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chore(set_theory/game): various cleanup and code golf (#3939)
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TwoFX committed Aug 25, 2020
1 parent 878c44f commit b03ce61
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Showing 3 changed files with 90 additions and 114 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/game/impartial.lean
Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,18 @@ begin
{ right, assumption }

lemma impartial_not_first_wins {G : pgame} (hG : G.impartial) : ¬G.first_wins ↔ G.first_loses :=
cases impartial_winner_cases hG,
{ have := not_first_wins_of_first_loses h,
tauto },
{ have := not_first_loses_of_first_wins h,
tauto }

lemma impartial_not_first_loses {G : pgame} (hG : G.impartial) : ¬G.first_loses ↔ G.first_wins :=
iff.symm $ iff_not_comm.1 $ iff.symm $ impartial_not_first_wins hG

lemma impartial_add_self {G : pgame} (hG : G.impartial) : (G + G).first_loses :=
first_loses_is_zero.2 $ equiv_trans (add_congr (impartial_neg_equiv_self hG) G.equiv_refl)
Expand Down
180 changes: 67 additions & 113 deletions src/set_theory/game/nim.lean
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,16 @@ This file contains the definition for nim for any ordinal `O`. In the game of `n
may move to `nim O₂` for any `O₂ < O₁`.
We also define a Grundy value for an impartial game `G` and prove the Sprague-Grundy theorem, that
`G` is equivalent to `nim (Grundy_value G)`.
## Implementation details
The pen-and-paper definition of nim defines the possible moves of `nim O` to be `{ O' | O' < O}`.
However, this definition does not work for us because it would make the type of nim
`ordinal.{u} → pgame.{u + 1}`, which would make it impossible for us to state the Sprague-Grundy
theorem, since that requires the type of `nim` to be `ordinal.{u} → pgame.{u}`. For this reason, we
instead use `O.out.α` for the possible moves, which makes proofs significantly more messy and
tedious, but avoids the universe bump.

open pgame
Expand All @@ -41,12 +51,11 @@ def nim : ordinal → pgame
λ O₂, have hwf : (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂) < O₁,
from begin nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ←ordinal.type_out' O₁, exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _ end,
nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out.r O₂)⟩
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}
using_well_founded { dec_tac := tactic.assumption }

namespace nim

lemma nim_def (O : ordinal) : nim O =
O.out.α O.out.α
lemma nim_def (O : ordinal) : nim O = O.out.α O.out.α
(λ O₂, nim (ordinal.typein O.out.r O₂))
(λ O₂, nim (ordinal.typein O.out.r O₂)) :=
by rw nim
Expand All @@ -67,107 +76,68 @@ begin
{ intro i,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r i) < O := nim_wf_lemma i,
exact ⟨ i, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r i).1 ⟩ },
exact or.inl ⟨i, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r i).1⟩ },
{ intro j,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r j) < O := nim_wf_lemma j,
exact ⟨ j, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r j).1 ⟩ } },
exact or.inr ⟨j, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r j).1⟩ } },
{ rw pgame.le_def,
{ intro i,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r i) < O := nim_wf_lemma i,
exact ⟨ i, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r i).2 ⟩ },
exact or.inl ⟨i, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r i).2⟩ },
{ intro j,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r j) < O := nim_wf_lemma j,
exact ⟨ j, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r j).2 ⟩ } },
exact or.inr ⟨j, (impartial_neg_equiv_self $ nim_impartial $ ordinal.typein O.out.r j).2⟩ } },
{ intro i,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r i) < O := nim_wf_lemma i,
rw move_left_mk,
exact nim_impartial (ordinal.typein O.out.r i) },
simpa using nim_impartial (ordinal.typein O.out.r i) },
{ intro j,
let hwf : (ordinal.typein O.out.r j) < O := nim_wf_lemma j,
rw move_right_mk,
exact nim_impartial (ordinal.typein O.out.r j) }
simpa using nim_impartial (ordinal.typein O.out.r j) }
using_well_founded {dec_tac := tactic.assumption}
using_well_founded { dec_tac := tactic.assumption }

lemma nim_zero_first_loses : (nim (0:ordinal)).first_loses :=
lemma nim_zero_first_loses : (nim (0 : ordinal)).first_loses :=
rw nim_def,
rw le_def_lt;
intro i;
try {rw left_moves_mk at i};
try {rw right_moves_mk at i};
try { have h := ordinal.typein_lt_type (quotient.out (0:ordinal)).r i,
rw [impartial_first_loses_symm (nim_impartial _), nim_def, le_def_lt],
{ rintro (i : (0 : ordinal).out.α),
have h := ordinal.typein_lt_type _ i,
rw ordinal.type_out at h,
have hcontra := ordinal.zero_le (ordinal.typein (quotient.out (0:ordinal)).r i),
have h := not_le_of_lt h,
contradiction };
try { exact pempty.elim i }
exact false.elim (not_le_of_lt h (ordinal.zero_le (ordinal.typein _ i))) },
{ tidy }

lemma nim_non_zero_first_wins (O : ordinal) (hO : O ≠ 0) : (nim O).first_wins :=
rw nim_def,
rw [impartial_first_wins_symm (nim_impartial _), nim_def, lt_def_le],
rw ←ordinal.pos_iff_ne_zero at hO,
rw lt_def_le,
{ left,
use (ordinal.principal_seg_out hO).top,
rw [move_left_mk, ordinal.typein_top, ordinal.type_out],
exact nim_zero_first_loses.2 },
{ right,
use (ordinal.principal_seg_out hO).top,
rw [move_right_mk, ordinal.typein_top, ordinal.type_out],
exact nim_zero_first_loses.1 }
exact or.inr ⟨(ordinal.principal_seg_out hO).top, by simpa using nim_zero_first_loses.1

lemma nim_sum_first_loses_iff_eq (O₁ O₂ : ordinal) : (nim O₁ + nim O₂).first_loses ↔ O₁ = O₂ :=
{ contrapose,
intros hneq hp,
wlog h : O₁ ≤ O₂ using [O₁ O₂, O₂ O₁],
exact ordinal.le_total O₁ O₂,
{ have h : O₁ < O₂ := lt_of_le_of_ne h hneq,
rw ←(no_good_left_moves_iff_first_loses $ impartial_add (nim_impartial O₁) (nim_impartial O₂))
at hp,
equiv_rw left_moves_add (nim O₁) (nim O₂) at hp,
rw nim_def O₂ at hp,
specialize hp (sum.inr (ordinal.principal_seg_out h).top),
rw [id, add_move_left_inr, move_left_mk, ordinal.typein_top, ordinal.type_out] at hp,
cases hp,
have hcontra := (impartial_add_self $ nim_impartial O₁).1,
rw ←pgame.not_lt at hcontra,
contradiction },
exact this (λ h, hneq h.symm) (first_loses_of_equiv add_comm_equiv hp) },
{ intro h,
rw h,
exact impartial_add_self (nim_impartial O₂) }
intro h,
rw [impartial_not_first_loses (impartial_add (nim_impartial _) (nim_impartial _))],
wlog h' : O₁ ≤ O₂ using [O₁ O₂, O₂ O₁],
{ exact ordinal.le_total O₁ O₂ },
{ have h : O₁ < O₂ := lt_of_le_of_ne h' h,
rw [impartial_first_wins_symm' (impartial_add (nim_impartial _) (nim_impartial _)),
lt_def_le, nim_def O₂],
refine or.inl ⟨(left_moves_add (nim O₁) _).symm (sum.inr _), _⟩,
{ exact (ordinal.principal_seg_out h).top },
{ simpa using (impartial_add_self (nim_impartial _)).2 } },
{ exact first_wins_of_equiv add_comm_equiv (this (ne.symm h)) } },
{ rintro rfl,
exact impartial_add_self (nim_impartial O₁) }

lemma nim_sum_first_wins_iff_neq (O₁ O₂ : ordinal) : (nim O₁ + nim O₂).first_wins ↔ O₁ ≠ O₂ :=
{ intros hn heq,
cases hn,
rw ←nim_sum_first_loses_iff_eq at heq,
cases heq with h,
rw ←pgame.not_lt at h,
contradiction },
{ contrapose,
intro hnp,
rw [not_not, ←nim_sum_first_loses_iff_eq],
cases impartial_winner_cases (impartial_add (nim_impartial O₁) (nim_impartial O₂)),
contradiction }
by rw [iff_not_comm, impartial_not_first_wins (impartial_add (nim_impartial _) (nim_impartial _)),

lemma nim_equiv_iff_eq (O₁ O₂ : ordinal) : nim O₁ ≈ nim O₂ ↔ O₁ = O₂ :=
⟨λ h, (nim_sum_first_loses_iff_eq _ _).1 $
Expand All @@ -185,26 +155,19 @@ lemma nonmoves_nonempty {α : Type u} (M : α → ordinal.{u}) : ∃ O : ordinal
by_contra h,
rw nonmoves at h,
simp only [not_exists, not_forall, set.mem_set_of_eq, not_not] at h,
simp only [nonmoves, not_exists, not_forall, set.mem_set_of_eq, not_not] at h,

have hle : cardinal.univ.{u (u+1)} ≤ cardinal.lift.{u (u+1)} ( α),
{ split,
{ rintro ⟨ O ⟩,
exact ⟨ (classical.indefinite_description _ $ h O).val ⟩ },
{ rintros ⟨ O₁ ⟩ ⟨ O₂ ⟩ heq,
exact (classical.indefinite_description _ (h O₁)).prop,
injection heq with heq,
rw subtype.val_eq_coe at heq,
rw heq,
exact (classical.indefinite_description _ (h O₂)).prop } },
{ refine ⟨⟨λ ⟨O⟩, ⟨classical.some (h O)⟩, _⟩⟩,
rintros ⟨O₁⟩ ⟨O₂⟩ heq,
refine eq.trans (classical.some_spec (h O₁)).symm _,
injection heq with heq,
rw heq,
exact classical.some_spec (h O₂) },

have hlt : cardinal.lift.{u (u+1)} ( α) < cardinal.univ.{u (u+1)} :=
cardinal.lt_univ.2 α, rfl ⟩,
cardinal.lt_univ.2 ⟨ α, rfl⟩,

cases hlt,
Expand All @@ -216,7 +179,7 @@ noncomputable def Grundy_value : Π {G : pgame.{u}}, G.impartial → ordinal.{u}
| G :=
λ hG, ordinal.omin (nonmoves (λ i, Grundy_value $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i))
(nonmoves_nonempty (λ i, Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i)))
using_well_founded {dec_tac := pgame_wf_tac}
using_well_founded { dec_tac := pgame_wf_tac }

lemma Grundy_value_def {G : pgame} (hG : G.impartial) :
Grundy_value hG = ordinal.omin (nonmoves (λ i, (Grundy_value $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i)))
Expand All @@ -239,23 +202,20 @@ begin
equiv_rw left_moves_add G (nim $ Grundy_value hG) at i,
cases i with i₁ i₂,
{ rw add_move_left_inl,
apply first_wins_of_equiv,
exact (add_congr (Sprague_Grundy $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i₁).symm (equiv_refl _)),
apply first_wins_of_equiv
(add_congr (Sprague_Grundy $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i₁).symm (equiv_refl _)),
rw nim_sum_first_wins_iff_neq,
intro heq,
have heq := symm heq,
rw Grundy_value_def hG at heq,
rw [eq_comm, Grundy_value_def hG] at heq,
have h := ordinal.omin_mem
(nonmoves (λ (i : G.left_moves), Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i)))
(nonmoves_nonempty _),
rw heq at h,
have hcontra : ∃ (i' : G.left_moves),
(λ (i'' : G.left_moves), Grundy_value $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i'') i' =
Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i₁) :=
⟨ i₁, rfl ⟩,
Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i₁) := ⟨i₁, rfl⟩,
contradiction },
{ rw [add_move_left_inr,
{ rw [add_move_left_inr, ←good_left_move_iff_first_wins
(impartial_add hG $ impartial_move_left_impartial (nim_impartial _) _)],
revert i₂,
rw nim_def,
Expand All @@ -264,35 +224,28 @@ begin
have h' : ∃ i : G.left_moves, (Grundy_value $ impartial_move_left_impartial hG i) =
ordinal.typein (quotient.out $ Grundy_value hG).r i₂,
{ have hlt : ordinal.typein (quotient.out $ Grundy_value hG).r i₂ <
ordinal.type (quotient.out $ Grundy_value hG).r :=
ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _,
ordinal.type (quotient.out $ Grundy_value hG).r := ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _,
rw ordinal.type_out at hlt,
revert i₂ hlt,
rw Grundy_value_def,
intros i₂ hlt,
have hnotin :
ordinal.typein (quotient.out (ordinal.omin
(nonmoves (λ i, Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i))) _)).r i₂ ∉
have hnotin : ordinal.typein (quotient.out (ordinal.omin
(nonmoves (λ i, Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i))) _)).r i₂ ∉
(nonmoves (λ (i : G.left_moves), Grundy_value (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i))),
{ intro hin,
have hge := ordinal.omin_le hin,
have hcontra := (le_not_le_of_lt hlt).2,
contradiction },
unfold nonmoves at hnotin,
simpa using hnotin },
simpa [nonmoves] using hnotin },

cases h' with i hi,
use (left_moves_add _ _).symm (sum.inl i),
rw [add_move_left_inl, move_left_mk],
apply first_loses_of_equiv,
apply add_congr,
exact Sprague_Grundy (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i),
rw hi,
exact impartial_add_self (nim_impartial _) }
apply first_loses_of_equiv
(add_congr (equiv_symm (Sprague_Grundy (impartial_move_left_impartial hG i))) (equiv_refl _)),
simpa only [hi] using impartial_add_self (nim_impartial _) }
using_well_founded {dec_tac := pgame_wf_tac}
using_well_founded { dec_tac := pgame_wf_tac }

lemma equiv_nim_iff_Grundy_value_eq {G : pgame.{u}} (hG : impartial G) (O : ordinal) :
G ≈ nim O ↔ Grundy_value hG = O :=
Expand All @@ -303,3 +256,4 @@ lemma Grundy_value_nim (O : ordinal.{u}) : Grundy_value (nim_impartial O) = O :=
by rw ←equiv_nim_iff_Grundy_value_eq

end nim
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/set_theory/game/winner.lean
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import set_theory.pgame
# Basic definitions about who has a winning stratergy
We define `G.first_loses`, `G.first_wins`, `G.left_wins` and `G.right_wins` for a pgame `G`, which
means the second, first, left and right players have a winning stratergy respectively.
means the second, first, left and right players have a winning strategy respectively.
These are defined by inequalities which can be unfolded with `pgame.lt_def` and `pgame.le_def`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,4 +79,14 @@ lemma left_wins_of_equiv_iff {G H : pgame} (h : G ≈ H) : G.left_wins ↔ H.lef
lemma right_wins_of_equiv_iff {G H : pgame} (h : G ≈ H) : G.right_wins ↔ H.right_wins :=
⟨ right_wins_of_equiv h, right_wins_of_equiv h.symm ⟩

lemma not_first_wins_of_first_loses {G : pgame} : G.first_loses → ¬G.first_wins :=
rw first_loses_is_zero,
rintros h ⟨h₀, -⟩,
exact lt_irrefl 0 (lt_of_lt_of_equiv h₀ h)

lemma not_first_loses_of_first_wins {G : pgame} : G.first_wins → ¬G.first_loses :=
imp_not_comm.1 $ not_first_wins_of_first_loses

end pgame

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