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feat(geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle): signs of angles and `same_ra…
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Add more lemmas about signs of angles in relation to the order of points on a line.
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jsm28 committed Oct 12, 2022
1 parent 12edc98 commit b30449d
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle.lean
Expand Up @@ -2131,4 +2131,134 @@ lemma _root_.collinear.two_zsmul_oangle_eq_right {p₁ p₂ p₃ p₃' : P}
(2 : ℤ) • ∡ p₁ p₂ p₃ = (2 : ℤ) • ∡ p₁ p₂ p₃' :=
by rw [oangle_rev, smul_neg, h.two_zsmul_oangle_eq_left hp₃p₂ hp₃'p₂, ←smul_neg, ←oangle_rev]

open affine_subspace

/-- Given two pairs of distinct points on the same line, such that the vectors between those
pairs of points are on the same ray (oriented in the same direction on that line), and a fifth
point, the angles at the fifth point between each of those two pairs of points have the same
sign. -/
lemma _root_.collinear.oangle_sign_of_same_ray_vsub {p₁ p₂ p₃ p₄ : P} (p₅ : P) (hp₁p₂ : p₁ ≠ p₂)
(hp₃p₄ : p₃ ≠ p₄) (hc : collinear ℝ ({p₁, p₂, p₃, p₄} : set P))
(hr : same_ray ℝ (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) (p₄ -ᵥ p₃)) : (∡ p₁ p₅ p₂).sign = (∡ p₃ p₅ p₄).sign :=
by_cases hc₅₁₂ : collinear ℝ ({p₅, p₁, p₂} : set P),
{ have hc₅₁₂₃₄ : collinear ℝ ({p₅, p₁, p₂, p₃, p₄} : set P) :=
(hc.collinear_insert_iff_of_ne (set.mem_insert _ _)
(set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert _ _)) hp₁p₂).2 hc₅₁₂,
have hc₅₃₄ : collinear ℝ ({p₅, p₃, p₄} : set P) :=
(set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert _ _)))
(set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert_of_mem _
(set.mem_singleton _)))) hp₃p₄).1 hc₅₁₂₃₄,
rw set.insert_comm at hc₅₁₂ hc₅₃₄,
have hs₁₅₂ := oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_collinear.2 hc₅₁₂,
have hs₃₅₄ := oangle_eq_zero_or_eq_pi_iff_collinear.2 hc₅₃₄,
rw ←real.angle.sign_eq_zero_iff at hs₁₅₂ hs₃₅₄,
rw [hs₁₅₂, hs₃₅₄] },
{ let s : set (P × P × P) :=
(λ x : affine_span ℝ ({p₁, p₂} : set P) × V, (x.1, p₅, x.2 +ᵥ x.1)) ''
set.univ ×ˢ {v | same_ray ℝ (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) v ∧ v ≠ 0},
have hco : is_connected s,
{ haveI : connected_space (affine_span ℝ ({p₁, p₂} : set P)) := add_torsor.connected_space _ _,
exact ( (is_connected_set_of_same_ray_and_ne_zero
(vsub_ne_zero.2 hp₁p₂.symm))).image _
(continuous_snd.vadd continuous_fst.subtype_coe))).continuous_on) },
have hf : continuous_on (λ p : P × P × P, ∡ p.1 p.2.1 p.2.2) s,
{ refine continuous_at.continuous_on (λ p hp, continuous_at_oangle _ _),
all_goals { simp_rw [s, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, set.mem_univ, true_and,
prod.ext_iff] at hp,
obtain ⟨q₁, q₅, q₂⟩ := p,
dsimp only at ⊢ hp,
obtain ⟨⟨⟨q, hq⟩, v⟩, hv, rfl, rfl, rfl⟩ := hp,
dsimp only [subtype.coe_mk, set.mem_set_of] at ⊢ hv,
obtain ⟨hvr, -⟩ := hv,
rintro rfl,
refine hc₅₁₂ ((collinear_insert_iff_of_mem_affine_span _).2
(collinear_pair _ _ _)) },
{ exact hq },
{ refine vadd_mem_of_mem_direction _ hq,
rw ←exists_nonneg_left_iff_same_ray (vsub_ne_zero.2 hp₁p₂.symm) at hvr,
obtain ⟨r, -, rfl⟩ := hvr,
rw direction_affine_span,
exact smul_vsub_rev_mem_vector_span_pair _ _ _ } },
have hsp : ∀ p : P × P × P, p ∈ s → ∡ p.1 p.2.1 p.2.20 ∧ ∡ p.1 p.2.1 p.2.2 ≠ π,
{ intros p hp,
simp_rw [s, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, set.mem_set_of, set.mem_univ, true_and,
prod.ext_iff] at hp,
obtain ⟨q₁, q₅, q₂⟩ := p,
dsimp only at ⊢ hp,
obtain ⟨⟨⟨q, hq⟩, v⟩, hv, rfl, rfl, rfl⟩ := hp,
dsimp only [subtype.coe_mk, set.mem_set_of] at ⊢ hv,
obtain ⟨hvr, hv0⟩ := hv,
rw ←exists_nonneg_left_iff_same_ray (vsub_ne_zero.2 hp₁p₂.symm) at hvr,
obtain ⟨r, -, rfl⟩ := hvr,
change q ∈ affine_span ℝ ({p₁, p₂} : set P) at hq,
rw [oangle_ne_zero_and_ne_pi_iff_affine_independent],
refine affine_independent_of_ne_of_mem_of_not_mem_of_mem _ hq
(λ h, hc₅₁₂ ((collinear_insert_iff_of_mem_affine_span h).2 (collinear_pair _ _ _))) _,
{ rwa [←@vsub_ne_zero V, vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub, vsub_self, zero_sub, neg_ne_zero] },
{ refine vadd_mem_of_mem_direction _ hq,
rw direction_affine_span,
exact smul_vsub_rev_mem_vector_span_pair _ _ _ } },
have hp₁p₂s : (p₁, p₅, p₂) ∈ s,
{ simp_rw [s, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, set.mem_set_of, set.mem_univ, true_and,
refine ⟨⟨⟨p₁, left_mem_affine_span_pair _ _ _⟩, p₂ -ᵥ p₁⟩,
⟨same_ray.rfl, vsub_ne_zero.2 hp₁p₂.symm⟩, _⟩,
simp },
have hp₃p₄s : (p₃, p₅, p₄) ∈ s,
{ simp_rw [s, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, set.mem_set_of, set.mem_univ, true_and,
refine ⟨⟨⟨p₃,
(set.mem_insert _ _)
(set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert _ _))
(set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert_of_mem _ (set.mem_insert _ _)))
hp₁p₂⟩, p₄ -ᵥ p₃⟩, ⟨hr, vsub_ne_zero.2 hp₃p₄.symm⟩, _⟩,
simp },
convert real.angle.sign_eq_of_continuous_on hco hf hsp hp₃p₄s hp₁p₂s }

/-- Given three points in strict order on the same line, and a fourth point, the angles at the
fourth point between the first and second or second and third points have the same sign. -/
lemma _root_.sbtw.oangle_sign_eq {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (p₄ : P) (h : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃) :
(∡ p₁ p₄ p₂).sign = (∡ p₂ p₄ p₃).sign :=
have hc : collinear ℝ ({p₁, p₂, p₂, p₃} : set P), { simpa using h.wbtw.collinear },
exact hc.oangle_sign_of_same_ray_vsub _ h.left_ne h.ne_right h.wbtw.same_ray_vsub

/-- Given three points in weak order on the same line, with the first not equal to the second,
and a fourth point, the angles at the fourth point between the first and second or first and
third points have the same sign. -/
lemma _root_.wbtw.oangle_sign_eq_of_ne_left {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (p₄ : P) (h : wbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃)
(hne : p₁ ≠ p₂) : (∡ p₁ p₄ p₂).sign = (∡ p₁ p₄ p₃).sign :=
have hc : collinear ℝ ({p₁, p₂, p₁, p₃} : set P),
{ simpa [set.insert_comm p₂] using h.collinear },
exact hc.oangle_sign_of_same_ray_vsub _ hne (h.left_ne_right_of_ne_left hne.symm)

/-- Given three points in strict order on the same line, and a fourth point, the angles at the
fourth point between the first and second or first and third points have the same sign. -/
lemma _root_.sbtw.oangle_sign_eq_left {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (p₄ : P) (h : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃) :
(∡ p₁ p₄ p₂).sign = (∡ p₁ p₄ p₃).sign :=
h.wbtw.oangle_sign_eq_of_ne_left _ h.left_ne

/-- Given three points in weak order on the same line, with the second not equal to the third,
and a fourth point, the angles at the fourth point between the second and third or first and
third points have the same sign. -/
lemma _root_.wbtw.oangle_sign_eq_of_ne_right {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (p₄ : P) (h : wbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃)
(hne : p₂ ≠ p₃) : (∡ p₂ p₄ p₃).sign = (∡ p₁ p₄ p₃).sign :=
by simp_rw [oangle_rev p₃, real.angle.sign_neg, h.symm.oangle_sign_eq_of_ne_left _ hne.symm]

/-- Given three points in strict order on the same line, and a fourth point, the angles at the
fourth point between the second and third or first and third points have the same sign. -/
lemma _root_.sbtw.oangle_sign_eq_right {p₁ p₂ p₃ : P} (p₄ : P) (h : sbtw ℝ p₁ p₂ p₃) :
(∡ p₂ p₄ p₃).sign = (∡ p₁ p₄ p₃).sign :=
h.wbtw.oangle_sign_eq_of_ne_right _ h.ne_right

end euclidean_geometry

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