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feat(ring_theory): Dedekind domains have invertible fractional ideals (
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This PR proves the other side of the equivalence `is_dedekind_domain → is_dedekind_domain_inv`, and uses this to provide a `comm_group_with_zero (fractional_ideal A⁰ K)` instance.

Co-Authored-By: Ashvni
Co-Authored-By: Filippo A. E. Nuccio

Co-authored-by: Anne Baanen <>
  • Loading branch information
Vierkantor and Vierkantor committed Jul 29, 2021
1 parent 69e3c79 commit a4f1653
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248 changes: 244 additions & 4 deletions src/ring_theory/dedekind_domain.lean
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ class is_dedekind_domain : Prop :=
(dimension_le_one : dimension_le_one A)
(is_integrally_closed : integral_closure A (fraction_ring A) = ⊥)

-- See library note [lower instance priority]
attribute [instance, priority 100] is_dedekind_domain.is_noetherian_ring

/-- An integral domain is a Dedekind domain iff and only if it is not a field, is
Noetherian, has dimension ≤ 1, and is integrally closed in a given fraction field.
In particular, this definition does not depend on the choice of this fraction field. -/
Expand All @@ -111,8 +114,6 @@ structure is_dedekind_domain_dvr : Prop :=

section inverse

open_locale classical

variables {R₁ : Type*} [integral_domain R₁] [algebra R₁ K] [is_fraction_ring R₁ K]
variables {I J : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K}

Expand All @@ -130,6 +131,26 @@ lemma coe_inv_of_nonzero {J : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K} (h : J ≠ 0) :
(↑J⁻¹ : submodule R₁ K) = is_localization.coe_submodule K ⊤ / J :=
by { rwa inv_nonzero _, refl, assumption }

variables {K}

lemma mem_inv_iff (hI : I ≠ 0) {x : K} :
x ∈ I⁻¹ ↔ ∀ y ∈ I, x * y ∈ (1 : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K) :=
fractional_ideal.mem_div_iff_of_nonzero hI

lemma inv_anti_mono (hI : I ≠ 0) (hJ : J ≠ 0) (hIJ : I ≤ J) :
J⁻¹ ≤ I⁻¹ :=
λ x, by { simp only [mem_inv_iff hI, mem_inv_iff hJ], exact λ h y hy, h y (hIJ hy) }

lemma le_self_mul_inv {I : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K} (hI : I ≤ (1 : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K)) :
I ≤ I * I⁻¹ :=
fractional_ideal.le_self_mul_one_div hI

variables (K)

lemma coe_ideal_le_self_mul_inv (I : ideal R₁) :
(I : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K) ≤ I * I⁻¹ :=
le_self_mul_inv fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_le_one

/-- `I⁻¹` is the inverse of `I` if `I` has an inverse. -/
theorem right_inverse_eq (I J : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K) (h : I * J = 1) :
J = I⁻¹ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,8 +186,6 @@ variables {K' : Type*} [field K'] [algebra R₁ K'] [is_fraction_ring R₁ K']
(I⁻¹).map (h : K →ₐ[R₁] K') = ( h)⁻¹ :=
by rw [inv_eq, fractional_ideal.map_div, fractional_ideal.map_one, inv_eq]

open_locale classical

open submodule submodule.is_principal

@[simp] lemma span_singleton_inv (x : K) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,6 +243,9 @@ begin
((generator (I : submodule R₁ K))⁻¹)) hI).symm

@[simp] lemma fractional_ideal.one_inv : (1⁻¹ : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K) = 1 :=

A Dedekind domain is an integral domain such that every fractional ideal has an inverse.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,4 +374,222 @@ theorem is_dedekind_domain : is_dedekind_domain A :=

end is_dedekind_domain_inv

variables [algebra A K] [is_fraction_ring A K]

/-- Specialization of `exists_prime_spectrum_prod_le_and_ne_bot_of_domain` to Dedekind domains:
Let `I : ideal A` be a nonzero ideal, where `A` is a Dedekind domain that is not a field.
Then `exists_prime_spectrum_prod_le_and_ne_bot_of_domain` states we can find a product of prime
ideals that is contained within `I`. This lemma extends that result by making the product minimal:
let `M` be a maximal ideal that contains `I`, then the product including `M` is contained within `I`
and the product excluding `M` is not contained within `I`. -/
lemma exists_multiset_prod_cons_le_and_prod_not_le [is_dedekind_domain A]
(hNF : ¬ is_field A) {I M : ideal A} (hI0 : I ≠ ⊥) (hIM : I ≤ M) [hM : M.is_maximal] :
∃ (Z : multiset (prime_spectrum A)),
(M ::ₘ ( prime_spectrum.as_ideal)).prod ≤ I ∧
¬ ( ( prime_spectrum.as_ideal) ≤ I) :=
-- Let `Z` be a minimal set of prime ideals such that their product is contained in `J`.
obtain ⟨Z₀, hZ₀⟩ := exists_prime_spectrum_prod_le_and_ne_bot_of_domain hNF hI0,
obtain ⟨Z, ⟨hZI, hprodZ⟩, h_eraseZ⟩ := multiset.well_founded_lt.has_min
(λ Z, ( prime_spectrum.as_ideal).prod ≤ I ∧ ( prime_spectrum.as_ideal).prod ≠ ⊥)
⟨Z₀, hZ₀⟩,
have hZM : ( prime_spectrum.as_ideal) ≤ M := le_trans hZI hIM,
have hZ0 : Z ≠ 0, { rintro rfl, simpa [hM.ne_top] using hZM },
obtain ⟨_, hPZ', hPM⟩ := (hM.is_prime.multiset_prod_le (mt hZ0)).mp hZM,
-- Then in fact there is a `P ∈ Z` with `P ≤ M`.
obtain ⟨P, hPZ, rfl⟩ := hPZ',
letI := classical.dec_eq (ideal A),
have := multiset.map_erase prime_spectrum.as_ideal subtype.coe_injective P Z,
obtain ⟨hP0, hZP0⟩ : P.as_ideal ≠ ⊥ ∧ ((Z.erase P).map prime_spectrum.as_ideal).prod ≠ ⊥,
{ rwa [ne.def, ← multiset.cons_erase hPZ', multiset.prod_cons, ideal.mul_eq_bot,
not_or_distrib, ← this] at hprodZ },
-- By maximality of `P` and `M`, we have that `P ≤ M` implies `P = M`.
have hPM' := (is_dedekind_domain.dimension_le_one _ hP0 P.is_prime).eq_of_le hM.ne_top hPM,
subst hPM',

-- By minimality of `Z`, erasing `P` from `Z` is exactly what we need.
refine ⟨Z.erase P, _, _⟩,
{ convert hZI,
rw [this, multiset.cons_erase hPZ'] },
{ refine λ h, h_eraseZ (Z.erase P) ⟨h, _⟩ (multiset.erase_lt.mpr hPZ),
exact hZP0 }

namespace fractional_ideal

lemma exists_not_mem_one_of_ne_bot [is_dedekind_domain A]
(hNF : ¬ is_field A) {I : ideal A} (hI0 : I ≠ ⊥) (hI1 : I ≠ ⊤) :
∃ x : K, x ∈ (I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) ∧ x ∉ (1 : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) :=
-- WLOG, let `I` be maximal.
suffices : ∀ {M : ideal A} (hM : M.is_maximal),
∃ x : K, x ∈ (M⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) ∧ x ∉ (1 : fractional_ideal A⁰ K),
{ obtain ⟨M, hM, hIM⟩ : ∃ (M : ideal A), is_maximal M ∧ I ≤ M := ideal.exists_le_maximal I hI1,
have hM0 := (M.bot_lt_of_maximal hNF).ne',
obtain ⟨x, hxM, hx1⟩ := this hM,
refine ⟨x, inv_anti_mono _ _ ((coe_ideal_le_coe_ideal _).mpr hIM) hxM, hx1⟩;
apply fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_ne_zero; assumption },

-- Let `a` be a nonzero element of `M` and `J` the ideal generated by `a`.
intros M hM,
obtain ⟨⟨a, haM⟩, ha0⟩ := submodule.nonzero_mem_of_bot_lt (M.bot_lt_of_maximal hNF),
replace ha0 : a ≠ 0 := ha0,
let J : ideal A := ideal.span {a},
have hJ0 : J ≠ ⊥ := mt ha0,
have hJM : J ≤ M := ideal.span_le.mpr (set.singleton_subset_iff.mpr haM),
have hM0 : ⊥ < M := M.bot_lt_of_maximal hNF,

-- Then we can find a product of prime (hence maximal) ideals contained in `J`,
-- such that removing element `M` from the product is not contained in `J`.
obtain ⟨Z, hle, hnle⟩ := exists_multiset_prod_cons_le_and_prod_not_le hNF hJ0 hJM,
-- Choose an element `b` of the product that is not in `J`.
obtain ⟨b, hbZ, hbJ⟩ := hnle,
have hnz_fa : algebra_map A K a ≠ 0 :=
mt ((ring_hom.injective_iff _).mp (is_fraction_ring.injective A K) a) ha0,
have hb0 : algebra_map A K b ≠ 0 :=
mt ((ring_hom.injective_iff _).mp (is_fraction_ring.injective A K) b)
(λ h, hbJ $ h.symm ▸ J.zero_mem),
-- Then `b a⁻¹ : K` is in `M⁻¹` but not in `1`.
refine ⟨algebra_map A K b * (algebra_map A K a)⁻¹, (mem_inv_iff _).mpr _, _⟩,
{ exact (fractional_ideal.coe_to_fractional_ideal_ne_zero (le_refl _)).mpr' },
{ rintro y₀ hy₀,
obtain ⟨y, h_Iy, rfl⟩ := (fractional_ideal.mem_coe_ideal _).mp hy₀,
rw [mul_comm, ← mul_assoc, ← ring_hom.map_mul],
have h_yb : y * b ∈ J,
{ apply hle,
rw multiset.prod_cons,
exact submodule.smul_mem_smul h_Iy hbZ },
rw ideal.mem_span_singleton' at h_yb,
rcases h_yb with ⟨c, hc⟩,
rw [← hc, ring_hom.map_mul, mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel hnz_fa, mul_one],
apply fractional_ideal.coe_mem_one },
{ refine mt (fractional_ideal.mem_one_iff _).mp _,
rintros ⟨x', h₂_abs⟩,
rw [← div_eq_mul_inv, eq_div_iff_mul_eq hnz_fa, ← ring_hom.map_mul] at h₂_abs,
have := ideal.mem_span_singleton'.mpr ⟨x', is_fraction_ring.injective A K h₂_abs⟩,
contradiction },

lemma one_mem_inv_coe_ideal {I : ideal A} (hI : I ≠ ⊥) :
(1 : K) ∈ (I : fractional_ideal A⁰ K)⁻¹ :=
rw mem_inv_iff (fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_ne_zero hI),
intros y hy,
rw one_mul,
exact coe_ideal_le_one hy,

lemma mul_inv_cancel_of_le_one [h : is_dedekind_domain A]
{I : ideal A} (hI0 : I ≠ ⊥) (hI : ((I * I⁻¹)⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) ≤ 1) :
(I * I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) = 1 :=
-- Handle a few trivial cases.
by_cases hI1 : I = ⊤,
{ rw [hI1, coe_ideal_top, one_mul, fractional_ideal.one_inv] },
by_cases hNF : is_field A,
{ letI := hNF.to_field A, rcases hI1 (I.eq_bot_or_top.resolve_left hI0) },
-- We'll show a contradiction with `exists_not_mem_one_of_ne_bot`:
-- `J⁻¹ = (I * I⁻¹)⁻¹` cannot have an element `x ∉ 1`, so it must equal `1`.
by_contradiction h_abs,
obtain ⟨J, hJ⟩ : ∃ (J : ideal A), (J : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) = I * I⁻¹ := mul_one_div_le_one,
by_cases hJ0 : J = ⊥,
{ subst hJ0,
apply hI0,
rw [eq_bot_iff, ← coe_ideal_le_coe_ideal K, hJ],
exact coe_ideal_le_self_mul_inv K I,
apply_instance },
have hJ1 : J ≠ ⊤,
{ rintro rfl,
rw [← hJ, coe_ideal_top] at h_abs,
exact h_abs rfl },
obtain ⟨x, hx, hx1⟩ : ∃ (x : K),
x ∈ (J : fractional_ideal A⁰ K)⁻¹ ∧ x ∉ (1 : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) :=
exists_not_mem_one_of_ne_bot hNF hJ0 hJ1,
rw hJ at hx,
exact hx1 (hI hx)

/-- Nonzero integral ideals in a Dedekind domain are invertible.
We will use this to show that nonzero fractional ideals are invertible,
and finally conclude that fractional ideals in a Dedekind domain form a group with zero.
lemma coe_ideal_mul_inv [h : is_dedekind_domain A] (I : ideal A) (hI0 : I ≠ ⊥) :
(I * I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) = 1 :=
-- We'll show `1 ≤ J⁻¹ = (I * I⁻¹)⁻¹ ≤ 1`.
apply mul_inv_cancel_of_le_one hI0,
by_cases hJ0 : (I * I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K) = 0,
{ rw [hJ0, inv_zero'], exact fractional_ideal.zero_le _ },
intros x hx,
-- In particular, we'll show all `x ∈ J⁻¹` are integral.
suffices : x ∈ integral_closure A K,
{ rwa [((is_dedekind_domain_iff _ _).mp h).2.2, algebra.mem_bot, set.mem_range,
← fractional_ideal.mem_one_iff] at this;
assumption },
-- For that, we'll find a subalgebra that is f.g. as a module and contains `x`.
-- `A` is a noetherian ring, so we just need to find a subalgebra between `{x}` and `I⁻¹`.
rw mem_integral_closure_iff_mem_fg,
have x_mul_mem : ∀ b ∈ (I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K), x * b ∈ (I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K),
{ intros b hb,
rw mem_inv_iff at ⊢ hx,
swap, { exact fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_ne_zero hI0 },
swap, { exact hJ0 },
simp only [mul_assoc, mul_comm b] at ⊢ hx,
intros y hy,
exact hx _ (fractional_ideal.mul_mem_mul hy hb) },
-- It turns out the subalgebra consisting of all `p(x)` for `p : polynomial A` works.
refine ⟨alg_hom.range (polynomial.aeval x : polynomial A →ₐ[A] K), (fractional_ideal.is_noetherian I⁻¹) _ (λ y hy, _),
⟨polynomial.X, polynomial.aeval_X x⟩⟩,
obtain ⟨p, rfl⟩ := (alg_hom.mem_range _).mp hy,
rw polynomial.aeval_eq_sum_range,
refine submodule.sum_mem _ (λ i hi, submodule.smul_mem _ _ _),
clear hi,
induction i with i ih,
{ rw pow_zero, exact one_mem_inv_coe_ideal hI0 },
{ show x ^ i.succ ∈ (I⁻¹ : fractional_ideal A⁰ K),
rw pow_succ, exact x_mul_mem _ ih },

/-- Nonzero fractional ideals in a Dedekind domain are units. -/
theorem mul_inv_cancel [is_dedekind_domain A]
{I : fractional_ideal A⁰ K} (hne : I ≠ 0) : I * I⁻¹ = 1 :=
obtain ⟨a, J, ha, hJ⟩ :
∃ (a : A) (aI : ideal A), a ≠ 0 ∧ I = span_singleton A⁰ (algebra_map _ _ a)⁻¹ * aI :=
exists_eq_span_singleton_mul I,
suffices h₂ : I * (span_singleton A⁰ (algebra_map _ _ a) * J⁻¹) = 1,
{ rw mul_inv_cancel_iff,
exact ⟨span_singleton A⁰ (algebra_map _ _ a) * J⁻¹, h₂⟩ },
subst hJ,
rw [mul_assoc, mul_left_comm (J : fractional_ideal A⁰ K), coe_ideal_mul_inv, mul_one,
fractional_ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, inv_mul_cancel,
{ exact mt ((algebra_map A K) (is_fraction_ring.injective A K) _) ha },
{ exact (right_ne_zero_of_mul hne) }

end fractional_ideal

/-- `is_dedekind_domain` and `is_dedekind_domain_inv` are equivalent ways
to express that an integral domain is a Dedekind domain. -/
theorem is_dedekind_domain_iff_is_dedekind_domain_inv :
is_dedekind_domain A ↔ is_dedekind_domain_inv A :=
⟨λ h I hI, by exactI fractional_ideal.mul_inv_cancel hI, λ h, h.is_dedekind_domain⟩

noncomputable instance fractional_ideal.comm_group_with_zero
[is_dedekind_domain A] : comm_group_with_zero (fractional_ideal A⁰ K) :=
{ inv := λ I, I⁻¹,
inv_zero := inv_zero' _,
exists_pair_ne := ⟨0, 1, (coe_to_fractional_ideal_injective (le_refl _)).ne
(by simpa using @zero_ne_one (ideal A) _ _)⟩,
mul_inv_cancel := λ I, fractional_ideal.mul_inv_cancel,
.. fractional_ideal.comm_semiring }

end inverse
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/fractional_ideal.lean
Expand Up @@ -944,6 +944,33 @@ by rw [map_div, map_one]

end quotient

section field

variables {R₁ K L : Type*} [integral_domain R₁] [field K] [field L]
variables [algebra R₁ K] [is_fraction_ring R₁ K] [algebra K L] [is_fraction_ring K L]

lemma eq_zero_or_one (I : fractional_ideal K⁰ L) : I = 0 ∨ I = 1 :=
rw or_iff_not_imp_left,
intro hI,
simp_rw [@set_like.ext_iff _ _ _ I 1, fractional_ideal.mem_one_iff],
intro x,
{ intro x_mem,
obtain ⟨n, d, rfl⟩ :='_surjective K⁰ x,
refine ⟨n / d, _⟩,
rw [ring_hom.map_div,'_eq_div] },
{ rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩,
obtain ⟨y, y_ne, y_mem⟩ := fractional_ideal.exists_ne_zero_mem_is_integer hI,
rw [← div_mul_cancel x y_ne, ring_hom.map_mul, ← algebra.smul_def],
exact submodule.smul_mem I _ y_mem }

lemma eq_zero_or_one_of_is_field (hF : is_field R₁) (I : fractional_ideal R₁⁰ K) : I = 0 ∨ I = 1 :=
by { letI : field R₁ := hF.to_field R₁, exact eq_zero_or_one I }

end field

section principal_ideal_ring

variables {R₁ : Type*} [integral_domain R₁] {K : Type*} [field K]
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