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…upp/lex): add a counterexample (#16236)

This PR describes a counterexample to a possible weakening of lemmas `finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_left` and its analogue
`finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_right`: assuming only monotonicity of addition, instead of strict monotonicity would not be strong enough to prove monotonicity of addition for `finsupp`s.

See also [this Zulip discussion]( for related material.
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adomani committed Oct 6, 2022
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Showing 2 changed files with 214 additions and 1 deletion.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions counterexamples/zero_divisors_in_add_monoid_algebras.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Damiano Testa. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Damiano Testa
import algebra.char_p.basic
import algebra.geom_sum
import algebra.monoid_algebra.basic
import data.finsupp.lex
import data.zmod.basic
import group_theory.order_of_element

# Examples of zero-divisors in `add_monoid_algebra`s
This file contains an easy source of zero-divisors in an `add_monoid_algebra`.
If `k` is a field and `G` is an additive group containing a non-zero torsion element, then
`add_monoid_algebra k G` contains non-zero zero-divisors: this is lemma `zero_divisors_of_torsion`.
There is also a version for periodic elements of an additive monoid: `zero_divisors_of_periodic`.
The converse of this statement is
[Kaplansky's zero divisor conjecture](
The formalized example generalizes in trivial ways the assumptions: the field `k` can be any
nontrivial ring `R` and the additive group `G` with a torsion element can be any additive monoid
`A` with a non-zero periodic element.
Besides this example, we also address a comment in `data.finsupp.lex` to the effect that the proof
that addition is monotone on `α →₀ N` uses that it is *strictly* monotone on `N`.
The specific statement is about `finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_left` and its analogue
`finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_right`. We do not need two separate counterexamples, since the
operation is commutative.
The example is very simple. Let `F = {0, 1}` with order determined by `0 < 1` and absorbing
addition (which is the same as `max` in this case). We denote a function `f : F → F` (which is
automatically finitely supported!) by `[f 0, f 1]`, listing its values. Recall that the order on
finitely supported function is lexicographic, matching the list notation. The inequality
`[0, 1] ≤ [1, 0]` holds. However, adding `[1, 0]` to both sides yields the *reversed* inequality
`[1, 1] > [1, 0]`.
open finsupp add_monoid_algebra

/-- This is a simple example showing that if `R` is a non-trivial ring and `A` is an additive
monoid with an element `a` satisfying `n • a = a` and `(n - 1) • a ≠ a`, for some `2 ≤ n`,
then `add_monoid_algebra R A` contains non-zero zero-divisors. The elements are easy to write down:
`[a]` and `[a] ^ (n - 1) - 1` are non-zero elements of `add_monoid_algebra R A` whose product
is zero.
Observe that such an element `a` *cannot* be invertible. In particular, this lemma never applies
if `A` is a group. -/
lemma zero_divisors_of_periodic {R A} [nontrivial R] [ring R] [add_monoid A] {n : ℕ} {a : A}
(n2 : 2 ≤ n) (na : n • a = a) (na1 : (n - 1) • a ≠ 0) :
∃ f g : add_monoid_algebra R A, f ≠ 0 ∧ g ≠ 0 ∧ f * g = 0 :=
refine ⟨single a 1, single ((n - 1) • a) 1 - single 0 1, by simp, _, _⟩,
{ exact sub_ne_zero.mpr (by simpa [single_eq_single_iff]) },
{ rw [mul_sub, add_monoid_algebra.single_mul_single, add_monoid_algebra.single_mul_single,
sub_eq_zero, add_zero, ← succ_nsmul, nat.sub_add_cancel (one_le_two.trans n2), na] },

lemma single_zero_one {R A} [semiring R] [has_zero A] :
single (0 : A) (1 : R) = (1 : add_monoid_algebra R A) := rfl

/-- This is a simple example showing that if `R` is a non-trivial ring and `A` is an additive
monoid with a non-zero element `a` of finite order `oa`, then `add_monoid_algebra R A` contains
non-zero zero-divisors. The elements are easy to write down:
`∑ i in finset.range oa, [a] ^ i` and `[a] - 1` are non-zero elements of `add_monoid_algebra R A`
whose product is zero.
In particular, this applies whenever the additive monoid `A` is an additive group with a non-zero
torsion element. -/
lemma zero_divisors_of_torsion {R A} [nontrivial R] [ring R] [add_monoid A] (a : A)
(o2 : 2 ≤ add_order_of a) :
∃ f g : add_monoid_algebra R A, f ≠ 0 ∧ g ≠ 0 ∧ f * g = 0 :=
refine ⟨(finset.range (add_order_of a)).sum (λ (i : ℕ), (single a 1) ^ i),
single a 1 - single 0 1, _, _, _⟩,
{ apply_fun (λ x : add_monoid_algebra R A, x 0),
refine ne_of_eq_of_ne (_ : (_ : R) = 1) one_ne_zero,
simp_rw finset.sum_apply',
refine (finset.sum_eq_single 0 _ _).trans _,
{ intros b hb b0,
rw [single_pow, one_pow, single_eq_of_ne],
exact nsmul_ne_zero_of_lt_add_order_of' b0 ( hb) },
{ simp only [(zero_lt_two.trans_le o2).ne', finset.mem_range, not_lt, le_zero_iff,
false_implies_iff] },
{ rw [single_pow, one_pow, zero_smul, single_eq_same] } },
{ apply_fun (λ x : add_monoid_algebra R A, x 0),
refine sub_ne_zero.mpr (ne_of_eq_of_ne (_ : (_ : R) = 0) _),
{ have a0 : a ≠ 0 := ne_of_eq_of_ne (one_nsmul a).symm
(nsmul_ne_zero_of_lt_add_order_of' one_ne_zero ( o2)),
simp only [a0, single_eq_of_ne, ne.def, not_false_iff] },
{ simpa only [single_eq_same] using zero_ne_one, } },
{ convert commute.geom_sum₂_mul _ (add_order_of a),
{ ext, rw [single_zero_one, one_pow, mul_one] },
{ rw [single_pow, one_pow, add_order_of_nsmul_eq_zero, single_zero_one, one_pow, sub_self] },
{ simp only [single_zero_one, commute.one_right] } },

example {R} [ring R] [nontrivial R] (n : ℕ) (n0 : 2 ≤ n) :
∃ f g : add_monoid_algebra R (zmod n), f ≠ 0 ∧ g ≠ 0 ∧ f * g = 0 :=
zero_divisors_of_torsion (1 : zmod n) (n0.trans_eq (zmod.add_order_of_one _).symm)

/-- `F` is the type with two elements `zero` and `one`. We define the "obvious" linear order and
absorbing addition on it to generate our counterexample. -/
@[derive [decidable_eq, inhabited]] inductive F | zero | one

/-- The same as `list.get_rest`, except that we take the "rest" from the first match, rather than
from the beginning, returning `[]` if there is no match. For instance,
#eval [1,2].drop_until [3,1,2,4,1,2] -- [4, 1, 2]
def list.drop_until {α} [decidable_eq α] : list α → list α → list α
| l [] := []
| l (a::as) := ((a::as).get_rest l).get_or_else (l.drop_until as)

/-- `guard_decl_in_file na loc` makes sure that the declaration with name `na` is in the file with
relative path `"src/" ++ "/".intercalate loc ++ ".lean"`.
#eval guard_decl_in_file `nat.nontrivial ["data", "nat", "basic"] -- does nothing
#eval guard_decl_in_file `nat.nontrivial ["not", "in", "here"]
-- fails giving the location 'data/nat/basic.lean'
This test makes sure that the comment referring to this example is in the file claimed in the
doc-module to this counterexample. -/
meta def guard_decl_in_file (na : name) (loc : list string) : tactic unit :=
do env ← tactic.get_env,
some fil ← pure $ env.decl_olean na | fail!"the instance `{na}` is not imported!",
let path : string := ⟨list.drop_until "/src/".to_list fil.to_list⟩,
let locdot : string := ".".intercalate loc,
guard (fil.ends_with ("src/" ++ "/".intercalate loc ++ ".lean")) <|>
fail!("instance `{na}` is no longer in `{locdot}`.\n\n" ++
"Please, update the doc-module and this check with the correct location:\n\n'{path}'\n")

#eval guard_decl_in_file `finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_left ["data", "finsupp", "lex"]
#eval guard_decl_in_file `finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_right ["data", "finsupp", "lex"]

namespace F

instance : has_zero F := ⟨⟩

/-- `1` is not really needed, but it is nice to use the notation. -/
instance : has_one F := ⟨⟩

/-- A tactic to prove trivial goals by enumeration. -/
meta def boom : tactic unit :=
`[ repeat { rintro ⟨⟩ }; dec_trivial ]

/-- `val` maps `0 1 : F` to their counterparts in `ℕ`.
We use it to lift the linear order on `ℕ`. -/
def val : F → ℕ
| 0 := 0
| 1 := 1

instance : linear_order F := linear_order.lift' val (by boom)

@[simp] lemma z01 : (0 : F) < 1 := by boom

/-- `F` would be a `comm_semiring`, using `min` as multiplication. Again, we do not need this. -/
instance : add_comm_monoid F :=
{ add := max,
add_assoc := by boom,
zero := 0,
zero_add := by boom,
add_zero := by boom,
add_comm := by boom }

/-- The `covariant_class`es asserting monotonicity of addition hold for `F`. -/
instance covariant_class_add_le : covariant_class F F (+) (≤) := ⟨by boom⟩
example : covariant_class F F (function.swap (+)) (≤) := by apply_instance

/-- The following examples show that `F` has all the typeclasses used by
`finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_left`... -/
example : linear_order F := by apply_instance
example : add_monoid F := by apply_instance

/-- ... except for the strict monotonicity of addition, the crux of the matter. -/
example : ¬ covariant_class F F (+) (<) := λ h, lt_irrefl 1 $ (h.elim : covariant F F (+) (<)) 1 z01

/-- A few `simp`-lemmas to take care of trivialities in the proof of the example below. -/
@[simp] lemma f1 : ∀ (a : F), 1 + a = 1 := by boom
@[simp] lemma f011 : of_lex (single (0 : F) (1 : F)) 1 = 0 := single_apply_eq_zero.mpr (λ h, h)
@[simp] lemma f010 : of_lex (single (0 : F) (1 : F)) 0 = 1 := single_eq_same
@[simp] lemma f111 : of_lex (single (1 : F) (1 : F)) 1 = 1 := single_eq_same
@[simp] lemma f110 : of_lex (single (1 : F) (1 : F)) 0 = 0 := single_apply_eq_zero.mpr (λ h, h.symm)

/-- Here we see that (not-necessarily strict) monotonicity of addition on `lex (F →₀ F)` is not
a consequence of monotonicity of addition on `F`. Strict monotonicity of addition on `F` is
enough and is the content of `finsupp.lex.covariant_class_le_left`. -/
example : ¬ covariant_class (lex (F →₀ F)) (lex (F →₀ F)) (+) (≤) :=
rintro ⟨h⟩,
refine not_lt.mpr (h (single (0 : F) (1 : F)) (_ : single 1 1 ≤ single 0 1)) ⟨1, _⟩,
{ exact or.inr ⟨0, by simp [(by boom : ∀ j : F, j < 0 ↔ false)]⟩ },
{ simp only [(by boom : ∀ j : F, j < 1 ↔ j = 0), of_lex_add, coe_add, pi.to_lex_apply,
pi.add_apply, forall_eq, f010, f1, eq_self_iff_true, f011, f111, zero_add, and_self] },

example {α} [ring α] [nontrivial α] :
∃ f g : add_monoid_algebra α F, f ≠ 0 ∧ g ≠ 0 ∧ f * g = 0 :=
zero_divisors_of_periodic le_rfl ((two_smul _ _).trans (by refl))'

example {α} [has_zero α] : 2 • (single 0 1 : α →₀ F) = single 0 1 ∧ (single 0 1 : α →₀ F) ≠ 0 :=
⟨smul_single _ _ _, by simpa only [ne.def, single_eq_zero] using⟩

end F
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/data/finsupp/lex.lean
Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ variables [linear_order α] [add_monoid N] [linear_order N]
/-! We are about to sneak in a hypothesis that might appear to be too strong.
We assume `covariant_class` with *strict* inequality `<` also when proving the one with the
*weak* inequality `≤`. This is actually necessary: addition on `lex (α →₀ N)` may fail to be
monotone, when it is "just" monotone on `N`. -/
monotone, when it is "just" monotone on `N`.
See `counterexamples.zero_divisors_in_add_monoid_algebras` for a counterexample. -/
section left
variables [covariant_class N N (+) (<)]

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