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feat(algebra/group_with_zero): generalize some lemmas (#15985)
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* replace `*_hom.map_inv` by a generic lemma `map_inv₀` assuming `[monoid_with_zero_hom_class]`;
* replace `*_hom.map_div` by a generic lemma `map_div₀` assuming `[monoid_with_zero_hom_class]`;
* replace `*_hom.map_zpow` by a generic lemma `map_zpow₀` assuming `[monoid_with_zero_hom_class]`;
* replace `*_hom.map_units_inv` by a generic lemma `map_units_inv` assuming `[monoid_hom_class]`, `[monoid]`, and `[division_monoid]`.
  • Loading branch information
urkud committed Aug 16, 2022
1 parent 1e6b748 commit 9e25db4
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Showing 40 changed files with 100 additions and 205 deletions.
26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions src/algebra/algebra/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -758,19 +758,6 @@ protected lemma map_sub (x y) : φ (x - y) = φ x - φ y := map_sub _ _ _

end ring

section division_ring

variables [comm_semiring R] [division_ring A] [division_ring B]
variables [algebra R A] [algebra R B] (φ : A →ₐ[R] B)

@[simp] lemma map_inv (x) : φ (x⁻¹) = (φ x)⁻¹ :=
φ.to_ring_hom.map_inv x

@[simp] lemma map_div (x y) : φ (x / y) = φ x / φ y :=
φ.to_ring_hom.map_div x y

end division_ring

end alg_hom

@[simp] lemma rat.smul_one_eq_coe {A : Type*} [division_ring A] [algebra ℚ A] (m : ℚ) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1220,19 +1207,6 @@ protected lemma map_sub (x y) : e (x - y) = e x - e y := map_sub e x y

end ring

section division_ring

variables [comm_ring R] [division_ring A₁] [division_ring A₂]
variables [algebra R A₁] [algebra R A₂] (e : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂)

@[simp] lemma map_inv (x) : e (x⁻¹) = (e x)⁻¹ :=
e.to_alg_hom.map_inv x

@[simp] lemma map_div (x y) : e (x / y) = e x / e y :=
e.to_alg_hom.map_div x y

end division_ring

end alg_equiv

namespace mul_semiring_action
Expand Down
15 changes: 2 additions & 13 deletions src/algebra/field/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -361,24 +361,13 @@ namespace ring_hom
section semiring
variables [semiring α] [division_semiring β]

@[simp] lemma map_units_inv (f : α →+* β) (u : αˣ) : f ↑u⁻¹ = (f ↑u)⁻¹ :=
(f : α →* β).map_units_inv u

variables [nontrivial α] (f : β →+* α) {a : β}

@[simp] lemma map_eq_zero : f a = 0 ↔ a = 0 := f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_eq_zero
lemma map_ne_zero : f a ≠ 0 ↔ a ≠ 0 := f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_ne_zero
@[simp] lemma map_eq_zero : f a = 0 ↔ a = 0 := monoid_with_zero_hom.map_eq_zero f
lemma map_ne_zero : f a ≠ 0 ↔ a ≠ 0 := monoid_with_zero_hom.map_ne_zero f

end semiring

section division_semiring
variables [division_semiring α] [division_semiring β] (f : α →+* β) (a b : α)

lemma map_inv : f a⁻¹ = (f a)⁻¹ := f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_inv _
lemma map_div : f (a / b) = f a / f b := f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_div _ _

end division_semiring

protected lemma injective [division_ring α] [semiring β] [nontrivial β] (f : α →+* β) :
injective f :=
(injective_iff_map_eq_zero f).2 $ λ x, f.map_eq_zero.1
Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/algebra/field_power.lean
Expand Up @@ -21,17 +21,11 @@ variables {α β : Type*}
section division_ring
variables [division_ring α] [division_ring β]

@[simp] lemma ring_hom.map_zpow (f : α →+* β) : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n :=

@[simp] lemma ring_equiv.map_zpow (f : α ≃+* β) : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n :=

@[simp] lemma zpow_bit1_neg (x : α) (n : ℤ) : (-x) ^ bit1 n = - x ^ bit1 n :=
by rw [zpow_bit1', zpow_bit1', neg_mul_neg, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg]

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma rat.cast_zpow [char_zero α] (q : ℚ) (n : ℤ) : ((q ^ n : ℚ) : α) = q ^ n :=
(rat.cast_hom α).map_zpow q n
map_zpow₀ (rat.cast_hom α) q n

end division_ring

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebra/group_ring_action.lean
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ attribute [simp] smul_one smul_mul' smul_zero smul_add
/-- Note that `smul_inv'` refers to the group case, and `smul_inv` has an additional inverse
on `x`. -/
@[simp] lemma smul_inv'' [mul_semiring_action M F] (x : M) (m : F) : x • m⁻¹ = (x • m)⁻¹ :=
(mul_semiring_action.to_ring_hom M F x).map_inv _
map_inv₀ (mul_semiring_action.to_ring_hom M F x) _

end simp_lemmas

Expand Down
36 changes: 12 additions & 24 deletions src/algebra/group_with_zero/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ set_option old_structure_cmd true
open_locale classical
open function

variables {M₀ G₀ M₀' G₀' : Type*}
variables {M₀ G₀ M₀' G₀' F : Type*}


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,38 +973,34 @@ end commute
namespace monoid_with_zero_hom

variables [group_with_zero G₀] [group_with_zero G₀'] [monoid_with_zero M₀] [nontrivial M₀]

section monoid_with_zero

variables (f : G₀ →*₀ M₀) {a : G₀}
[monoid_with_zero_hom_class F G₀ M₀] (f : F) {a : G₀}
include M₀

lemma map_ne_zero : f a ≠ 0 ↔ a ≠ 0 :=
⟨λ hfa ha, hfa $ ha.symm ▸ f.map_zero, λ ha, ((is_unit.mk0 a ha).map f.to_monoid_hom).ne_zero⟩
⟨λ hfa ha, hfa $ ha.symm ▸ map_zero f, λ ha, ((is_unit.mk0 a ha).map f).ne_zero⟩

@[simp] lemma map_eq_zero : f a = 0 ↔ a = 0 :=
not_iff_not.1 f.map_ne_zero
@[simp] lemma map_eq_zero : f a = 0 ↔ a = 0 := not_iff_not.1 (map_ne_zero f)

end monoid_with_zero
end monoid_with_zero_hom

section group_with_zero

variables (f : G₀ →*₀ G₀') (a b : G₀)
variables [group_with_zero G₀] [group_with_zero G₀'] [monoid_with_zero_hom_class F G₀ G₀']
(f : F) (a b : G₀)
include G₀'

/-- A monoid homomorphism between groups with zeros sending `0` to `0` sends `a⁻¹` to `(f a)⁻¹`. -/
@[simp] lemma map_inv : f a⁻¹ = (f a)⁻¹ :=
@[simp] lemma map_inv : f a⁻¹ = (f a)⁻¹ :=
by_cases h : a = 0, by simp [h],
apply eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one_left,
rw [← f.map_mul, inv_mul_cancel h, f.map_one]
rw [← map_mul, inv_mul_cancel h, map_one]

@[simp] lemma map_div : f (a / b) = f a / f b :=
by simpa only [div_eq_mul_inv] using ((f.map_mul _ _).trans $ _root_.congr_arg _ $ f.map_inv b)
@[simp] lemma map_div₀ : f (a / b) = f a / f b := map_div' f (map_inv₀ f) a b

end group_with_zero

end monoid_with_zero_hom

/-- We define the inverse as a `monoid_with_zero_hom` by extending the inverse map by zero
on non-units. -/
Expand All @@ -1028,14 +1024,6 @@ def inv_monoid_with_zero_hom {G₀ : Type*} [comm_group_with_zero G₀] : G₀
{ map_zero' := inv_zero,
..inv_monoid_hom }

@[simp] lemma monoid_hom.map_units_inv {M G₀ : Type*} [monoid M] [group_with_zero G₀]
(f : M →* G₀) (u : Mˣ) : f ↑u⁻¹ = (f u)⁻¹ :=
by rw [← units.coe_map, ← units.coe_map, ← units.coe_inv, monoid_hom.map_inv]

@[simp] lemma monoid_with_zero_hom.map_units_inv {M G₀ : Type*} [monoid_with_zero M]
[group_with_zero G₀] (f : M →*₀ G₀) (u : Mˣ) : f ↑u⁻¹ = (f u)⁻¹ :=
f.to_monoid_hom.map_units_inv u

section noncomputable_defs

variables {M : Type*} [nontrivial M]
Expand Down
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/algebra/group_with_zero/power.lean
Expand Up @@ -164,11 +164,7 @@ end

/-- If a monoid homomorphism `f` between two `group_with_zero`s maps `0` to `0`, then it maps `x^n`,
`n : ℤ`, to `(f x)^n`. -/
lemma monoid_with_zero_hom.map_zpow {G₀ G₀' : Type*} [group_with_zero G₀] [group_with_zero G₀']
(f : G₀ →*₀ G₀') (x : G₀) :
∀ n : ℤ, f (x ^ n) = f x ^ n
| (n : ℕ) := by { rw [zpow_coe_nat, zpow_coe_nat], exact f.to_monoid_hom.map_pow x n }
| -[1+n] := begin
rw [zpow_neg_succ_of_nat, zpow_neg_succ_of_nat],
exact ((f.map_inv _).trans $ congr_arg _ $ f.to_monoid_hom.map_pow x _)
@[simp] lemma map_zpow₀ {F G₀ G₀' : Type*} [group_with_zero G₀] [group_with_zero G₀']
[monoid_with_zero_hom_class F G₀ G₀'] (f : F) (x : G₀) (n : ℤ) :
f (x ^ n) = f x ^ n :=
map_zpow' f (map_inv₀ f) x n
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/hom/units.lean
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ variables [division_monoid α]
@[field_simps] lemma _root_.divp_eq_div (a : α) (u : αˣ) : a /ₚ u = a / u :=
by rw [div_eq_mul_inv, divp, u.coe_inv]

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma _root_.map_units_inv {F : Type*} [monoid_hom_class F M α] (f : F) (u : units M) :
f ↑u⁻¹ = (f u)⁻¹ :=
((f : M →* α).comp (units.coe_hom M)).map_inv u

end division_monoid

/-- If a map `g : M → Nˣ` agrees with a homomorphism `f : M →* N`, then
Expand Down
23 changes: 2 additions & 21 deletions src/algebra/order/absolute_value.lean
Expand Up @@ -141,22 +141,6 @@ end ring

end linear_ordered_comm_ring

section linear_ordered_field

section field

variables {R S : Type*} [division_ring R] [linear_ordered_field S] (abv : absolute_value R S)

@[simp] protected theorem map_inv (a : R) : abv a⁻¹ = (abv a)⁻¹ :=
abv.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_inv a

@[simp] protected theorem map_div (a b : R) : abv (a / b) = abv a / abv b :=
abv.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_div a b

end field

end linear_ordered_field

end absolute_value

section is_absolute_value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,11 +253,8 @@ end ring
section field
variables {R : Type*} [division_ring R] (abv : R → S) [is_absolute_value abv]

theorem abv_inv (a : R) : abv a⁻¹ = (abv a)⁻¹ :=
(abv_hom abv).map_inv a

theorem abv_div (a b : R) : abv (a / b) = abv a / abv b :=
(abv_hom abv).map_div a b
theorem abv_inv (a : R) : abv a⁻¹ = (abv a)⁻¹ := map_inv₀ (abv_hom abv) a
theorem abv_div (a b : R) : abv (a / b) = abv a / abv b := map_div₀ (abv_hom abv) a b

end field

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/order/field.lean
Expand Up @@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ eq.symm $ antitone.map_max $ λ x y, div_le_div_of_nonpos_of_le hc
lemma max_div_div_right_of_nonpos (hc : c ≤ 0) (a b : α) : max (a / c) (b / c) = (min a b) / c :=
eq.symm $ antitone.map_min $ λ x y, div_le_div_of_nonpos_of_le hc

lemma abs_inv (a : α) : |a⁻¹| = (|a|)⁻¹ := (abs_hom : α →*₀ α).map_inv a
lemma abs_div (a b : α) : |a / b| = |a| / |b| := (abs_hom : α →*₀ α).map_div a b
lemma abs_inv (a : α) : |a⁻¹| = (|a|)⁻¹ := map_inv₀ (abs_hom : α →*₀ α) a
lemma abs_div (a b : α) : |a / b| = |a| / |b| := map_div₀ (abs_hom : α →*₀ α) a b
lemma abs_one_div (a : α) : |1 / a| = 1 / |a| := by rw [abs_div, abs_one]

lemma pow_minus_two_nonneg : 0 ≤ a^(-2 : ℤ) :=
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/algebra/quaternion.lean
Expand Up @@ -593,11 +593,8 @@ instance : division_ring ℍ[R] :=
.. quaternion.nontrivial,
.. quaternion.ring }

@[simp] lemma norm_sq_inv : norm_sq a⁻¹ = (norm_sq a)⁻¹ :=
monoid_with_zero_hom.map_inv norm_sq _

@[simp] lemma norm_sq_div : norm_sq (a / b) = norm_sq a / norm_sq b :=
monoid_with_zero_hom.map_div norm_sq a b
@[simp] lemma norm_sq_inv : norm_sq a⁻¹ = (norm_sq a)⁻¹ := map_inv₀ norm_sq _
@[simp] lemma norm_sq_div : norm_sq (a / b) = norm_sq a / norm_sq b := map_div₀ norm_sq a b

end field

Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/algebra/ring/equiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -559,17 +559,6 @@ map_sum g f s

end big_operators

section division_ring

variables {K K' : Type*} [division_ring K] [division_ring K']
(g : K ≃+* K') (x y : K)

lemma map_inv : g x⁻¹ = (g x)⁻¹ := g.to_ring_hom.map_inv x

lemma map_div : g (x / y) = g x / g y := g.to_ring_hom.map_div x y

end division_ring

section group_power

variables [semiring R] [semiring S]
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/algebra/star/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -148,15 +148,15 @@ op_injective $
/-- When multiplication is commutative, `star` preserves division. -/
@[simp] lemma star_div [comm_group R] [star_semigroup R] (x y : R) :
star (x / y) = star x / star y :=
(star_mul_aut : R ≃* R).to_monoid_hom.map_div _ _
map_div (star_mul_aut : R ≃* R) _ _

open_locale big_operators

@[simp] lemma star_prod [comm_monoid R] [star_semigroup R] {α : Type*}
(s : finset α) (f : α → R):
star (∏ x in s, f x) = ∏ x in s, star (f x) :=
(star_mul_aut : R ≃* R).map_prod _ _
map_prod (star_mul_aut : R ≃* R) _ _


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,17 +300,15 @@ alias star_ring_end_self_apply ← complex.conj_conj
alias star_ring_end_self_apply ← is_R_or_C.conj_conj

@[simp] lemma star_inv' [division_ring R] [star_ring R] (x : R) : star (x⁻¹) = (star x)⁻¹ :=
op_injective $
((star_ring_equiv : R ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ).to_ring_hom.map_inv x).trans (op_inv (star x)).symm
op_injective $ (map_inv₀ (star_ring_equiv : R ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ) x).trans (op_inv (star x)).symm

@[simp] lemma star_zpow₀ [division_ring R] [star_ring R] (x : R) (z : ℤ) :
star (x ^ z) = star x ^ z :=
op_injective $
((star_ring_equiv : R ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ).to_ring_hom.map_zpow x z).trans (op_zpow (star x) z).symm
op_injective $ (map_zpow₀ (star_ring_equiv : R ≃+* Rᵐᵒᵖ) x z).trans (op_zpow (star x) z).symm

/-- When multiplication is commutative, `star` preserves division. -/
@[simp] lemma star_div' [field R] [star_ring R] (x y : R) : star (x / y) = star x / star y :=
(star_ring_end R).map_div _ _
map_div₀ (star_ring_end R) _ _

@[simp] lemma star_bit0 [add_monoid R] [star_add_monoid R] (r : R) :
star (bit0 r) = bit0 (star r) :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/box_integral/box/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ lemma distortion_eq_of_sub_eq_div {I J : box ι} {r : ℝ}
(h : ∀ i, I.upper i - I.lower i = (J.upper i - J.lower i) / r) :
distortion I = distortion J :=
simp only [distortion, nndist_pi_def, real.nndist_eq', h, real.nnabs.map_div],
simp only [distortion, nndist_pi_def, real.nndist_eq', h, map_div],
congr' 1 with i,
have : 0 < r,
{ by_contra hr,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ begin
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (T† * ⟪y, x⟫) - re (T * ⟪x, y⟫) + re (T * T† * ⟪y, y⟫)
: by simp only [inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, mul_assoc]
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ / ⟪y, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫)
: by field_simp [-mul_re, inner_conj_sym, hT, ring_hom.map_div, h₁, h₃]
: by field_simp [-mul_re, inner_conj_sym, hT, map_div, h₁, h₃]
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫ / ⟪y, y⟫)
: by rw ←mul_div_right_comm
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫ / re ⟪y, y⟫)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ begin
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (T† * ⟪y, x⟫) - re (T * ⟪x, y⟫) + re (T * T† * ⟪y, y⟫)
: by simp only [inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, mul_assoc]
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ / ⟪y, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫)
: by field_simp [-mul_re, hT, ring_hom.map_div, h₁, h₃, inner_conj_sym]
: by field_simp [-mul_re, hT, map_div, h₁, h₃, inner_conj_sym]
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫ / ⟪y, y⟫)
: by rw ←mul_div_right_comm
... = re ⟪x, x⟫ - re (⟪x, y⟫ * ⟪y, x⟫ / re ⟪y, y⟫)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/dual.lean
Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ begin
exact (eq.symm h₃) },
have h₄ := calc
⟪((ℓ z)† / ⟪z, z⟫) • z, x⟫ = (ℓ z) / ⟪z, z⟫ * ⟪z, x⟫
: by simp [inner_smul_left, ring_hom.map_div, conj_conj]
: by simp [inner_smul_left, conj_conj]
... = (ℓ z) * ⟪z, x⟫ / ⟪z, z⟫
: by rw [←div_mul_eq_mul_div]
... = (ℓ x) * ⟪z, z⟫ / ⟪z, z⟫
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/projection.lean
Expand Up @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ begin
{ intros x hx,
obtain ⟨c, rfl⟩ := hx,
have hv : ↑∥v∥ ^ 2 = ⟪v, v⟫ := by { norm_cast, simp [norm_sq_eq_inner] },
simp [inner_sub_left, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, ring_equiv.map_div, mul_comm, hv,
simp [inner_sub_left, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right, map_div, mul_comm, hv,
inner_product_space.conj_sym, hv] }

Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/analysis/normed/field/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -433,19 +433,19 @@ protected lemma list.norm_prod (l : list α) : ∥∥ = ( norm).prod
protected lemma list.nnnorm_prod (l : list α) : ∥∥₊ = ( nnnorm).prod :=
(nnnorm_hom.to_monoid_hom : α →* ℝ≥0).map_list_prod _

@[simp] lemma norm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥ = ∥a∥ / ∥b∥ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_div a b
@[simp] lemma norm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥ = ∥a∥ / ∥b∥ := map_div₀ (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ) a b

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ / ∥b∥₊ := (nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_div a b
@[simp] lemma nnnorm_div (a b : α) : ∥a / b∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ / ∥b∥₊ := map_div₀ (nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0) a b

@[simp] lemma norm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥ = ∥a∥⁻¹ := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_inv a
@[simp] lemma norm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥ = ∥a∥⁻¹ := map_inv₀ (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ) a

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_inv (a : α) : ∥a⁻¹∥₊ = ∥a∥₊⁻¹ :=
nnreal.eq $ by simp

@[simp] lemma norm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n := (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ).map_zpow
@[simp] lemma norm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a^n∥ = ∥a∥^n := map_zpow₀ (norm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ)

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_zpow : ∀ (a : α) (n : ℤ), ∥a ^ n∥₊ = ∥a∥₊ ^ n :=
(nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0).map_zpow
map_zpow₀ (nnnorm_hom : α →*₀ ℝ≥0)

/-- Multiplication on the left by a nonzero element of a normed division ring tends to infinity at
infinity. TODO: use `bornology.cobounded` instead of `filter.comap has_norm.norm filter.at_top`. -/
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/compact_operator.lean
Expand Up @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ begin
rwa [mem_map, preimage_smul_setₛₗ _ _ _ f this, set_smul_mem_nhds_zero_iff (inv_ne_zero hcnz)],
apply_instance },
-- Since `σ₁₂ c⁻¹` = `(σ₁₂ c)⁻¹`, we have to prove that `K ⊆ σ₁₂ c • U`.
rw [σ₁₂.map_inv, ← subset_set_smul_iff₀ (σ₁₂.map_ne_zero.mpr hcnz)],
rw [map_inv, ← subset_set_smul_iff₀ (σ₁₂.map_ne_zero.mpr hcnz)],
-- But `σ₁₂` is isometric, so `∥σ₁₂ c∥ = ∥c∥ > r`, which concludes the argument since
-- `∀ a : 𝕜₂, r ≤ ∥a∥ → K ⊆ a • U`.
refine hrU (σ₁₂ c) _,
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