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chore(*): Remove duplication between sum_id and lift
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eric-wieser committed Oct 3, 2020
1 parent 1f65242 commit a66671e
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 110 deletions.
252 changes: 142 additions & 110 deletions src/algebra/monoid_algebra.lean
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Expand Up @@ -280,69 +280,89 @@ finsupp.comap_distrib_mul_action_self

section lift

variables (k G) [comm_semiring k] [monoid G] (A : Type u₃) [semiring A] [algebra k A]
variables {k G} [comm_semiring k] [monoid G]
variables {A : Type u₃} [semiring A] [algebra k A]
variables {B : Type*} [semiring B] [algebra k B]

Auxiliary definition used to implement lift
For a `monoid_algebra A G`, this is an algebra morphism that applies `H` to the `A` part and `F` to
the `G` part. Multiplication between `H a` and `F g` must be commutative.
def lift_aux (F : G →* B) (H : A →ₐ[k] B) (FH_comm : ∀ a g, H a * F g = F g * H a) : monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] B :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.sum (λ g a, H a * F g),
map_one' := by {
rw [one_def, sum_single_index],
{ rw [F.map_one, H.map_one, one_mul], },
{ rw [F.map_one, H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
map_mul' := λ f g,
rw [mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _),
simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _),
simp only,
rw [sum_single_index, H.map_mul, F.map_mul],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
calc H (f a) * H (g a') * (F a * F a')
= H (f a) * (H (g a') * F a) * F a' : by simp only [mul_assoc]
...= H (f a) * (F a * H (g a')) * F a' : by rw FH_comm
...= H (f a) * F a * (H (g a') * F a') : by simp only [mul_assoc],
map_zero' := sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g,
rw [sum_add_index],
{ intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
{ intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
commutes' := λ r,
rw [coe_algebra_map, sum_single_index, F.map_one, mul_one, alg_hom.commutes],
intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul],
end, }

/-- Any monoid homomorphism `G →* A` can be lifted to an algebra homomorphism
`monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A`. -/
def lift : (G →* A) ≃ (monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A) :=
{ inv_fun := λ f, (f : monoid_algebra k G →* A).comp (of k G),
to_fun := λ F, {
to_fun := λ f, f.sum (λ a b, b • F a),
map_one' := by { rw [one_def, sum_single_index, one_smul, F.map_one], apply zero_smul },
map_mul' := λ f g,
rw [mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw zero_smul, },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw add_smul, },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _),
simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw zero_smul, },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw add_smul, },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _),
simp only,
rw [sum_single_index, F.map_mul, algebra.mul_smul_comm, algebra.smul_mul_assoc, smul_smul, mul_comm],
apply zero_smul,
map_zero' := sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g,
rw [sum_add_index],
{ intros, rw zero_smul, },
{ intros, rw add_smul, },
commutes' := λ r,
rw [coe_algebra_map, sum_single_index, F.map_one, algebra.smul_def, mul_one,],
apply zero_smul
end, },
left_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp [sum_single_index] end,
to_fun := λ F, lift_aux F (algebra.of_id k A) (λ a b, by
simp [algebra.of_id, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]),
left_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp [lift_aux, sum_single_index] end,
right_inv := λ F,
ext f,
conv_rhs { rw ← f.sum_single },
simp [← F.map_smul, finsupp.sum, ← F.map_sum]
simp [algebra.of_id, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, lift_aux, ← F.map_smul, finsupp.sum, ← F.map_sum],
end }

variables {k G A}

lemma lift_apply (F : G →* A) (f : monoid_algebra k G) :
lift k G A F f = f.sum (λ a b, b • F a) := rfl
lift F f = f.sum (λ a b, b • F a) :=
by simp [lift, lift_aux, algebra.of_id, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]

@[simp] lemma lift_symm_apply (F : monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A) (x : G) :
(lift k G A).symm F x = F (single x 1) := rfl
lift.symm F x = F (single x 1) := rfl

lemma lift_of (F : G →* A) (x) :
lift k G A F (of k G x) = F x :=
lift F (of k G x) = F x :=
by rw [of_apply, ← lift_symm_apply, equiv.symm_apply_apply]

@[simp] lemma lift_single (F : G →* A) (a b) :
lift k G A F (single a b) = b • F a :=
lift F (single a b : monoid_algebra k G) = b • F a :=
by rw [single_eq_algebra_map_mul_of, ← algebra.smul_def, alg_hom.map_smul, lift_of]

lemma lift_unique' (F : monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A) :
F = lift k G A ((F : monoid_algebra k G →* A).comp (of k G)) :=
((lift k G A).apply_symm_apply F).symm
F = lift ((F : monoid_algebra k G →* A).comp (of k G)) :=
(lift.apply_symm_apply F).symm

/-- Decomposition of a `k`-algebra homomorphism from `monoid_algebra k G` by
its values on `F (single a 1)`. -/
Expand All @@ -355,10 +375,23 @@ values on the functions `single a 1`. -/
-- @[ext] -- FIXME I would really like to make this an `ext` lemma, but it seems to cause `ext` to loop.
lemma alg_hom_ext ⦃φ₁ φ₂ : monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A⦄
(h : ∀ x, φ₁ (single x 1) = φ₂ (single x 1)) : φ₁ = φ₂ :=
(lift k G A).symm.injective $ monoid_hom.ext h
lift.symm.injective $ monoid_hom.ext h

end lift

variables (k)

The `alg_hom` which maps from a grading of an algebra `A` back to that algebra.
def sum_id {A : Type*} [comm_semiring k] [semiring A] [algebra k A] [monoid G] :
monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] A :=
lift_aux ⟨λ g, 1, by simp, λ a b, by simp⟩ ( k A) (by simp)

lemma sum_id_apply {A : Type*} [comm_semiring k] [semiring A] [algebra k A] [monoid G] (g : monoid_algebra A G) :
sum_id k g = g.sum (λ _ gi, gi) :=
by simp [sum_id, lift_aux]


variables (k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,55 +678,75 @@ instance [comm_semiring R] [semiring k] [algebra R k] [add_monoid G] :
(algebra_map R (add_monoid_algebra k G) : R → add_monoid_algebra k G) = single 0 ∘ (algebra_map R k) :=

/-- Any monoid homomorphism `multiplicative G →* A` can be lifted to an algebra homomorphism
`add_monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A`. -/
def lift [comm_semiring k] [add_monoid G] {A : Type u₃} [semiring A] [algebra k A] :
(multiplicative G →* A) ≃ (add_monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A) :=
{ inv_fun := λ f, ((f : add_monoid_algebra k G →+* A) : add_monoid_algebra k G →* A).comp (of k G),
to_fun := λ F, {
-- The proofs here are almost identical to `monoid_algebra.lift`, but use `erw` instead of `rw`
-- to unfold `multiplicative`
to_fun := λ f, f.sum (λ a b, b • F a),
map_one' := by { rw [one_def, sum_single_index, one_smul], erw [F.map_one], apply zero_smul },
map_mul' := λ f g,
rw [mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw zero_smul, },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw add_smul, },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _),
simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw zero_smul, },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw add_smul, },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _),
simp only,
rw [sum_single_index],
erw [F.map_mul],
rw [algebra.mul_smul_comm, algebra.smul_mul_assoc, smul_smul, mul_comm],
apply zero_smul,
map_zero' := sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g,
rw [sum_add_index],
{ intros, rw zero_smul, },
{ intros, rw add_smul, },
commutes' := λ r,
rw [coe_algebra_map, sum_single_index],
erw [F.map_one],
rw [algebra.smul_def, mul_one,],
apply zero_smul
end, },
left_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp [sum_single_index] end,
section lift

variables [comm_semiring k] [add_monoid G]
variables {A : Type u₃} [semiring A] [algebra k A]
variables {B : Type*} [semiring B] [algebra k B]

Auxiliary definition used to implement lift
For a `add_monoid_algebra A G`, this is an algebra morphism that applies `H` to the `A` part and `F` to
the `G` part. Multiplication between `H a` and `F g` must be commutative.
def lift_aux (F : multiplicative G →* B) (H : A →ₐ[k] B) (FH_comm : ∀ a g, H a * F g = F g * H a) : add_monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] B :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.sum (λ g a, H a * F g),
map_one' := by {
rw [one_def, sum_single_index],
{ erw [F.map_one, H.map_one, one_mul], },
{ erw [F.map_one, H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
map_mul' := λ f g,
rw [mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _),
simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _),
simp only,
erw [sum_single_index, H.map_mul, F.map_mul],
work_on_goal 1 { intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
calc H (f a) * H (g a') * (F a * F a')
= H (f a) * (H (g a') * F a) * F a' : by simp only [mul_assoc]
...= H (f a) * (F a * H (g a')) * F a' : by rw FH_comm
...= H (f a) * F a * (H (g a') * F a') : by simp only [mul_assoc],
map_zero' := sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g,
rw [sum_add_index],
{ intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul], },
{ intros, rw [H.map_add, add_mul], },
commutes' := λ r,
erw [coe_algebra_map, sum_single_index, F.map_one, mul_one, alg_hom.commutes],
intros, rw [H.map_zero, zero_mul],
end, }

/-- Any monoid homomorphism `G →* A` can be lifted to an algebra homomorphism
`monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A`. -/
def lift : (multiplicative G →* A) ≃ (add_monoid_algebra k G →ₐ[k] A) :=
{ inv_fun := λ f, (f : add_monoid_algebra k G →* A).comp (of k G),
to_fun := λ F, lift_aux F (algebra.of_id k A) (λ a b, by
simp [algebra.of_id, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]),
left_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp [lift_aux, sum_single_index] end,
right_inv := λ F,
ext f,
conv_rhs { rw ← f.sum_single },
simp [← F.map_smul, finsupp.sum, ← F.map_sum]
simp [algebra.of_id, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, lift_aux, ← F.map_smul, finsupp.sum, ← F.map_sum],
end }

end lift

variables {k G}

-- It is hard to state the equivalent of `distrib_mul_action G (monoid_algebra k G)`
-- because we've never discussed actions of additive groups.

Expand All @@ -711,35 +764,14 @@ variables (k)

The `alg_hom` which maps from a grading of an algebra `A` back to that algebra.
The proofs here look an awful lot like `add_monoid_algebra.lift`, but that signature does not allow
us to distinguish `k` and `A`.
def sum_id {A : Type*} [comm_semiring k] [semiring A] [algebra k A] [add_monoid G] :
add_monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] A
{ to_fun := λ g, g.sum (λ _ gi, gi),
map_one' := by {
rw add_monoid_algebra.one_def,
rw finsupp.sum_single_index;
map_mul' := λ x y, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.sum_single_index];
map_zero' := finsupp.sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g, by rw [finsupp.sum_add_index]; simp [id],
commutes' := λ r, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.coe_algebra_map, finsupp.sum_single_index],
} }
add_monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] A :=
lift_aux ⟨λ g, 1, by simp, λ a b, by simp⟩ ( k A) (by simp)

lemma sum_id_apply {A : Type*} [comm_semiring k] [semiring A] [algebra k A] [add_monoid G] (g : add_monoid_algebra A G) :
sum_id k g = g.sum (λ _ gi, gi) :=
by simp [sum_id, lift_aux]

variables {k}

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