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feat(algebra/free_algebra): A few lemmas about grades of free algebras
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The grading takes the form `free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ`

It's likely that there are more generic lemmas about grading that can be shared with `tensor_algebra` and friends, but that's left to follow-up work
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eric-wieser committed Sep 29, 2020
1 parent 8cc6e6e commit ad8308a
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143 changes: 26 additions & 117 deletions src/algebra/free_algebra.lean
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open_locale big_operators

instance {R X : Type*} [semiring X] : has_coe_to_fun (add_monoid_algebra X R) := finsupp.has_coe_to_fun

/-- Maps a vector `X` to its graded representation, (ie with only grade-1 components) -/
def grading_fun {R X : out_param Type*} [comm_semiring R] (x : X) :
add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ := finsupp.single 1 (ι R x)

theorem grading_fun_def (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] :
grading_fun = λ (x : X), finsupp.single 1 (ι R x) := rfl

theorem grading_fun_comp_def (R : Type*) [comm_semiring R] :
grading_fun = (finsupp.single 1 : free_algebra R X → ℕ →₀ free_algebra R X) ∘ (ι R) := rfl

variables (R X)

def grades : subalgebra R (add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ) :=
algebra.adjoin R {f | ∃ (x : X), f = @grading_fun R X _ x }

The inverse mapping, summing together the grade components to recover the original
Separate an element of the free algebra into its ℕ-graded components.
The proofs here look an awful lot like `add_monoid_algebra.lift`, but that has an incompatible
This is defined as an `alg_hom` to `add_monoid_algebra` so that algebra operators can be moved
before and after the mapping.
def grading_inv : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ →ₐ[R] (free_algebra R X)
{ to_fun := λ g, g.sum (λ _ gi, gi),
map_one' := by {
rw add_monoid_algebra.one_def,
rw finsupp.sum_single_index;
map_mul' := λ x y, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.sum_single_index];
map_zero' := finsupp.sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g, by rw [finsupp.sum_add_index]; simp [id],
commutes' := λ r, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.coe_algebra_map, finsupp.sum_single_index],
} }

This seemed like it ought to be useful but rw didn't like it
section alg_hom
def grades : (free_algebra R X) →ₐ[R] add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ :=
lift R $ λ x, finsupp.single 1 $ ι R x

variables {A : Type*} {B : Type*}
variables [comm_semiring R] [semiring A] [semiring B]
variables [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
variables (φ : A →ₐ[R] B)
/-- Recombining the grades recovers the original element-/
lemma sum_id_grades :
(add_monoid_algebra.sum_id R).comp grades = R (free_algebra R X) :=
unfold grades add_monoid_algebra.sum_id,
simp [finsupp.sum_single_index],

lemma finsupp_map_sum {ι : Type*} (f : ι →₀ A) :
φ (f.sum (λ i fi, fi)) = f.sum (λ i, φ) :=
φ.map_sum f
instance : has_coe (add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ) (free_algebra R X) := ⟨
(add_monoid_algebra.sum_id R : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ →ₐ[R] (free_algebra R X))

end alg_hom
-- -/
@[simp, norm_cast]
lemma coe_def (x : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ) : (x : free_algebra R X) = add_monoid_algebra.sum_id R x := rfl

The equivalence combining `lift R $ grading_fun` and `grading_inv X`.→ₐ₀
/-- An element of `X` lifted with the canonical `ι` function has a single grade 1 element -/
lemma grades_ι (x : X) : grades (ι R x) = finsupp.single 1 (ι R x) :=
by {unfold grades, simp}

Either I'm missing some useful lemmas, my statement is badly phrased, or finsupp is a pain to work with
def grading : free_algebra R X ≃ₐ[R] add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ :=
(lift R $ grading_fun)
-- (@add_monoid_algebra.lift ( _ : multiplicative ℕ →* free_algebra R X))
(grading_inv X)
unfold grading_inv,
rw finsupp_map_sum,
suffices : ∀ a, (lift R grading_fun) (x a) = finsupp.single a (x a),
conv in ((lift R grading_fun)) {
rw this _,
have q := finsupp.sum_single x,
unfold finsupp.sum at q,
exact q,
rw grading_fun_comp_def,
intro a,
revert x,
-- could do this to get (⇑x a ≠ 0), seems unhelpful
-- `unfold finsupp.single, split_ifs, { simp_rw h, ext, simp, refl, },`
induction a; intro x,
-- base case - prove true for the scalars
x : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ
⊢ ⇑(lift R grading_fun) (⇑x 0) = finsupp.single 0 (⇑x 0)
a_n : ℕ,
a_ih :
∀ (x : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ),
⇑(lift R grading_fun) (⇑x a_n) = finsupp.single a_n (⇑x a_n),
x : add_monoid_algebra (free_algebra R X) ℕ
⊢ ⇑(lift R grading_fun) (⇑x a_n.succ) = finsupp.single a_n.succ (⇑x a_n.succ)
unfold grading_inv,
rw grading_fun_def,
simp [finsupp.sum_single_index],
/-- An element of `R` lifted with `algebra_map` has a single grade 0 element -/
lemma grades_algebra_map (r : R) :
grades (algebra_map R (free_algebra R X) r) = finsupp.single 0 (algebra_map R (free_algebra R X) r) :=
by {unfold grades, simp}

end free_algebra
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/data/monoid_algebra.lean
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Expand Up @@ -684,6 +684,42 @@ lemma alg_hom_ext_iff {R : Type u₃} [comm_semiring k] [add_monoid G]
(∀ x, φ₁ (finsupp.single x 1) = φ₂ (finsupp.single x 1)) ↔ φ₁ = φ₂ :=
⟨λ h, alg_hom_ext h, by rintro rfl _; refl⟩

The `alg_hom` which maps from a grading of an algebra `A` back to that algebra.
The proofs here look an awful lot like `add_monoid_algebra.lift`, but that signature does not allow
us to distinguish `k` and `A`.
variables (k)

def sum_id {A : Type*} [comm_semiring k] [semiring A] [algebra k A] [add_monoid G] :
add_monoid_algebra A G →ₐ[k] A
{ to_fun := λ g, g.sum (λ _ gi, gi),
map_one' := by {
rw add_monoid_algebra.one_def,
rw finsupp.sum_single_index;
map_mul' := λ x y, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.mul_def, finsupp.sum_mul, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a ha, _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.mul_sum, finsupp.sum_sum_index];
try { intros, simp, done },
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ a' ha', _), simp only,
rw [finsupp.sum_single_index];
map_zero' := finsupp.sum_zero_index,
map_add' := λ f g, by rw [finsupp.sum_add_index]; simp [id],
commutes' := λ r, by {
rw [add_monoid_algebra.coe_algebra_map, finsupp.sum_single_index],
} }

variables {k}

universe ui
variable {ι : Type ui}

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