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chore(combinatorics/quiver): make quiver a class (#7150)
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Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Apr 20, 2021
1 parent 5e188d2 commit 944ffff
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 104 deletions.
231 changes: 127 additions & 104 deletions src/combinatorics/quiver.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,130 +3,153 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 David Wärn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Wärn
import tactic
import data.equiv.basic
import order.well_founded
import data.nat.basic
import data.opposite

# Quivers
This module defines quivers. A quiver `G` on a type `V` of vertices assigns to every
pair `a b : V` of vertices a type `G.arrow a b` of arrows from `a` to `b`. This
This module defines quivers. A quiver on a type `V` of vertices assigns to every
pair `a b : V` of vertices a type `a ⟶ b` of arrows from `a` to `b`. This
is a very permissive notion of directed graph.
## Implementation notes
It would be interesting to try to replace `has_hom` with `quiver` in the definition of a category.
This would be convenient for defining path categories.
Currently `quiver` is defined with `arrow : V → V → Sort v`.
This is different from the category theory setup,
where we insist that morphisms live in some `Type`.
There's some balance here: it's nice to allow `Prop` to ensure there are no multiple arrows,
but it is also results in error-prone universe signatures when constraints require a `Type`.

open opposite

-- We use the same universe order as in category theory.
-- See note [category_theory universes]
universes v u

/-- A quiver `G` on a type `V` of vertices assigns to every pair `a b : V` of vertices
a type `G.arrow a b` of arrows from `a` to `b`. -/
structure quiver (V : Type u) :=
(arrow : V → V → Sort v)
a sort `a ⟶ b` of arrows from `a` to `b`.
For graphs with no repeated edges, one can use `quiver.{0} V`, which ensures
`a ⟶ b : Prop`. For multigraphs, one can use `quiver.{v+1} V`, which ensures
`a ⟶ b : Type v`. -/
class quiver (V : Type u) :=
(hom : V → V → Sort v)

infixr ` ⟶ `:10 := quiver.hom -- type as \h

/-- A wide subquiver `H` of `G` picks out a set `H a b` of arrows from `a` to `b`
for every pair of vertices `a b`. -/
def wide_subquiver {V} (G : quiver V) :=
Π a b : V, set (G.arrow a b)
for every pair of vertices `a b`.
/-- A wide subquiver viewed as a quiver on its own. -/
def wide_subquiver.quiver {V} {G : quiver V} (H : wide_subquiver G) : quiver V :=
⟨λ a b, H a b⟩
NB: this does not work for `Prop`-valued quivers. It requires `G : quiver.{v+1} V`. -/
def wide_subquiver (V) [quiver.{v+1} V] :=
Π a b : V, set (a ⟶ b)

namespace quiver
/-- A type synonym for `V`, when thought of as a quiver having only the arrows from
some `wide_subquiver`. -/
@[nolint unused_arguments has_inhabited_instance]
def wide_subquiver.to_Type (V) [quiver V] (H : wide_subquiver V) : Type u := V

/-- The quiver with no arrows. -/
protected def empty (V) : quiver.{v} V := ⟨λ a b, pempty⟩
instance wide_subquiver_has_coe_to_sort {V} [quiver V] : has_coe_to_sort (wide_subquiver V) :=
{ S := Type u,
coe := λ H, wide_subquiver.to_Type V H, }

instance {V} : inhabited (quiver.{v} V) := ⟨quiver.empty V⟩
instance {V} (G : quiver V) : has_bot (wide_subquiver G) := ⟨λ a b, ∅⟩
instance {V} (G : quiver V) : has_top (wide_subquiver G) := ⟨λ a b, set.univ⟩
instance {V} {G : quiver V} : inhabited (wide_subquiver G) := ⟨⊤⟩
/-- A wide subquiver viewed as a quiver on its own. -/
instance wide_subquiver.quiver {V} [quiver V] (H : wide_subquiver V) : quiver H :=
⟨λ a b, H a b⟩

/-- `G.sum H` takes the disjoint union of the arrows of `G` and `H`. -/
protected def sum {V} (G H : quiver V) : quiver V :=
⟨λ a b, G.arrow a b ⊕ H.arrow a b⟩
namespace quiver

/-- `G.opposite` reverses the direction of all arrows of `G`. -/
protected def opposite {V} (G : quiver V) : quiver V :=
⟨flip G.arrow⟩
/-- A type synonym for a quiver with no arrows. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def empty (V) : Type u := V

/-- `G.symmetrify` adds to `G` the reversal of all arrows of `G`. -/
def symmetrify {V} (G : quiver V) : quiver V :=
G.sum G.opposite
instance empty_quiver (V : Type u) : quiver.{u} (empty V) := ⟨λ a b, pempty⟩

@[simp] lemma empty_arrow {V} (a b : V) : (quiver.empty V).arrow a b = pempty := rfl
@[simp] lemma empty_arrow {V : Type u} (a b : empty V) : (a ⟶ b) = pempty := rfl

@[simp] lemma sum_arrow {V} (G H : quiver V) (a b : V) :
(G.sum H).arrow a b = (G.arrow a b ⊕ H.arrow a b) := rfl
instance {V} [quiver V] : has_bot (wide_subquiver V) := ⟨λ a b, ∅⟩
instance {V} [quiver V] : has_top (wide_subquiver V) := ⟨λ a b, set.univ⟩
instance {V} [quiver V] : inhabited (wide_subquiver V) := ⟨⊤⟩

@[simp] lemma opposite_arrow {V} (G : quiver V) (a b : V) :
G.opposite.arrow a b = G.arrow b a := rfl
/-- `Vᵒᵖ` reverses the direction of all arrows of `V`. -/
instance op_quiver {V} [quiver V] : quiver Vᵒᵖ :=
⟨λ a b, (unop b) ⟶ (unop a)⟩

@[simp] lemma symmetrify_arrow {V} (G : quiver V) (a b : V) :
G.symmetrify.arrow a b = (G.arrow a b ⊕ G.arrow b a) := rfl
/-- A type synonym for the symmetrized quiver (with an arrow both ways for each original arrow).
NB: this does not work for `Prop`-valued quivers. It requires `[quiver.{v+1} V]`. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def symmetrify (V) : Type u := V

@[simp] lemma opposite_opposite {V} (G : quiver V) : G.opposite.opposite = G :=
by { cases G, refl }
instance symmetrify_quiver (V : Type u) [quiver V] : quiver (symmetrify V) :=
⟨λ a b : V, (a ⟶ b) ⊕ (b ⟶ a)⟩

/-- `` is the type of _all_ arrows of `G`. -/
@[ext] protected structure total {V} (G : quiver.{v u} V) : Sort (max (u+1) v) :=
/-- `total V` is the type of _all_ arrows of `V`. -/
@[ext, nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure total (V : Type u) [quiver.{v} V] : Type (max u v) :=
(source : V)
(target : V)
(arrow : G.arrow source target)

instance {V} [inhabited V] {G : quiver V} [inhabited (G.arrow (default V) (default V))] :
inhabited :=
⟨⟨default V, default V, default _⟩⟩
(arrow : source ⟶ target)

/-- A wide subquiver `H` of `G.symmetrify` determines a wide subquiver of `G`, containing an
an arrow `e` if either `e` or its reversal is in `H`. -/
def wide_subquiver_symmetrify {V} {G : quiver V} :
wide_subquiver G.symmetrify → wide_subquiver G :=
-- Without the explicit universe level in `quiver.{v+1}` Lean comes up with
-- `quiver.{max u_2 u_3 + 1}`. This causes problems elsewhere, so we write `quiver.{v+1}`.
def wide_subquiver_symmetrify {V} [quiver.{v+1} V] :
wide_subquiver (symmetrify V) → wide_subquiver V :=
λ H a b, { e | sum.inl e ∈ H a b ∨ sum.inr e ∈ H b a }

/-- A wide subquiver of `G` can equivalently be viewed as a total set of arrows. -/
def wide_subquiver_equiv_set_total {V} {G : quiver V} :
wide_subquiver G ≃ set :=
def wide_subquiver_equiv_set_total {V} [quiver V] :
wide_subquiver V ≃ set (total V) :=
{ to_fun := λ H, { e | e.arrow ∈ H e.source },
inv_fun := λ S a b, { e | a b e ∈ S },
left_inv := λ H, rfl,
right_inv := by { intro S, ext, cases x, refl } }

/-- `G.path a b` is the type of paths from `a` to `b` through the arrows of `G`. -/
inductive path {V} (G : quiver.{v u} V) (a : V) : V → Sort (max (u+1) v)
inductive path {V : Type u} [quiver.{v} V] (a : V) : V → Type (max u v)
| nil : path a
| cons : Π {b c : V}, path b → G.arrow b c → path c
| cons : Π {b c : V}, path b → (b ⟶ c) → path c

/-- An arrow viewed as a path of length one. -/
def arrow.to_path {V} {G : quiver V} {a b} (e : G.arrow a b) : G.path a b :=
def hom.to_path {V} [quiver V] {a b : V} (e : a ⟶ b) : path a b :=
path.nil.cons e

namespace path

variables {V : Type*} {G : quiver V}
variables {V : Type u} [quiver V]

/-- The length of a path is the number of arrows it uses. -/
def length {a : V} : Π {b}, G.path a b → ℕ
def length {a : V} : Π {b : V}, path a b → ℕ
| _ path.nil := 0
| _ (path.cons p _) := p.length + 1

@[simp] lemma length_nil {a : V} :
(path.nil : G.path a a).length = 0 := rfl
(path.nil : path a a).length = 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma length_cons (a b c : V) (p : G.path a b)
(e : G.arrow b c) : (p.cons e).length = p.length + 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma length_cons (a b c : V) (p : path a b)
(e : b ⟶ c) : (p.cons e).length = p.length + 1 := rfl

/-- Composition of paths. -/
def comp {a b} : Π {c}, G.path a b → G.path b c → G.path a c
def comp {a b : V} : Π {c}, path a b → path b c → path a c
| _ p (path.nil) := p
| _ p (path.cons q e) := (p.comp q).cons e

@[simp] lemma comp_cons {a b c d} (p : G.path a b) (q : G.path b c) (e : G.arrow c d) :
@[simp] lemma comp_cons {a b c d : V} (p : path a b) (q : path b c) (e : c ⟶ d) :
p.comp (q.cons e) = (p.comp q).cons e := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_nil {a b} (p : G.path a b) : p.comp path.nil = p := rfl
@[simp] lemma nil_comp {a} : ∀ {b} (p : G.path a b), path.nil.comp p = p
@[simp] lemma comp_nil {a b : V} (p : path a b) : p.comp path.nil = p := rfl
@[simp] lemma nil_comp {a : V} : ∀ {b} (p : path a b), path.nil.comp p = p
| a path.nil := rfl
| b (path.cons p e) := by rw [comp_cons, nil_comp]
@[simp] lemma comp_assoc {a b c} : ∀ {d}
(p : G.path a b) (q : G.path b c) (r : G.path c d),
@[simp] lemma comp_assoc {a b c : V} : ∀ {d}
(p : path a b) (q : path b c) (r : path c d),
(p.comp q).comp r = p.comp (q.comp r)
| c p q path.nil := rfl
| d p q (path.cons r e) := by rw [comp_cons, comp_cons, comp_cons, comp_assoc]
Expand All @@ -135,33 +158,33 @@ end path

/-- A quiver is an arborescence when there is a unique path from the default vertex
to every other vertex. -/
class arborescence {V} (T : quiver.{v u} V) : Sort (max (u+1) v) :=
class arborescence (V : Type u) [quiver.{v} V] : Type (max u v) :=
(root : V)
(unique_path : Π (b : V), unique (T.path root b))
(unique_path : Π (b : V), unique (path root b))

/-- The root of an arborescence. -/
protected def root {V} (T : quiver V) [arborescence T] : V :=
arborescence.root T
def root (V : Type u) [quiver V] [arborescence V] : V :=

instance {V} (T : quiver V) [arborescence T] (b : V) : unique (T.path T.root b) :=
instance {V : Type u} [quiver V] [arborescence V] (b : V) : unique (path (root V) b) :=
arborescence.unique_path b

/-- An `L`-labelling of a quiver assigns to every arrow an element of `L`. -/
def labelling {V} (G : quiver V) (L) := Π a b, G.arrow a b → L
def labelling (V : Type u) [quiver V] (L : Sort*) := Π a b : V, (a ⟶ b) → L

instance {V} (G : quiver V) (L) [inhabited L] : inhabited (G.labelling L) :=
instance {V : Type u} [quiver V] (L) [inhabited L] : inhabited (labelling V L) :=
⟨λ a b e, default L⟩

/-- To show that `T : quiver V` is an arborescence with root `r : V`, it suffices to
/-- To show that `[quiver V]` is an arborescence with root `r : V`, it suffices to
- provide a height function `V → ℕ` such that every arrow goes from a
lower vertex to a higher vertex,
- show that every vertex has at most one arrow to it, and
- show that every vertex other than `r` has an arrow to it. -/
noncomputable def arborescence_mk {V} (T : quiver V) (r : V)
noncomputable def arborescence_mk {V : Type u} [quiver V] (r : V)
(height : V → ℕ)
(height_lt : ∀ ⦃a b⦄, T.arrow a b → height a < height b)
(unique_arrow : ∀ ⦃a b c⦄ (e : T.arrow a c) (f : T.arrow b c), a = b ∧ e == f)
(root_or_arrow : ∀ b, b = r ∨ ∃ a, nonempty (T.arrow a b)) : arborescence T :=
(height_lt : ∀ ⦃a b⦄, (a ⟶ b) → height a < height b)
(unique_arrow : ∀ ⦃a b c : V⦄ (e : a ⟶ c) (f : b ⟶ c), a = b ∧ e == f)
(root_or_arrow : ∀ b, b = r ∨ ∃ a, nonempty (a ⟶ b)) : arborescence V :=
{ root := r,
unique_path := λ b, ⟨classical.inhabited_of_nonempty
Expand All @@ -174,10 +197,10 @@ noncomputable def arborescence_mk {V} (T : quiver V) (r : V)
exact ⟨p.cons e⟩ }
have height_le : ∀ {a b}, T.path a b → height a ≤ height b,
have height_le : ∀ {a b}, path a b → height a ≤ height b,
{ intros a b p, induction p with b c p e ih, refl,
exact le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_lt ih (height_lt e)) },
suffices : ∀ p q : T.path r b, p = q,
suffices : ∀ p q : path r b, p = q,
{ intro p, apply this },
intros p q, induction p with a c p e ih; cases q with b _ q f,
{ refl },
Expand All @@ -186,85 +209,85 @@ noncomputable def arborescence_mk {V} (T : quiver V) (r : V)
{ rcases unique_arrow e f with ⟨⟨⟩, ⟨⟩⟩, rw ih },
end ⟩ }

/-- `G.rooted_connected r` means that there is a path from `r` to any other vertex. -/
class rooted_connected {V} (G : quiver V) (r : V) : Prop :=
(nonempty_path : ∀ b : V, nonempty (G.path r b))
/-- `rooted_connected r` means that there is a path from `r` to any other vertex. -/
class rooted_connected {V : Type u} [quiver V] (r : V) : Prop :=
(nonempty_path : ∀ b : V, nonempty (path r b))

attribute [instance] rooted_connected.nonempty_path

section geodesic_subtree

variables {V : Type*} (G : quiver.{v+1} V) (r : V) [G.rooted_connected r]
variables {V : Type u} [quiver.{v+1} V] (r : V) [rooted_connected r]

/-- A path from `r` of minimal length. -/
noncomputable def shortest_path (b : V) : G.path r b :=
noncomputable def shortest_path (b : V) : path r b :=
well_founded.min (measure_wf path.length) set.univ set.univ_nonempty

/-- The length of a path is at least the length of the shortest path -/
lemma shortest_path_spec {a : V} (p : G.path r a) :
(G.shortest_path r a).length ≤ p.length :=
lemma shortest_path_spec {a : V} (p : path r a) :
(shortest_path r a).length ≤ p.length := (well_founded.not_lt_min (measure_wf _) set.univ _ trivial)

/-- A subquiver which by construction is an arborescence. -/
def geodesic_subtree : wide_subquiver G :=
λ a b, { e | ∃ p : G.path r a, shortest_path G r b = p.cons e }
def geodesic_subtree : wide_subquiver V :=
λ a b, { e | ∃ p : path r a, shortest_path r b = p.cons e }

noncomputable instance geodesic_arborescence : (G.geodesic_subtree r).quiver.arborescence :=
arborescence_mk _ r (λ a, (G.shortest_path r a).length)
noncomputable instance geodesic_arborescence : arborescence (geodesic_subtree r) :=
arborescence_mk r (λ a, (shortest_path r a).length)
(by { rintros a b ⟨e, p, h⟩,
rw [h, path.length_cons, nat.lt_succ_iff], apply shortest_path_spec })
(by { rintros a b c ⟨e, p, h⟩ ⟨f, q, j⟩, cases h.symm.trans j, split; refl })
(by { intro b, have : ∃ p, G.shortest_path r b = p := ⟨_, rfl⟩,
(by { intro b, have : ∃ p, shortest_path r b = p := ⟨_, rfl⟩,
rcases this with ⟨p, hp⟩, cases p with a _ p e,
{ exact or.inl rfl }, { exact or.inr ⟨a, ⟨⟨e, p, hp⟩⟩⟩ } })

end geodesic_subtree

variables {V : Type*} (G : quiver V)
variables (V : Type u) [quiver.{v+1} V]

/-- A quiver `has_reverse` if we can reverse an arrow `p` from `a` to `b` to get an arrow
`p.reverse` from `b` to `a`.-/
class has_reverse :=
(reverse' : Π {a b}, G.arrow a bG.arrow b a)
(reverse' : Π {a b : V}, (a ⟶ b)(b ⟶ a))

variables {G} [has_reverse G]
instance : has_reverse (symmetrify V) := ⟨λ a b e, e.swap⟩

variables {V} [has_reverse V]

/-- Reverse the direction of an arrow. -/
def arrow.reverse {a b} : G.arrow a bG.arrow b a := has_reverse.reverse'
def reverse {a b : V} : (a ⟶ b)(b ⟶ a) := has_reverse.reverse'

/-- Reverse the direction of a path. -/
def path.reverse {a} : Π {b}, G.path a b → G.path b a
def path.reverse {a : V} : Π {b}, path a b → path b a
| a path.nil := path.nil
| b (path.cons p e) := e.reverse.to_path.comp p.reverse

variable (H : quiver.{v+1} V)
| b (path.cons p e) := (reverse e).to_path.comp p.reverse

instance : has_reverse H.symmetrify := ⟨λ a b e, e.swap⟩
variables (V)

/-- Two vertices are related in the zigzag setoid if there is a
zigzag of arrows from one to the other. -/
def zigzag_setoid : setoid V :=
⟨λ a b, nonempty (H.symmetrify.path a b),
⟨λ a b, nonempty (path (a : symmetrify V) (b : symmetrify V)),
λ a, ⟨path.nil⟩,
λ a b ⟨p⟩, ⟨p.reverse⟩,
λ a b c ⟨p⟩ ⟨q⟩, ⟨p.comp q⟩⟩

/-- The type of weakly connected components of a directed graph. Two vertices are
in the same weakly connected component if there is a zigzag of arrows from one
to the other. -/
def weakly_connected_component : Type* := quotient H.zigzag_setoid
def weakly_connected_component : Type* := quotient (zigzag_setoid V)

namespace weakly_connected_component
variable {H}
variable {V}

/-- The weakly connected component corresponding to a vertex. -/
protected def mk : V → H.weakly_connected_component :='
protected def mk : V → weakly_connected_component V :='

instance : has_coe_t V H.weakly_connected_component := ⟨⟩
instance [inhabited V] : inhabited H.weakly_connected_component := ⟨↑(default V)⟩
instance : has_coe_t V (weakly_connected_component V) := ⟨⟩
instance [inhabited V] : inhabited (weakly_connected_component V) := ⟨↑(default V)⟩

protected lemma eq (a b : V) :
(a : H.weakly_connected_component) = b ↔ nonempty (H.symmetrify.path a b) :=
(a : weakly_connected_component V) = b ↔ nonempty (path (a : symmetrify V) (b : symmetrify V)) :=

end weakly_connected_component
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