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feat(ring_theory): define a power_basis structure (#4905)
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This PR defines a structure `power_basis`. If `S` is an `R`-algebra, `pb : power_basis R S` states that `S` (as `R`-module) has basis `1`, `pb.gen`, ..., `pb.gen ^ (pb.dim - 1)`. Since there are multiple possible choices, I decided to not make it a typeclass.

Three constructors for `power_basis` are included: `algebra.adjoin`, `intermediate_field.adjoin` and `adjoin_root`. Each of these is of the form `power_basis K _` with `K` a field, at least until `minimal_polynomial` gets better support for rings.
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Vierkantor committed Nov 5, 2020
1 parent 246df99 commit a12d677
Showing 1 changed file with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/power_basis.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Anne Baanen. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anne Baanen
import field_theory.adjoin
import field_theory.minimal_polynomial
import ring_theory.adjoin
import ring_theory.adjoin_root
import ring_theory.algebraic

# Power basis
This file defines a structure `power_basis R S`, giving a basis of the
`R`-algebra `S` as a finite list of powers `1, x, ..., x^n`.
There are also constructors for `power_basis` when adjoining an algebraic
element to a ring/field.
## Definitions
* `power_basis R A`: a structure containing an `x` and an `n` such that
`1, x, ..., x^n` is a basis for the `R`-algebra `A` (viewed as an `R`-module).
## Implementation notes
Throughout this file, `R`, `S`, ... are `comm_ring`s, `A`, `B`, ... are
`integral_domain`s and `K`, `L`, ... are `field`s.
`S` is an `R`-algebra, `B` is an `A`-algebra, `L` is a `K`-algebra.
## Tags
power basis, powerbasis

open polynomial

variables {R S T : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] [comm_ring T]
variables [algebra R S] [algebra S T] [algebra R T] [is_scalar_tower R S T]
variables {A B : Type*} [integral_domain A] [integral_domain B] [algebra A B]
variables {K L : Type*} [field K] [field L] [algebra K L]

/-- `pb : power_basis R S` states that `1, pb.gen, ..., pb.gen ^ (pb.dim - 1)`
is a basis for the `R`-algebra `S` (viewed as `R`-module).
This is a structure, not a class, since the same algebra can have many power bases.
For the common case where `S` is defined by adjoining an integral element to `R`,
the canonical power basis is given by `{algebra,intermediate_field}.adjoin.power_basis`.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure power_basis (R S : Type*) [comm_ring R] [ring S] [algebra R S] :=
(gen : S)
(dim : ℕ)
(is_basis : is_basis R (λ (i : fin dim), gen ^ (i : ℕ)))

namespace power_basis

/-- Cannot be an instance because `power_basis` cannot be a class. -/
lemma finite_dimensional [algebra K S]
(pb : power_basis K S) : finite_dimensional K S :=
finite_dimensional.of_fintype_basis pb.is_basis

/-- TODO: this mixes `polynomial` and `finsupp`, we should hide this behind a
new function `polynomial.of_finsupp`. -/
lemma polynomial.mem_supported_range {f : polynomial R} {d : ℕ} :
(f : finsupp ℕ R) ∈ finsupp.supported R R (↑(finset.range d) : set ℕ) ↔ < d :=
by { simp_rw [finsupp.mem_supported', finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_range, not_lt,
refl }

lemma mem_span_pow' {x y : S} {d : ℕ} :
y ∈ submodule.span R (set.range (λ (i : fin d), x ^ (i : ℕ))) ↔
∃ f : polynomial R, < d ∧ y = aeval x f :=
have : set.range (λ (i : fin d), x ^ (i : ℕ)) = (λ (i : ℕ), x ^ i) '' ↑(finset.range d),
{ ext n,
simp_rw [set.mem_range, set.mem_image, finset.mem_coe, finset.mem_range],
exact ⟨λ ⟨⟨i, hi⟩, hy⟩, ⟨i, hi, hy⟩, λ ⟨i, hi, hy⟩, ⟨⟨i, hi⟩, hy⟩⟩ },
rw [this, finsupp.mem_span_iff_total],
-- In the next line we use that `polynomial R := finsupp ℕ R`.
-- It would be nice to have a function `polynomial.of_finsupp`.
apply exists_congr,
rintro (f : polynomial R),
simp only [exists_prop, polynomial.mem_supported_range, eq_comm],
apply and_congr iff.rfl,
{ rintro rfl;
rw [finsupp.total_apply, aeval_def, eval₂_eq_sum, eq_comm],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
rintro i -,
simp only [algebra.smul_def] }

lemma mem_span_pow {x y : S} {d : ℕ} (hd : d ≠ 0) :
y ∈ submodule.span R (set.range (λ (i : fin d), x ^ (i : ℕ))) ↔
∃ f : polynomial R, f.nat_degree < d ∧ y = aeval x f :=
rw mem_span_pow',
{ rintros ⟨f, h, hy⟩,
refine ⟨f, _, hy⟩,
by_cases hf : f = 0,
{ simp only [hf, nat_degree_zero, degree_zero] at h ⊢,
exact lt_of_le_of_ne (nat.zero_le d) hd.symm <|> exact with_bot.bot_lt_some d },
simpa only [degree_eq_nat_degree hf, with_bot.coe_lt_coe] using h },

end power_basis

lemma is_integral_algebra_map_iff {x : S} (hST : function.injective (algebra_map S T)) :
is_integral R (algebra_map S T x) ↔ is_integral R x :=
split; rintros ⟨f, hf, hx⟩; use [f, hf],
{ exact is_scalar_tower.aeval_eq_zero_of_aeval_algebra_map_eq_zero R S T hST hx },
{ rw [is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_eq R S T, ← hom_eval₂, hx, ring_hom.map_zero] }

/-- If `y` is the image of `x` in an extension, their minimal polynomials coincide.
We take `h : y = algebra_map L T x` as an argument because `rw h` typically fails
since `is_integral R y` depends on y.
lemma minimal_polynomial.eq_of_algebra_map_eq [algebra K S] [algebra K T]
[is_scalar_tower K S T] (hST : function.injective (algebra_map S T))
{x : S} {y : T} (hx : is_integral K x) (hy : is_integral K y)
(h : y = algebra_map S T x) : minimal_polynomial hx = minimal_polynomial hy :=
minimal_polynomial.unique hy (minimal_polynomial.monic hx)
(by rw [h, ← is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_aeval, minimal_polynomial.aeval hx, ring_hom.map_zero])
(λ q q_monic root_q, minimal_polynomial.min _ q_monic
(is_scalar_tower.aeval_eq_zero_of_aeval_algebra_map_eq_zero K S T hST
(h ▸ root_q : aeval (algebra_map S T x) q = 0)))

namespace algebra

open power_basis

lemma mem_span_power_basis [nontrivial R] {x y : S} (hx : _root_.is_integral R x)
(hy : ∃ f : polynomial R, y = aeval x f) :
y ∈ submodule.span R (set.range (λ (i : fin (minimal_polynomial hx).nat_degree),
x ^ (i : ℕ))) :=
obtain ⟨f, rfl⟩ := hy,
rw mem_span_pow',
have := minimal_polynomial.monic hx,
refine ⟨f.mod_by_monic (minimal_polynomial hx),
lt_of_lt_of_le (degree_mod_by_monic_lt _ this (ne_zero_of_monic this)) degree_le_nat_degree,
conv_lhs { rw ← mod_by_monic_add_div f this },
simp only [add_zero, zero_mul, minimal_polynomial.aeval, aeval_add, alg_hom.map_mul]

lemma linear_independent_power_basis [algebra K S] {x : S} (hx : _root_.is_integral K x) :
linear_independent K (λ (i : fin (minimal_polynomial hx).nat_degree), x ^ (i : ℕ)) :=
rw linear_independent_iff,
intros p hp,
let f : polynomial K := p.sum (λ i, monomial i),
have f_def : ∀ (i : fin _), f.coeff i = p i,
{ intro i,
-- TODO: how can we avoid unfolding here?
change (p.sum (λ i pi, finsupp.single i pi) : ℕ →₀ K) i = p i,
simp_rw [finsupp.sum_apply, finsupp.single_apply, finsupp.sum],
rw [finset.sum_eq_single, if_pos rfl],
{ intros b _ hb,
rw if_neg (mt (λ h, _) hb),
exact fin.coe_injective h },
{ intro hi,
split_ifs; { exact hi } } },
have f_def' : ∀ i, f.coeff i = if hi : i < _ then p ⟨i, hi⟩ else 0,
{ intro i,
split_ifs with hi,
{ exact f_def ⟨i, hi⟩ },
-- TODO: how can we avoid unfolding here?
change (p.sum (λ i pi, finsupp.single i pi) : ℕ →₀ K) i = 0,
simp_rw [finsupp.sum_apply, finsupp.single_apply, finsupp.sum],
apply finset.sum_eq_zero,
rintro ⟨j, hj⟩ -,
apply if_neg (mt _ hi),
rintro rfl,
exact hj },
suffices : f = 0,
{ ext i, rw [← f_def, this, coeff_zero, finsupp.zero_apply] },
contrapose hp with hf,
intro h,
have : (minimal_polynomial hx).degree ≤,
{ apply minimal_polynomial.degree_le_of_ne_zero hx hf,
convert h,
rw [finsupp.total_apply, aeval_def, eval₂_eq_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
{ apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
rintro i -,
simp only [algebra.smul_def, monomial, finsupp.lsingle_apply, zero_mul, ring_hom.map_zero,
finsupp.sum_single_index] },
{ intro, simp only [ring_hom.map_zero, zero_mul] },
{ intros, simp only [ring_hom.map_add, add_mul] } },
have : ¬ (minimal_polynomial hx).degree ≤,
{ apply not_le_of_lt,
rw [degree_eq_nat_degree (minimal_polynomial.ne_zero hx), degree_lt_iff_coeff_zero],
intros i hi,
rw [f_def' i, dif_neg],
exact not_lt_of_ge hi },

lemma power_basis_is_basis [algebra K S] {x : S} (hx : _root_.is_integral K x) :
is_basis K (λ (i : fin (minimal_polynomial hx).nat_degree),
(⟨x, subset_adjoin (set.mem_singleton x)⟩ ^ (i : ℕ) : adjoin K ({x} : set S))) :=
have hST : function.injective (algebra_map (adjoin K ({x} : set S)) S) := subtype.coe_injective,
have hx' : _root_.is_integral K
(show adjoin K ({x} : set S), from ⟨x, subset_adjoin (set.mem_singleton x)⟩),
{ apply (is_integral_algebra_map_iff hST).mp,
convert hx,
apply_instance },
have minpoly_eq := minimal_polynomial.eq_of_algebra_map_eq hST hx' hx,
refine ⟨_, _root_.eq_top_iff.mpr _⟩,
{ have := linear_independent_power_basis hx',
rwa minpoly_eq at this,
refl },
{ rintros ⟨y, hy⟩ _,
have := mem_span_power_basis hx',
rw minpoly_eq at this,
apply this,
{ rw [adjoin_singleton_eq_range] at hy,
obtain ⟨f, rfl⟩ := (aeval x) hy,
use f,
exact (is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_aeval K (adjoin K {x}) S ⟨x, _⟩ _).symm },
{ refl } }

/-- The power basis `1, x, ..., x ^ (d - 1)` for `K[x]`,
where `d` is the degree of the minimal polynomial of `x`. -/
noncomputable def adjoin.power_basis [algebra K S] {x : S} (hx : _root_.is_integral K x) :
power_basis K (adjoin K ({x} : set S)) :=
{ gen := ⟨x, subset_adjoin (set.mem_singleton x)⟩,
dim := (minimal_polynomial hx).nat_degree,
is_basis := power_basis_is_basis hx }

end algebra

namespace intermediate_field

lemma adjoin_simple.exists_eq_aeval_gen (alg : algebra.is_algebraic K L) {x y : L} (hy : y ∈ K⟮x⟯) :
∃ f : polynomial K, y = aeval x f :=
refine adjoin_induction _ hy _ _ _ _ _ _,
{ intros x hx,
rcases hx with rfl,
exact ⟨X, (aeval_X _).symm⟩ },
{ intros x,
refine ⟨C x, (aeval_C _ _).symm⟩ },
{ rintros x y ⟨fx, rfl⟩ ⟨fy, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨fx + fy, (ring_hom.map_add _ _ _).symm⟩ },
{ rintros x ⟨fx, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨-fx, (ring_hom.map_neg _ _).symm⟩ },
{ rintros x ⟨fx, x_eq⟩,
by_cases hx0 : x = 0,
{ rw [hx0, inv_zero],
exact ⟨0, (ring_hom.map_zero _).symm⟩ },
have hx : is_integral K x := ((is_algebraic_iff_is_integral _).mp (alg x)),
rw inv_eq_of_root_of_coeff_zero_ne_zero
(minimal_polynomial.aeval hx) (minimal_polynomial.coeff_zero_ne_zero hx hx0),
use - (C ((minimal_polynomial hx).coeff 0)⁻¹) * (minimal_polynomial hx).div_X.comp fx,
rw aeval_def at x_eq,
rw [div_eq_inv_mul, alg_hom.map_mul, alg_hom.map_neg, aeval_C, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul,
ring_hom.map_inv, aeval_def, aeval_def, eval₂_comp, ← x_eq] },
{ rintros x y ⟨fx, rfl⟩ ⟨fy, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨fx * fy, (ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _).symm⟩ },

lemma power_basis_is_basis (alg : algebra.is_algebraic K L) {x : L} (hx : is_integral K x) :
is_basis K (λ (i : fin (minimal_polynomial hx).nat_degree), (adjoin_simple.gen K x ^ (i : ℕ))) :=
have hx' : is_integral K (adjoin_simple.gen K x),
{ apply (is_integral_algebra_map_iff (algebra_map K⟮x⟯ L).injective).mp,
convert hx,
apply_instance },
have minpoly_eq :=
minimal_polynomial.eq_of_algebra_map_eq ((algebra_map K⟮x⟯ L).injective) hx' hx,
refine ⟨_, eq_top_iff.mpr _⟩,
{ have := algebra.linear_independent_power_basis hx',
rwa minpoly_eq at this,
refl },
{ rintros ⟨y, hy⟩ _,
have := algebra.mem_span_power_basis hx',
rw minpoly_eq at this,
apply this,
{ obtain ⟨f, rfl⟩ := adjoin_simple.exists_eq_aeval_gen alg hy,
use f,
exact (is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_aeval K K⟮x⟯ L (adjoin_simple.gen K x) _).symm },
{ refl } }

/-- The power basis `1, x, ..., x ^ (d - 1)` for `K⟮x⟯`,
where `d` is the degree of the minimal polynomial of `x`. -/
noncomputable def adjoin.power_basis (alg : algebra.is_algebraic K L) {x : L} :
power_basis K K⟮x⟯ :=
{ gen := adjoin_simple.gen K x,
dim := (minimal_polynomial ((is_algebraic_iff_is_integral K).mp (alg x))).nat_degree,
is_basis := power_basis_is_basis alg _ }

end intermediate_field

namespace adjoin_root

lemma power_basis_is_basis {f : polynomial K} (f_irr : irreducible f) :
is_basis K (λ (i : fin f.nat_degree), (root f ^ (i : ℕ))) :=
set f' := f * C (f.leading_coeff⁻¹) with f'_def,
have hC : f.leading_coeff ≠ 0,
{ simpa only [ne.def, C_eq_zero, inv_eq_zero, leading_coeff_eq_zero] using f_irr.ne_zero},
have deg_f' : f'.nat_degree = f.nat_degree,
{ rw [nat_degree_mul f_irr.ne_zero (mt _ hC), nat_degree_C, add_zero],
simp },
have f'_monic : monic f' := monic_mul_leading_coeff_inv f_irr.ne_zero,
have f'_irr : irreducible f',
{ apply irreducible_of_associated _ f_irr,
refine ⟨⟨C f.leading_coeff⁻¹, C f.leading_coeff, _, _⟩, _⟩;
simp only [← C.map_mul, mul_inv_cancel hC, inv_mul_cancel hC, C.map_one, units.coe_mk] },
have aeval_f' : aeval (root f) f' = 0,
{ rw [f'_def, alg_hom.map_mul, aeval_eq, mk_self, zero_mul] },
have hx : is_integral K (root f) := ⟨f', f'_monic, aeval_f'⟩,
have minpoly_eq : minimal_polynomial hx = f' :=
(minimal_polynomial.unique' hx f'_irr aeval_f' f'_monic).symm,
refine ⟨_, eq_top_iff.mpr _⟩,
{ have := algebra.linear_independent_power_basis hx,
rwa [minpoly_eq, deg_f'] at this },
{ rintros y -,
have := algebra.mem_span_power_basis hx,
rw [minpoly_eq, deg_f'] at this,
apply this,
obtain ⟨g⟩ := y,
use g,
rw aeval_eq,
refl }

/-- The power basis `1, root f, ..., root f ^ (d - 1)` for `adjoin_root f`,
where `f` is an irreducible polynomial over a field of degree `d`. -/
noncomputable def power_basis {f : polynomial K} (f_irr : irreducible f) :
power_basis K (adjoin_root f) :=
{ gen := root f,
dim := f.nat_degree,
is_basis := power_basis_is_basis f_irr }

end adjoin_root

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