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feat(tactic/norm_num): permit disabling the calculation of /, %, …
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…`∣` (#16588)

For teaching, I would like to be able to turn off `norm_num`'s power to calculate `/`, `%`, `∣`.  This can be achieved by moving `norm_num.eval_nat_succ_ext` from the core tactic to an extension, so that it can be locally disabled with

local attribute [-norm_num] norm_num.eval_nat_int_ext

(Interested users: note that this is only useful if you also make `int.has_div`, `nat.has_dvd`, etc irreducible with

local attribute [irreducible] int.has_div nat.has_dvd ...

since otherwise many of these goals can be solved by `refl`.)

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hrmacbeth committed Oct 6, 2022
1 parent 5b0dd14 commit 9cb7e93
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 82 deletions.
176 changes: 94 additions & 82 deletions src/tactic/norm_num.lean
Expand Up @@ -1177,69 +1177,6 @@ meta def prove_nat_succ (ic : instance_cache) : expr → tactic (instance_cache
p ← mk_eq_refl e,
return (ic, n, e, p)

lemma nat_div (a b q r m : ℕ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₂ : r < b) : a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, nat.add_mul_div_right _ _ (lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.zero_le _) h₂),
nat.div_eq_of_lt h₂, zero_add]

lemma int_div (a b q r m : ℤ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₁ : 0 ≤ r) (h₂ : r < b) :
a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, int.add_mul_div_right _ _ (ne_of_gt (lt_of_le_of_lt h₁ h₂)),
int.div_eq_zero_of_lt h₁ h₂, zero_add]

lemma nat_mod (a b q r m : ℕ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₂ : r < b) : a % b = r :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, nat.add_mul_mod_self_right, nat.mod_eq_of_lt h₂]

lemma int_mod (a b q r m : ℤ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₁ : 0 ≤ r) (h₂ : r < b) :
a % b = r :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, int.add_mul_mod_self, int.mod_eq_of_lt h₁ h₂]

lemma int_div_neg (a b c' c : ℤ) (h : a / b = c') (h₂ : -c' = c) : a / -b = c :=
h₂ ▸ h ▸ int.div_neg _ _

lemma int_mod_neg (a b c : ℤ) (h : a % b = c) : a % -b = c :=
(int.mod_neg _ _).trans h

/-- Given `a`,`b` numerals in `nat` or `int`,
* `prove_div_mod ic a b ff` returns `(c, ⊢ a / b = c)`
* `prove_div_mod ic a b tt` returns `(c, ⊢ a % b = c)`
meta def prove_div_mod (ic : instance_cache) :
expr → expr → bool → tactic (instance_cache × expr × expr)
| a b mod :=
match match_neg b with
| some b := do
(ic, c', p) ← prove_div_mod a b mod,
if mod then
return (ic, c', `(int_mod_neg).mk_app [a, b, c', p])
else do
(ic, c, p₂) ← prove_neg ic c',
return (ic, c, `(int_div_neg).mk_app [a, b, c', c, p, p₂])
| none := do
nb ← b.to_nat,
na ← a.to_int,
let nq := na / nb,
let nr := na % nb,
let nm := nq * nr,
(ic, q) ← ic.of_int nq,
(ic, r) ← ic.of_int nr,
(ic, m, pm) ← prove_mul_rat ic q b (rat.of_int nq) (rat.of_int nb),
(ic, p) ← prove_add_rat ic r m a (rat.of_int nr) (rat.of_int nm) (rat.of_int na),
(ic, p') ← prove_lt_nat ic r b,
if ic.α = `(nat) then
if mod then return (ic, r, `(nat_mod).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p'])
else return (ic, q, `(nat_div).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p'])
else if ic.α = `(int) then do
(ic, p₀) ← prove_nonneg ic r,
if mod then return (ic, r, `(int_mod).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p₀, p'])
else return (ic, q, `(int_div).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p₀, p'])
else failed

theorem dvd_eq_nat (a b c : ℕ) (p) (h₁ : b % a = c) (h₂ : (c = 0) = p) : (a ∣ b) = p :=
(propext $ by rw [← h₁, nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero]).trans h₂
theorem dvd_eq_int (a b c : ℤ) (p) (h₁ : b % a = c) (h₂ : (c = 0) = p) : (a ∣ b) = p :=
(propext $ by rw [← h₁, int.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero]).trans h₂

theorem int_to_nat_pos (a : ℤ) (b : ℕ) (h : (by haveI := @nat.cast_coe ℤ; exact b : ℤ) = a) :
a.to_nat = b := by rw ← h; simp
theorem int_to_nat_neg (a : ℤ) (h : 0 < a) : (-a).to_nat = 0 :=
Expand All @@ -1254,28 +1191,12 @@ theorem neg_succ_of_nat (a b : ℕ) (c : ℤ) (h₁ : a + 1 = b)
(h₂ : (by haveI := @nat.cast_coe ℤ; exact b : ℤ) = c) :
-[1+ a] = -c := by rw [← h₂, ← h₁]; refl

/-- Evaluates some extra numeric operations on `nat` and `int`, specifically
`nat.succ`, `/` and `%`, and `∣` (divisibility). -/
meta def eval_nat_int_ext : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
/-- Evaluates `nat.succ`, `int.to_nat`, `int.nat_abs`, `int.neg_succ_of_nat`. -/
meta def eval_nat_int : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
| e@`(nat.succ _) := do
ic ← mk_instance_cache `(ℕ),
(_, _, ep) ← prove_nat_succ ic e,
return ep
| `(%%a / %%b) := do
c ← infer_type a >>= mk_instance_cache,
prod.snd <$> prove_div_mod c a b ff
| `(%%a % %%b) := do
c ← infer_type a >>= mk_instance_cache,
prod.snd <$> prove_div_mod c a b tt
| `(%%a ∣ %%b) := do
α ← infer_type a,
ic ← mk_instance_cache α,
th ← if α = `(nat) then return (`(dvd_eq_nat):expr) else
if α = `(int) then return `(dvd_eq_int) else failed,
(ic, c, p₁) ← prove_div_mod ic b a tt,
(ic, z) ← ic.mk_app `` [],
(e', p₂) ← mk_app ``eq [c, z] >>= eval_ineq,
return (e', th.mk_app [a, b, c, e', p₁, p₂])
| `(int.to_nat %%a) := do
n ← a.to_int,
ic ← mk_instance_cache `(ℤ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1353,7 +1274,7 @@ meta def eval_cast : expr → tactic (expr × expr)

/-- This version of `derive` does not fail when the input is already a numeral -/
meta def derive.step (e : expr) : tactic (expr × expr) :=
eval_field e <|> eval_pow e <|> eval_ineq e <|> eval_cast e <|> eval_nat_int_ext e
eval_field e <|> eval_pow e <|> eval_ineq e <|> eval_cast e <|> eval_nat_int e

/-- An attribute for adding additional extensions to `norm_num`. To use this attribute, put
`@[norm_num]` on a tactic of type `expr → tactic (expr × expr)`; the tactic will be called on
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1626,3 +1547,94 @@ add_tactic_doc
tags := ["simplification", "arithmetic", "decision procedure"] }

end tactic

namespace norm_num
section elementary_number_theory

open tactic

lemma nat_div (a b q r m : ℕ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₂ : r < b) : a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, nat.add_mul_div_right _ _ (lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.zero_le _) h₂),
nat.div_eq_of_lt h₂, zero_add]

lemma int_div (a b q r m : ℤ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₁ : 0 ≤ r) (h₂ : r < b) :
a / b = q :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, int.add_mul_div_right _ _ (ne_of_gt (lt_of_le_of_lt h₁ h₂)),
int.div_eq_zero_of_lt h₁ h₂, zero_add]

lemma nat_mod (a b q r m : ℕ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₂ : r < b) : a % b = r :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, nat.add_mul_mod_self_right, nat.mod_eq_of_lt h₂]

lemma int_mod (a b q r m : ℤ) (hm : q * b = m) (h : r + m = a) (h₁ : 0 ≤ r) (h₂ : r < b) :
a % b = r :=
by rw [← h, ← hm, int.add_mul_mod_self, int.mod_eq_of_lt h₁ h₂]

lemma int_div_neg (a b c' c : ℤ) (h : a / b = c') (h₂ : -c' = c) : a / -b = c :=
h₂ ▸ h ▸ int.div_neg _ _

lemma int_mod_neg (a b c : ℤ) (h : a % b = c) : a % -b = c :=
(int.mod_neg _ _).trans h

/-- Given `a`,`b` numerals in `nat` or `int`,
* `prove_div_mod ic a b ff` returns `(c, ⊢ a / b = c)`
* `prove_div_mod ic a b tt` returns `(c, ⊢ a % b = c)`
meta def prove_div_mod (ic : instance_cache) :
expr → expr → bool → tactic (instance_cache × expr × expr)
| a b mod :=
match match_neg b with
| some b := do
(ic, c', p) ← prove_div_mod a b mod,
if mod then
return (ic, c', `(int_mod_neg).mk_app [a, b, c', p])
else do
(ic, c, p₂) ← prove_neg ic c',
return (ic, c, `(int_div_neg).mk_app [a, b, c', c, p, p₂])
| none := do
nb ← b.to_nat,
na ← a.to_int,
let nq := na / nb,
let nr := na % nb,
let nm := nq * nr,
(ic, q) ← ic.of_int nq,
(ic, r) ← ic.of_int nr,
(ic, m, pm) ← prove_mul_rat ic q b (rat.of_int nq) (rat.of_int nb),
(ic, p) ← prove_add_rat ic r m a (rat.of_int nr) (rat.of_int nm) (rat.of_int na),
(ic, p') ← prove_lt_nat ic r b,
if ic.α = `(nat) then
if mod then return (ic, r, `(nat_mod).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p'])
else return (ic, q, `(nat_div).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p'])
else if ic.α = `(int) then do
(ic, p₀) ← prove_nonneg ic r,
if mod then return (ic, r, `(int_mod).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p₀, p'])
else return (ic, q, `(int_div).mk_app [a, b, q, r, m, pm, p, p₀, p'])
else failed

theorem dvd_eq_nat (a b c : ℕ) (p) (h₁ : b % a = c) (h₂ : (c = 0) = p) : (a ∣ b) = p :=
(propext $ by rw [← h₁, nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero]).trans h₂
theorem dvd_eq_int (a b c : ℤ) (p) (h₁ : b % a = c) (h₂ : (c = 0) = p) : (a ∣ b) = p :=
(propext $ by rw [← h₁, int.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero]).trans h₂

/-- Evaluates some extra numeric operations on `nat` and `int`, specifically
`/` and `%`, and `∣` (divisibility). -/
@[norm_num] meta def eval_nat_int_ext : expr → tactic (expr × expr)
| `(%%a / %%b) := do
c ← infer_type a >>= mk_instance_cache,
prod.snd <$> prove_div_mod c a b ff
| `(%%a % %%b) := do
c ← infer_type a >>= mk_instance_cache,
prod.snd <$> prove_div_mod c a b tt
| `(%%a ∣ %%b) := do
α ← infer_type a,
ic ← mk_instance_cache α,
th ← if α = `(nat) then return (`(dvd_eq_nat):expr) else
if α = `(int) then return `(dvd_eq_int) else failed,
(ic, c, p₁) ← prove_div_mod ic b a tt,
(ic, z) ← ic.mk_app `` [],
(e', p₂) ← mk_app ``eq [c, z] >>= eval_ineq,
return (e', th.mk_app [a, b, c, e', p₁, p₂])
| _ := failed

end elementary_number_theory
end norm_num
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions test/norm_num.lean
Expand Up @@ -300,3 +300,29 @@ example : (- ((- (((66 - 86) - 36) / 94) - 3) / - - (77 / (56 - - - 79))) + 87)
(312254/3619 : α) := by norm_num

example : 2 ^ 13 - 1 = int.of_nat 8191 := by norm_num

/-! Test the behaviour of removing one `norm_num` extension tactic. -/
section remove_extension

-- turn off the `norm_num` extension which deals with `/`, `%`, `∣`
local attribute [-norm_num] norm_num.eval_nat_int_ext

example : (5 / 2:ℕ) = 2 := by success_if_fail { solve1 { norm_num } }; refl

example : 10 = (-1 : ℤ) % 11 := by success_if_fail { solve1 { norm_num } }; refl

example (h : (5 : ℤ) ∣ 2) : false :=
success_if_fail { norm_num at h },
have : (2:ℤ) ≠ 0 := by norm_num,
exact this (int.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd h),

example : 2^4-12^16-1 :=
success_if_fail { solve1 { norm_num } },
use 4369,

end remove_extension

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