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…ng additive characters (#15499)

This adds a file that defines additive characters on commutative rings and proves some relevant properties, e.g., that on finite fields and rings of type `zmod n`, there exists a *primitive* additive character, and that the sum of the character values vanishes when the character is nontrivial. This will be used in a later PR (together with multiplicative characters) to define Gauss sums and prove some resuits on them.

There is a [Zulip topic]( to discuss this.
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MichaelStollBayreuth committed Jul 23, 2022
1 parent c9ba943 commit 983c737
Showing 1 changed file with 320 additions and 0 deletions.
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions src/number_theory/legendre_symbol/add_character.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Stoll. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Stoll
import tactic.basic
import field_theory.finite.galois_field
import number_theory.cyclotomic.primitive_roots
import field_theory.finite.trace

# Additive characters of finite rings and fields
Let `R` be a finite commutative ring. An *additive character* of `R` with values
in another commutative ring `R'` is simply a morphism from the additive group
of `R` into the multiplicative monoid of `R'`.
We use the namespace `add_char`.
## Main definitions and results
We define `mul_shift ψ a`, where `ψ : add_char R R'` and `a : R`, to be the
character defined by `x ↦ ψ (a * x)`. An additive character `ψ` is *primitive*
if `mul_shift ψ a` is trivial only when `a = 0`.
We show that when `ψ` is primitive, then the map `a ↦ mul_shift ψ a` is injective
(`add_char.to_mul_shift_inj_of_is_primitive`) and that `ψ` is primitive when `R` is a field
and `ψ` is nontrivial (`add_char.is_primitive_of_is_nontrivial`).
We also show that there are primitive additive characters on `R` (with suitable
target `R'`) when `R` is a field or `R = zmod n` (`add_char.primitive_char_finite_field`
and `add_char.primitive_zmod_char`).
Finally, we show that the sum of all character values is zero when the character
is nontrivial (and the target is a domain); see `add_char.sum_eq_zero_of_is_nontrivial`.
## Tags
additive character

### Definitions related to and results on additive characters

section add_char_def

universes u v

-- The domain of our additive characters
variables (R : Type u) [add_monoid R]
-- The target
variables (R' : Type v) [monoid R']

/-- Define `add_char R R'` as `(multiplicative R) →* R'`.
The definition works for an additive monoid `R` and a monoid `R'`,
but we will restrict to the case that both are commutative rings below.
The trivial additive character (sending everything to `1`) is `(1 : add_char R R').` -/
abbreviation add_char : Type (max u v) := (multiplicative R) →* R'

end add_char_def

section additive

namespace add_char

open multiplicative

universes u v

-- The domain of our additive characters
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]
-- The target
variables {R' : Type v} [comm_ring R']

/-- An additive character is *nontrivial* if it takes a value `≠ 1`. -/
def is_nontrivial (ψ : add_char R R') : Prop := ∃ (a : R), ψ (of_add a) ≠ 1

/-- An additive character is nontrivial iff it is not the trivial character. -/
lemma is_nontrivial_iff_ne_trivial (ψ : add_char R R') : is_nontrivial ψ ↔ ψ ≠ 1 :=
refine not_forall.symm.trans (iff.not _),
rw fun_like.ext_iff,

/-- Define the multiplicative shift of an additive character.
This satisfies `mul_shift ψ a x = ψ (a * x)`. -/
def mul_shift (ψ : add_char R R') (a : R) : add_char R R' :=
ψ.comp (add_monoid_hom.mul_left a).to_multiplicative

@[simp] lemma mul_shift_apply {ψ : add_char R R'} {a : R} {x : multiplicative R} :
mul_shift ψ a x = ψ (of_add (a * to_add x)) := rfl

/-- If `n` is a natural number, then `mul_shift ψ n x = (ψ x) ^ n`. -/
lemma mul_shift_spec' (ψ : add_char R R') (n : ℕ) (x : multiplicative R) :
mul_shift ψ n x = (ψ x) ^ n :=
by rw [mul_shift_apply, ← nsmul_eq_mul, of_add_nsmul, map_pow, of_add_to_add]

/-- The product of `mul_shift ψ a` and `mul_shift ψ b` is `mul_shift ψ (a + b)`. -/
lemma mul_shift_mul (ψ : add_char R R') (a b : R) :
mul_shift ψ a * mul_shift ψ b = mul_shift ψ (a + b) :=
simp only [monoid_hom.mul_apply, mul_shift_apply, add_mul, of_add_add, ψ.map_mul],

/-- `mul_shift ψ 0` is the trivial character. -/
lemma mul_shift_zero (ψ : add_char R R') : mul_shift ψ 0 = 1 :=
simp only [mul_shift_apply, zero_mul, of_add_zero, map_one, monoid_hom.one_apply],

/-- An additive character is *primitive* iff all its multiplicative shifts by nonzero
elements are nontrivial. -/
def is_primitive (ψ : add_char R R') : Prop :=
∀ (a : R), a ≠ 0 → is_nontrivial (mul_shift ψ a)

/-- The map associating to `a : R` the multiplicative shift of `ψ` by `a`
is injective when `ψ` is primitive. -/
lemma to_mul_shift_inj_of_is_primitive {ψ : add_char R R'} (hψ : is_primitive ψ) :
function.injective ψ.mul_shift :=
intros a b h,
apply_fun (λ x, x * mul_shift ψ (-b)) at h,
simp only [mul_shift_mul, mul_shift_zero, add_right_neg] at h,
have h₂ := hψ (a + (- b)),
rw [h, is_nontrivial_iff_ne_trivial, ← sub_eq_add_neg, sub_ne_zero] at h₂,
exact (λ h, h₂ h rfl),

-- `add_comm_group.equiv_direct_sum_zmod_of_fintype`
-- gives the structure theorem for finite abelian groups.
-- This could be used to show that the map above is a bijection.
-- We leave this for a later occasion.

/-- When `R` is a field `F`, then a nontrivial additive character is primitive -/
lemma is_nontrivial.is_primitive {F : Type u} [field F]
(ψ : add_char F R') (hψ : is_nontrivial ψ) :
is_primitive ψ :=
intros a ha,
cases hψ with x h,
use (a⁻¹ * x),
rwa [mul_shift_apply, to_add_of_add, mul_inv_cancel_left₀ ha],

/-- Structure for a primitive additive character on a finite ring `R` into a cyclotomic extension
of a field `R'`. It records which cyclotomic extension it is, the character, and the
fact that the character is primitive. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance] -- can't prove that they always exist
structure primitive_add_char (R : Type u) [comm_ring R] [fintype R] (R' : Type v) [field R'] :=
(n : pnat)
(char : add_char R (cyclotomic_field n R'))
(prim : is_primitive char)

### Additive characters on `zmod n`

variables {C : Type v} [comm_ring C]

/-- We can define an additive character on `zmod n` when we have an `n`th root of unity `ζ : C`. -/
def zmod_char (n : ℕ) [fact (0 < n)] {ζ : C} (hζ : ζ ^ n = 1) : add_char (zmod n) C :=
{ to_fun := λ (a : multiplicative (zmod n)), ζ ^ a.to_add.val,
map_one' := by simp only [to_add_one, zmod.val_zero, pow_zero],
map_mul' := λ x y, by rw [to_add_mul, ← pow_add, zmod.val_add (to_add x) (to_add y),
← pow_eq_pow_mod _ hζ] }

/-- An additive character on `zmod n` is nontrivial iff it takes a value `≠ 1` on `1`. -/
lemma zmod_char_is_nontrivial_iff (n : ℕ) [fact (0 < n)] (ψ : add_char (zmod n) C) :
is_nontrivial ψ ↔ ψ (of_add 1) ≠ 1 :=
refine ⟨_, λ h, ⟨1, h⟩⟩,
rintros h₁ ⟨a, ha⟩,
have ha₁ : a = a.val • 1,
{ rw [nsmul_eq_mul, mul_one], exact (zmod.nat_cast_zmod_val a).symm },
have ha₂ : of_add a = (of_add 1) ^ a.val := by rw [← of_add_nsmul _ a.val, ← ha₁],
rw [ha₂, map_pow, h₁, one_pow] at ha,
exact ha rfl,

/-- A primitive additive character on `zmod n` takes the value `1` only at `0`. -/
lemma is_primitive.zmod_char_eq_one_iff (n : ℕ) [fact (0 < n)]
{ψ : add_char (zmod n) C} (hψ : is_primitive ψ) (a : zmod n) :
ψ (of_add a) = 1 ↔ a = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ h, (hψ a) _, λ ha, (by rw [ha, of_add_zero, map_one])⟩,
rw [zmod_char_is_nontrivial_iff n (mul_shift ψ a)],
simpa only [mul_shift, monoid_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app, add_monoid_hom.coe_mul_left,
add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative_apply_apply, to_add_of_add, mul_one, not_not],

/-- The converse: if the additive character takes the value `1` only at `0`,
then it is primitive. -/
lemma zmod_char_primitive_of_eq_one_only_at_zero (n : ℕ)
(ψ : add_char (zmod n) C) (hψ : ∀ a, ψ (of_add a) = 1 → a = 0) :
is_primitive ψ :=
refine λ a ha, (is_nontrivial_iff_ne_trivial _).mpr (λ hf, _),
have h : mul_shift ψ a (of_add 1) = (1 : add_char (zmod n) C) (of_add (1 : zmod n)) :=
congr_fun (congr_arg coe_fn hf) 1,
simp only [mul_shift, monoid_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app,
add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative_apply_apply, to_add_of_add,
add_monoid_hom.coe_mul_left, mul_one, monoid_hom.one_apply] at h,
exact ha (hψ a h),

/-- The additive character on `zmod n` associated to a primitive `n`th root of unity
is primitive -/
lemma zmod_char_primitive_of_primitive_root (n : ℕ) [hn : fact (0 < n)]
{ζ : C} (h : is_primitive_root ζ n) :
is_primitive (zmod_char n ((is_primitive_root.iff_def ζ n).mp h).left) :=
apply zmod_char_primitive_of_eq_one_only_at_zero,
intros a ha,
simp only [zmod_char, monoid_hom.coe_mk, to_add_of_add, ← pow_zero ζ] at ha,
exact (zmod.val_eq_zero a).mp (is_primitive_root.pow_inj h (zmod.val_lt a) hn.1 ha),

/-- There is a primitive additive character on `zmod n` if the characteristic of the target
does not divide `n` -/
def primitive_zmod_char (n : ℕ) [hn : fact (0 < n)] (F' : Type v) [field F'] (h : (n : F') ≠ 0) :
primitive_add_char (zmod n) F' :=
let nn := n.to_pnat hn.1,
haveI : ne_zero ((nn : ℕ) : F') := ⟨h⟩,
haveI : ne_zero ((nn : ℕ) : cyclotomic_field nn F') := ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors F' _ n,
{ n := nn,
char := zmod_char n (is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta_pow nn F' _),
prim := zmod_char_primitive_of_primitive_root n (is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta_spec nn F' _) }

### Existence of a primitive additive character on a finite field

/-- There is a primitive additive character on the finite field `F` if the characteristic
of the target is different from that of `F`.
We obtain it as the composition of the trace from `F` to `zmod p` with a primitive
additive character on `zmod p`, where `p` is the characteristic of `F`. -/
def primitive_char_finite_field (F F': Type) [field F] [fintype F] [field F']
(h : ring_char F' ≠ ring_char F) :
primitive_add_char F F' :=
let p := ring_char F,
haveI hp : fact := ⟨char_p.char_is_prime F _⟩,
haveI hp₁ : fact (0 < p) := ⟨hp.1.pos⟩,
have hp₂ : ¬ ring_char F' ∣ p :=
cases char_p.char_is_prime_or_zero F' (ring_char F') with hq hq,
{ exact mt ( hp.1 ( hq)).mp h.symm, },
{ rw [hq],
exact λ hf, hp.1 ( hf), },
let ψ := primitive_zmod_char p F' ( (ne_zero.of_not_dvd F' hp₂)),
let ψ' := ψ.char.comp (add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative
(algebra.trace (zmod p) F).to_add_monoid_hom),
have hψ' : is_nontrivial ψ' :=
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := finite_field.trace_to_zmod_nondegenerate F one_ne_zero,
rw one_mul at ha,
exact ⟨a, λ hf, ha $ (ψ.prim.zmod_char_eq_one_iff p $ algebra.trace (zmod p) F a).mp hf⟩,
{ n := ψ.n,
char := ψ',
prim := hψ'.is_primitive ψ' },

### The sum of all character values

open_locale big_operators

variables [fintype R]

/-- The sum over the values of a nontrivial additive character vanishes if the target ring
is a domain. -/
lemma sum_eq_zero_of_is_nontrivial' [is_domain R'] {ψ : add_char R R'} (hψ : is_nontrivial ψ) :
∑ a, ψ a = 0 :=
rcases hψ with ⟨b, hb⟩,
have h₁ : ∑ (a : R), ψ (of_add (b + a)) = ∑ (a : R), ψ a :=
fintype.sum_bijective _ (add_group.add_left_bijective b) _ _ (λ x, rfl),
simp_rw [of_add_add, ψ.map_mul] at h₁,
have h₂ : ∑ (a : R), ψ (of_add a) = finset.univ.sum ⇑ψ := rfl,
rw [← finset.mul_sum, h₂] at h₁,
exact eq_zero_of_mul_eq_self_left hb h₁,

lemma sum_eq_zero_of_is_nontrivial [is_domain R'] {ψ : add_char R R'} (hψ : is_nontrivial ψ) :
∑ a, ψ (of_add a) = 0 :=
sum_eq_zero_of_is_nontrivial' hψ

/-- The sum over the values of the trivial additive character is the cardinality of the source. -/
lemma sum_eq_card_of_is_trivial {ψ : add_char R R'} (hψ : ¬ is_nontrivial ψ) :
∑ a, ψ (of_add a) = fintype.card R :=
simp only [is_nontrivial] at hψ,
push_neg at hψ,
simp only [hψ, finset.sum_const, nat.smul_one_eq_coe],

lemma sum_eq_card_of_is_trivial' {ψ : add_char R R'} (hψ : ¬ is_nontrivial ψ) :
∑ a, ψ a = fintype.card R :=
sum_eq_card_of_is_trivial hψ

end add_char

end additive

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