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feat(category_theory/limits/shapes): Multiequalizer is the equalizer (#…
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Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>
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erdOne and jcommelin committed Nov 23, 2021
1 parent 6dddef2 commit a586681
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Showing 2 changed files with 272 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/equalizers.lean
Expand Up @@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ To construct an isomorphism between coforks,
it suffices to give an isomorphism between the cocone points
and check that it commutes with the `π` morphisms.
def cofork.ext {s t : cofork f g} (i : s.X ≅ t.X) (w : s.π ≫ i.hom = t.π) : s ≅ t :=
{ hom := cofork.mk_hom i.hom w,
inv := cofork.mk_hom i.inv (by rw [iso.comp_inv_eq, w]) }
Expand Down
274 changes: 271 additions & 3 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/multiequalizer.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Topaz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Adam Topaz
import category_theory.limits.has_limits
import category_theory.limits.shapes.products
import category_theory.limits.shapes.equalizers
import category_theory.limits.cone_category
import category_theory.adjunction

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +163,31 @@ def multicospan : walking_multicospan I.fst_to I.snd_to ⥤ C :=
@[simp] lemma multicospan_map_snd (b) : (walking_multicospan.hom.snd b) = I.snd b := rfl

variables [has_product I.left] [has_product I.right]

/-- The induced map `∏ I.left ⟶ ∏ I.right` via `I.fst`. -/
def fst_pi_map : ∏ I.left ⟶ ∏ I.right := pi.lift (λ b, pi.π I.left (I.fst_to b) ≫ I.fst b)

/-- The induced map `∏ I.left ⟶ ∏ I.right` via `I.snd`. -/
def snd_pi_map : ∏ I.left ⟶ ∏ I.right := pi.lift (λ b, pi.π I.left (I.snd_to b) ≫ I.snd b)

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma fst_pi_map_π (b) : I.fst_pi_map ≫ pi.π I.right b = pi.π I.left _ ≫ I.fst b :=
by simp [fst_pi_map]

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma snd_pi_map_π (b) : I.snd_pi_map ≫ pi.π I.right b = pi.π I.left _ ≫ I.snd b :=
by simp [snd_pi_map]

Taking the multiequalizer over the multicospan index is equivalent to taking the equalizer over
the two morphsims `∏ I.left ⇉ ∏ I.right`. This is the diagram of the latter.
@[simps] protected noncomputable
def parallel_pair_diagram := parallel_pair I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map

end multicospan_index

namespace multispan_index
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,17 +222,42 @@ def multispan : walking_multispan I.fst_from I.snd_from ⥤ C :=
@[simp] lemma multispan_map_snd (a) : (walking_multispan.hom.snd a) = I.snd a := rfl

variables [has_coproduct I.left] [has_coproduct I.right]

/-- The induced map `∐ I.left ⟶ ∐ I.right` via `I.fst`. -/
def fst_sigma_map : ∐ I.left ⟶ ∐ I.right := sigma.desc (λ b, I.fst b ≫ sigma.ι _ (I.fst_from b))

/-- The induced map `∐ I.left ⟶ ∐ I.right` via `I.snd`. -/
def snd_sigma_map : ∐ I.left ⟶ ∐ I.right := sigma.desc (λ b, I.snd b ≫ sigma.ι _ (I.snd_from b))

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ι_fst_sigma_map (b) : sigma.ι I.left b ≫ I.fst_sigma_map = I.fst b ≫ sigma.ι I.right _ :=
by simp [fst_sigma_map]

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ι_snd_sigma_map (b) : sigma.ι I.left b ≫ I.snd_sigma_map = I.snd b ≫ sigma.ι I.right _ :=
by simp [snd_sigma_map]

Taking the multicoequalizer over the multispan index is equivalent to taking the coequalizer over
the two morphsims `∐ I.left ⇉ ∐ I.right`. This is the diagram of the latter.
protected noncomputable
abbreviation parallel_pair_diagram := parallel_pair I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map

end multispan_index

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]

/-- A multifork is a cone over a multicospan. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def multifork (I : multicospan_index C) := cone I.multicospan
abbreviation multifork (I : multicospan_index C) := cone I.multicospan

/-- A multicofork is a cocone over a multispan. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def multicofork (I : multispan_index C) := cocone I.multispan
abbreviation multicofork (I : multispan_index C) := cocone I.multispan

namespace multifork

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,8 +325,96 @@ def
apply hm,
end }

variables [has_product I.left] [has_product I.right]

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma pi_condition :
pi.lift K.ι ≫ I.fst_pi_map = pi.lift K.ι ≫ I.snd_pi_map := by { ext, simp }

/-- Given a multifork, we may obtain a fork over `∏ I.left ⇉ ∏ I.right`. -/
@[simps X] noncomputable
def to_pi_fork (K : multifork I) : fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map :=
{ X := K.X,
π :=
{ app := λ x,
match x with
| := pi.lift K.ι
| := pi.lift K.ι ≫ I.fst_pi_map
naturality' :=
rintros (_|_) (_|_) (_|_|_),
any_goals { symmetry, dsimp, rw category.id_comp, apply category.comp_id },
all_goals { change 𝟙 _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = pi.lift _ ≫ _, simp }
end } }

@[simp] lemma to_pi_fork_π_app_zero :
K.to_pi_fork.π.app = pi.lift K.ι := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_pi_fork_π_app_one :
K.to_pi_fork.π.app = pi.lift K.ι ≫ I.fst_pi_map := rfl

variable (I)

/-- Given a fork over `∏ I.left ⇉ ∏ I.right`, we may obtain a multifork. -/
@[simps X] noncomputable
def of_pi_fork (c : fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map) : multifork I :=
{ X := c.X,
π :=
{ app := λ x,
match x with
| walking_multicospan.left a := c.ι ≫ pi.π _ _
| walking_multicospan.right b := c.ι ≫ I.fst_pi_map ≫ pi.π _ _
naturality' :=
rintros (_|_) (_|_) (_|_|_),
any_goals { symmetry, dsimp, rw category.id_comp, apply category.comp_id },
{ change 𝟙 _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = (_ ≫ _) ≫ _, simp },
{ change 𝟙 _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = (_ ≫ _) ≫ _, rw c.condition_assoc, simp }
end } }

@[simp] lemma of_pi_fork_π_app_left (c : fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map) (a) :
(of_pi_fork I c).π.app (walking_multicospan.left a) = c.ι ≫ pi.π _ _ := rfl

@[simp] lemma of_pi_fork_π_app_right (c : fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map) (a) :
(of_pi_fork I c).π.app (walking_multicospan.right a) = c.ι ≫ I.fst_pi_map ≫ pi.π _ _ := rfl

end multifork

namespace multicospan_index

variables (I : multicospan_index C) [has_product I.left] [has_product I.right]

local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash

/-- `multifork.to_pi_fork` is functorial. -/
@[simps] noncomputable
def to_pi_fork_functor : multifork I ⥤ fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map :=
{ obj := multifork.to_pi_fork, map := λ K₁ K₂ f, { hom := f.hom } }

/-- `multifork.of_pi_fork` is functorial. -/
@[simps] noncomputable
def of_pi_fork_functor : fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map ⥤ multifork I :=
{ obj := multifork.of_pi_fork I, map := λ K₁ K₂ f, { hom := f.hom, w' := by rintros (_|_); simp } }

The category of multiforks is equivalent to the category of forks over `∏ I.left ⇉ ∏ I.right`.
It then follows from `category_theory.is_limit_of_preserves_cone_terminal` (or `reflects`) that it
preserves and reflects limit cones.
@[simps] noncomputable
def multifork_equiv_pi_fork : multifork I ≌ fork I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map :=
{ functor := to_pi_fork_functor I,
inverse := of_pi_fork_functor I,
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ K, cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by rintros (_|_); dsimp; simp))
(λ K₁ K₂ f, by { ext, simp }),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ K, fork.ext (iso.refl _) (by { ext, dsimp, simp }))
(λ K₁ K₂ f, by { ext, simp }) }

end multicospan_index

namespace multicofork

variables {I : multispan_index C} (K : multicofork I)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,8 +481,100 @@ def
apply hm
end }

variables [has_coproduct I.left] [has_coproduct I.right]

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma sigma_condition :
I.fst_sigma_map ≫ sigma.desc K.π = I.snd_sigma_map ≫ sigma.desc K.π := by { ext, simp }

/-- Given a multicofork, we may obtain a cofork over `∐ I.left ⇉ ∐ I.right`. -/
@[simps X] noncomputable
def to_sigma_cofork (K : multicofork I) : cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map :=
{ X := K.X,
ι :=
{ app := λ x,
match x with
| := I.fst_sigma_map ≫ sigma.desc K.π
| := sigma.desc K.π
naturality' :=
rintros (_|_) (_|_) (_|_|_),
any_goals { dsimp, rw category.comp_id, apply category.id_comp },
all_goals { change _ ≫ sigma.desc _ = (_ ≫ _) ≫ 𝟙 _, simp }
end } }

@[simp] lemma to_sigma_cofork_ι_app_zero :
K.to_sigma_cofork.ι.app = I.fst_sigma_map ≫ sigma.desc K.π := rfl

@[simp] lemma to_sigma_cofork_ι_app_one :
K.to_sigma_cofork.ι.app = sigma.desc K.π := rfl

variable (I)

/-- Given a cofork over `∐ I.left ⇉ ∐ I.right`, we may obtain a multicofork. -/
@[simps X] noncomputable
def of_sigma_cofork (c : cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map) : multicofork I :=
{ X := c.X,
ι :=
{ app := λ x,
match x with
| walking_multispan.left a := (sigma.ι I.left a : _) ≫ I.fst_sigma_map ≫ c.π
| walking_multispan.right b := (sigma.ι I.right b : _) ≫ c.π
naturality' :=
rintros (_|_) (_|_) (_|_|_),
any_goals { dsimp, rw category.comp_id, apply category.id_comp },
{ change _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = (_ ≫ _) ≫ _,
dsimp, simp [←cofork.left_app_one, -cofork.left_app_one] },
{ change _ ≫ _ ≫ _ = (_ ≫ _) ≫ 𝟙 _,
rw c.condition,
dsimp, simp [←cofork.right_app_one, -cofork.right_app_one] }
end } }

@[simp] lemma of_sigma_cofork_ι_app_left (c : cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map) (a) :
(of_sigma_cofork I c).ι.app (walking_multispan.left a) =
(sigma.ι I.left a : _) ≫ I.fst_sigma_map ≫ c.π := rfl

@[simp] lemma of_sigma_cofork_ι_app_right (c : cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map) (b) :
(of_sigma_cofork I c).ι.app (walking_multispan.right b) = (sigma.ι I.right b : _) ≫ c.π := rfl

end multicofork

namespace multispan_index

variables (I : multispan_index C) [has_coproduct I.left] [has_coproduct I.right]

local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash

/-- `multicofork.to_sigma_cofork` is functorial. -/
@[simps] noncomputable
def to_sigma_cofork_functor : multicofork I ⥤ cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map :=
{ obj := multicofork.to_sigma_cofork, map := λ K₁ K₂ f, { hom := f.hom } }

/-- `multicofork.of_sigma_cofork` is functorial. -/
@[simps] noncomputable
def of_sigma_cofork_functor : cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map ⥤ multicofork I :=
{ obj := multicofork.of_sigma_cofork I,
map := λ K₁ K₂ f, { hom := f.hom, w' := by rintros (_|_); simp } }

The category of multicoforks is equivalent to the category of coforks over `∐ I.left ⇉ ∐ I.right`.
It then follows from `category_theory.is_colimit_of_preserves_cocone_initial` (or `reflects`) that
it preserves and reflects colimit cocones.
@[simps] noncomputable
def multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork : multicofork I ≌ cofork I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map :=
{ functor := to_sigma_cofork_functor I,
inverse := of_sigma_cofork_functor I,
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ K, cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by rintros (_|_); dsimp; simp))
(λ K₁ K₂ f, by { ext, simp }),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ K, cofork.ext (iso.refl _) (by { ext, dsimp, simp }))
(λ K₁ K₂ f, by { ext, dsimp, simp, }) }

end multispan_index

/-- For `I : multicospan_index C`, we say that it has a multiequalizer if the associated
multicospan has a limit. -/
abbreviation has_multiequalizer (I : multicospan_index C) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,6 +647,23 @@ begin
← category.assoc, h],

variables [has_product I.left] [has_product I.right] [has_equalizer I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map]

/-- The multiequalizer is isomorphic to the equalizer of `∏ I.left ⇉ ∏ I.right`. -/
def iso_equalizer : multiequalizer I ≅ equalizer I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map :=
limit.iso_limit_cone ⟨_, is_limit.of_preserves_cone_terminal
I.multifork_equiv_pi_fork.inverse (limit.is_limit _)⟩

/-- The canonical injection `multiequalizer I ⟶ ∏ I.left`. -/
def ι_pi : multiequalizer I ⟶ ∏ I.left :=
(iso_equalizer I).hom ≫ equalizer.ι I.fst_pi_map I.snd_pi_map

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ι_pi_π (a) : ι_pi I ≫ pi.π I.left a = ι I a :=
by { rw [ι_pi, category.assoc, ← iso.eq_inv_comp, iso_equalizer], simpa }

instance : mono (ι_pi I) := @@mono_comp _ _ _ _ equalizer.ι_mono

end multiequalizer

namespace multicoequalizer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,6 +717,24 @@ begin
{ apply h },

variables [has_coproduct I.left] [has_coproduct I.right]
variables [has_coequalizer I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map]

/-- The multicoequalizer is isomorphic to the coequalizer of `∐ I.left ⇉ ∐ I.right`. -/
def iso_coequalizer : multicoequalizer I ≅ coequalizer I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map :=
colimit.iso_colimit_cocone ⟨_, is_colimit.of_preserves_cocone_initial
I.multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork.inverse (colimit.is_colimit _)⟩

/-- The canonical projection `∐ I.right ⟶ multicoequalizer I`. -/
def sigma_π : ∐ I.right ⟶ multicoequalizer I :=
coequalizer.π I.fst_sigma_map I.snd_sigma_map ≫ (iso_coequalizer I).inv

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ι_sigma_π (b) : sigma.ι I.right b ≫ sigma_π I = π I b :=
by { rw [sigma_π, ← category.assoc, iso.comp_inv_eq, iso_coequalizer], simpa }

instance : epi (sigma_π I) := @@epi_comp _ _ coequalizer.π_epi _ _

end multicoequalizer

end category_theory.limits

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