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feat(algebraic_geometry/projective_spectrum): basic definitions of pr…
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…ojective spectrum (#12635)

This pr contains the basic definitions of projective spectrum of a graded ring:
- projective spectrum
- zero locus
- vanishing ideal
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jjaassoonn committed Mar 16, 2022
1 parent a7a2f9d commit a8bfcfe
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 0 deletions.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/projective_spectrum/topology.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang, Johan Commelin

import topology.sets.opens
import ring_theory.graded_algebra.homogeneous_ideal

# Projective spectrum of a graded ring
The projective spectrum of a graded commutative ring is the subtype of all homogenous ideals that
are prime and do not contain the irrelevant ideal.
It is naturally endowed with a topology: the Zariski topology.
## Notation
- `R` is a commutative semiring;
- `A` is a commutative ring and an `R`-algebra;
- `𝒜 : ℕ → submodule R A` is the grading of `A`;
## Main definitions
* `projective_spectrum 𝒜`: The projective spectrum of a graded ring `A`, or equivalently, the set of
all homogeneous ideals of `A` that is both prime and relevant i.e. not containing irrelevant
ideal. Henceforth, we call elements of projective spectrum *relevant homogeneous prime ideals*.
* `projective_spectrum.zero_locus 𝒜 s`: The zero locus of a subset `s` of `A`
is the subset of `projective_spectrum 𝒜` consisting of all relevant homogeneous prime ideals that
contain `s`.
* `projective_spectrum.vanishing_ideal t`: The vanishing ideal of a subset `t` of
`projective_spectrum 𝒜` is the intersection of points in `t` (viewed as relevant homogeneous prime

noncomputable theory
open_locale direct_sum big_operators pointwise
open direct_sum set_like

variables {R A: Type*}
variables [comm_semiring R] [comm_ring A] [algebra R A]
variables (𝒜 : ℕ → submodule R A) [graded_algebra 𝒜]

The projective spectrum of a graded commutative ring is the subtype of all homogenous ideals that
are prime and do not contain the irrelevant ideal.
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
def projective_spectrum :=
{I : homogeneous_ideal 𝒜 // I.to_ideal.is_prime ∧ ¬(homogeneous_ideal.irrelevant 𝒜 ≤ I)}

namespace projective_spectrum

variable {𝒜}
/-- A method to view a point in the projective spectrum of a graded ring
as a homogeneous ideal of that ring. -/
abbreviation as_homogeneous_ideal (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) : homogeneous_ideal 𝒜 := x.1

lemma as_homogeneous_ideal_def (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) :
x.as_homogeneous_ideal = x.1 := rfl

instance is_prime (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) :
x.as_homogeneous_ideal.to_ideal.is_prime := x.2.1

@[ext] lemma ext {x y : projective_spectrum 𝒜} :
x = y ↔ x.as_homogeneous_ideal = y.as_homogeneous_ideal :=

variable (𝒜)
/-- The zero locus of a set `s` of elements of a commutative ring `A`
is the set of all relevant homogeneous prime ideals of the ring that contain the set `s`.
An element `f` of `A` can be thought of as a dependent function on the projective spectrum of `𝒜`.
At a point `x` (a homogeneous prime ideal)
the function (i.e., element) `f` takes values in the quotient ring `A` modulo the prime ideal `x`.
In this manner, `zero_locus s` is exactly the subset of `projective_spectrum 𝒜`
where all "functions" in `s` vanish simultaneously. -/
def zero_locus (s : set A) : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜) :=
{x | s ⊆ x.as_homogeneous_ideal}

@[simp] lemma mem_zero_locus (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) (s : set A) :
x ∈ zero_locus 𝒜 s ↔ s ⊆ x.as_homogeneous_ideal := iff.rfl

@[simp] lemma zero_locus_span (s : set A) :
zero_locus 𝒜 (ideal.span s) = zero_locus 𝒜 s :=
by { ext x, exact ( _ _).gc s x.as_homogeneous_ideal.to_ideal }

variable {𝒜}
/-- The vanishing ideal of a set `t` of points
of the prime spectrum of a commutative ring `R`
is the intersection of all the prime ideals in the set `t`.
An element `f` of `A` can be thought of as a dependent function on the projective spectrum of `𝒜`.
At a point `x` (a homogeneous prime ideal)
the function (i.e., element) `f` takes values in the quotient ring `A` modulo the prime ideal `x`.
In this manner, `vanishing_ideal t` is exactly the ideal of `A`
consisting of all "functions" that vanish on all of `t`. -/
def vanishing_ideal (t : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜)) : homogeneous_ideal 𝒜 :=
⨅ (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) (h : x ∈ t), x.as_homogeneous_ideal

lemma coe_vanishing_ideal (t : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜)) :
(vanishing_ideal t : set A) =
{f | ∀ x : projective_spectrum 𝒜, x ∈ t → f ∈ x.as_homogeneous_ideal} :=
ext f,
rw [vanishing_ideal, set_like.mem_coe, ← homogeneous_ideal.mem_iff,
homogeneous_ideal.to_ideal_infi, submodule.mem_infi],
apply forall_congr (λ x, _),
rw [homogeneous_ideal.to_ideal_infi, submodule.mem_infi, homogeneous_ideal.mem_iff],

lemma mem_vanishing_ideal (t : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜)) (f : A) :
f ∈ vanishing_ideal t ↔
∀ x : projective_spectrum 𝒜, x ∈ t → f ∈ x.as_homogeneous_ideal :=
by rw [← set_like.mem_coe, coe_vanishing_ideal, set.mem_set_of_eq]

@[simp] lemma vanishing_ideal_singleton (x : projective_spectrum 𝒜) :
vanishing_ideal ({x} : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜)) = x.as_homogeneous_ideal :=
by simp [vanishing_ideal]

lemma subset_zero_locus_iff_le_vanishing_ideal (t : set (projective_spectrum 𝒜))
(I : ideal A) :
t ⊆ zero_locus 𝒜 I ↔ I ≤ (vanishing_ideal t).to_ideal :=
⟨λ h f k, (mem_vanishing_ideal _ _).mpr (λ x j, (mem_zero_locus _ _ _).mpr (h j) k), λ h,
λ x j, (mem_zero_locus _ _ _).mpr (le_trans h (λ f h, ((mem_vanishing_ideal _ _).mp h) x j))⟩

end projective_spectrum

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