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feat(*): a few more tests for summable, docstrings (#4325)
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### Important new theorems:

* `summable_geometric_iff_norm_lt_1`: a geometric series in a normed field is summable iff the norm of the common ratio is less than 1;
* `summable.tendsto_cofinite_zero`: divergence test: if `f` is a `summable` function, then `f x` tends to zero along `cofinite`;

### API change

* rename `cauchy_seq_of_tendsto_nhds` to `filter.tendsto.cauchy_seq` to enable dot syntax.
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urkud committed Oct 1, 2020
1 parent fb2b1de commit 9c241b0
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Showing 6 changed files with 85 additions and 17 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/specific_limits.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -258,6 +258,18 @@ summable_geometric_of_norm_lt_1 h
lemma tsum_geometric_of_abs_lt_1 {r : ℝ} (h : abs r < 1) : (∑'n:ℕ, r ^ n) = (1 - r)⁻¹ :=
tsum_geometric_of_norm_lt_1 h

/-- A geometric series in a normed field is summable iff the norm of the common ratio is less than
one. -/
@[simp] lemma summable_geometric_iff_norm_lt_1 : summable (λ n : ℕ, ξ ^ n) ↔ ∥ξ∥ < 1 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, summable_geometric_of_norm_lt_1⟩,
obtain ⟨k : ℕ, hk : dist (ξ ^ k) 0 < 1⟩ :=
(h.tendsto_cofinite_zero.eventually (ball_mem_nhds _ zero_lt_one)).exists,
simp only [normed_field.norm_pow, dist_zero_right] at hk,
rw [← one_pow k] at hk,
exact lt_of_pow_lt_pow _ zero_le_one hk

end geometric

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15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions src/order/filter/cofinite.lean
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Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ Define filters for other cardinalities of the complement.
open set
open_locale classical

namespace filter

variables {α : Type*}

namespace filter

/-- The cofinite filter is the filter of subsets whose complements are finite. -/
def cofinite : filter α :=
{ sets := {s | finite sᶜ},
Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,16 @@ end filter

open filter

lemma set.infinite_iff_frequently_cofinite {α : Type*} {s : set α} :
lemma set.finite.compl_mem_cofinite {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) : sᶜ ∈ (@cofinite α) :=
mem_cofinite.2 $ (compl_compl s).symm ▸ hs

lemma set.finite.eventually_cofinite_nmem {s : set α} (hs : s.finite) : ∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=

lemma finset.eventually_cofinite_nmem (s : finset α) : ∀ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∉ s :=

lemma set.infinite_iff_frequently_cofinite {s : set α} :
set.infinite s ↔ (∃ᶠ x in cofinite, x ∈ s) :=

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36 changes: 31 additions & 5 deletions src/topology/algebra/infinite_sum.lean
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Expand Up @@ -707,13 +707,12 @@ end canonically_ordered
section uniform_group

variables [add_comm_group α] [uniform_space α]
variables {f g : β → α} {a a₁ a₂ : α}

lemma summable_iff_cauchy_seq_finset [complete_space α] :
lemma summable_iff_cauchy_seq_finset [complete_space α] {f : β → α} :
summable f ↔ cauchy_seq (λ (s : finset β), ∑ b in s, f b) :=

variable [uniform_add_group α]
variables [uniform_add_group α] {f g : β → α} {a a₁ a₂ : α}

lemma cauchy_seq_finset_iff_vanishing :
cauchy_seq (λ (s : finset β), ∑ b in s, f b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -809,6 +808,33 @@ tsum_comm' h h.prod_factor h.prod_symm.prod_factor

end uniform_group

section topological_group

variables {G : Type*} [topological_space G] [add_comm_group G] [topological_add_group G]
{f : α → G}

lemma summable.vanishing (hf : summable f) ⦃e : set G⦄ (he : e ∈ 𝓝 (0 : G)) :
∃ s : finset α, ∀ t, disjoint t s → ∑ k in t, f k ∈ e :=
letI : uniform_space G := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space G,
letI : uniform_add_group G := topological_add_group_is_uniform,
rcases hf with ⟨y, hy⟩,
exact cauchy_seq_finset_iff_vanishing.1 hy.cauchy_seq e he

/-- Series divergence test: if `f` is a convergent series, then `f x` tends to zero along
`cofinite`. -/
lemma summable.tendsto_cofinite_zero (hf : summable f) : tendsto f cofinite (𝓝 0) :=
intros e he,
rw [filter.mem_map],
rcases hf.vanishing he with ⟨s, hs⟩,
refine s.eventually_cofinite_nmem.mono (λ x hx, _),
by simpa using hs {x} (singleton_disjoint.2 hx)

end topological_group

section cauchy_seq
open finset.Ico filter

Expand All @@ -820,7 +846,7 @@ begin
refine emetric.cauchy_seq_iff_nnreal.2 (λ ε εpos, _),
-- Actually we need partial sums of `d` to be a Cauchy sequence
replace hd : cauchy_seq (λ (n : ℕ), ∑ x in range n, d x) :=
let ⟨_, H⟩ := hd in cauchy_seq_of_tendsto_nhds _ H.tendsto_sum_nat,
let ⟨_, H⟩ := hd in H.tendsto_sum_nat.cauchy_seq,
-- Now we take the same `N` as in one of the definitions of a Cauchy sequence
refine (metric.cauchy_seq_iff'.1 hd ε (nnreal.coe_pos.2 εpos)).imp (λ N hN n hn, _),
have hsum := hN n hn,
Expand All @@ -842,7 +868,7 @@ lemma cauchy_seq_of_dist_le_of_summable [metric_space α] {f : ℕ → α} (d :
refine metric.cauchy_seq_iff'.2 (λε εpos, _),
replace hd : cauchy_seq (λ (n : ℕ), ∑ x in range n, d x) :=
let ⟨_, H⟩ := hd in cauchy_seq_of_tendsto_nhds _ H.tendsto_sum_nat,
let ⟨_, H⟩ := hd in H.tendsto_sum_nat.cauchy_seq,
refine (metric.cauchy_seq_iff'.1 hd ε εpos).imp (λ N hN n hn, _),
have hsum := hN n hn,
rw [real.dist_eq, ← sum_Ico_eq_sub _ hn] at hsum,
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28 changes: 22 additions & 6 deletions src/topology/instances/ennreal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -526,6 +526,13 @@ tsum_le_tsum h ennreal.summable ennreal.summable
protected lemma sum_le_tsum {f : α → ennreal} (s : finset α) : ∑ x in s, f x ≤ ∑' x, f x :=
sum_le_tsum s (λ x hx, zero_le _) ennreal.summable

protected lemma tsum_eq_supr_nat' {f : ℕ → ennreal} {N : ℕ → ℕ} (hN : tendsto N at_top at_top) :
(∑'i:ℕ, f i) = (⨆i:ℕ, ∑ a in finset.range (N i), f a) :=
ennreal.tsum_eq_supr_sum' _ $ λ t,
let ⟨n, hn⟩ := t.exists_nat_subset_range,
⟨k, _, hk⟩ := exists_le_of_tendsto_at_top hN 0 n in
⟨k, finset.subset.trans hn (finset.range_mono hk)⟩

protected lemma tsum_eq_supr_nat {f : ℕ → ennreal} :
(∑'i:ℕ, f i) = (⨆i:ℕ, ∑ a in finset.range i, f a) :=
ennreal.tsum_eq_supr_sum' _ finset.exists_nat_subset_range
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,7 +601,10 @@ end ennreal

namespace nnreal

lemma exists_le_has_sum_of_le {f g : β → nnreal} {r : nnreal}
open_locale nnreal

/-- Comparison test of convergence of `ℝ≥0`-valued series. -/
lemma exists_le_has_sum_of_le {f g : β → ℝ≥0} {r : ℝ≥0}
(hgf : ∀b, g b ≤ f b) (hfr : has_sum f r) : ∃p≤r, has_sum g p :=
have (∑'b, (g b : ennreal)) ≤ r,
Expand All @@ -604,25 +614,28 @@ end,
let ⟨p, eq, hpr⟩ := ennreal.le_coe_iff.1 this in
⟨p, hpr, ennreal.has_sum_coe.1 $ eq ▸ ennreal.summable.has_sum⟩

lemma summable_of_le {f g : β → nnreal} (hgf : ∀b, g b ≤ f b) : summable f → summable g
/-- Comparison test of convergence of `ℝ≥0`-valued series. -/
lemma summable_of_le {f g : β → ℝ≥0} (hgf : ∀b, g b ≤ f b) : summable f → summable g
| ⟨r, hfr⟩ := let ⟨p, _, hp⟩ := exists_le_has_sum_of_le hgf hfr in hp.summable

lemma has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat {f : ℕ → nnreal} (r : nnreal) :
/-- A series of non-negative real numbers converges to `r` in the sense of `has_sum` if and only if
the sequence of partial sum converges to `r`. -/
lemma has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat {f : ℕ → ℝ≥0} (r : ℝ≥0) :
has_sum f r ↔ tendsto (λn:ℕ, ∑ i in finset.range n, f i) at_top (𝓝 r) :=
rw [← ennreal.has_sum_coe, ennreal.has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat],
simp only [ennreal.coe_finset_sum.symm],
exact ennreal.tendsto_coe

lemma tsum_comp_le_tsum_of_inj {β : Type*} {f : α → nnreal} (hf : summable f)
{i : β → α} (hi : function.injective i) : tsum (f ∘ i)tsum f :=
lemma tsum_comp_le_tsum_of_inj {β : Type*} {f : α → ℝ≥0} (hf : summable f)
{i : β → α} (hi : function.injective i) : (∑' x, f (i x))∑' x, f x :=
tsum_le_tsum_of_inj i hi (λ c hc, zero_le _) (λ b, le_refl _) (summable_comp_injective hf hi) hf

open finset

/-- If `f : ℕ → ℝ≥0` and `∑' f` exists, then `∑' k, f (k + i)` tends to zero. -/
lemma tendsto_sum_nat_add (f : ℕ → nnreal) (hf : summable f) :
lemma tendsto_sum_nat_add (f : ℕ → ℝ≥0) (hf : summable f) :
tendsto (λ i, ∑' k, f (k + i)) at_top (𝓝 0) :=
have h₀ : (λ i, (∑' i, f i) - ∑ j in range i, f j) = λ i, ∑' (k : ℕ), f (k + i),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -659,6 +672,7 @@ begin
{ rw nnreal.coe_tsum, congr }

/-- Comparison test of convergence of series of non-negative real numbers. -/
lemma summable_of_nonneg_of_le {f g : β → ℝ}
(hg : ∀b, 0 ≤ g b) (hgf : ∀b, g b ≤ f b) (hf : summable f) : summable g :=
let f' (b : β) : nnreal := ⟨f b, le_trans (hg b) (hgf b)⟩ in
Expand All @@ -668,6 +682,8 @@ have summable g', from
nnreal.summable_of_le (assume b, (@nnreal.coe_le_coe (g' b) (f' b)).2 $ hgf b) this,
show summable (λb, g' b : β → ℝ), from nnreal.summable_coe.2 this

/-- A series of non-negative real numbers converges to `r` in the sense of `has_sum` if and only if
the sequence of partial sum converges to `r`. -/
lemma has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat_of_nonneg {f : ℕ → ℝ} (hf : ∀i, 0 ≤ f i) (r : ℝ) :
has_sum f r ↔ tendsto (λn:ℕ, ∑ i in finset.range n, f i) at_top (𝓝 r) :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/topology/sequences.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ begin
intros x x_in φ,
intros hφ huφ,
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ : ∃ N, ∀ p q, p ≥ N → q ≥ N → (u (φ p), u (φ q)) ∈ V,
from (cauchy_seq_of_tendsto_nhds _ huφ).mem_entourage V_in,
from huφ.cauchy_seq.mem_entourage V_in,
specialize hN N (N+1) (le_refl N) (nat.le_succ N),
specialize hu (φ $ N+1) (φ N) (hφ $ lt_add_one N),
exact hu hN,
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/topology/uniform_space/cauchy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ lemma cauchy_nhds {a : α} : cauchy (𝓝 a) :=
lemma cauchy_pure {a : α} : cauchy (pure a) :=
cauchy_nhds.mono (pure_le_nhds a)

lemma filter.tendsto.cauchy_map {l : filter β} [ne_bot l] {f : β → α} {a : α}
(h : tendsto f l (𝓝 a)) :
cauchy (map f l) :=
cauchy_nhds.mono h

/-- The common part of the proofs of `le_nhds_of_cauchy_adhp` and
`sequentially_complete.le_nhds_of_seq_tendsto_nhds`: if for any entourage `s`
one can choose a set `t ∈ f` of diameter `s` such that it contains a point `y`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,10 +149,10 @@ begin
exact H (i, j) ⟨le_of_max_le_left hi, le_of_max_le_right hj⟩,

lemma cauchy_seq_of_tendsto_nhds [semilattice_sup β] [nonempty β] (f : β → α) {x}
lemma filter.tendsto.cauchy_seq [semilattice_sup β] [nonempty β] {f : β → α} {x}
(hx : tendsto f at_top (𝓝 x)) :
cauchy_seq f :=
cauchy_nhds.mono hx

lemma cauchy_seq_iff_tendsto [nonempty β] [semilattice_sup β] {u : β → α} :
cauchy_seq u ↔ tendsto ( u u) at_top (𝓤 α) :=
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