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- `discriminant_le_zero` to `discrim_le_zero`
- `discriminant_lt_zero` to `discrim_lt_zero`
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jcommelin committed Oct 17, 2020
1 parent 0367467 commit 95d33ee
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Showing 2 changed files with 108 additions and 104 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/ordered_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,25 @@ lt_of_not_ge (λ ha, absurd h (mul_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos ha hb).not_lt)
lemma neg_of_mul_pos_right (h : 0 < a * b) (ha : a ≤ 0) : b < 0 :=
lt_of_not_ge (λ hb, absurd h (mul_nonpos_of_nonpos_of_nonneg ha hb).not_lt)

lemma exists_lt_mul_self (a : α) : ∃ x : α, a < x * x :=
by_cases ha : 0 ≤ a,
{ use (a + 1),
calc a = a * 1 : by rw mul_one
... < (a + 1) * (a + 1) : mul_lt_mul (lt_add_one _) (le_add_of_nonneg_left ha)
zero_lt_one (add_nonneg ha zero_le_one) },
{ rw not_le at ha,
use 1,
calc a < 0 : ha
... < 1 * 1 : by simpa only [mul_one] using zero_lt_one }

lemma exists_le_mul_self (a : α) : ∃ x : α, a ≤ x * x :=
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := exists_lt_mul_self a,
exact ⟨x, le_of_lt hx⟩

@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance linear_ordered_semiring.to_nontrivial {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_semiring α] :
nontrivial α :=
Expand Down
193 changes: 89 additions & 104 deletions src/algebra/quadratic_discriminant.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2019 Zhouhang Zhou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Zhouhang Zhou
import algebra.invertible
import tactic.linarith

Expand All @@ -12,78 +13,71 @@ This file defines the discriminant of a quadratic and gives the solution to a qu
## Main definition
The discriminant of a quadratic `a*x*x + b*x + c` is `b*b - 4*a*c`.
- `discrim a b c`: the discriminant of a quadratic `a * x * x + b * x + c` is `b * b - 4 * a * c`.
## Main statements
• Roots of a quadratic can be written as `(-b + s) / (2 * a)` or `(-b - s) / (2 * a)`,
where `s` is the square root of the discriminant.
• If the discriminant has no square root, then the corresponding quadratic has no root.
• If a quadratic is always non-negative, then its discriminant is non-positive.
- `quadratic_eq_zero_iff`: roots of a quadratic can be written as
`(-b + s) / (2 * a)` or `(-b - s) / (2 * a)`, where `s` is the square root of the discriminant.
- `quadratic_ne_zero_of_discrim_ne_square`: if the discriminant has no square root,
then the corresponding quadratic has no root.
- `discrim_le_zero`: if a quadratic is always non-negative, then its discriminant is non-positive.
## Tags
polynomial, quadratic, discriminant, root

variables {α : Type*}
section ring
variables {R : Type*}

section lemmas
/-- Discriminant of a quadratic -/
def discrim [ring R] (a b c : R) : R := b^2 - 4 * a * c

variables [linear_ordered_field α] {a b c : α}
variables [integral_domain R] {a b c : R}

lemma exists_le_mul_self : ∀ a : α, ∃ x : α, a ≤ x * x :=
A quadratic has roots if and only if its discriminant equals some square.
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square (h2 : (2 : R) ≠ 0) (ha : a ≠ 0) (x : R) :
a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ discrim a b c = (2 * a * x + b) ^ 2 :=
classical, -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
assume a, cases le_total 1 a with ha ha,
{ use a, exact le_mul_of_one_le_left (by linarith) ha },
{ use 1, linarith }
{ assume h,
calc discrim a b c
= 4 * a * (a * x * x + b * x + c) + b * b - 4 * a * c : by { rw [h, discrim], ring }
... = (2*a*x + b)^2 : by ring },
{ assume h,
have ha : 2 * 2 * a ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero (mul_ne_zero h2 h2) ha,
apply mul_left_cancel' ha,
2 * 2 * a * (a * x * x + b * x + c) = (2 * a * x + b) ^ 2 - (b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c) : by ring
... = 0 : by { rw [← h, discrim], ring }
... = 2*2*a*0 : by ring }

lemma exists_lt_mul_self : ∀ a : α, ∃ x : α, a < x * x :=
/-- A quadratic has no root if its discriminant has no square root. -/
lemma quadratic_ne_zero_of_discrim_ne_square (h2 : (2 : R) ≠ 0) (ha : a ≠ 0)
(h : ∀ s : R, discrim a b c ≠ s * s) (x : R) :
a * x * x + b * x + c ≠ 0 :=
classical, -- todo: otherwise linarith performance sucks
assume a, rcases (exists_le_mul_self a) with ⟨x, hx⟩,
cases le_total 0 x with hx' hx',
{ use (x + 1),
have : (x+1)*(x+1) = x*x + 2*x + 1, {ring},
exact lt_of_le_of_lt hx (by rw this; linarith) },
{ use (x - 1),
have : (x-1)*(x-1) = x*x - 2*x + 1, {ring},
exact lt_of_le_of_lt hx (by rw this; linarith) }
assume h',
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square h2 ha, pow_two] at h',
exact h _ h'

end lemmas

variables [linear_ordered_field α] {a b c x : α}

/-- Discriminant of a quadratic -/
def discrim [ring α] (a b c : α) : α := b^2 - 4 * a * c
end ring

A quadratic has roots if and only if its discriminant equals some square.
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square (ha : a ≠ 0) :
∀ x : α, a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ discrim a b c = (2 * a * x + b)^2 :=
by classical; exact -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
assume x, iff.intro
(assume h, calc
discrim a b c = 4*a*(a*x*x + b*x + c) + b*b - 4*a*c : by rw [h, discrim]; ring
... = (2*a*x + b)^2 : by ring)
(assume h,
have ha : 2*2*a ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero (mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero two_ne_zero) ha,
mul_left_cancel' ha $
2 * 2 * a * (a * x * x + b * x + c) = (2*a*x + b)^2 - (b^2 - 4*a*c) : by ring
... = 0 : by { rw [← h, discrim], ring }
... = 2*2*a*0 : by ring)
section field
variables {K : Type*} [field K] [invertible (2 : K)] {a b c x : K}

/-- Roots of a quadratic -/
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff (ha : a ≠ 0) {s : α} (h : discrim a b c = s * s) :
∀ x : α, a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ x = (-b + s) / (2 * a) ∨ x = (-b - s) / (2 * a) := assume x,
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff (ha : a ≠ 0) {s : K} (h : discrim a b c = s * s) (x : K) :
a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ x = (-b + s) / (2 * a) ∨ x = (-b - s) / (2 * a) :=
classical, -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square ha, h, pow_two, mul_self_eq_mul_self_iff],
have ne : 2 * a ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero two_ne_zero ha,
have h2 : (2 : K) ≠ 0 := nonzero_of_invertible 2,
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square h2 ha, h, pow_two, mul_self_eq_mul_self_iff],
have ne : 2 * a ≠ 0 := mul_ne_zero h2 ha,
have : x = 2 * a * x / (2 * a) := (mul_div_cancel_left x ne).symm,
have h₁ : 2 * a * ((-b + s) / (2 * a)) = -b + s := mul_div_cancel' _ ne,
have h₂ : 2 * a * ((-b - s) / (2 * a)) = -b - s := mul_div_cancel' _ ne,
Expand All @@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ begin

/-- A quadratic has roots if its discriminant has square roots -/
lemma exist_quadratic_eq_zero (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : ∃ s, discrim a b c = s * s) :
lemma exists_quadratic_eq_zero (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : ∃ s, discrim a b c = s * s) :
∃ x, a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 :=
rcases h with ⟨s, hs⟩,
Expand All @@ -105,79 +99,70 @@ begin

/-- Root of a quadratic when its discriminant equals zero -/
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff_of_discrim_eq_zero (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : discrim a b c = 0) :
∀ x : α, a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ x = -b / (2 * a) := assume x,
lemma quadratic_eq_zero_iff_of_discrim_eq_zero (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : discrim a b c = 0) (x : K) :
a * x * x + b * x + c = 0 ↔ x = -b / (2 * a) :=
classical, -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
have : discrim a b c = 0 * 0 := eq.trans h (by ring),
rw quadratic_eq_zero_iff ha this,
have : discrim a b c = 0 * 0, by rw [h, mul_zero],
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff ha this, add_zero, sub_zero, or_self]

/-- A quadratic has no root if its discriminant has no square root. -/
lemma quadratic_ne_zero_of_discrim_ne_square (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : ∀ s : α, discrim a b c ≠ s * s) :
∀ (x : α), a * x * x + b * x + c ≠ 0 :=
assume x h',
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_square ha, pow_two] at h',
have := h _,
end field

section linear_ordered_field
variables {K : Type*} [linear_ordered_field K] {a b c : K}

/-- If a polynomial of degree 2 is always nonnegative, then its discriminant is nonpositive -/
lemma discriminant_le_zero {a b c : α} (h : ∀ x : α, 0 ≤ a*x*x + b*x + c) : discrim a b c ≤ 0 :=
by classical; exact -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
lemma discrim_le_zero (h : ∀ x : K, 0 ≤ a * x * x + b * x + c) : discrim a b c ≤ 0 :=
have hc : 0 ≤ c, by { have := h 0, linarith },
rw [discrim, pow_two],
cases lt_trichotomy a 0 with ha ha,
obtain ha|rfl|ha : a < 0 ∨ a = 00 < a := lt_trichotomy a 0,
-- if a < 0
by_cases hb : b = 0,
{ rw hb at *,
rcases exists_lt_mul_self (-c/a) with ⟨x, hx⟩,
have := mul_lt_mul_of_neg_left hx ha,
rw [mul_div_cancel' _ (ne_of_lt ha), ← mul_assoc] at this,
have h₂ := h x, linarith },
{ by_cases hc' : c = 0,
{ rw hc' at *,
have : -(a*-b*-b + b*-b + 0) = (1-a)*(b*b), {ring},
have h := h (-b), rw [← neg_nonpos, this] at h,
have : b * b ≤ 0 := nonpos_of_mul_nonpos_left h (by linarith),
linarith },
{ have h := h (-c/b),
have : a*(-c/b)*(-c/b) + b*(-c/b) + c = a*((c/b)*(c/b)),
{ rw mul_div_cancel' _ hb, ring },
rw this at h,
have : 0 ≤ a := nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right h (mul_self_pos $ div_ne_zero hc' hb),
linarith [ha] } },
cases ha with ha ha,
{ by_cases hb : b = 0,
{ rw hb at *,
rcases exists_lt_mul_self (-c / a) with ⟨x, hx⟩,
have := mul_lt_mul_of_neg_left hx ha,
rw [mul_div_cancel' _ (ne_of_lt ha), ← mul_assoc] at this,
have h₂ := h x, linarith },
{ by_cases hc' : c = 0,
{ rw hc' at *,
have : -(a * -b * -b + b * -b + 0) = (1 - a) * (b * b), {ring},
have h := h (-b), rw [← neg_nonpos, this] at h,
have : b * b ≤ 0 := nonpos_of_mul_nonpos_left h (by linarith),
linarith },
{ have h := h (-c / b),
have : a * (-c / b) * (-c / b) + b * (-c / b) + c = a * ((c / b) * (c / b)),
{ rw mul_div_cancel' _ hb, ring },
rw this at h,
have : 0 ≤ a := nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right h (mul_self_pos $ div_ne_zero hc' hb),
linarith [ha] } } },
-- if a = 0
by_cases hb : b = 0,
{ rw [ha, hb], linarith },
{ have := h ((-c-1)/b), rw [ha, mul_div_cancel' _ hb] at this, linarith },
{ by_cases hb : b = 0,
{ rw [hb], linarith },
{ have := h ((-c - 1) / b), rw [mul_div_cancel' _ hb] at this, linarith } },
-- if a > 0
have := calc
4*a* (a*(-(b/a)*(1/2))*(-(b/a)*(1/2)) + b*(-(b/a)*(1/2)) + c)
= (a*(b/a)) * (a*(b/a)) - 2*(a*(b/a))*b + 4*a*c : by ring
... = -(b*b - 4*a*c) : by { simp only [mul_div_cancel' b (ne_of_gt ha)], ring },
have ha' : 04*a, {linarith},
have h := (mul_nonneg ha' (h (-(b/a) * (1/2)))),
rw this at h, rwa ← neg_nonneg
{ have := calc
4 * a * (a * (-(b / a) * (1 / 2)) * (-(b / a) * (1 / 2)) + b * (-(b / a) * (1 / 2)) + c)
= (a * (b / a)) * (a * (b / a)) - 2 * (a * (b / a)) * b + 4 * a * c : by ring
... = -(b * b - 4 * a * c) : by { simp only [mul_div_cancel' b (ne_of_gt ha)], ring },
have ha' : 04 * a, by linarith,
have h := (mul_nonneg ha' (h (-(b / a) * (1 / 2)))),
rw this at h, rwa ← neg_nonneg }

If a polynomial of degree 2 is always positive, then its discriminant is negative,
at least when the coefficient of the quadratic term is nonzero.
lemma discriminant_lt_zero {a b c : α} (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : ∀ x : α, 0 < a*x*x + b*x + c) :
discrim a b c < 0 :=
lemma discrim_lt_zero (ha : a ≠ 0) (h : ∀ x : K, 0 < a * x * x + b * x + c) : discrim a b c < 0 :=
classical, -- TODO: otherwise linarith performance sucks
have : ∀ x : α, 0 ≤ a*x*x + b*x + c := assume x, le_of_lt (h x),
refine lt_of_le_of_ne (discriminant_le_zero this) _,
have : ∀ x : K, 0 ≤ a*x*x + b*x + c := assume x, le_of_lt (h x),
refine lt_of_le_of_ne (discrim_le_zero this) _,
assume h',
have := h (-b / (2 * a)),
have : a * (-b / (2 * a)) * (-b / (2 * a)) + b * (-b / (2 * a)) + c = 0,
{ rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff_of_discrim_eq_zero ha h' (-b / (2 * a))] },

end linear_ordered_field

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