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refactor(topology/sheaves/stalks): Refactor proofs about stalk map (#…
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Refactoring and speeding up some of my code on stalk maps from #7092.
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justus-springer committed Jun 22, 2021
1 parent 208d4fe commit a3699b9
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 80 deletions.
148 changes: 68 additions & 80 deletions src/topology/sheaves/stalks.lean
Expand Up @@ -134,25 +134,21 @@ lemma stalk_hom_ext (F : X.presheaf C) {x} {Y : C} {f₁ f₂ : F.stalk x ⟶ Y}
colimit.hom_ext $ λ U, by { op_induction U, cases U with U hxU, exact ih U hxU }

/-- If two sections agree on all stalks, they must be equal -/
lemma section_ext (F : sheaf (Type v) X) (U : opens X) (s t : F.presheaf.obj (op U)) :
(∀ x : U, F.presheaf.germ x s = F.presheaf.germ x t) → s = t :=
lemma section_ext (F : sheaf (Type v) X) (U : opens X) (s t : F.presheaf.obj (op U))
(h : ∀ x : U, F.presheaf.germ x s = F.presheaf.germ x t) :
s = t :=
intro h,
-- We use `germ_eq` and the axiom of choice, to pick for every point `x` a neighbourhood
-- `V`, such that the restrictions of `s` and `t` to `V` coincide. Since a restriction
-- map `V ⟶ U` is *data* (lives in `Type`, not `Prop`), we encode all of this as a dependent
-- pair (sigma type)
let V : Π (x : U), Σ (V : open_nhds x.1),
{ iVU : V.1 ⟶ U // iVU.op s = iVU.op t } := λ x, by {
choose V m iVU₀ iVU₁ heq using (F.presheaf.germ_eq x.1 x.2 x.2 s t (h x)),
refine ⟨⟨V,m⟩,iVU₀,_⟩,
convert heq,
refine F.eq_of_locally_eq' (λ x, (V x).1.1) U (λ x, (V x).2.1) _ s t (λ x, (V x).2.2),
-- Here, it remains to show that the choosen neighborhoods really define a cover of `U`
intros x hxU,
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, opens.mem_coe, opens.mem_supr],
exact ⟨⟨x,hxU⟩,(V ⟨x,hxU⟩).1.2⟩,
-- `V x`, such that the restrictions of `s` and `t` to `V x` coincide.
choose V m i₁ i₂ heq using λ x : U, F.presheaf.germ_eq x.1 x.2 x.2 s t (h x),
-- Since `F` is a sheaf, we can prove the equality locally, if we can show that these
-- neighborhoods form a cover of `U`.
apply F.eq_of_locally_eq' V U i₁,
{ intros x hxU,
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, opens.mem_coe, opens.mem_supr],
exact ⟨⟨x, hxU⟩, m ⟨x, hxU⟩⟩ },
{ intro x,
rw [heq, subsingleton.elim (i₁ x) (i₂ x)] }

@[simp, reassoc] lemma stalk_functor_map_germ {F G : X.presheaf C} (U : opens X) (x : U)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,83 +184,75 @@ is an epi, but this fact is not yet formalized.
lemma app_injective_of_stalk_functor_map_injective {F : sheaf (Type v) X} {G : presheaf (Type v) X}
(f : F.presheaf ⟶ G) (h : ∀ x : X, injective ((stalk_functor (Type v) x).map f)) (U : opens X) :
injective ( (op U)) := λ s t hst,
apply section_ext,
intro x,
apply h x.1,
simp only [stalk_functor_map_germ_apply, hst],
injective ( (op U)) :=
λ s t hst, section_ext F _ _ _ $ λ x, h x.1 $ by
rw [stalk_functor_map_germ_apply, stalk_functor_map_germ_apply, hst]

lemma app_injective_iff_stalk_functor_map_injective {F : sheaf (Type v) X}
{G : presheaf (Type v) X} (f : F.presheaf ⟶ G) :
(∀ x : X, injective ((stalk_functor (Type v) x).map f)) ↔
(∀ U : opens X, injective ( (op U))) :=
⟨app_injective_of_stalk_functor_map_injective f, stalk_functor_map_injective_of_app_injective f⟩

lemma app_bijective_of_stalk_functor_map_bijective {F G : sheaf (Type v) X} (f : F ⟶ G)
lemma app_surjective_of_stalk_functor_map_bijective {F G : sheaf (Type v) X} (f : F ⟶ G)
(h : ∀ x : X, bijective ((stalk_functor (Type v) x).map f)) (U : opens X) :
bijective ( (op U)) :=
surjective ( (op U)) :=
-- We already know that ` (op U)` is injective. We save that fact here as we will
-- need it again later.
have h_inj := app_injective_of_stalk_functor_map_injective f (λ x, (h x).1),
refine ⟨h_inj U, (λ t,_)⟩,
intro t,
-- For surjectivity, we are given an arbitrary section `t` and need to find a preimage for it.
-- First, we show that we can find preimages *locally*. That is, for each `x : U` we construct
-- neighborhood `V ≤ U` and a section `s : F.obj (op V))` such that ` (op V) s` and `t`
-- We claim that it suffices to find preimages *locally*. That is, for each `x : U` we construct
-- a neighborhood `V ≤ U` and a section `s : F.obj (op V))` such that ` (op V) s` and `t`
-- agree on `V`.
have exists_local_preim : ∀ x : U, ∃ (V : open_nhds x.1) (iVU : V.1 ⟶ U)
(s : F.presheaf.obj (op V.1)), (op V.1) s = iVU.op t := λ x, by {
-- Since `f` is surjective on stalks, we can find a preimage `s₀` of the germ of `t`
obtain ⟨s₀,hs₀⟩ := (h x).2 (G.presheaf.germ x t),
-- ... and this preimage must come from some section `s₁`
obtain ⟨V₁,hxV₁,s₁,hs₁⟩ := F.presheaf.germ_exist x.1 s₀,
subst hs₁, rename hs₀ hs₁,
erw stalk_functor_map_germ_apply V₁ ⟨x.1,hxV₁⟩ f s₁ at hs₁,
-- Now, the germ of ` (op V₁) s₁` equals the germ of `t`, hence they must coincide on
-- some open neighborhood
obtain ⟨V₂,hxV₂, iV₂V₁, iV₂U, heq⟩ := G.presheaf.germ_eq x.1 hxV₁ x.2 _ _ hs₁,
-- The restriction of `s₁` to that neighborhood is our desired local preimage
let s₂ := iV₂V₁.op s₁,
use [V₂,hxV₂,iV₂U,s₂],
rwa functor_to_types.naturality },
-- Now, we use the axiom of choice to create a function `local_preim` giving us for each point
-- `x : U` a neighborhood `V` and a local preimage for `t` on `V`.
have local_preim : Π x : U, Σ (V : open_nhds x.1) (iVU : V.1 ⟶ U),
{s : F.presheaf.obj (op V.1) // (op V.1) s = iVU.op t } := λ x, by {
choose V iVU s heq using exists_local_preim x,
exact ⟨V,iVU,s,heq⟩ },
clear exists_local_preim,
-- In particular, we obtain a covering family of opens and a family of sections
let V : U → opens X := λ x, (local_preim x).1.1,
let sf : Π x : U, F.presheaf.obj (op (V x)) := λ x, (local_preim x).2.2.1,
have V_cover : U ≤ supr V := λ x hx, by {
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, opens.mem_coe, opens.mem_supr],
exact ⟨⟨x,hx⟩,(local_preim _).1.2⟩ },
-- Using this data, we can glue all of the local preimages together, giving us our candidate
-- for the preimage of `t`
obtain ⟨s, s_spec, -⟩ := F.exists_unique_gluing' V U (λ x, (local_preim x).2.1) V_cover sf _,
use s,
-- Note that we generated an additional goal: We need to show that our family of sections `sf`
-- is actually compatible. We get that out of the way first.
{ intros x y,
-- The only thing we know about the sections `sf` is that their image under `f` equals (the
-- restriction of) `t`. It is at this point that we need injectivity of `f` again!
apply h_inj,
-- Here, both sides are equal to a restriction of `t`
transitivity ;
erw [functor_to_types.naturality, (local_preim _).2.2.2, ← functor_to_types.map_comp_apply],
refl },
-- The only thing left to prove is that `s` really is a preimage of `t`
-- Of course, we show the equality locally
apply G.eq_of_locally_eq' V U (λ x, (local_preim x).2.1) V_cover,
suffices : ∀ x : U, ∃ (V : opens X) (m : x.1 ∈ V) (iVU : V ⟶ U) (s : F.presheaf.obj (op V)), (op V) s = iVU.op t,
{ -- We use the axiom of choice to pick around each point `x` an open neighborhood `V` and a
-- preimage under `f` on `V`.
choose V mV iVU sf heq using this,
-- These neighborhoods clearly cover all of `U`.
have V_cover : U ≤ supr V,
{ intros x hxU,
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, opens.mem_coe, opens.mem_supr],
exact ⟨⟨x, hxU⟩, mV ⟨x, hxU⟩⟩ },
-- Since `F` is a sheaf, we can glue all the local preimages together to get a global preimage.
obtain ⟨s, s_spec, -⟩ := F.exists_unique_gluing' V U iVU V_cover sf _,
{ use s,
apply G.eq_of_locally_eq' V U iVU V_cover,
intro x,
rw [← functor_to_types.naturality, s_spec, heq] },
{ intros x y,
-- What's left to show here is that the secions `sf` are compatible, i.e. they agree on
-- the intersections `V x ⊓ V y`. We prove this by showing that all germs are equal.
apply section_ext,
intro z,
-- Here, we need to use injectivity of the stalk maps.
apply (h z).1,
erw [stalk_functor_map_germ_apply, stalk_functor_map_germ_apply],
rw [functor_to_types.naturality, functor_to_types.naturality, heq, heq,
← functor_to_types.map_comp_apply, ← functor_to_types.map_comp_apply],
refl } },

intro x,
convert congr_arg ( (op (V x))) (s_spec x),
exacts [(functor_to_types.naturality _ _ f _ _).symm, (local_preim x).2.2.2.symm],
-- Now we need to prove our initial claim: That we can find preimages of `t` locally.
-- Since `f` is surjective on stalks, we can find a preimage `s₀` of the germ of `t` at `x`
obtain ⟨s₀,hs₀⟩ := (h x).2 (G.presheaf.germ x t),
-- ... and this preimage must come from some section `s₁` defined on some open neighborhood `V₁`
obtain ⟨V₁,hxV₁,s₁,hs₁⟩ := F.presheaf.germ_exist x.1 s₀,
subst hs₁, rename hs₀ hs₁,
erw stalk_functor_map_germ_apply V₁ ⟨x.1,hxV₁⟩ f s₁ at hs₁,
-- Now, the germ of ` (op V₁) s₁` equals the germ of `t`, hence they must coincide on
-- some open neighborhood `V₂`.
obtain ⟨V₂, hxV₂, iV₂V₁, iV₂U, heq⟩ := G.presheaf.germ_eq x.1 hxV₁ x.2 _ _ hs₁,
-- The restriction of `s₁` to that neighborhood is our desired local preimage.
use [V₂, hxV₂, iV₂U, iV₂V₁.op s₁],
rw [functor_to_types.naturality, heq],

lemma app_bijective_of_stalk_functor_map_bijective {F G : sheaf (Type v) X} (f : F ⟶ G)
(h : ∀ x : X, bijective ((stalk_functor (Type v) x).map f)) (U : opens X) :
bijective ( (op U)) :=
⟨app_injective_of_stalk_functor_map_injective f (λ x, (h x).1) U,
app_surjective_of_stalk_functor_map_bijective f h U⟩

If all the stalk maps of map `f : F ⟶ G` of `Type`-valued sheaves are isomorphisms, then `f` is
an isomorphism.
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