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feat(measure_theory/measure/finite_measure_weak_convergence): Prove o…
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…ne implication of portmanteau theorem, convergence implies a limsup condition for measures of closed sets. (#14116)

This PR contains the proof of one implication of portmanteau theorem characterizing weak convergence: it is shown that weak convergence implies that for any closed set the limsup of measures is at most the limit measure.

Co-authored-by: kkytola <>
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kkytola and kkytola committed Jun 6, 2022
1 parent d6477a8 commit abbc7f6
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Showing 4 changed files with 249 additions and 2 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/integral/lebesgue.lean
Expand Up @@ -1053,6 +1053,17 @@ by rw [lintegral_const, measure.restrict_apply_univ]
lemma set_lintegral_one (s) : ∫⁻ a in s, 1 ∂μ = μ s :=
by rw [set_lintegral_const, one_mul]

lemma set_lintegral_const_lt_top [is_finite_measure μ] (s : set α) {c : ℝ≥0∞} (hc : c ≠ ∞) :
∫⁻ a in s, c ∂μ < ∞ :=
rw lintegral_const,
exact ennreal.mul_lt_top hc (measure_ne_top (μ.restrict s) univ),

lemma lintegral_const_lt_top [is_finite_measure μ] {c : ℝ≥0∞} (hc : c ≠ ∞) :
∫⁻ a, c ∂μ < ∞ :=
by simpa only [measure.restrict_univ] using set_lintegral_const_lt_top univ hc


variable (μ)
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/integral/set_integral.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Zhouhang Zhou, Yury Kudryashov
import measure_theory.integral.integrable_on
import measure_theory.integral.bochner
import order.filter.indicator_function
import topology.metric_space.thickened_indicator

# Set integral
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -962,3 +963,30 @@ lemma set_integral_with_density_eq_set_integral_smul₀ {f : α → ℝ≥0} {s
by rw [restrict_with_density hs, integral_with_density_eq_integral_smul₀ hf]


section thickened_indicator

variables [pseudo_emetric_space α]

lemma measure_le_lintegral_thickened_indicator_aux
(μ : measure α) {E : set α} (E_mble : measurable_set E) (δ : ℝ) :
μ E ≤ ∫⁻ a, (thickened_indicator_aux δ E a : ℝ≥0∞) ∂μ :=
convert_to lintegral μ (E.indicator (λ _, (1 : ℝ≥0∞)))
≤ lintegral μ (thickened_indicator_aux δ E),
{ rw [lintegral_indicator _ E_mble],
simp only [lintegral_one, measure.restrict_apply, measurable_set.univ, univ_inter], },
{ apply lintegral_mono,
apply indicator_le_thickened_indicator_aux, },

lemma measure_le_lintegral_thickened_indicator
(μ : measure α) {E : set α} (E_mble : measurable_set E) {δ : ℝ} (δ_pos : 0 < δ) :
μ E ≤ ∫⁻ a, (thickened_indicator δ_pos E a : ℝ≥0∞) ∂μ :=
convert measure_le_lintegral_thickened_indicator_aux μ E_mble δ,
simp only [, ennreal.coe_to_nnreal, ne.def, not_false_iff],

end thickened_indicator
194 changes: 192 additions & 2 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/finite_measure_weak_convergence.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kalle Kytölä
import measure_theory.measure.measure_space
import measure_theory.integral.bochner
import measure_theory.integral.set_integral
import topology.continuous_function.bounded
import topology.algebra.module.weak_dual
import topology.metric_space.thickened_indicator

# Weak convergence of (finite) measures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,7 +43,14 @@ The main definitions are the
common textbook definition of weak convergence of measures.
* Portmanteau theorem.
* Portmanteau theorem:
* `finite_measure.limsup_measure_closed_le_of_tendsto` proves one implication.
The current formulation assumes `pseudo_emetric_space`. The only reason is to have
bounded continuous pointwise approximations to the indicator function of a closed set. Clearly
for example metrizability or pseudo-emetrizability would be sufficient assumptions. The
typeclass assumptions should be later adjusted in a way that takes into account use cases, but
the proof will presumably remain essentially the same.
* Prove the rest of the implications.
## Notations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,6 +336,80 @@ begin
ennreal.tendsto_coe, ennreal.to_nnreal_coe],

/-- A bounded convergence theorem for a finite measure:
If bounded continuous non-negative functions are uniformly bounded by a constant and tend to a
limit, then their integrals against the finite measure tend to the integral of the limit.
This formulation assumes:
* the functions tend to a limit along a countably generated filter;
* the limit is in the almost everywhere sense;
* boundedness holds almost everywhere;
* integration is `lintegral`, i.e., the functions and their integrals are `ℝ≥0∞`-valued.
lemma tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const {ι : Type*} {L : filter ι} [L.is_countably_generated]
(μ : finite_measure α) {fs : ι → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)} {c : ℝ≥0}
(fs_le_const : ∀ᶠ i in L, ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α), fs i a ≤ c) {f : α → ℝ≥0}
(fs_lim : ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α), tendsto (λ i, fs i a) L (𝓝 (f a))) :
tendsto (λ i, (∫⁻ a, fs i a ∂(μ : measure α))) L (𝓝 (∫⁻ a, (f a) ∂(μ : measure α))) :=
simpa only using tendsto_lintegral_filter_of_dominated_convergence (λ _, c)
(eventually_of_forall ((λ i, (ennreal.continuous_coe.comp (fs i).continuous).measurable)))
_ ((@lintegral_const_lt_top _ _ (μ : measure α) _ _ (@ennreal.coe_ne_top c)).ne) _,
{ simpa only [ennreal.coe_le_coe] using fs_le_const, },
{ simpa only [ennreal.tendsto_coe] using fs_lim, },

/-- A bounded convergence theorem for a finite measure:
If a sequence of bounded continuous non-negative functions are uniformly bounded by a constant
and tend pointwise to a limit, then their integrals (`lintegral`) against the finite measure tend
to the integral of the limit.
A related result with more general assumptions is `tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const`.
lemma tendsto_lintegral_nn_of_le_const (μ : finite_measure α) {fs : ℕ → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)} {c : ℝ≥0}
(fs_le_const : ∀ n a, fs n a ≤ c) {f : α → ℝ≥0}
(fs_lim : ∀ a, tendsto (λ n, fs n a) at_top (𝓝 (f a))) :
tendsto (λ n, (∫⁻ a, fs n a ∂(μ : measure α))) at_top (𝓝 (∫⁻ a, (f a) ∂(μ : measure α))) :=
tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const μ
(eventually_of_forall (λ n, eventually_of_forall (fs_le_const n))) (eventually_of_forall fs_lim)

/-- A bounded convergence theorem for a finite measure:
If bounded continuous non-negative functions are uniformly bounded by a constant and tend to a
limit, then their integrals against the finite measure tend to the integral of the limit.
This formulation assumes:
* the functions tend to a limit along a countably generated filter;
* the limit is in the almost everywhere sense;
* boundedness holds almost everywhere;
* integration is the pairing against non-negative continuous test functions (`test_against_nn`).
A related result using `lintegral` for integration is `tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const`.
lemma tendsto_test_against_nn_filter_of_le_const {ι : Type*} {L : filter ι}
[L.is_countably_generated] {μ : finite_measure α} {fs : ι → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)} {c : ℝ≥0}
(fs_le_const : ∀ᶠ i in L, ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α), fs i a ≤ c) {f : α →ᵇ ℝ≥0}
(fs_lim : ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α), tendsto (λ i, fs i a) L (𝓝 (f a))) :
tendsto (λ i, μ.test_against_nn (fs i)) L (𝓝 (μ.test_against_nn f)) :=
apply (ennreal.tendsto_to_nnreal
(μ.lintegral_lt_top_of_bounded_continuous_to_nnreal f).ne).comp,
exact finite_measure.tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const μ fs_le_const fs_lim,

/-- A bounded convergence theorem for a finite measure:
If a sequence of bounded continuous non-negative functions are uniformly bounded by a constant
and tend pointwise to a limit, then their integrals (`test_against_nn`) against the finite measure
tend to the integral of the limit.
Related results:
* `tendsto_test_against_nn_filter_of_le_const`: more general assumptions
* `tendsto_lintegral_nn_of_le_const`: using `lintegral` for integration.
lemma tendsto_test_against_nn_of_le_const {μ : finite_measure α}
{fs : ℕ → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)} {c : ℝ≥0} (fs_le_const : ∀ n a, fs n a ≤ c) {f : α →ᵇ ℝ≥0}
(fs_lim : ∀ a, tendsto (λ n, fs n a) at_top (𝓝 (f a))) :
tendsto (λ n, μ.test_against_nn (fs n)) at_top (𝓝 (μ.test_against_nn f)) :=
(eventually_of_forall (λ n, eventually_of_forall (fs_le_const n))) (eventually_of_forall fs_lim)

end finite_measure

/-- Probability measures are defined as the subtype of measures that have the property of being
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -447,4 +529,112 @@ end

end probability_measure

section convergence_implies_limsup_closed_le

/-- If bounded continuous functions tend to the indicator of a measurable set and are
uniformly bounded, then their integrals against a finite measure tend to the measure of the set.
This formulation assumes:
* the functions tend to a limit along a countably generated filter;
* the limit is in the almost everywhere sense;
* boundedness holds almost everywhere.
lemma measure_of_cont_bdd_of_tendsto_filter_indicator {ι : Type*} {L : filter ι}
[L.is_countably_generated] [topological_space α] [opens_measurable_space α]
(μ : finite_measure α) {c : ℝ≥0} {E : set α} (E_mble : measurable_set E)
(fs : ι → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)) (fs_bdd : ∀ᶠ i in L, ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α), fs i a ≤ c)
(fs_lim : ∀ᵐ (a : α) ∂(μ : measure α),
tendsto (λ (i : ι), (coe_fn : (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0) → (α → ℝ≥0)) (fs i) a) L
(𝓝 (indicator E (λ x, (1 : ℝ≥0)) a))) :
tendsto (λ n, lintegral (μ : measure α) (λ a, fs n a)) L (𝓝 ((μ : measure α) E)) :=
convert finite_measure.tendsto_lintegral_nn_filter_of_le_const μ fs_bdd fs_lim,
have aux : ∀ a, indicator E (λ x, (1 : ℝ≥0∞)) a = ↑(indicator E (λ x, (1 : ℝ≥0)) a),
from λ a, by simp only [ennreal.coe_indicator, ennreal.coe_one],
simp_rw [←aux, lintegral_indicator _ E_mble],
simp only [lintegral_one, measure.restrict_apply, measurable_set.univ, univ_inter],

/-- If a sequence of bounded continuous functions tends to the indicator of a measurable set and
the functions are uniformly bounded, then their integrals against a finite measure tend to the
measure of the set.
A similar result with more general assumptions is `measure_of_cont_bdd_of_tendsto_filter_indicator`.
lemma measure_of_cont_bdd_of_tendsto_indicator
[topological_space α] [opens_measurable_space α]
(μ : finite_measure α) {c : ℝ≥0} {E : set α} (E_mble : measurable_set E)
(fs : ℕ → (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0)) (fs_bdd : ∀ n a, fs n a ≤ c)
(fs_lim : tendsto (λ (n : ℕ), (coe_fn : (α →ᵇ ℝ≥0) → (α → ℝ≥0)) (fs n))
at_top (𝓝 (indicator E (λ x, (1 : ℝ≥0))))) :
tendsto (λ n, lintegral (μ : measure α) (λ a, fs n a)) at_top (𝓝 ((μ : measure α) E)) :=
have fs_lim' : ∀ a, tendsto (λ (n : ℕ), (fs n a : ℝ≥0))
at_top (𝓝 (indicator E (λ x, (1 : ℝ≥0)) a)),
by { rw tendsto_pi_nhds at fs_lim, exact λ a, fs_lim a, },
apply measure_of_cont_bdd_of_tendsto_filter_indicator μ E_mble fs
(eventually_of_forall (λ n, eventually_of_forall (fs_bdd n))) (eventually_of_forall fs_lim'),

/-- The integrals of thickenined indicators of a closed set against a finite measure tend to the
measure of the closed set if the thickening radii tend to zero.
lemma tendsto_lintegral_thickened_indicator_of_is_closed
{α : Type*} [measurable_space α] [pseudo_emetric_space α] [opens_measurable_space α]
(μ : finite_measure α) {F : set α} (F_closed : is_closed F) {δs : ℕ → ℝ}
(δs_pos : ∀ n, 0 < δs n) (δs_lim : tendsto δs at_top (𝓝 0)) :
tendsto (λ n, lintegral (μ : measure α) (λ a, (thickened_indicator (δs_pos n) F a : ℝ≥0∞)))
at_top (𝓝 ((μ : measure α) F)) :=
apply measure_of_cont_bdd_of_tendsto_indicator μ F_closed.measurable_set
(λ n, thickened_indicator (δs_pos n) F)
(λ n a, thickened_indicator_le_one (δs_pos n) F a),
have key := thickened_indicator_tendsto_indicator_closure δs_pos δs_lim F,
rwa F_closed.closure_eq at key,

/-- One implication of the portmanteau theorem:
Weak convergence of finite measures implies that the limsup of the measures of any closed set is
at most the measure of the closed set under the limit measure.
lemma finite_measure.limsup_measure_closed_le_of_tendsto
{α ι : Type*} {L : filter ι}
[measurable_space α] [pseudo_emetric_space α] [opens_measurable_space α]
{μ : finite_measure α} {μs : ι → finite_measure α}
(μs_lim : tendsto μs L (𝓝 μ)) {F : set α} (F_closed : is_closed F) :
L.limsup (λ i, (μs i : measure α) F) ≤ (μ : measure α) F :=
by_cases L = ⊥,
{ simp only [h, limsup, filter.map_bot, Limsup_bot, ennreal.bot_eq_zero, zero_le], },
apply ennreal.le_of_forall_pos_le_add,
intros ε ε_pos μ_F_finite,
set δs := λ (n : ℕ), (1 : ℝ) / (n+1) with def_δs,
have δs_pos : ∀ n, 0 < δs n, from λ n, nat.one_div_pos_of_nat,
have δs_lim : tendsto δs at_top (𝓝 0), from tendsto_one_div_add_at_top_nhds_0_nat,
have key₁ := tendsto_lintegral_thickened_indicator_of_is_closed μ F_closed δs_pos δs_lim,
have room₁ : (μ : measure α) F < (μ : measure α) F + ε / 2,
{ apply ennreal.lt_add_right (measure_lt_top (μ : measure α) F).ne
⟨(ennreal.coe_pos.mpr ε_pos).ne.symm, ennreal.two_ne_top⟩).ne.symm), },
rcases (eventually_lt_of_tendsto_lt room₁ key₁) with ⟨M, hM⟩,
have key₂ :=
μs_lim (thickened_indicator (δs_pos M) F),
have room₂ : lintegral (μ : measure α) (λ a, thickened_indicator (δs_pos M) F a)
< lintegral (μ : measure α) (λ a, thickened_indicator (δs_pos M) F a) + ε / 2,
{ apply ennreal.lt_add_right
(finite_measure.lintegral_lt_top_of_bounded_continuous_to_nnreal μ _).ne
⟨(ennreal.coe_pos.mpr ε_pos).ne.symm, ennreal.two_ne_top⟩).ne.symm), },
have ev_near := eventually.mono (eventually_lt_of_tendsto_lt room₂ key₂) (λ n, le_of_lt),
have aux := λ n, le_trans (measure_le_lintegral_thickened_indicator
(μs n : measure α) F_closed.measurable_set (δs_pos M)),
have ev_near' := eventually.mono ev_near aux,
apply (filter.limsup_le_limsup ev_near').trans,
haveI : ne_bot L, from ⟨h⟩,
rw limsup_const,
apply le_trans (add_le_add (hM M rfl.le).le (le_refl (ε/2 : ℝ≥0∞))),
simp only [add_assoc, ennreal.add_halves, le_refl],

end convergence_implies_limsup_closed_le

end measure_theory
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/thickened_indicator.lean
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,15 @@ lemma thickened_indicator_aux_mono {δ₁ δ₂ : ℝ} (hle : δ₁ ≤ δ₂) (
thickened_indicator_aux δ₁ E ≤ thickened_indicator_aux δ₂ E :=
λ _, tsub_le_tsub (@rfl ℝ≥01).le (ennreal.div_le_div rfl.le (of_real_le_of_real hle))

lemma indicator_le_thickened_indicator_aux (δ : ℝ) (E : set α) :
E.indicator (λ _, (1 : ℝ≥0∞)) ≤ thickened_indicator_aux δ E :=
intro a,
by_cases a ∈ E,
{ simp only [h, indicator_of_mem, thickened_indicator_aux_one δ E h, le_refl], },
{ simp only [h, indicator_of_not_mem, not_false_iff, zero_le], },

lemma thickened_indicator_aux_subset (δ : ℝ) {E₁ E₂ : set α} (subset : E₁ ⊆ E₂) :
thickened_indicator_aux δ E₁ ≤ thickened_indicator_aux δ E₂ :=
λ _, tsub_le_tsub (@rfl ℝ≥01).le (ennreal.div_le_div (inf_edist_anti subset) rfl.le)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +205,15 @@ lemma thickened_indicator_zero
thickened_indicator δ_pos E x = 0 :=
by rw [thickened_indicator_apply, thickened_indicator_aux_zero δ_pos E x_out, zero_to_nnreal]

lemma indicator_le_thickened_indicator {δ : ℝ} (δ_pos : 0 < δ) (E : set α) :
E.indicator (λ _, (1 : ℝ≥0)) ≤ thickened_indicator δ_pos E :=
intro a,
by_cases a ∈ E,
{ simp only [h, indicator_of_mem, thickened_indicator_one δ_pos E h, le_refl], },
{ simp only [h, indicator_of_not_mem, not_false_iff, zero_le], },

lemma thickened_indicator_mono {δ₁ δ₂ : ℝ}
(δ₁_pos : 0 < δ₁) (δ₂_pos : 0 < δ₂) (hle : δ₁ ≤ δ₂) (E : set α) :
⇑(thickened_indicator δ₁_pos E) ≤ thickened_indicator δ₂_pos E :=
Expand Down

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