char_p_coeff_zero [char_p R p] (x : 𝕎 R) : (x * p).coeff 0 = 0 :=
rw [← frobenius_verschiebung, coeff_frobenius_char_p, verschiebung_coeff_zero, zero_pow],
exact hp.out

lemma mul_char_p_coeff_succ [char_p R p] (x : 𝕎 R) (i : ℕ) :
(x * p).coeff (i + 1) = (x.coeff i)^p :=
by rw [← frobenius_verschiebung, coeff_frobenius_char_p, verschiebung_coeff_succ]

lemma verschiebung_frobenius [char_p R p] (x : 𝕎 R) :
verschiebung (frobenius x) = x * p :=
ext ⟨i⟩,
{ rw [mul_char_p_coeff_zero, verschiebung_coeff_zero], },
{ rw [mul_char_p_coeff_succ, verschiebung_coeff_succ, coeff_frobenius_char_p], }

lemma verschiebung_frobenius_comm [char_p R p] :
function.commute (verschiebung : 𝕎 R → 𝕎 R) frobenius :=
λ x, by rw [verschiebung_frobenius, frobenius_verschiebung]

## Iteration lemmas

open function

lemma iterate_verschiebung_coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (n k : ℕ) :
(verschiebung^[n] x).coeff (k + n) = x.coeff k :=
induction n with k ih,
{ simp },
{ rw [iterate_succ_apply', nat.add_succ, verschiebung_coeff_succ],
exact ih }

lemma iterate_verschiebung_mul_left (x y : 𝕎 R) (i : ℕ) :
(verschiebung^[i] x) * y = (verschiebung^[i] (x * (frobenius^[i] y))) :=
induction i with i ih generalizing y,
{ simp },
{ rw [iterate_succ_apply', ← verschiebung_mul_frobenius, ih, iterate_succ_apply'], refl }

section char_p

variable [char_p R p]

lemma iterate_verschiebung_mul (x y : 𝕎 R) (i j : ℕ) :
(verschiebung^[i] x) * (verschiebung^[j] y) =
(verschiebung^[i + j] ((frobenius^[j] x) * (frobenius^[i] y))) :=
_ = (verschiebung^[i] (x * (frobenius^[i] ((verschiebung^[j] y))))) : _
... = (verschiebung^[i] (x * (verschiebung^[j] ((frobenius^[i] y))))) : _
... = (verschiebung^[i] ((verschiebung^[j] ((frobenius^[i] y)) * x))) : _
... = (verschiebung^[i] ((verschiebung^[j] ((frobenius^[i] y) * (frobenius^[j] x))))) : _
... = (verschiebung^[i + j] ((frobenius^[i] y) * (frobenius^[j] x))) : _
... = _ : _,
{ apply iterate_verschiebung_mul_left },
{ rw verschiebung_frobenius_comm.iterate_iterate; apply_instance },
{ rw mul_comm },
{ rw iterate_verschiebung_mul_left },
{ rw iterate_add_apply },
{ rw mul_comm }

lemma iterate_frobenius_coeff (x : 𝕎 R) (i k : ℕ) :
((frobenius^[i] x)).coeff k = (x.coeff k)^(p^i) :=
induction i with i ih,
{ simp },
{ rw [iterate_succ_apply', coeff_frobenius_char_p, ih],
ring_exp }

/-- This is a slightly specialized form of [Hazewinkel, *Witt Vectors*][Haze09] 6.2 equation 5. -/
lemma iterate_verschiebung_mul_coeff (x y : 𝕎 R) (i j : ℕ) :
((verschiebung^[i] x) * (verschiebung^[j] y)).coeff (i + j) =
(x.coeff 0)^(p ^ j) * (y.coeff 0)^(p ^ i) :=
_ = (verschiebung^[i + j] ((frobenius^[j] x) * (frobenius^[i] y))).coeff (i + j) : _
... = ((frobenius^[j] x) * (frobenius^[i] y)).coeff 0 : _
... = (frobenius^[j] x).coeff 0 * ((frobenius^[i] y)).coeff 0 : _
... = _ : _,
{ rw iterate_verschiebung_mul },
{ convert iterate_verschiebung_coeff _ _ _ using 2,
rw zero_add },
{ apply mul_coeff_zero },
{ simp only [iterate_frobenius_coeff] }

end char_p

end witt_vector

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