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feat(measure_theory/covering): improve Vitali families and Lebesgue d…
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…ensity theorem (#16830)

#16762 has shown weaknesses of our current implementation of Vitali families. Notably, it enforces that the sets based at `x` all contain `x`, which is not natural for some applications.

We refactor Vitali families to solve this issue. Here are the main changes:
* in the definition of Vitali families, in the covering property it is now allowed to use several sets based at the same point (which means that the covering is not indexed by `α` but by `α × set α`)
* We modify the Vitali covering theorem to deal with general indexed families, to fit in this framework.
* This makes it possible to define better Vitali families for doubling measures. In particular, for any `K`, we define a Vitali family such that the sets based at `x` contain all balls `closed_ball y r` when `dist x y ≤ K * r`.
* This gives a better Lebesgue density theorem, solving the issue pointed out in #16762

Co-authored-by: sgouezel <>
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ocfnash and sgouezel committed Oct 8, 2022
1 parent f585481 commit a67fbae
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Showing 5 changed files with 389 additions and 315 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/measure_theory/covering/besicovitch.lean
Expand Up @@ -1081,7 +1081,13 @@ protected def vitali_family (μ : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] :
∧ μ (s \ (⋃ (x ∈ t), closed_ball x (r x))) = 0
∧ t.pairwise_disjoint (λ x, closed_ball x (r x)) :=
exists_disjoint_closed_ball_covering_ae μ g s A (λ _, 1) (λ _ _, zero_lt_one),
exact ⟨t, λ x, closed_ball x (r x), ts, tdisj, λ x xt, (tg x xt).1.2, μt⟩,
let F : α → α × set α := λ x, (x, closed_ball x (r x)),
refine ⟨F '' t, _, _, _, _⟩,
{ rintros - ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, exact ts hx },
{ rintros p ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩ q ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩ hxy,
exact tdisj hx hy (ne_of_apply_ne F hxy) },
{ rintros - ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, exact (tg x hx).1.2 },
{ rwa bUnion_image }
end }

/-- The main feature of the Besicovitch Vitali family is that its filter at a point `x` corresponds
Expand Down
183 changes: 135 additions & 48 deletions src/measure_theory/covering/density_theorem.lean
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ A doubling measure `μ` on a metric space is a measure for which there exists a
that for all sufficiently small radii `ε`, and for any centre, the measure of a ball of radius
`2 * ε` is bounded by `C` times the measure of the concentric ball of radius `ε`.
Lebesgue's density theorem states that given a set `S` in a proper metric space with locally-finite
doubling measure `μ` then for almost all points `x` in `S`, for any sequence of closed balls
`B₀, B₁, B₂, ...` containing `x`, the limit `μ (S ∩ Bⱼ) / μ (Bⱼ) → 1` as `j → ∞`.
Lebesgue's density theorem states that given a set `S` in a sigma compact metric space with
locally-finite doubling measure `μ` then for almost all points `x` in `S`, for any sequence of
closed balls `B₀, B₁, B₂, ...` containing `x`, the limit `μ (S ∩ Bⱼ) / μ (Bⱼ) → 1` as `j → ∞`.
In this file we combine general results about existence of Vitali families for doubling measures
with results about differentiation along a Vitali family to obtain an explicit form of Lebesgue's
Expand All @@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ density theorem.
in the definition of a doubling measure.
* `is_doubling_measure.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div`: a version of Lebesgue's density theorem for
sequences of balls converging on a point but whose centres are not required to be fixed.

noncomputable theory

open set filter metric measure_theory
open set filter metric measure_theory topological_space
open_locale nnreal topological_space

local attribute [instance] emetric.second_countable_of_sigma_compact

/-- A measure `μ` is said to be a doubling measure if there exists a constant `C` such that for
all sufficiently small radii `ε`, and for any centre, the measure of a ball of radius `2 * ε` is
bounded by `C` times the measure of the concentric ball of radius `ε`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,63 +96,149 @@ end
/-- A variant of `is_doubling_measure.doubling_constant` which allows for scaling the radius by
values other than `2`. -/
def scaling_constant_of (K : ℝ) : ℝ≥0 :=
classical.some $ exists_eventually_forall_measure_closed_ball_le_mul μ K
max (classical.some $ exists_eventually_forall_measure_closed_ball_le_mul μ K) 1

lemma eventually_measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul (K : ℝ) :
∃ (R : ℝ), 0 < R ∧ ∀ x t r (ht : t ∈ Ioc 0 K) (hr : r ≤ R),
μ (closed_ball x (t * r)) ≤ scaling_constant_of μ K * μ (closed_ball x r) :=
have h := classical.some_spec (exists_eventually_forall_measure_closed_ball_le_mul μ K),
rcases mem_nhds_within_Ioi_iff_exists_Ioc_subset.1 h with ⟨R, Rpos, hR⟩,
refine ⟨R, Rpos, λ x t r ht hr, _⟩,
rcases lt_trichotomy r 0 with rneg|rfl|rpos,
{ have : t * r < 0, from mul_neg_of_pos_of_neg ht.1 rneg,
simp only [closed_ball_eq_empty.2 this, measure_empty, zero_le'] },
{ simp only [mul_zero, closed_ball_zero],
refine le_mul_of_one_le_of_le _ le_rfl,
apply ennreal.one_le_coe_iff.2 (le_max_right _ _) },
{ apply (hR ⟨rpos, hr⟩ x t ht.2).trans _,
exact ennreal.mul_le_mul (ennreal.coe_le_coe.2 (le_max_left _ _)) le_rfl }

/-- A scale below which the doubling measure `μ` satisfies good rescaling properties when one
multiplies the radius of balls by at most `K`, as stated
in `measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul`. -/
def scaling_scale_of (K : ℝ) : ℝ :=
(eventually_measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul μ K).some

lemma scaling_scale_of_pos (K : ℝ) : 0 < scaling_scale_of μ K :=
(eventually_measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul μ K).some_spec.1

lemma eventually_scaling_constant_of (K : ℝ) :
∀ᶠ ε in 𝓝[>] 0, ∀ x t (ht : tK),
μ (closed_ball x (t * ε)) ≤ (scaling_constant_of μ K) * μ (closed_ball x ε) :=
classical.some_spec $ exists_eventually_forall_measure_closed_ball_le_mul μ K
lemma measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul {K : ℝ} {x : α} {t r : ℝ}
(ht : t ∈ Ioc 0 K) (hr : rscaling_scale_of μ K) :
μ (closed_ball x (t * r)) ≤ scaling_constant_of μ K * μ (closed_ball x r) :=
(eventually_measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul μ K).some_spec.2 x t r ht hr

variables [proper_space α] [borel_space α] [is_locally_finite_measure μ]
variables [second_countable_topology α] [borel_space α] [is_locally_finite_measure μ]

/-- A Vitali family in space with doubling measure with a covering proportion controlled by `K`. -/
def vitali_family (K : ℝ) (hK : 6 ≤ K) : vitali_family μ :=
vitali.vitali_family μ (scaling_constant_of μ K) $ λ x ε hε,
open_locale topological_space

/-- A Vitali family in a space with a doubling measure, designed so that the sets at `x` contain
all `closed_ball y r` when `dist x y ≤ K * r`. -/
@[irreducible] def vitali_family (K : ℝ) : vitali_family μ :=
have h := eventually_scaling_constant_of μ K,
replace h := forall_eventually_of_eventually_forall (forall_eventually_of_eventually_forall h x),
replace h := (h 6) hK,
simpa only [exists_prop] using ((eventually_nhds_within_pos_mem_Ioc hε).and h).exists,
/- the Vitali covering theorem gives a family that works well at small scales, thanks to the
doubling property. We enlarge this family to add large sets, to make sure that all balls and not
only small ones belong to the family, for convenience. -/
let R := scaling_scale_of μ (max (4 * K + 3) 3),
have Rpos : 0 < R := scaling_scale_of_pos _ _,
have A : ∀ (x : α), ∃ᶠ r in 𝓝[>] (0 : ℝ),
μ (closed_ball x (3 * r)) ≤ scaling_constant_of μ (max (4 * K + 3) 3) * μ (closed_ball x r),
{ assume x,
apply frequently_iff.2 (λ U hU, _),
obtain ⟨ε, εpos, hε⟩ := mem_nhds_within_Ioi_iff_exists_Ioc_subset.1 hU,
refine ⟨min ε R, hε ⟨lt_min εpos Rpos, min_le_left _ _⟩, _⟩,
exact measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul μ
⟨zero_lt_three, le_max_right _ _⟩ (min_le_right _ _) },
exact (vitali.vitali_family μ (scaling_constant_of μ (max (4 * K + 3) 3)) A).enlarge
(R / 4) (by linarith),

/-- A version of *Lebesgue's density theorem* for a sequence of closed balls whose centres are
not required to be fixed.
/-- In the Vitali family `is_doubling_measure.vitali_family K`, the sets based at `x` contain all
balls `closed_ball y r` when `dist x y ≤ K * r`. -/
lemma closed_ball_mem_vitali_family_of_dist_le_mul
{K : ℝ} {x y : α} {r : ℝ} (h : dist x y ≤ K * r) (rpos : 0 < r) :
closed_ball y r ∈ (vitali_family μ K).sets_at x :=
let R := scaling_scale_of μ (max (4 * K + 3) 3),
simp only [vitali_family, vitali_family.enlarge, vitali.vitali_family, mem_union, mem_set_of_eq,
is_closed_ball, true_and, (nonempty_ball.2 rpos).mono ball_subset_interior_closed_ball,
/- The measure is doubling on scales smaller than `R`. Therefore, we treat differently small
and large balls. For large balls, this follows directly from the enlargement we used in the
definition. -/
by_cases H : closed_ball y r ⊆ closed_ball x (R / 4),
swap, { exact or.inr H },
/- For small balls, there is the difficulty that `r` could be large but still the ball could be
small, if the annulus `{y | ε ≤ dist y x ≤ R/4}` is empty. We split between the cases `r ≤ R`
and `r < R`, and use the doubling for the former and rough estimates for the latter. -/
rcases le_or_lt r R with hr|hr,
{ refine ⟨(K + 1) * r, _⟩,
{ apply closed_ball_subset_closed_ball',
rw dist_comm,
linarith },
{ have I1 : closed_ball x (3 * ((K + 1) * r)) ⊆ closed_ball y ((4 * K + 3) * r),
{ apply closed_ball_subset_closed_ball',
linarith },
have I2 : closed_ball y ((4 * K + 3) * r) ⊆ closed_ball y ((max (4 * K + 3) 3) * r),
{ apply closed_ball_subset_closed_ball,
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (le_max_left _ _) rpos.le },
apply (measure_mono (I1.trans I2)).trans,
exact measure_mul_le_scaling_constant_of_mul _
⟨zero_lt_three.trans_le (le_max_right _ _), le_rfl⟩ hr } },
{ refine ⟨R / 4, H, _⟩,
have : closed_ball x (3 * (R / 4)) ⊆ closed_ball y r,
{ apply closed_ball_subset_closed_ball',
have A : y ∈ closed_ball y r, from mem_closed_ball_self rpos.le,
have B := mem_closed_ball'.1 (H A),
linarith },
apply (measure_mono this).trans _,
refine le_mul_of_one_le_left (zero_le _) _,
exact ennreal.one_le_coe_iff.2 (le_max_right _ _) }

See also `besicovitch.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div`. -/
lemma ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div (S : set α) (K : ℝ) (hK : K ∈ unit_interval) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ.restrict S, ∀ {ι : Type*} {l : filter ι} (w : ι → α) (δ : ι → ℝ)
(δlim : tendsto δ l (𝓝[>] 0))
(xmem : ∀ᶠ j in l, x ∈ closed_ball (w j) (K * δ j)),
tendsto (λ j, μ (S ∩ closed_ball (w j) (δ j)) / μ (closed_ball (w j) (δ j))) l (𝓝 1) :=
lemma tendsto_closed_ball_filter_at {K : ℝ} {x : α} {ι : Type*} {l : filter ι}
(w : ι → α) (δ : ι → ℝ) (δlim : tendsto δ l (𝓝[>] 0))
(xmem : ∀ᶠ j in l, x ∈ closed_ball (w j) (K * δ j)) :
tendsto (λ j, closed_ball (w j) (δ j)) l ((vitali_family μ K).filter_at x) :=
let v := is_doubling_measure.vitali_family μ 7 (by norm_num),
filter_upwards [v.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div S] with x hx ι l w δ δlim xmem,
suffices : tendsto (λ j, closed_ball (w j) (δ j)) l (v.filter_at x), { exact hx.comp this, },
refine v.tendsto_filter_at_iff.mpr ⟨_, λ ε hε, _⟩,
{ simp only [v, vitali.vitali_family],
have δpos : ∀ᶠ j in l, 0 < δ j := eventually_mem_of_tendsto_nhds_within δlim,
replace xmem : ∀ᶠ (j : ι) in l, x ∈ closed_ball (w j) (δ j) := (δpos.and xmem).mono
(λ j hj, closed_ball_subset_closed_ball (by nlinarith [hj.1, hK.2]) hj.2),
apply ((δlim.eventually (eventually_scaling_constant_of μ 7)).and (xmem.and δpos)).mono,
rintros j ⟨hjC, hjx, hjδ⟩,
have hdiam : 3 * diam (closed_ball (w j) (δ j)) ≤ 6 * δ j,
{ linarith [@diam_closed_ball _ _ (w j) _ hjδ.le], },
refine ⟨hjx, is_closed_ball, (nonempty_ball.mpr hjδ).mono ball_subset_interior_closed_ball,
(measure_mono (closed_ball_subset_closed_ball hdiam)).trans _⟩,
suffices : closed_ball x (6 * δ j) ⊆ closed_ball (w j) (7 * δ j),
{ exact (measure_mono this).trans ((hjC (w j) 7 (by norm_num)).trans $ le_refl _), },
intros y hy,
simp only [mem_closed_ball, dist_comm x (w j)] at hjx hy ⊢,
linarith [dist_triangle_right y (w j) x], },
{ have δpos := eventually_mem_of_tendsto_nhds_within δlim,
refine (vitali_family μ K).tendsto_filter_at_iff.mpr ⟨_, λ ε hε, _⟩,
{ filter_upwards [xmem, δlim self_mem_nhds_within] with j hj h'j,
exact closed_ball_mem_vitali_family_of_dist_le_mul μ hj h'j },
{ by_cases l.ne_bot,
swap, { simp [not_ne_bot.1 h] },
have hK : 0 ≤ K,
{ resetI,
rcases (xmem.and (δlim self_mem_nhds_within)).exists with ⟨j, hj, h'j⟩,
have : 0 ≤ K * δ j := nonempty_closed_ball.1 ⟨x, hj⟩,
exact (mul_nonneg_iff_left_nonneg_of_pos (mem_Ioi.1 h'j)).1 this },
have δpos := eventually_mem_of_tendsto_nhds_within δlim,
replace δlim := tendsto_nhds_of_tendsto_nhds_within δlim,
replace hK : 0 < K + 1 := by linarith [hK.1],
replace hK : 0 < K + 1, by linarith,
apply ((( δlim _ (div_pos hε hK)).and δpos).and xmem).mono,
rintros j ⟨⟨hjε, hj₀ : 0 < δ j⟩, hx⟩ y hy,
replace hjε : (K + 1) * δ j < ε :=
by simpa [abs_eq_self.mpr hj₀.le] using (lt_div_iff' hK).mp hjε,
simp only [mem_closed_ball] at hx hy ⊢,
linarith [dist_triangle_right y x (w j)], },
linarith [dist_triangle_right y x (w j)] }


/-- A version of *Lebesgue's density theorem* for a sequence of closed balls whose centres are
not required to be fixed.
See also `besicovitch.ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div`. -/
lemma ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div
[sigma_compact_space α] [borel_space α] [is_locally_finite_measure μ] (S : set α) (K : ℝ) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ.restrict S, ∀ {ι : Type*} {l : filter ι} (w : ι → α) (δ : ι → ℝ)
(δlim : tendsto δ l (𝓝[>] 0))
(xmem : ∀ᶠ j in l, x ∈ closed_ball (w j) (K * δ j)),
tendsto (λ j, μ (S ∩ closed_ball (w j) (δ j)) / μ (closed_ball (w j) (δ j))) l (𝓝 1) :=
by filter_upwards [(vitali_family μ K).ae_tendsto_measure_inter_div S] with x hx ι l w δ δlim xmem
using hx.comp (tendsto_closed_ball_filter_at μ _ _ δlim xmem)

end is_doubling_measure

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