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feat(linear_algebra/alternating): Add dom_coprod (#5269)
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This implements a variant of the multiplication defined in the second half of [Proposition 22.24 of "Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups" (Jean Gallier)](

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eric-wieser committed Mar 14, 2021
1 parent b52337a commit b48cf17
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Showing 2 changed files with 294 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,13 @@ @InProceedings{ fuerer-lochbihler-schneider-traytel2020
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}

@Inproceedings{ Gallier2011Notes,
title = {Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups},
author = {J. Gallier and J. Quaintance},
year = {2011},
url = {}

@Article{ ghys87:groupes,
author = {Étienne Ghys},
title = {Groupes d'homeomorphismes du cercle et cohomologie
Expand Down
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/alternating.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ Author: Eric Wieser, Zhangir Azerbayev
import linear_algebra.multilinear
import linear_algebra.linear_independent
import group_theory.perm.sign
import group_theory.perm.subgroup
import data.equiv.fin
import linear_algebra.tensor_product
import group_theory.quotient_group

# Alternating Maps
Expand All @@ -22,6 +26,7 @@ arguments of the same type.
* An `add_comm_monoid`, `add_comm_group`, and `semimodule` structure over `alternating_map`s that
matches the definitions over `multilinear_map`s.
* `multilinear_map.alternatization`, which makes an alternating map out of a non-alternating one.
* `alternating_map.dom_coprod`, which behaves as a product between two alternating maps.
## Implementation notes
`alternating_map` is defined in terms of `map_eq_zero_of_eq`, as this is easier to work with than
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +107,10 @@ instance : has_coe (alternating_map R M N ι) (multilinear_map R (λ i : ι, M)

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_multilinear_map : ⇑(f : multilinear_map R (λ i : ι, M) N) = f := rfl

lemma coe_multilinear_map_injective :
function.injective (coe : alternating_map R M N ι → multilinear_map R (λ i : ι, M) N) :=
λ x y h, ext $ multilinear_map.congr_fun h

@[simp] lemma to_multilinear_map_eq_coe : f.to_multilinear_map = f := rfl

@[simp] lemma coe_multilinear_map_mk (f : (ι → M) → N) (h₁ h₂ h₃) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,3 +443,281 @@ lemma comp_multilinear_map_alternatization (g : N' →ₗ[R] N'₂)
by { ext, simp [multilinear_map.alternatization_def] }

end linear_map

section coprod

open_locale big_operators
open_locale tensor_product

variables {ιa ιb : Type*} [decidable_eq ιa] [decidable_eq ιb] [fintype ιa] [fintype ιb]

{R' : Type*} {Mᵢ N₁ N₂ : Type*}
[comm_semiring R']
[add_comm_group N₁] [semimodule R' N₁]
[add_comm_group N₂] [semimodule R' N₂]
[add_comm_monoid Mᵢ] [semimodule R' Mᵢ]

namespace equiv.perm

/-- Elements which are considered equivalent if they differ only by swaps within α or β -/
abbreviation mod_sum_congr (α β : Type*) :=
quotient_group.quotient (equiv.perm.sum_congr_hom α β).range

lemma mod_sum_congr.swap_smul_involutive {α β : Type*} [decidable_eq (α ⊕ β)] (i j : α ⊕ β) :
function.involutive (has_scalar.smul (equiv.swap i j) : mod_sum_congr α β → mod_sum_congr α β) :=
λ σ, begin
apply σ.induction_on' (λ σ, _),
exact _root_.congr_arg' (equiv.swap_mul_involutive i j σ)

end equiv.perm

namespace alternating_map
open equiv

/-- summand used in `alternating_map.dom_coprod` -/
def dom_coprod.summand
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb)
(σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb) :
multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιa ⊕ ιb, Mᵢ) (N₁ ⊗[R'] N₂) :=
quotient.lift_on' σ
(λ σ,
(σ.sign : ℤ) •
(multilinear_map.dom_coprod ↑a ↑b : multilinear_map R' (λ _, Mᵢ) (N₁ ⊗ N₂)).dom_dom_congr σ)
(λ σ₁ σ₂ ⟨⟨sl, sr⟩, h⟩, begin
ext v,
simp only [multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_apply, multilinear_map.dom_coprod_apply,
coe_multilinear_map, multilinear_map.smul_apply],
replace h := h.symm,
have : ((σ₁ * perm.sum_congr_hom _ _ (sl, sr)).sign : ℤ) = σ₁.sign * (sl.sign * sr.sign) :=
by simp,
rw [h, this, mul_smul, mul_smul, units.smul_left_cancel,
←tensor_product.tmul_smul, tensor_product.smul_tmul'],
simp only [sum.map_inr, perm.sum_congr_hom_apply, perm.sum_congr_apply, sum.map_inl,
function.comp_app, perm.coe_mul],
rw [←a.map_congr_perm (λ i, v (σ₁ _)), ←b.map_congr_perm (λ i, v (σ₁ _))],

lemma dom_coprod.summand_mk'
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb)
(σ : equiv.perm (ιa ⊕ ιb)) :
dom_coprod.summand a b (' σ) = (σ.sign : ℤ) •
(multilinear_map.dom_coprod ↑a ↑b : multilinear_map R' (λ _, Mᵢ) (N₁ ⊗ N₂)).dom_dom_congr σ :=

/-- Swapping elements in `σ` with equal values in `v` results in an addition that cancels -/
lemma dom_coprod.summand_add_swap_smul_eq_zero
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb)
(σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb)
{v : ιa ⊕ ιb → Mᵢ} {i j : ιa ⊕ ιb} (hv : v i = v j) (hij : i ≠ j) :
dom_coprod.summand a b σ v + dom_coprod.summand a b (swap i j • σ) v = 0 :=
apply σ.induction_on' (λ σ, _),
dsimp only [quotient.lift_on'_mk','_mk', mul_action.quotient.smul_mk,
rw [perm.sign_mul, perm.sign_swap hij],
simp only [one_mul, units.neg_mul, function.comp_app, neg_smul, perm.coe_mul,
units.coe_neg, multilinear_map.smul_apply, multilinear_map.neg_apply,
multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_apply, multilinear_map.dom_coprod_apply],
convert add_right_neg _;
{ ext k, rw equiv.apply_swap_eq_self hv },

/-- Swapping elements in `σ` with equal values in `v` result in zero if the swap has no effect
on the quotient. -/
lemma dom_coprod.summand_eq_zero_of_smul_invariant
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb)
(σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb)
{v : ιa ⊕ ιb → Mᵢ} {i j : ιa ⊕ ιb} (hv : v i = v j) (hij : i ≠ j) :
swap i j • σ = σ → dom_coprod.summand a b σ v = 0 :=
apply σ.induction_on' (λ σ, _),
dsimp only [quotient.lift_on'_mk','_mk', multilinear_map.smul_apply,
multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_apply, multilinear_map.dom_coprod_apply, dom_coprod.summand],
intro hσ,
with_cases {
cases hi : σ⁻¹ i;
cases hj : σ⁻¹ j;
rw perm.inv_eq_iff_eq at hi hj;
substs hi hj, },
case [sum.inl sum.inr : i' j', sum.inr sum.inl : i' j'] {
-- the term pairs with and cancels another term
all_goals { obtain ⟨⟨sl, sr⟩, hσ⟩ := quotient.exact' hσ, },
work_on_goal 0 { replace hσ := equiv.congr_fun hσ (sum.inl i'), },
work_on_goal 1 { replace hσ := equiv.congr_fun hσ (sum.inr i'), },
all_goals {
rw [←equiv.mul_swap_eq_swap_mul, mul_inv_rev, equiv.swap_inv, inv_mul_cancel_right] at hσ,
simpa using hσ, }, },
case [sum.inr sum.inr : i' j', sum.inl sum.inl : i' j'] {
-- the term does not pair but is zero
all_goals { convert smul_zero _, },
work_on_goal 0 { convert tensor_product.tmul_zero _ _, },
work_on_goal 1 { convert tensor_product.zero_tmul _ _, },
all_goals { exact alternating_map.map_eq_zero_of_eq _ _ hv (λ hij', hij (hij' ▸ rfl)), },

/-- Like `multilinear_map.dom_coprod`, but ensures the result is also alternating.
Note that this is usually defined (for instance, as used in Proposition 22.24 in [Gallier2011Notes])
over integer indices `ιa = fin n` and `ιb = fin m`, as
(f \wedge g)(u_1, \ldots, u_{m+n}) =
\sum_{\operatorname{shuffle}(m, n)} \operatorname{sign}(\sigma)
f(u_{\sigma(1)}, \ldots, u_{\sigma(m)}) g(u_{\sigma(m+1)}, \ldots, u_{\sigma(m+n)}),
where $\operatorname{shuffle}(m, n)$ consists of all permutations of $[1, m+n]$ such that
$\sigma(1) < \cdots < \sigma(m)$ and $\sigma(m+1) < \cdots < \sigma(m+n)$.
Here, we generalize this by replacing:
* the product in the sum with a tensor product
* the filtering of $[1, m+n]$ to shuffles with an isomorphic quotient
* the additions in the subscripts of $\sigma$ with an index of type `sum`
The specialized version can be obtained by combining this definition with `fin_sum_fin_equiv` and
def dom_coprod
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) :
alternating_map R' Mᵢ (N₁ ⊗[R'] N₂) (ιa ⊕ ιb) :=
{ to_fun := λ v, ⇑(∑ σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb, dom_coprod.summand a b σ) v,
map_eq_zero_of_eq' := λ v i j hv hij, begin
dsimp only,
rw multilinear_map.sum_apply,
exact finset.sum_involution
(λ σ _, equiv.swap i j • σ)
(λ σ _, dom_coprod.summand_add_swap_smul_eq_zero a b σ hv hij)
(λ σ _, mt $ dom_coprod.summand_eq_zero_of_smul_invariant a b σ hv hij)
(λ σ _, finset.mem_univ _)
(λ σ _, equiv.perm.mod_sum_congr.swap_smul_involutive i j σ),
..(∑ σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb, dom_coprod.summand a b σ) }

lemma dom_coprod_coe (a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) :
(↑(a.dom_coprod b) : multilinear_map R' (λ _, Mᵢ) _) =
∑ σ : perm.mod_sum_congr ιa ιb, dom_coprod.summand a b σ :=
multilinear_map.ext $ λ _, rfl

/-- A more bundled version of `alternating_map.dom_coprod` that maps
`((ι₁ → N) → N₁) ⊗ ((ι₂ → N) → N₂)` to `(ι₁ ⊕ ι₂ → N) → N₁ ⊗ N₂`. -/
def dom_coprod' :
(alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa ⊗[R'] alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) →ₗ[R']
alternating_map R' Mᵢ (N₁ ⊗[R'] N₂) (ιa ⊕ ιb) :=
tensor_product.lift $ by
refine linear_map.mk₂ R' (dom_coprod)
(λ m₁ m₂ n, _)
(λ c m n, _)
(λ m n₁ n₂, _)
(λ c m n, _);
{ ext,
simp only [dom_coprod_apply, add_apply, smul_apply, ←finset.sum_add_distrib,
finset.smul_sum, multilinear_map.sum_apply, dom_coprod.summand],
ext σ,
apply σ.induction_on' (λ σ, _),
simp only [quotient.lift_on'_mk', coe_add, coe_smul, multilinear_map.smul_apply,
simp only [tensor_product.add_tmul, ←tensor_product.smul_tmul',
tensor_product.tmul_add, tensor_product.tmul_smul, linear_map.map_add, linear_map.map_smul],
rw ←smul_add <|> rw smul_comm,
congr }

lemma dom_coprod'_apply
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) :
dom_coprod' (a ⊗ₜ[R'] b) = dom_coprod a b :=
by simp only [dom_coprod', tensor_product.lift.tmul, linear_map.mk₂_apply]

end alternating_map

open equiv

/-- A helper lemma for `multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization`. -/
lemma multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization_coe
(a : multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιa, Mᵢ) N₁) (b : multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιb, Mᵢ) N₂) :
multilinear_map.dom_coprod ↑a.alternatization ↑b.alternatization =
∑ (σa : perm ιa) (σb : perm ιb), (σa.sign : ℤ) • (σb.sign : ℤ) •
multilinear_map.dom_coprod (a.dom_dom_congr σa) (b.dom_dom_congr σb) :=
simp_rw [←multilinear_map.dom_coprod'_apply, multilinear_map.alternatization_coe],
simp_rw [tensor_product.sum_tmul, tensor_product.tmul_sum, linear_map.map_sum,
←tensor_product.smul_tmul', tensor_product.tmul_smul, linear_map.map_smul_of_tower],

open alternating_map

/-- Computing the `multilinear_map.alternatization` of the `multilinear_map.dom_coprod` is the same
as computing the `alternating_map.dom_coprod` of the `multilinear_map.alternatization`s.
lemma multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization
(a : multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιa, Mᵢ) N₁) (b : multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιb, Mᵢ) N₂) :
(multilinear_map.dom_coprod a b).alternatization =
a.alternatization.dom_coprod b.alternatization :=
apply coe_multilinear_map_injective,
rw [dom_coprod_coe, multilinear_map.alternatization_coe,
finset.sum_partition (quotient_group.left_rel (perm.sum_congr_hom ιa ιb).range)],
congr' 1,
ext1 σ,
apply σ.induction_on' (λ σ, _),

-- unfold the quotient mess left by `finset.sum_partition`
conv in (_ =' _) {
change' _ =' _,
rw quotient.eq',
rw [quotient_group.left_rel],
dsimp only [setoid.r] },

-- eliminate a multiplication
have : @finset.univ (perm (ιa ⊕ ιb)) _ = finset.univ.image ((*) σ) :=
(finset.eq_univ_iff_forall.mpr $ λ a, let ⟨a', ha'⟩ := mul_left_surjective σ a in
finset.mem_image.mpr ⟨a', finset.mem_univ _, ha'⟩).symm,
rw [this, finset.image_filter],
simp only [function.comp, mul_inv_rev, inv_mul_cancel_right, subgroup.inv_mem_iff],
simp only [monoid_hom.mem_range], -- needs to be separate from the above `simp only`
rw [finset.filter_congr_decidable,
finset.univ_filter_exists (perm.sum_congr_hom ιa ιb),
finset.sum_image (λ x _ y _ (h : _ = _), mul_right_injective _ h),
finset.sum_image (λ x _ y _ (h : _ = _), perm.sum_congr_hom_injective h)],
dsimp only,

-- now we're ready to clean up the RHS, pulling out the summation
rw [dom_coprod.summand_mk', multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization_coe,
←finset.sum_product', finset.univ_product_univ,
←multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_equiv_apply, add_equiv.map_sum, finset.smul_sum],
congr' 1,
ext1 ⟨al, ar⟩,
dsimp only,

-- pull out the pair of smuls on the RHS, by rewriting to `add_monoid_hom` and back
rw [←add_equiv.coe_to_add_monoid_hom, add_monoid_hom.map_int_module_smul,
add_equiv.coe_to_add_monoid_hom, multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_equiv_apply],

-- pick up the pieces
rw [multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_mul, perm.sign_mul, units.coe_mul,
perm.sum_congr_hom_apply, multilinear_map.dom_coprod_dom_dom_congr_sum_congr,
perm.sign_sum_congr, units.coe_mul, ←mul_smul ↑al.sign ↑ar.sign, ←mul_smul],
-- resolve typeclass diamonds in `has_scalar`. `congr` alone seems to make a wrong turn.
congr' 3,

/-- Taking the `multilinear_map.alternatization` of the `multilinear_map.dom_coprod` of two
`alternating_map`s gives a scaled version of the `alternating_map.coprod` of those maps.
lemma multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization_eq
(a : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₁ ιa) (b : alternating_map R' Mᵢ N₂ ιb) :
(multilinear_map.dom_coprod a b : multilinear_map R' (λ _ : ιa ⊕ ιb, Mᵢ) (N₁ ⊗ N₂))
.alternatization =
((fintype.card ιa).factorial * (fintype.card ιb).factorial) • a.dom_coprod b :=
rw [multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization, coe_alternatization, coe_alternatization, mul_smul,
←dom_coprod'_apply, ←dom_coprod'_apply, ←tensor_product.smul_tmul', tensor_product.tmul_smul,
linear_map.map_smul_of_tower dom_coprod', linear_map.map_smul_of_tower dom_coprod'],
-- typeclass resolution is a little confused here
apply_instance, apply_instance,

end coprod

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