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gebner committed Feb 23, 2020
2 parents 5b898f4 + bfa2465 commit a5e1f14
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Showing 11 changed files with 177 additions and 140 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/analysis/ODE/gronwall.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ theorem dist_le_of_approx_trajectories_ODE {v : ℝ → E → E}
(ha : dist (f a) (g a) ≤ δ) :
∀ t ∈ Icc a b, dist (f t) (g t) ≤ gronwall_bound δ K (εf + εg) (t - a) :=
have hfs : ∀ t ∈ Ico a b, f t ∈ (@univ E), from λ t ht, trivial,
dist_le_of_approx_trajectories_ODE_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, hv t x y) hf hf' f_bound hfs
dist_le_of_approx_trajectories_ODE_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, (hv t).dist_le x y) hf hf' f_bound hfs
hg hg' g_bound (λ t ht, trivial) ha

/-- If `f` and `g` are two exact solutions of the same ODE, then the distance between them
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ theorem dist_le_of_trajectories_ODE {v : ℝ → E → E}
(ha : dist (f a) (g a) ≤ δ) :
∀ t ∈ Icc a b, dist (f t) (g t) ≤ δ * exp (K * (t - a)) :=
have hfs : ∀ t ∈ Ico a b, f t ∈ (@univ E), from λ t ht, trivial,
dist_le_of_trajectories_ODE_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, hv t x y) hf hf' hfs
dist_le_of_trajectories_ODE_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, (hv t).dist_le x y) hf hf' hfs
hg hg' (λ t ht, trivial) ha

/-- There exists only one solution of an ODE \(\dot x=v(t, x)\) in a set `s ⊆ ℝ × E` with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,5 +270,5 @@ theorem ODE_solution_unique {v : ℝ → E → E}
(ha : f a = g a) :
∀ t ∈ Icc a b, f t = g t :=
have hfs : ∀ t ∈ Ico a b, f t ∈ (@univ E), from λ t ht, trivial,
ODE_solution_unique_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, hv t x y)
ODE_solution_unique_of_mem_set (λ t x y hx hy, (hv t).dist_le x y)
hf hf' hfs hg hg' (λ t ht, trivial) ha
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/finite_dimension.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ begin
have B : e (e.symm y) = y := linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply _ _,
conv_lhs { rw [← A, ← B] },
change dist (f (e.symm x)) (f (e.symm y)) ≤ ∥f∥ * dist (e.symm x) (e.symm y),
exact f.lipschitz _ _ }
exact f.lipschitz.dist_le _ _ }

end proper_field
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/operator_norm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ variables [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E] [normed_space 𝕜 F] (f : E

lemma linear_map.lipschitz_of_bound (C : ℝ) (h : ∀x, ∥f x∥ ≤ C * ∥x∥) :
lipschitz_with (nnreal.of_real C) f :=
lipschitz_with.of_dist_le $ λ x y, by simpa [dist_eq_norm] using h (x - y)
lipschitz_with.of_dist_le' $ λ x y, by simpa [dist_eq_norm] using h (x - y)

lemma linear_map.uniform_continuous_of_bound (C : ℝ) (h : ∀x, ∥f x∥ ≤ C * ∥x∥) :
uniform_continuous f :=
(f.lipschitz_of_bound C h).to_uniform_continuous
(f.lipschitz_of_bound C h).uniform_continuous

lemma linear_map.continuous_of_bound (C : ℝ) (h : ∀x, ∥f x∥ ≤ C * ∥x∥) :
continuous f :=
(f.lipschitz_of_bound C h).to_continuous
(f.lipschitz_of_bound C h).continuous

/-- Construct a continuous linear map from a linear map and a bound on this linear map.
The fact that the norm of the continuous linear map is then controlled is given in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,11 +304,12 @@ lemma op_norm_comp_le : ∥comp h f∥ ≤ ∥h∥ * ∥f∥ :=

/-- continuous linear maps are Lipschitz continuous. -/
theorem lipschitz : lipschitz_with ⟨∥f∥, op_norm_nonneg f⟩ f :=
λ x y, by { rw [dist_eq_norm, dist_eq_norm, ←map_sub], apply le_op_norm }
lipschitz_with.of_dist_le $ λ x y,
by { rw [dist_eq_norm, dist_eq_norm, ←map_sub], apply le_op_norm }

/-- A continuous linear map is automatically uniformly continuous. -/
protected theorem uniform_continuous : uniform_continuous f :=

variable {f}
/-- A continuous linear map is an isometry if and only if it preserves the norm. -/
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/data/real/ennreal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -741,6 +741,17 @@ lemma div_le_iff_le_mul (hb0 : b ≠ 0) (hbt : b ≠ ⊤) : a / b ≤ c ↔ a
suffices a * b⁻¹ ≤ c ↔ a ≤ c / b⁻¹, by simpa [div_def],
(le_div_iff_mul_le (inv_ne_zero.2 hbt) (inv_ne_top.2 hb0)).symm

lemma div_le_of_le_mul (h : a ≤ b * c) : a / c ≤ b :=
by_cases h0 : c = 0,
{ have : a = 0, by simpa [h0] using h, simp [*] },
by_cases hinf : c = ⊤, by simp [hinf],
exact (div_le_iff_le_mul h0 hinf).2 h

lemma mul_lt_of_lt_div (h : a < b / c) : a * c < b :=
by { contrapose! h, exact ennreal.div_le_of_le_mul h }

lemma inv_le_iff_le_mul : (b = ⊤ → a ≠ 0) → (a = ⊤ → b ≠ 0) → (a⁻¹ ≤ b ↔ 1 ≤ a * b) :=
cases a; cases b; simp [none_eq_top, some_eq_coe, mul_top, top_mul] {contextual := tt},
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/topology/bounded_continuous_function.lean
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Expand Up @@ -184,30 +184,30 @@ end
gives a bounded continuous function -/
def comp (G : β → γ) {C : nnreal} (H : lipschitz_with C G)
(f : α →ᵇ β) : α →ᵇ γ :=
⟨λx, G (f x), H.to_continuous.comp f.2.1,
⟨λx, G (f x), H.continuous.comp f.2.1,
let ⟨D, hD⟩ := f.2.2 in
⟨max C 0 * D, λ x y, calc
dist (G (f x)) (G (f y)) ≤ C * dist (f x) (f y) : H _ _
dist (G (f x)) (G (f y)) ≤ C * dist (f x) (f y) : H.dist_le _ _
... ≤ max C 0 * dist (f x) (f y) : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_max_left C 0) dist_nonneg
... ≤ max C 0 * D : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (hD _ _) (le_max_right C 0)⟩⟩

/-- The composition operator (in the target) with a Lipschitz map is Lipschitz -/
lemma lipschitz_comp {G : β → γ} {C : nnreal} (H : lipschitz_with C G) :
lipschitz_with C (comp G H : (α →ᵇ β) → α →ᵇ γ) :=
λ f g,
lipschitz_with.of_dist_le $ λ f g,
(dist_le (mul_nonneg C.2 dist_nonneg)).2 $ λ x,
calc dist (G (f x)) (G (g x)) ≤ C * dist (f x) (g x) : H _ _
calc dist (G (f x)) (G (g x)) ≤ C * dist (f x) (g x) : H.dist_le _ _
... ≤ C * dist f g : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (dist_coe_le_dist _) C.2

/-- The composition operator (in the target) with a Lipschitz map is uniformly continuous -/
lemma uniform_continuous_comp {G : β → γ} {C : nnreal} (H : lipschitz_with C G) :
uniform_continuous (comp G H : (α →ᵇ β) → α →ᵇ γ) :=
(lipschitz_comp H).to_uniform_continuous
(lipschitz_comp H).uniform_continuous

/-- The composition operator (in the target) with a Lipschitz map is continuous -/
lemma continuous_comp {G : β → γ} {C : nnreal} (H : lipschitz_with C G) :
continuous (comp G H : (α →ᵇ β) → α →ᵇ γ) :=
(lipschitz_comp H).to_continuous
(lipschitz_comp H).continuous

/-- Restriction (in the target) of a bounded continuous function taking values in a subset -/
def cod_restrict (s : set β) (f : α →ᵇ β) (H : ∀x, f x ∈ s) : α →ᵇ s :=
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/topology/metric_space/closeds.lean
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Expand Up @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ lemma nonempty_compacts.dist_eq {x y : nonempty_compacts α} :

lemma lipschitz_inf_dist_set (x : α) :
lipschitz_with 1 (λ s : nonempty_compacts α, inf_dist x s.val) :=
lipschitz_with.one_of_le_add $ assume s t,
lipschitz_with.of_le_add $ assume s t,
by { rw dist_comm,
exact inf_dist_le_inf_dist_add_Hausdorff_dist (edist_ne_top t s) }

Expand All @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ lemma lipschitz_inf_dist :

lemma uniform_continuous_inf_dist_Hausdorff_dist :
uniform_continuous (λp : α × (nonempty_compacts α), inf_dist p.1 (p.2).val) :=

end --section
end metric --namespace
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/metric_space/contracting.lean
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Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ begin

/-- A map is said to be `contracting_with K`, if `K < 1` and `f` is `lipschitz_with K`. -/
def contracting_with [metric_space α] (K : ℝ≥0) (f : α → α) :=
def contracting_with [emetric_space α] (K : ℝ≥0) (f : α → α) :=
(K < 1) ∧ lipschitz_with K f

namespace contracting_with
Expand All @@ -45,14 +45,17 @@ include hf

lemma to_lipschitz_with : lipschitz_with K f := hf.2

lemma dist_le (x y : α) : dist (f x) (f y) ≤ K * dist x y :=
hf.to_lipschitz_with.dist_le x y

lemma one_sub_K_pos : (0:ℝ) < 1 - K := sub_pos_of_lt hf.1

lemma dist_inequality (x y) : dist x y ≤ (dist x (f x) + dist y (f y)) / (1 - K) :=
suffices dist x y ≤ dist x (f x) + dist y (f y) + K * dist x y,
by rwa [le_div_iff hf.one_sub_K_pos, mul_comm, sub_mul, one_mul, sub_le_iff_le_add],
calc dist x y ≤ dist x (f x) + dist y (f y) + dist (f x) (f y) : dist_triangle4_right _ _ _ _
... ≤ dist x (f x) + dist y (f y) + K * dist x y :
add_le_add_left (hf.to_lipschitz_with _ _) _
add_le_add_left (hf.dist_le _ _) _

lemma dist_le_of_fixed_point (x) {y} (hy : f y = y) :
dist x y ≤ (dist x (f x)) / (1 - K) :=
Expand All @@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ have cauchy_seq (λ n, f^[n] x₀),
from cauchy_seq_of_le_geometric K (dist x₀ (f x₀)) hf.1 $
hf.to_lipschitz_with.dist_iterate_succ_le_geometric x₀,
let ⟨x, hx⟩ := cauchy_seq_tendsto_of_complete this in
⟨x, fixed_point_of_tendsto_iterate (hf.to_lipschitz_with.to_continuous.tendsto x) ⟨x₀, hx⟩⟩
⟨x, fixed_point_of_tendsto_iterate (hf.to_lipschitz_with.continuous.tendsto x) ⟨x₀, hx⟩⟩

/-- Let `f` be a contracting map with constant `K`; let `g` be another map uniformly
`C`-close to `f`. If `x` and `y` are their fixed points, then `dist x y ≤ C / (1 - K)`. -/
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/topology/metric_space/gromov_hausdorff.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -494,11 +494,11 @@ end

lemma to_GH_space_lipschitz :
lipschitz_with 1 (nonempty_compacts.to_GH_space : nonempty_compacts α → GH_space) :=
lipschitz_with.one_mk GH_dist_le_nonempty_compacts_dist
lipschitz_with.mk_one GH_dist_le_nonempty_compacts_dist

lemma to_GH_space_continuous :
continuous (nonempty_compacts.to_GH_space : nonempty_compacts α → GH_space) :=

end nonempty_compacts

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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/metric_space/gromov_hausdorff_realized.lean
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Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ calc
private lemma candidates_lipschitz (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) :
lipschitz_with (2 * max_var α β) f :=
apply lipschitz_with.of_dist_le,
rintros ⟨x, y⟩ ⟨z, t⟩,
rw real.dist_eq,
apply abs_le_of_le_of_neg_le,
Expand All @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ end

/-- candidates give rise to elements of bounded_continuous_functions -/
def candidates_b_of_candidates (f : prod_space_fun α β) (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) : Cb α β :=
bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact f (candidates_lipschitz fA).to_continuous
bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact f (candidates_lipschitz fA).continuous

lemma candidates_b_of_candidates_mem (f : prod_space_fun α β) (fA : f ∈ candidates α β) :
candidates_b_of_candidates f fA ∈ candidates_b α β := fA
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ begin
tendsto_const_nhds.mul tendsto_id,
simpa using this },
{ assume x y f hf,
exact candidates_lipschitz hf _ _ } }
exact (candidates_lipschitz hf).dist_le _ _ } }

/-- We will then choose the candidate minimizing the Hausdorff distance. Except that we are not
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,7 +391,7 @@ max_le (le_trans (HD_lipschitz_aux1 f g) (add_le_add_right (le_max_left _ _) _))

/-- Conclude that HD, being Lipschitz, is continuous -/
private lemma HD_continuous : continuous (HD : Cb α β → ℝ) :=
lipschitz_with.to_continuous (lipschitz_with.one_of_le_add HD_lipschitz_aux3)
lipschitz_with.continuous (lipschitz_with.of_le_add HD_lipschitz_aux3)

end constructions --section

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/topology/metric_space/hausdorff_distance.lean
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Expand Up @@ -458,12 +458,12 @@ variable (s)

/-- The minimal distance to a set is Lipschitz in point with constant 1 -/
lemma lipschitz_inf_dist_pt : lipschitz_with 1 (λx, inf_dist x s) :=
lipschitz_with.one_of_le_add $ λ x y, inf_dist_le_inf_dist_add_dist
lipschitz_with.of_le_add $ λ x y, inf_dist_le_inf_dist_add_dist

/-- The minimal distance to a set is uniformly continuous in point -/
lemma uniform_continuous_inf_dist_pt :
uniform_continuous (λx, inf_dist x s) :=
(lipschitz_inf_dist_pt s).to_uniform_continuous
(lipschitz_inf_dist_pt s).uniform_continuous

/-- The minimal distance to a set is continuous in point -/
lemma continuous_inf_dist_pt : continuous (λx, inf_dist x s) :=
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