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feat(algebra/category/Group/adjunctions): free_group-forgetful adjunc…
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Furthermore, a module doc for `group_theory/free_group` is provided and a few lines in this file are split. 

Co-authored-by: Julian-Kuelshammer <>
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Julian-Kuelshammer and Julian-Kuelshammer committed Feb 13, 2021
1 parent 07600ee commit b0aae27
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Showing 2 changed files with 88 additions and 22 deletions.
35 changes: 29 additions & 6 deletions src/algebra/category/Group/adjunctions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -14,15 +14,19 @@ category of abelian groups.
## Main definitions
* `free`: constructs the functor associating to a type `X` the free abelian group with generators
`x : X`
* ``: constructs the functor associating to a type `X` the free abelian group with
generators `x : X`.
* ``: constructs the functor associating to a type `X` the free group with
generators `x : X`.
* `abelianize`: constructs the functor which associates to a group `G` its abelianization `Gᵃᵇ`.
## Main statements
* `AddCommGroup.adj` proves that `free` is the left adjoint of the forgetful functor from abelian
groups to types.
* `abelianize_adj` proves that `abelianize` is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from
* `AddCommGroup.adj`: proves that `` is the left adjoint of the forgetful functor
from abelian groups to types.
* `Group.adj`: proves that `` is the left adjoint of the forgetful functor from groups to
* `abelianize_adj`: proves that `abelianize` is left adjoint to the forgetful functor from
abelian groups to groups.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +77,25 @@ example {G H : AddCommGroup.{u}} (f : G ⟶ H) [mono f] : function.injective f :

end AddCommGroup

namespace Group

/-- The free functor `Type u ⥤ Group` sending a type `X` to the free group with generators `x : X`.
def free : Type u ⥤ Group :=
{ obj := λ α, of (free_group α),
map := λ X Y,,
map_id' := by { intros, ext1, refl },
map_comp' := by { intros, ext1, refl } }

/-- The free-forgetful adjunction for groups.
def adj : free ⊣ forget Group.{u} :=
{ hom_equiv := λ X G, (free_group.lift X G).symm,
hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm' := λ X Y G f g, begin ext1, refl end }

end Group

section abelianization

/-- The abelianization functor `Group ⥤ CommGroup` sending a group `G` to its abelianization `Gᵃᵇ`.
Expand All @@ -83,7 +106,7 @@ def abelianize : Group.{u} ⥤ CommGroup.{u} :=
map_one' := by simp,
map_mul' := by simp } ),
map_id' := by { intros, simp only [monoid_hom.mk_coe, coe_id], ext1, refl },
map_comp' := by { intros, simp, ext1, refl } }
map_comp' := by { intros, simp only [coe_comp], ext1, refl } }

/-- The abelianization-forgetful adjuction from `Group` to `CommGroup`.-/
def abelianize_adj : abelianize ⊣ forget₂ CommGroup.{u} Group.{u} :=
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75 changes: 59 additions & 16 deletions src/group_theory/free_group.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,45 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau
import data.fintype.basic
import group_theory.subgroup

# Free groups
This file defines free groups over a type. Furthermore, it is shown that the free group construction
is an instance of a monad. For the result that `free_group` is the left adjoint to the forgetful
functor from groups to types, see `algebra/category/Group/adjunctions`.
## Main definitions
* `free_group`: the free group associated to a type `α` defined as the words over `a : α × bool `
modulo the relation `a * x * x⁻¹ * b = a * b`.
* `mk`: the canonical quotient map `list (α × bool) → free_group α`.
* `of`: the canoical injection `α → free_group α`.
* `to_group f`: the canonical group homomorphism `free_group α →* G` given a group `G` and a
function `f : α → G`.
## Main statements
Free groups as a quotient over the reduction relation `a * x * x⁻¹ * b = a * b`.
* `church_rosser`: The Church-Rosser theorem for word reduction (also known as Newman's diamond
* `free_group_unit_equiv_int`: The free group over the one-point type is isomorphic to the integers.
* The free group construction is an instance of a monad.
First we introduce the one step reduction relation
``: w * x * x⁻¹ * v ~> w * v
its reflexive transitive closure:
and proof that its join is an equivalence relation.
## Implementation details
Then we introduce `free_group α` as a quotient over ``.
First we introduce the one step reduction relation ``:
`w * x * x⁻¹ * v ~> w * v`, its reflexive transitive closure ``
and prove that its join is an equivalence relation. Then we introduce `free_group α` as a quotient
over ``.
## Tags
free group, Newman's diamond lemma, Church-Rosser theorem
import data.fintype.basic
import group_theory.subgroup

open relation

universes u v w
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +152,8 @@ lemma step.to_red : step L₁ L₂ → red L₁ L₂ :=

/-- Church-Rosser theorem for word reduction: If `w1 w2 w3` are words such that `w1` reduces to `w2`
and `w3` respectively, then there is a word `w4` such that `w2` and `w3` reduce to `w4` respectively. -/
and `w3` respectively, then there is a word `w4` such that `w2` and `w3` reduce to `w4`
respectively. This is also known as Newman's diamond lemma. -/
theorem church_rosser : red L₁ L₂ → red L₁ L₃ → join red L₂ L₃ :=
relation.church_rosser (assume a b c hab hac,
match b, c, red.step.diamond hab hac rfl with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,11 +200,13 @@ iff.intro
{ exact ⟨_, _, eq.symm, by refl, by refl⟩ },
{ cases h with s e a b,
rcases list.append_eq_append_iff.1 eq with ⟨s', rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨e', rfl, rfl⟩,
{ have : L₁ ++ (s' ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e)) = (L₁ ++ s') ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e),
{ have : L₁ ++ (s' ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e)) =
(L₁ ++ s') ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e),
{ simp },
rcases ih this with ⟨w₁, w₂, rfl, h₁, h₂⟩,
exact ⟨w₁, w₂, rfl, h₁, h₂.tail step.bnot⟩ },
{ have : (s ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e')) ++ L₂ = s ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: (e' ++ L₂)),
{ have : (s ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: e')) ++ L₂ =
s ++ ((a, b) :: (a, bnot b) :: (e' ++ L₂)),
{ simp },
rcases ih this with ⟨w₁, w₂, rfl, h₁, h₂⟩,
exact ⟨w₁, w₂, rfl, h₁.tail step.bnot, h₂⟩ }, }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,7 +380,7 @@ instance : group (free_group α) :=
mul_left_inv := by rintros ⟨L⟩; exact (list.rec_on L rfl $
λ ⟨x, b⟩ tl ih, eq.trans (quot.sound $ by simp [one_eq_mk]) ih) }

/-- `of x` is the canonical injection from the type to the free group over that type by sending each
/-- `of` is the canonical injection from the type to the free group over that type by sending each
element to the equivalence class of the letter that is the element. -/
def of (x : α) : free_group α :=
mk [(x, tt)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,6 +482,18 @@ set.subset.antisymm

end to_group

variables (X : Type*) (G : Type*) [group G]

/-- The bijection underlying the free-forgetful adjunction for groups. -/
def lift : (X → G) ≃ (free_group X →* G) :=
{ to_fun := λ g, to_group g,
inv_fun := λ f, f.1 ∘ of,
left_inv := by { intros x, ext1, simp },
right_inv := by { intros x, ext1, simp } }

section map

variables {β : Type v} (f : α → β) {x y : free_group α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,7 +633,7 @@ def free_group_empty_equiv_unit : free_group empty ≃ unit :=
right_inv := λ ⟨⟩, rfl }

/-- The bijection between the free group on a singleton, and the integers. -/
def free_group_unit_equiv_int : free_group unit ≃ int :=
def free_group_unit_equiv_int : free_group unit ≃ :=
{ to_fun := λ x,
sum begin revert x, apply monoid_hom.to_fun,
apply map (λ _, (1 : ℤ)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,7 +689,8 @@ to_group.of
@[simp] lemma one_bind (f : α → free_group β) : 1 >>= f = 1 :=
(to_group f).map_one

@[simp] lemma mul_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x y : free_group α) : x * y >>= f = (x >>= f) * (y >>= f) :=
@[simp] lemma mul_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x y : free_group α) :
x * y >>= f = (x >>= f) * (y >>= f) :=
(to_group f).map_mul _ _

@[simp] lemma inv_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x : free_group α) : x⁻¹ >>= f = (x >>= f)⁻¹ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,7 +755,8 @@ begin
exact red.cons_cons ih } } }

theorem reduce.not {p : Prop} : ∀ {L₁ L₂ L₃ : list (α × bool)} {x b}, reduce L₁ = L₂ ++ (x, b) :: (x, bnot b) :: L₃ → p
theorem reduce.not {p : Prop} :
∀ {L₁ L₂ L₃ : list (α × bool)} {x b}, reduce L₁ = L₂ ++ (x, b) :: (x, bnot b) :: L₃ → p
| [] L2 L3 _ _ := λ h, by cases L2; injections
| ((x,b)::L1) L2 L3 x' b' := begin
Expand Down

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