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chore(category_theory/limits/preserves): cleanup (#4163)
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This PR entirely re-does the construction of limits from products and equalizers in a shorter way. With the new preserves limits machinery this new construction also shows that a functor which preserves products and equalizers preserves all limits, which previously was *really* annoying to do
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b-mehta committed Dec 10, 2020
1 parent e68d2d7 commit ac669c7
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 85 deletions.
@@ -1,139 +1,190 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Scott Morrison
-- Authors: Bhavik Mehta, Scott Morrison
import category_theory.limits.shapes.equalizers
import category_theory.limits.shapes.finite_products
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.products
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.equalizers

# Constructing limits from products and equalizers.
If a category has all products, and all equalizers, then it has all limits.
Similarly, if it has all finite products, and all equalizers, then it has all finite limits.
TODO: provide the dual result.
If a functor preserves all products and equalizers, then it preserves all limits.
Similarly, if it preserves all finite products and equalizers, then it preserves all finite limits.
noncomputable theory
Provide the dual results.
Show the analogous results for functors which reflect or create (co)limits.

open category_theory
open opposite

namespace category_theory.limits

universes v u
universes v u u₂
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]

variables {J : Type v} [small_category J]

-- We hide the "implementation details" inside a namespace
namespace has_limit_of_has_products_of_has_equalizers

-- We assume here only that we have exactly the products we need, so that we can prove
-- variations of the construction (all products gives all limits, finite products gives finite limits...)
variables (F : J ⥤ C)
[H₁ : has_limit (discrete.functor F.obj)]
[H₂ : has_limit (discrete.functor (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), F.obj f.1.2))]
include H₁ H₂
variables {F : J ⥤ C}
{c₁ : fan F.obj}
{c₂ : fan (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), F.obj f.1.2)}
(s t : c₁.X ⟶ c₂.X)
(hs : ∀ (f : Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), s ≫ c₂.π.app f = c₁.π.app f.1.1 ≫ f.2)
(ht : ∀ (f : Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), t ≫ c₂.π.app f = c₁.π.app f.1.2)
(i : fork s t)

include hs ht
Corresponding to any functor `F : J ⥤ C`, we construct a new functor from the walking parallel
pair of morphisms to `C`, given by the diagram
∏_j F j ===> Π_{f : j ⟶ j'} F j'
where the two morphisms `s` and `t` are defined componentwise:
* The `s_f` component is the projection `∏_j F j ⟶ F j` followed by `f`.
* The `t_f` component is the projection `∏_j F j ⟶ F j'`.
In a moment we prove that cones over `F` are isomorphic to cones over this new diagram.
(Implementation) Given the appropriate product and equalizer cones, build the cone for `F` which is
limiting if the given cones are also.
@[simp] def diagram : walking_parallel_pair ⥤ C :=
let pi_obj := limits.pi_obj F.obj in
let pi_hom := limits.pi_obj (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), F.obj f.1.2) in
let s : pi_obj ⟶ pi_hom :=
pi.lift (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), pi.π F.obj f.1.1 ≫ f.2) in
let t : pi_obj ⟶ pi_hom :=
pi.lift (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), pi.π F.obj f.1.2) in
parallel_pair s t

/-- The morphism from cones over the walking pair diagram `diagram F` to cones over
the original diagram `F`. -/
@[simp] def cones_hom : (diagram F).cones ⟶ F.cones :=
{ app := λ X c,
{ app := λ j, ≫ pi.π _ j,
naturality' := λ j j' f,
have L := c.naturality walking_parallel_pair_hom.left,
have R := c.naturality walking_parallel_pair_hom.right,
have t := congr_arg (λ g, g ≫ pi.π _ (⟨(j, j'), f⟩ : Σ (p : J × J), p.fst ⟶ p.snd)) (R.symm.trans L),
dsimp at t,
simpa only [limit.lift_π, fan.mk_π_app, category.assoc, category.id_comp] using t,
end }, }.

local attribute [semireducible] op unop opposite
def build_limit : cone F :=
{ X := i.X,
π := { app := λ j, i.ι ≫ c₁.π.app _,
naturality' := λ j₁ j₂ f, by { dsimp, simp [← hs ⟨⟨_, _⟩, f⟩, i.condition_assoc, ht] } } }

/-- The morphism from cones over the original diagram `F` to cones over the walking pair diagram
`diagram F`. -/
@[simp] def cones_inv : F.cones ⟶ (diagram F).cones :=
{ app := λ X c,
variable {i}
(Implementation) Show the cone constructed in `build_limit` is limiting, provided the cones used in
its construction are.
def build_is_limit (t₁ : is_limit c₁) (t₂ : is_limit c₂) (hi : is_limit i) :
is_limit (build_limit s t hs ht i) :=
{ lift := λ q,
refine (fork.of_ι _ _).π,
{ exact pi.lift },
{ ext ⟨⟨A,B⟩,f⟩,
simp only [limit.lift_π, limit.lift_π_assoc, fan.mk_π_app, category.assoc],
rw ←(c.naturality f),
simp only [category.id_comp], }
refine hi.lift (fork.of_ι _ _),
{ refine t₁.lift ( _ (λ j, _)),
apply q.π.app j },
{ apply t₂.hom_ext,
simp [hs, ht] },
naturality' := λ X Y f, by { ext c j, cases j; tidy, } }.

/-- The natural isomorphism between cones over the
walking pair diagram `diagram F` and cones over the original diagram `F`. -/
def cones_iso : (diagram F).cones ≅ F.cones :=
{ hom := cones_hom F,
inv := cones_inv F,
hom_inv_id' :=
ext X c j,
cases j,
{ ext, simp },
{ ext,
have t := c.naturality walking_parallel_pair_hom.left,
conv at t { dsimp, to_lhs, simp only [category.id_comp] },
simp [t], }
end }
uniq' := λ q m w, hi.hom_ext (i.equalizer_ext (t₁.hom_ext (by simpa using w))) }

end has_limit_of_has_products_of_has_equalizers

open has_limit_of_has_products_of_has_equalizers

Given the existence of the appropriate (possibly finite) products and equalizers, we know a limit of
`F` exists.
(This assumes the existence of all equalizers, which is technically stronger than needed.)
lemma has_limit_of_equalizer_and_product (F : J ⥤ C)
[has_limit (discrete.functor F.obj)]
[has_limit (discrete.functor (λ f : (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2), F.obj f.1.2))]
[has_equalizers C] : has_limit F :=
{ cone := _,
is_limit :=
(pi.lift (λ f, limit.π _ _ ≫ f.2))
(pi.lift (λ f, limit.π _ f.1.2))
(by simp)
(by simp)
(limit.is_limit _)
(limit.is_limit _)
(limit.is_limit _) }

Any category with products and equalizers has all limits.
-- This is not an instance, as it is not always how one wants to construct limits!
lemma limits_from_equalizers_and_products
[has_products C] [has_equalizers C] : has_limits C :=
{ has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥, by exactI
{ has_limit := λ F, has_limit.of_cones_iso (diagram F) F (cones_iso F) } }
{ has_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥,
{ has_limit := λ F, by exactI has_limit_of_equalizer_and_product F } }

Any category with finite products and equalizers has all finite limits.
(We do not prove equivalence with the third condition.)
-- This is not an instance, as it is not always how one wants to construct finite limits!
lemma finite_limits_from_equalizers_and_finite_products
[has_finite_products C] [has_equalizers C] : has_finite_limits C :=
λ J _ _, by exactI
{ has_limit := λ F, has_limit.of_cones_iso (diagram F) F (cones_iso F) }
λ J _ _, { has_limit := λ F, by exactI has_limit_of_equalizer_and_product F }

variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v} D]
noncomputable theory


variables [has_limits_of_shape (discrete J) C]
[has_limits_of_shape (discrete (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2)) C]
[has_equalizers C]
variables (G : C ⥤ D)
[preserves_limits_of_shape walking_parallel_pair G]
[preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete J) G]
[preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete (Σ p : J × J, p.1 ⟶ p.2)) G]

/-- If a functor preserves equalizers and the appropriate products, it preserves limits. -/
def preserves_limit_of_preserves_equalizers_and_product :
preserves_limits_of_shape J G :=
{ preserves_limit := λ K,
let P := ∏ K.obj,
let Q := ∏ (λ (f : (Σ (p : J × J), p.fst ⟶ p.snd)), K.obj f.1.2),
let s : P ⟶ Q := pi.lift (λ f, limit.π _ _ ≫ f.2),
let t : P ⟶ Q := pi.lift (λ f, limit.π _ f.1.2),
let I := equalizer s t,
let i : I ⟶ P := equalizer.ι s t,
apply preserves_limit_of_preserves_limit_cone
(build_is_limit s t (by simp) (by simp)
(limit.is_limit _)
(limit.is_limit _)
(limit.is_limit _)),
refine is_limit.of_iso_limit (build_is_limit _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _,
{ exact _ (λ j, (pi.π _ j)) },
{ exact (G.obj Q) (λ f, (pi.π _ f)) },
{ apply s },
{ apply t },
{ intro f,
simp only [←G.map_comp, limit.lift_π, fan.mk_π_app] },
{ intro f,
simp only [←G.map_comp, limit.lift_π, fan.mk_π_app] },
{ apply fork.of_ι ( i) _,
simp only [← G.map_comp, equalizer.condition] },
{ apply is_limit_of_has_product_of_preserves_limit },
{ apply is_limit_of_has_product_of_preserves_limit },
{ apply is_limit_fork_map_of_is_limit,
apply equalizer_is_equalizer },
refine cones.ext (iso.refl _) _,
intro j,
simp, -- See note [dsimp, simp].
end }

/-- If G preserves equalizers and finite products, it preserves finite limits. -/
def preserves_finite_limits_of_preserves_equalizers_and_finite_products
[has_equalizers C] [has_finite_products C]
(G : C ⥤ D) [preserves_limits_of_shape walking_parallel_pair G]
[∀ J [fintype J], preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete J) G]
(J : Type v) [small_category J] [fin_category J] :
preserves_limits_of_shape J G :=
preserves_limit_of_preserves_equalizers_and_product G

/-- If G preserves equalizers and products, it preserves all limits. -/
def preserves_limits_of_preserves_equalizers_and_products
[has_equalizers C] [has_products C]
(G : C ⥤ D) [preserves_limits_of_shape walking_parallel_pair G]
[∀ J, preserves_limits_of_shape (discrete J) G] :
preserves_limits G :=
{ preserves_limits_of_shape := λ J 𝒥,
by exactI preserves_limit_of_preserves_equalizers_and_product G }

end category_theory.limits

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