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feat(category_theory/limits): explicit binary product functor in Type (
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Adds `binary_product_functor`, the explicit product functor in Type, and `binary_product_iso_prod` which shows it is isomorphic to the one picked by choice (this is helpful eg to show Type is cartesian closed).

I also edited the definitions a little to use existing machinery instead - this seems to make `simp` and `tidy` stronger when working with the explicit product cone; but they're definitionally the same as the old ones.
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b-mehta committed Nov 23, 2020
1 parent 562be70 commit a71901f
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 35 deletions.
103 changes: 68 additions & 35 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/types.lean
Expand Up @@ -63,65 +63,98 @@ def initial_limit_cone : limits.colimit_cocone (functor.empty (Type u)) :=

open category_theory.limits.walking_pair

local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash
/-- The product type `X × Y` forms a cone for the binary product of `X` and `Y`. -/
-- We manually generate the other projection lemmas since the simp-normal form for the legs is
-- otherwise not created correctly.
@[simps X {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def binary_product_cone (X Y : Type u) : binary_fan X Y := prod.fst prod.snd

lemma binary_product_cone_fst (X Y : Type u) :
(binary_product_cone X Y).fst = prod.fst :=
lemma binary_product_cone_snd (X Y : Type u) :
(binary_product_cone X Y).snd = prod.snd :=

/-- The product type `X × Y` is a binary product for `X` and `Y`. -/
def binary_product_limit (X Y : Type u) : is_limit (binary_product_cone X Y) :=
{ lift := λ (s : binary_fan X Y) x, (s.fst x, s.snd x),
fac' := λ s j, walking_pair.cases_on j rfl rfl,
uniq' := λ s m w, funext $ λ x, prod.ext (congr_fun (w left) x) (congr_fun (w right) x) }

The category of types has `X × Y`, the usual cartesian product,
as the binary product of `X` and `Y`.
def binary_product_limit_cone (X Y : Type u) : limits.limit_cone (pair X Y) :=
{ cone :=
{ X := X × Y,
π :=
{ app := by { rintro ⟨_|_⟩, exact prod.fst, exact prod.snd, } }, },
is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s x, (s.π.app left x, s.π.app right x),
uniq' := λ s m w,
exact congr_fun (w left) x,
exact congr_fun (w right) x,
end }, }
⟨_, binary_product_limit X Y⟩

/-- The functor which sends `X, Y` to the product type `X × Y`. -/
def binary_product_functor : Type u ⥤ Type u ⥤ Type u :=
{ obj := λ X,
{ obj := λ Y, X × Y,
map := λ Y₁ Y₂ f, (binary_product_limit X Y₂).lift ( prod.fst (prod.snd ≫ f)) },
map := λ X₁ X₂ f,
{ app := λ Y, (binary_product_limit X₂ Y).lift ( (prod.fst ≫ f) prod.snd) } }

The product functor given by the instance `has_binary_products (Type u)` is isomorphic to the
explicit binary product functor given by the product type.
noncomputable def binary_product_iso_prod : binary_product_functor ≅ (prod.functor : Type u ⥤ _) :=
apply nat_iso.of_components (λ X, _) _,
{ apply nat_iso.of_components (λ Y, _) _,
{ exact ((limit.is_limit _).cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (binary_product_limit X Y)).symm },
{ intros Y₁ Y₂ f,
simp } },
{ intros X₁ X₂ g,
ext : 3;
simp }

/-- The sum type `X ⊕ Y` forms a cocone for the binary coproduct of `X` and `Y`. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def binary_coproduct_cocone (X Y : Type u) : cocone (pair X Y) := sum.inl sum.inr

/-- The sum type `X ⊕ Y` is a binary coproduct for `X` and `Y`. -/
def binary_coproduct_colimit (X Y : Type u) : is_colimit (binary_coproduct_cocone X Y) :=
{ desc := λ (s : binary_cofan X Y), sum.elim s.inl s.inr,
fac' := λ s j, walking_pair.cases_on j rfl rfl,
uniq' := λ s m w, funext $ λ x, sum.cases_on x (congr_fun (w left)) (congr_fun (w right)) }

The category of types has `X ⊕ Y`,
as the binary coproduct of `X` and `Y`.
def binary_coproduct_limit_cone (X Y : Type u) : limits.colimit_cocone (pair X Y) :=
{ cocone :=
{ X := X ⊕ Y,
ι :=
{ app := by { rintro ⟨_|_⟩, exact sum.inl, exact sum.inr, } }, },
is_colimit :=
{ desc := λ s x, sum.elim (s.ι.app left) (s.ι.app right) x,
uniq' := λ s m w,
ext (x|x),
exact (congr_fun (w left) x : _),
exact (congr_fun (w right) x : _),
end }, }
def binary_coproduct_colimit_cocone (X Y : Type u) : limits.colimit_cocone (pair X Y) :=
⟨_, binary_coproduct_colimit X Y⟩

The category of types has `Π j, f j` as the product of a type family `f : J → Type`.
def product_limit_cone {J : Type u} (F : J → Type u) : limits.limit_cone (discrete.functor F) :=
{ cone :=
{ X := Π j, F j,
π :=
{ app := λ j f, f j }, },
π := { app := λ j f, f j }, },
is_limit :=
{ lift := λ s x j, s.π.app j x,
uniq' := λ s m w,
ext x j,
have := congr_fun (w j) x,
exact this,
end }, }
uniq' := λ s m w, funext $ λ x, funext $ λ j, (congr_fun (w j) x : _) } }

The category of types has `Σ j, f j` as the coproduct of a type family `f : J → Type`.
def coproduct_limit_cone {J : Type u} (F : J → Type u) : limits.colimit_cocone (discrete.functor F) :=
def coproduct_colimit_cocone {J : Type u} (F : J → Type u) :
limits.colimit_cocone (discrete.functor F) :=
{ cocone :=
{ X := Σ j, F j,
ι :=
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