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feat(group_theory/nilpotent): Add equality theorems for nilpotency cl…
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the nilpotency class can be defined as the length of the
upper central series, the lower central series, or as the shortest
length across all ascending or descending series.

In order to use the equivalence proofs between the various definition
of nilpotency in these lemmas, I had to reorder them to put the `∃n` in
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nomeata committed Jan 20, 2022
1 parent b5e542d commit b87449a
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 53 deletions.
178 changes: 125 additions & 53 deletions src/group_theory/nilpotent.lean
Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,13 @@ subgroup `G` of `G`, and `⊥` denotes the trivial subgroup `{1}`.
* `nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series` : `G` is nilpotent iff some descending central
series reaches `⊥`.
* `nilpotent_iff_lower` : `G` is nilpotent iff the lower central series reaches `⊥`.
* The `nilpotency_class` can likeways be obtained from these equivalent
definitions, see `least_ascending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class`,
`least_descending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class` and
* `is_nilpotent.to_is_solvable`: If `G` is nilpotent, it is solvable.
## Warning
A "central series" is usually defined to be a finite sequence of normal subgroups going
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,17 +144,6 @@ class group.is_nilpotent (G : Type*) [group G] : Prop :=

open group

section classical

open_locale classical

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent group is the small natural `n` such that
the `n`'th term of the upper central series is `G`. -/
noncomputable def group.nilpotency_class (G : Type*) [group G] [is_nilpotent G] : ℕ :=
nat.find (is_nilpotent.nilpotent G)

end classical

variable {G}

/-- A sequence of subgroups of `G` is an ascending central series if `H 0` is trivial and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,61 +189,74 @@ end
/-- A group `G` is nilpotent iff there exists an ascending central series which reaches `G` in
finitely many steps. -/
theorem nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series :
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_ascending_central_series H ∧ ∃ n : ℕ, H n = ⊤ :=
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ n : ℕ, ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_ascending_central_series H ∧ H n = ⊤ :=
{ intro h,
use upper_central_series G,
refine ⟨upper_central_series_is_ascending_central_series G, h.1⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨H, hH, n, hn⟩,
{ rintro ⟨n, nH⟩,
refine ⟨_, _, upper_central_series_is_ascending_central_series G, nH⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨n, H, hH, hn⟩,
use n,
have := ascending_central_series_le_upper H hH n,
rw hn at this,
exact eq_top_iff.mpr this }

lemma is_decending_rev_series_of_is_ascending
{H: ℕ → subgroup G} {n : ℕ} (hn : H n = ⊤) (hasc : is_ascending_central_series H) :
is_descending_central_series (λ (m : ℕ), H (n - m)) :=
cases hasc with h0 hH,
refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr hm,
rw [hnm, h0, subgroup.mem_bot] at hx,
subst hx,
convert subgroup.one_mem _,
group },
{ push_neg at hm,
apply hH,
convert hx,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (tsub_pos_of_lt hm) },

lemma is_ascending_rev_series_of_is_descending
{H: ℕ → subgroup G} {n : ℕ} (hn : H n = ⊥) (hdesc : is_descending_central_series H) :
is_ascending_central_series (λ (m : ℕ), H (n - m)) :=
cases hdesc with h0 hH,
refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp only at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr hm,
dsimp only,
rw [hnm, h0],
exact mem_top _ },
{ push_neg at hm,
dsimp only,
convert hH x _ hx g,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (tsub_pos_of_lt hm)).symm }

/-- A group `G` is nilpotent iff there exists a descending central series which reaches the
trivial group in a finite time. -/
theorem nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series :
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_descending_central_series H ∧ ∃ n : ℕ, H n = ⊥ :=
is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ n : ℕ, ∃ H : ℕ → subgroup G, is_descending_central_series H ∧ H n = ⊥ :=
rw nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series,
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hH⟩, n, hn⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ rintro ⟨n, H, hH, hn⟩,
use n, use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr hm,
rw [hnm, h0, subgroup.mem_bot] at hx,
subst hx,
convert subgroup.one_mem _,
group },
{ push_neg at hm,
apply hH,
convert hx,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (tsub_pos_of_lt hm) } },
{ use n,
rwa tsub_self } },
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hH⟩, n, hn⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ apply (is_decending_rev_series_of_is_ascending G hn hH) },
{ simp, exact hH.1 } },
{ rintro ⟨n, H, hH, hn⟩,
use n, use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ refine ⟨hn, λ x m hx g, _⟩,
dsimp only at hx,
by_cases hm : n ≤ m,
{ have hnm : n - m = 0 := tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr hm,
dsimp only,
rw [hnm, h0],
exact mem_top _ },
{ push_neg at hm,
dsimp only,
convert hH x _ hx g,
rw nat.sub_succ,
exact (nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (tsub_pos_of_lt hm)).symm } },
{ use n,
rwa tsub_self } },
{ apply (is_ascending_rev_series_of_is_descending G hn hH) },
{ simp, exact hH.1 } },

/-- The lower central series of a group `G` is a sequence `H n` of subgroups of `G`, defined
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,15 +326,80 @@ theorem nilpotent_iff_lower_central_series : is_nilpotent G ↔ ∃ n, lower_cen
rw nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series,
{ rintro ⟨H, ⟨h0, hs⟩, n, hn⟩,
{ rintro ⟨n, H, ⟨h0, hs⟩, hn⟩,
use n,
have := descending_central_series_ge_lower H ⟨h0, hs⟩ n,
rw hn at this,
exact eq_bot_iff.mpr this },
{ intro h,
use [lower_central_series G, lower_central_series_is_descending_central_series, h] },
{ rintro ⟨n, hn⟩,
use [n, lower_central_series G, lower_central_series_is_descending_central_series, hn] },

section classical

open_locale classical

variables [hG : is_nilpotent G]
include hG

variable (G)

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent group is the smallest natural `n` such that
the `n`'th term of the upper central series is `G`. -/
noncomputable def group.nilpotency_class : ℕ :=
nat.find (is_nilpotent.nilpotent G)

variable {G}

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent `G` is equal to the smallest `n` for which an ascending
central series reaches `G` in its `n`'th term. -/
lemma least_ascending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class :
nat.find ((nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series G).mp hG) = group.nilpotency_class G :=
refine le_antisymm (nat.find_mono _) (nat.find_mono _),
{ intros n hn,
exact ⟨upper_central_series G, upper_central_series_is_ascending_central_series G, hn ⟩, },
{ rintros n ⟨H, ⟨hH, hn⟩⟩,
rw ← hn,
exact (ascending_central_series_le_upper H hH n), }

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent `G` is equal to the smallest `n` for which the descending
central series reaches `⊥` in its `n`'th term. -/
lemma least_descending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class :
nat.find ((nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series G).mp hG) = group.nilpotency_class G :=
rw ← least_ascending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class,
refine le_antisymm (nat.find_mono _) (nat.find_mono _),
{ rintros n ⟨H, ⟨hH, hn⟩⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ apply is_decending_rev_series_of_is_ascending G hn hH },
{ simp, exact hH.1 } },
{ rintros n ⟨H, ⟨hH, hn⟩⟩,
use (λ m, H (n - m)),
{ apply is_ascending_rev_series_of_is_descending G hn hH },
{ simp, exact hH.1 } },

/-- The nilpotency class of a nilpotent `G` is equal to the length of the lower central series. -/
lemma lower_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class :
nat.find ( hG) = @group.nilpotency_class G _ _ :=
rw ← least_descending_central_series_length_eq_nilpotency_class,
refine le_antisymm (nat.find_mono _) (nat.find_mono _),
{ rintros n ⟨H, ⟨hH, hn⟩⟩,
rw ← hn,
exact (descending_central_series_ge_lower H hH n), },
{ rintros n h,
refine ⟨lower_central_series G, ⟨lower_central_series_is_descending_central_series, h⟩⟩ },

end classical

lemma lower_central_series_map_subtype_le (H : subgroup G) (n : ℕ) :
(lower_central_series H n).map H.subtype ≤ lower_central_series G n :=
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