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feat(topology): introduce infinite sums on topological monoids
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johoelzl committed Sep 5, 2017
1 parent c7a3c75 commit ba95269
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Showing 9 changed files with 664 additions and 33 deletions.
48 changes: 42 additions & 6 deletions algebra/big_operators.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ fold_to_finset_of_nodup h
@[simp] lemma prod_singleton : ({a}:finset α).prod f = f a :=
eq.trans fold_singleton (by simp)

@[simp] lemma prod_const_one : (λx, (1 : β)) = 1 :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp {contextual:=tt})

@[simp] lemma prod_image [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {g : γ → α} :
(∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, g x = g y → x = y) → (s.image g).prod f = (λx, f (g x)) :=
Expand All @@ -88,15 +91,45 @@ fold_union_inter
lemma prod_union (h : s₁ ∩ s₂ = ∅) : (s₁ ∪ s₂).prod f = s₁.prod f * s₂.prod f :=
by rw [←prod_union_inter, h]; simp

lemma prod_bind [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : γ → finset α} :
(∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, x ≠ y → t x ∩ t y = ∅) → (s.bind t).prod f = (λx, (t x).prod f) :=
s.induction_on (by simp) $
assume x s hxs ih hd,
have hd' : ∀x∈s, ∀y∈s, x ≠ y → t x ∩ t y = ∅,
from assume _ hx _ hy, hd _ (mem_insert_of_mem hx) _ (mem_insert_of_mem hy),
have t x ∩ finset.bind s t = ∅,
from ext $ assume a,
by simp [mem_bind_iff];
from assume h₁ y hys hy₂,
have ha : a ∈ t x ∩ t y, by simp [*],
have t x ∩ t y = ∅,
from hd _ mem_insert _ (mem_insert_of_mem hys) $ assume h, hxs $ h.symm ▸ hys,
by rwa [this] at ha,
by simp [hxs, prod_union this, ih hd'] {contextual := tt}

lemma prod_product [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : finset α} {f : γ×α → β} :
(s.product t).prod f = ( $ λx, $ λy, f (x, y)) :=
calc (s.product t).prod f = ( $ λx, (t.image $ λy, (x, y)).prod f) :
prod_bind $ assume x hx y hy h, ext $ by simp [mem_image_iff]; cc
... = _ : begin congr, apply funext, intro x, apply prod_image, simp {contextual := tt} end

lemma prod_mul_distrib : (λx, f x * g x) = f * g :=
eq.trans (by simp; refl) fold_op_distrib

lemma prod_comm [decidable_eq γ] {s : finset γ} {t : finset α} {f : γ → α → β} :
( $ λx, $ f x) = ( $ λy, $ λx, f x y) :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp [prod_mul_distrib] {contextual := tt})

lemma prod_hom [comm_monoid γ] (g : β → γ)
(h₁ : g 1 = 1) (h₂ : ∀x y, g (x * y) = g x * g y) : (λx, g (f x)) = g ( f) :=
eq.trans (by rw [h₁]; refl) (fold_hom h₂)

@[simp] lemma prod_const_one : (λx, (1 : β)) = 1 :=
s.induction_on (by simp) (by simp {contextual:=tt})
lemma prod_subset (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) (hf : ∀x∈s₂, x ∉ s₁ → f x = 1) : s₁.prod f = s₂.prod f :=
have (s₂ \ s₁).prod f = (s₂ \ s₁).prod (λx, 1),
from prod_congr begin simp [hf] {contextual := tt} end,
calc s₁.prod f = (s₂ \ s₁).prod f * s₁.prod f : by simp [this]
... = ((s₂ \ s₁) ∪ s₁).prod f : by rw [prod_union]; exact sdiff_inter_self
... = s₂.prod f : by rw [sdiff_union_of_subset h]

end comm_monoid

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,19 +248,22 @@ run_cmd transport_multiplicative_to_additive [
(`, `finset.sum._proof_2),
(`, `finset.sum),
(`, `finset.sum.equations._eqn_1),
(`finset.prod_to_finset_of_nodup, `finset.sum_to_finset_of_nodup),
(`finset.prod_empty, `finset.sum_empty),
(`finset.prod_insert, `finset.sum_insert),
(`finset.prod_singleton, `finset.sum_singleton),
(`finset.prod_union_inter, `finset.sum_union_inter),
(`finset.prod_union, `finset.sum_union),
(`finset.prod_to_finset_of_nodup, `finset.sum_to_finset_of_nodup),
(`finset.prod_image, `finset.sum_image),
(`finset.prod_bind, `finset.sum_bind),
(`finset.prod_product, `finset.sum_product),
(`finset.prod_congr, `finset.sum_congr),
(`finset.prod_hom, `finset.sum_hom),
(`finset.prod_const_one, `finset.sum_const_zero),
(`finset.prod_mul_distrib, `finset.sum_add_distrib),
(`finset.prod_inv_distrib, `finset.sum_neg_distrib)
(`finset.prod_inv_distrib, `finset.sum_neg_distrib),
(`finset.prod_const_one, `finset.sum_const_zero),
(`finset.prod_comm, `finset.sum_comm),
(`finset.prod_subset, `finset.sum_subset)]

namespace finset
variables [decidable_eq α] {s s₁ s₂ : finset α} {f g : α → β} {b : β} {a : α}
Expand Down
189 changes: 176 additions & 13 deletions data/finset/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ Author: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Minchao Wu
Finite sets.
import data.list.set data.list.perm tactic.finish
open list subtype nat
import data.list.set data.list.basic data.list.perm order.boolean_algebra tactic.finish
open list subtype nat lattice

universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}

def nodup_list (α : Type u) := {l : list α // nodup l}
def nodup_list (α : Type*) := {l : list α // nodup l}

def to_nodup_list_of_nodup {l : list α} (n : nodup l) : nodup_list α :=
⟨l, n⟩
Expand All @@ -33,10 +32,10 @@ perm.symm
private def eqv.trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : nodup_list α} : l₁ ~ l₂ → l₂ ~ l₃ → l₁ ~ l₃ :=

instance finset.nodup_list_setoid (α : Type u) : setoid (nodup_list α) :=
instance finset.nodup_list_setoid (α : Type*) : setoid (nodup_list α) := (@eqv α) (mk_equivalence (@eqv α) (@eqv.refl α) (@eqv.symm α) (@eqv.trans α))

def finset (α : Type u) : Type u :=
def {u} finset (α : Type u) : Type u :=
quotient (finset.nodup_list_setoid α)

namespace finset
Expand All @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ def to_finset_of_nodup (l : list α) (n : nodup l) : finset α :=
⟦to_nodup_list_of_nodup n⟧

protected theorem induction_on_to_finset {α : Type u} {p : finset α → Prop} (s : finset α)
protected theorem induction_on_to_finset {α : Type*} {p : finset α → Prop} (s : finset α)
(h : ∀ (l : list α) (h : nodup l), p (to_finset_of_nodup l h)) : p s :=
quot.induction_on s $ assume ⟨l, hl⟩, h l hl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,16 +89,19 @@ theorem mem_of_mem_list {a : α} {l : nodup_list α} : a ∈ l.1 → a ∈ @id (
theorem mem_list_of_mem {a : α} {l : nodup_list α} : a ∈ @id (finset α) ⟦l⟧ → a ∈ l.1 :=
λ ainl, ainl

theorem mem_to_finset [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ l → a ∈ to_finset l :=
λ ainl, mem_erase_dup.mpr ainl

@[simp] theorem mem_to_finset_iff [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ to_finset l ↔ a ∈ l :=

instance decidable_mem [h : decidable_eq α] : ∀ (a : α) (s : finset α), decidable (a ∈ s) :=
λ a s, quot.rec_on_subsingleton s
(λ l, match list.decidable_mem a l.1 with
| decidable.is_true p := decidable.is_true (mem_of_mem_list p)
| decidable.is_false n := decidable.is_false (λ p, absurd (mem_list_of_mem p) n)

theorem mem_to_finset [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {l : list α} : a ∈ l → a ∈ to_finset l :=
λ ainl, mem_erase_dup.mpr ainl

/- extensionality -/
theorem ext {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : (∀ a, a ∈ s₁ ↔ a ∈ s₂) → s₁ = s₂ :=
quotient.induction_on₂ s₁ s₂ (λ l₁ l₂ e, quot.sound (perm.perm_ext l₁.2 l₂.2 e))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,6 +147,8 @@ to_finset_of_nodup [] nodup_nil

instance : has_emptyc (finset α) := ⟨finset.empty⟩

instance : inhabited (finset α) := ⟨∅⟩

@[simp] theorem not_mem_empty : a ∉ (∅ : finset α) := λ aine, aine

@[simp] theorem mem_empty_iff : a ∈ (∅ : finset α) ↔ false := iff_false_intro not_mem_empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,6 +257,16 @@ show insert a {a} = ({a} : finset α), by rw [insert_eq_of_mem]; apply mem_singl

end singleton

section sep
variables [decidable_eq α]
instance : has_sep α (finset α) :=
⟨λp s, quotient.lift_on s (λl, to_finset_of_nodup (l.val.filter p) _) _⟩
end sep

/- union -/
section union
variable [decidable_eq α]
Expand All @@ -278,12 +292,30 @@ by rw [mem_union_iff]; exact or.inr
theorem mem_or_mem_of_mem_union {a : α} {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : a ∈ s₁ ∪ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ ∨ a ∈ s₂ :=

theorem union_subset {s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset α} : s₁ ⊆ s₃ → s₂ ⊆ s₃ → s₁ ∪ s₂ ⊆ s₃ :=
by simp [subset_iff] {contextual:=tt}; finish

theorem subset_union_left {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : s₁ ⊆ s₁ ∪ s₂ :=
subset_iff.mpr $ assume x, mem_union_left _

theorem subset_union_right {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : s₂ ⊆ s₁ ∪ s₂ :=
subset_iff.mpr $ assume x, mem_union_right _

@[simp] theorem union_comm (s₁ s₂ : finset α) : s₁ ∪ s₂ = s₂ ∪ s₁ :=
ext $ by simp

instance : is_commutative (finset α) (∪) := ⟨union_comm⟩

@[simp] theorem union_assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset α) : (s₁ ∪ s₂) ∪ s₃ = s₁ ∪ (s₂ ∪ s₃) :=
ext $ by simp

instance : is_associative (finset α) (∪) := ⟨union_assoc⟩

@[simp] theorem union_idempotent (s : finset α) : (s ∪ s) = s :=
ext $ by simp

instance : is_idempotent (finset α) (∪) := ⟨union_idempotent⟩

theorem union_left_comm (s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset α) : s₁ ∪ (s₂ ∪ s₃) = s₂ ∪ (s₁ ∪ s₃) :=
ext $ by simp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,6 +365,15 @@ by rw [mem_inter_iff]; exact and.right
theorem mem_inter {a : α} {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₂ → a ∈ s₁ ∩ s₂ :=
by rw [mem_inter_iff]; exact and.intro

theorem inter_subset_left {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : s₁ ∩ s₂ ⊆ s₁ :=
by simp [subset_iff] {contextual:=tt}; finish

theorem inter_subset_right {s₁ s₂ : finset α} : s₁ ∩ s₂ ⊆ s₂ :=
by simp [subset_iff] {contextual:=tt}; finish

theorem subset_inter {s₁ s₂ s₃ : finset α} : s₁ ⊆ s₂ → s₁ ⊆ s₃ → s₁ ⊆ s₂ ∩ s₃ :=
by simp [subset_iff] {contextual:=tt}; finish

@[simp] theorem inter_comm (s₁ s₂ : finset α) : s₁ ∩ s₂ = s₂ ∩ s₁ :=
ext $ by simp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,6 +425,34 @@ by rw [inter_comm, singleton_inter_of_not_mem h]

end inter

section lattice

instance [decidable_eq α] : lattice (finset α) :=
{ le := (⊆),
le_refl := subset.refl,
le_trans := assume a b c, subset.trans,
le_antisymm := assume a b, subset.antisymm,
sup := (∪),
sup_le := assume a b c, union_subset,
le_sup_left := assume a b, subset_union_left,
le_sup_right := assume a b, subset_union_right,
inf := (∩),
le_inf := assume a b c, subset_inter,
inf_le_left := assume a b, inter_subset_left,
inf_le_right := assume a b, inter_subset_right }

instance [decidable_eq α] : semilattice_inf_bot (finset α) :=
{ finset.lattice.lattice with
bot := ∅,
bot_le := assume a, empty_subset }

instance [decidable_eq α] : distrib_lattice (finset α) :=
{ finset.lattice.lattice with
le_sup_inf := assume a b c, show (a ∪ b) ∩ (a ∪ c) ⊆ a ∪ b ∩ c,
by simp [subset_iff, and_imp, or_imp_distrib] {contextual:=tt} }

end lattice

/- distributivity laws -/
section inter
variable [decidable_eq α]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,6 +527,55 @@ iff.intro erase_subset_of_subset_insert subset_insert_of_erase_subset

end erase

section filter
variables [decidable_eq α] {p : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p] {s s₁ s₂ : finset α} {a : α}

protected def filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] (s : finset α) : finset α :=
quotient.lift_on s
(λl, to_finset_of_nodup (l.val.filter p) $ nodup_filter _
(assume l₁ l₂ (h : perm l₁.val l₂.val), quot.sound $ perm.perm_filter h)

@[simp] theorem mem_filter_iff : a ∈ s.filter p ↔ (a ∈ s ∧ p a) :=
finset.induction_on_to_finset s $ λl₁ h₁, list.mem_filter_iff

theorem filter_subset : s.filter p ⊆ s := by simp [subset_iff] {contextual := tt}

theorem filter_union : (s₁ ∪ s₂).filter p = s₁.filter p ∪ s₂.filter p :=
ext $ assume a, by simp [and_or_distrib_left]

theorem filter_filter {p' : α → Prop} [decidable_pred p'] :
(s.filter p).filter p' = s.filter (λa, p a ∧ p' a) :=
ext $ assume a, by simp

@[simp] theorem filter_false {h : decidable_pred $ λa:α, false} :
@finset.filter α _ (λa:α, false) h s = ∅ :=
ext $ assume a, by simp

theorem filter_union_filter_neg_eq : s.filter p ∪ s.filter (λa, ¬ p a) = s :=
ext $ assume a, by by_cases p a; simp [iff_iff_implies_and_implies, *] {contextual := tt}

theorem filter_inter_filter_neg_eq : s.filter p ∩ s.filter (λa, ¬ p a) = ∅ :=
ext $ assume a, by by_cases p a; simp [*] {contextual := tt}

end filter

section sdiff
variables [decidable_eq α] {a : α} {s₁ s₂ : finset α}

instance : has_sdiff (finset α) := ⟨λs₁ s₂, s₁.filter (λa, a ∉ s₂)⟩

@[simp] theorem mem_sdiff_iff : a ∈ s₁ \ s₂ ↔ (a ∈ s₁ ∧ a ∉ s₂) := mem_filter_iff

lemma sdiff_union_of_subset (h : s₁ ⊆ s₂) : (s₂ \ s₁) ∪ s₁ = s₂ :=
ext $ assume a,
by rw [subset_iff] at h;
by_cases a ∈ s₁; simp [iff_iff_implies_and_implies, *] {contextual := tt}

lemma sdiff_inter_self : (s₂ \ s₁) ∩ s₁ = ∅ :=
ext $ by simp {contextual := tt}

end sdiff

/- upto -/
section upto
variables {n m l : ℕ}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,13 +634,19 @@ iff.intro
(λ r, and.right H _ r))

section image
variables (f : α → β) (s : finset α) [decidable_eq β]
variables (f : α → β) (s s₁ s₂ : finset α) [decidable_eq β]

protected def image : finset β :=
quot.lift_on s (λl, to_finset $ f) $ assume ⟨l₁, hl₁⟩ ⟨l₂, hl₂⟩ (h : perm l₁ l₂),
quotient.sound $ perm.perm_erase_dup_of_perm $ perm.perm_map _ $ h

variables {f s} [decidable_eq α]
@[simp] lemma image_empty {f : α → β} : (∅ : finset α).image f = ∅ := rfl

variables {f s s₁ s₂} {b : β} [decidable_eq α]

lemma mem_image_iff : b ∈ s.image f ↔ (∃a∈s, f a = b) :=
finset.induction_on_to_finset s $ assume l h,
show b ∈ to_finset ( f) ↔ _, by simp [mem_to_finset_iff, mem_map_iff]

lemma erase_dup_map_erase_dup_eq {f : α → β} :
∀{l : list α}, erase_dup (map f (erase_dup l)) = (erase_dup $ map f l)
Expand All @@ -549,6 +673,45 @@ quot.induction_on s $ assume ⟨l, hl⟩,
show ((to_finset_of_nodup l hl).image f).image g = (to_finset_of_nodup l hl).image (g ∘ f),
by simp [to_finset_eq_of_nodup, image_to_finset]

lemma image_subset_image : s₁ ⊆ s₂ → s₁.image f ⊆ s₂.image f :=
by simp [subset_iff, mem_image_iff] {contextual:=tt};
from assume h b a h_eq ha, ⟨a, h_eq, h _ ha⟩

lemma image_filter {p : β → Prop} [decidable_pred p] :
(s.image f).filter p = (s.filter (p ∘ f)).image f :=
ext $ assume b, by simp [mem_image_iff]; exact iff.intro
(assume ⟨hb, ⟨a, h_eq, ha⟩⟩, ⟨a, h_eq, show p (f a), from h_eq.symm ▸ hb, ha⟩)
(assume ⟨a, h_eq, ha, has⟩, ⟨h_eq ▸ ha, a, h_eq, has⟩)

lemma image_union {f : α → β} : (s₁ ∪ s₂).image f = s₁.image f ∪ s₂.image f :=
ext $ assume b, by simp [mem_image_iff, and_or_distrib_left, exists_or_distrib]

lemma image_inter (hf : ∀x y, f x = f y → x = y) : (s₁ ∩ s₂).image f = s₁.image f ∩ s₂.image f :=
ext $ assume b,
by simp [mem_image_iff, iff_def];
from and.intro
(assume x x_eq hx y y_eq hy,
have y = x, from hf _ _ $ by simp *,
⟨x, x_eq, hx, this ▸ hy⟩)
(assume x x_eq h₁ h₂, ⟨⟨x, x_eq, h₁⟩, ⟨x, x_eq, h₂⟩⟩)

@[simp] lemma image_singleton {f : α → β} {a : α} : ({a}: finset α).image f = {f a} :=
ext $ by simp [mem_image_iff, and_or_distrib_left, exists_or_distrib, iff_def] {contextual := tt}

@[simp] lemma image_insert {f : α → β} {s : finset α} {a : α} :
(insert a s).image f = insert (f a) (s.image f) :=
by simp [insert_eq, image_union]

@[simp] lemma image_eq_empty_iff : s.image f = ∅ ↔ s = ∅ :=
(assume h,
have ∀a, a ∉ s,
from assume a ha,
have f a ∈ s.image f, from mem_image_iff.mpr ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩,
by simp * at *,
ext $ by simp *)
(assume h, by simp *)

end image

section card
Expand Down

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