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feat(category_theory/monoidal/subcategory): full monoidal subcategori…
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We use a type synonym for `{X : C // P X}` when `C` is a monoidal category and the property `P` is closed under the monoidal unit and tensor product so that `full_monoidal_subcategory` can be made an instance.

Co-authored-by: antoinelab01 <>
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antoinelab01 and antoinelab01 committed May 27, 2022
1 parent 48d831a commit bae0229
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Showing 3 changed files with 165 additions and 40 deletions.
26 changes: 11 additions & 15 deletions src/algebra/category/FinVect.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob von Raumer
import category_theory.monoidal.rigid.basic
import category_theory.monoidal.subcategory
import linear_algebra.tensor_product_basis
import linear_algebra.coevaluation
import algebra.category.Module.monoidal
Expand All @@ -12,14 +13,9 @@ import algebra.category.Module.monoidal
# The category of finite dimensional vector spaces
This introduces `FinVect K`, the category of finite dimensional vector spaces over a field `K`.
It is implemented as a full subcategory on a subtype of `Module K`.
We first create the instance as a category, then as a monoidal category and then as a rigid monoidal
## Future work
* Show that `FinVect K` is a symmetric monoidal category.
It is implemented as a full subcategory on a subtype of `Module K`, which inherits monoidal and
symmetric structure as `finite_dimensional K` is a monoidal predicate.
We also provide a right rigid monoidal category instance.
noncomputable theory

Expand All @@ -30,8 +26,14 @@ universes u

variables (K : Type u) [field K]

instance monoidal_predicate_finite_dimensional :
monoidal_category.monoidal_predicate (λ V : Module.{u} K, finite_dimensional K V) :=
{ prop_id' := finite_dimensional.finite_dimensional_self K,
prop_tensor' := λ X Y hX hY, by exactI module.finite.tensor_product K X Y }

/-- Define `FinVect` as the subtype of `Module.{u} K` of finite dimensional vector spaces. -/
@[derive [large_category, λ α, has_coe_to_sort α (Sort*), concrete_category]]
@[derive [large_category, λ α, has_coe_to_sort α (Sort*), concrete_category, monoidal_category,
def FinVect := { V : Module.{u} K // finite_dimensional K V }

namespace FinVect
Expand All @@ -55,12 +57,6 @@ by { dsimp [FinVect], apply_instance, }
instance : full (forget₂ (FinVect K) (Module.{u} K)) :=
{ preimage := λ X Y f, f, }

instance monoidal_category : monoidal_category (FinVect K) :=
(λ V, finite_dimensional K V)
(finite_dimensional.finite_dimensional_self K)
(λ X Y hX hY, by exactI module.finite.tensor_product K X Y)

variables (V : FinVect K)

/-- The dual module is the dual in the rigid monoidal category `FinVect K`. -/
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25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/category.lean
Expand Up @@ -477,31 +477,6 @@ rfl
(tensor_right_tensor X Y) Z = (associator Z X Y).hom :=
by simp [tensor_right_tensor]

variables {C}

Any property closed under `𝟙_` and `⊗` induces a full monoidal subcategory of `C`, where
the category on the subtype is given by `full_subcategory`.
def full_monoidal_subcategory (P : C → Prop) (h_id : P (𝟙_ C))
(h_tensor : ∀ {X Y}, P X → P Y → P (X ⊗ Y)) : monoidal_category {X : C // P X} :=
{ tensor_obj := λ X Y, ⟨X ⊗ Y, h_tensor X.2 Y.2⟩,
tensor_hom := λ X₁ Y₁ X₂ Y₂ f g, by { change X₁.1 ⊗ X₂.1 ⟶ Y₁.1 ⊗ Y₂.1,
change X₁.1 ⟶ Y₁.1 at f, change X₂.1 ⟶ Y₂.1 at g, exact f ⊗ g },
tensor_unit := ⟨𝟙_ C, h_id⟩,
associator := λ X Y Z,
⟨(α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1).hom, (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1).inv,
hom_inv_id (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1), inv_hom_id (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1)⟩,
left_unitor := λ X, ⟨(λ_ X.1).hom, (λ_ X.1).inv, hom_inv_id (λ_ X.1), inv_hom_id (λ_ X.1)⟩,
right_unitor := λ X, ⟨(ρ_ X.1).hom, (ρ_ X.1).inv, hom_inv_id (ρ_ X.1), inv_hom_id (ρ_ X.1)⟩,
tensor_id' := λ X Y, tensor_id X.1 Y.1,
tensor_comp' := λ X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂, tensor_comp f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂,
associator_naturality' := λ X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ f₁ f₂ f₃, associator_naturality f₁ f₂ f₃,
left_unitor_naturality' := λ X Y f, left_unitor_naturality f,
right_unitor_naturality' := λ X Y f, right_unitor_naturality f,
pentagon' := λ W X Y Z, pentagon W.1 X.1 Y.1 Z.1,
triangle' := λ X Y, triangle X.1 Y.1 }


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154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/monoidal/subcategory.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Antoine Labelle. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Antoine Labelle
import category_theory.monoidal.braided
import category_theory.concrete_category.basic

# Full monoidal subcategories
Given a monidal category `C` and a monoidal predicate on `C`, that is a function `P : C → Prop`
closed under `𝟙_` and `⊗`, we can put a monoidal structure on `{X : C // P X}` (the category
structure is defined in `category_theory.full_subcategory`).
When `C` is also braided/symmetric, the full monoidal subcategory also inherits the
braided/symmetric structure.
* Add monoidal/braided versions of `category_theory.full_subcategory.lift`

universes u v

namespace category_theory

namespace monoidal_category

open iso

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C] [monoidal_category C] (P : C → Prop)

A property `C → Prop` is a monoidal predicate if it is closed under `𝟙_` and `⊗`.
class monoidal_predicate :=
(prop_id' : P (𝟙_ C) . obviously)
(prop_tensor' : ∀ {X Y}, P X → P Y → P (X ⊗ Y) . obviously)

restate_axiom monoidal_predicate.prop_id'
restate_axiom monoidal_predicate.prop_tensor'

open monoidal_predicate

variables [monoidal_predicate P]

When `P` is a monoidal predicate, the full subcategory `{X : C // P X}` inherits the monoidal
structure of `C`
instance full_monoidal_subcategory : monoidal_category {X : C // P X} :=
{ tensor_obj := λ X Y, ⟨X ⊗ Y, prop_tensor X.2 Y.2⟩,
tensor_hom := λ X₁ Y₁ X₂ Y₂ f g, by { change X₁.1 ⊗ X₂.1 ⟶ Y₁.1 ⊗ Y₂.1,
change X₁.1 ⟶ Y₁.1 at f, change X₂.1 ⟶ Y₂.1 at g, exact f ⊗ g },
tensor_unit := ⟨𝟙_ C, prop_id⟩,
associator := λ X Y Z,
⟨(α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1).hom, (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1).inv,
hom_inv_id (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1), inv_hom_id (α_ X.1 Y.1 Z.1)⟩,
left_unitor := λ X, ⟨(λ_ X.1).hom, (λ_ X.1).inv, hom_inv_id (λ_ X.1), inv_hom_id (λ_ X.1)⟩,
right_unitor := λ X, ⟨(ρ_ X.1).hom, (ρ_ X.1).inv, hom_inv_id (ρ_ X.1), inv_hom_id (ρ_ X.1)⟩,
tensor_id' := λ X Y, tensor_id X.1 Y.1,
tensor_comp' := λ X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂, tensor_comp f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂,
associator_naturality' := λ X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ f₁ f₂ f₃, associator_naturality f₁ f₂ f₃,
left_unitor_naturality' := λ X Y f, left_unitor_naturality f,
right_unitor_naturality' := λ X Y f, right_unitor_naturality f,
pentagon' := λ W X Y Z, pentagon W.1 X.1 Y.1 Z.1,
triangle' := λ X Y, triangle X.1 Y.1 }

The forgetful monoidal functor from a full monoidal subcategory into the original category
("forgetting" the condition).
def full_monoidal_subcategory_inclusion : monoidal_functor {X : C // P X} C :=
{ to_functor := full_subcategory_inclusion P,
ε := 𝟙 _,
μ := λ X Y, 𝟙 _ }

instance full_monoidal_subcategory.full :
full (full_monoidal_subcategory_inclusion P).to_functor := full_subcategory.full P
instance full_monoidal_subcategory.faithful :
faithful (full_monoidal_subcategory_inclusion P).to_functor := full_subcategory.faithful P

variables {P} {P' : C → Prop} [monoidal_predicate P']

/-- An implication of predicates `P → P'` induces a monoidal functor between full monoidal
subcategories. -/
def (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
monoidal_functor {X : C // P X} {X : C // P' X} :=
{ to_functor := h,
ε := 𝟙 _,
μ := λ X Y, 𝟙 _ }

instance full_monoidal_subcategory.map_full (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
full ( h).to_functor := { preimage := λ X Y f, f }
instance full_monoidal_subcategory.map_faithful (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
faithful ( h).to_functor := {}

section braided

variables (P) [braided_category C]

The braided structure on `{X : C // P X}` inherited by the braided structure on `C`.
instance full_braided_subcategory : braided_category {X : C // P X} :=
braided_category_of_faithful (full_monoidal_subcategory_inclusion P)
(λ X Y, ⟨(β_ X.1 Y.1).hom, (β_ X.1 Y.1).inv, (β_ X.1 Y.1).hom_inv_id, (β_ X.1 Y.1).inv_hom_id⟩)
(λ X Y, by tidy)

The forgetful braided functor from a full braided subcategory into the original category
("forgetting" the condition).
def full_braided_subcategory_inclusion : braided_functor {X : C // P X} C :=
{ to_monoidal_functor := full_monoidal_subcategory_inclusion P,
braided' := λ X Y, by { rw [is_iso.eq_inv_comp], tidy } }

instance full_braided_subcategory.full :
full (full_braided_subcategory_inclusion P).to_functor := full_monoidal_subcategory.full P
instance full_braided_subcategory.faithful :
faithful (full_braided_subcategory_inclusion P).to_functor := full_monoidal_subcategory.faithful P

variables {P}

/-- An implication of predicates `P → P'` induces a braided functor between full braided
subcategories. -/
def (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
braided_functor {X : C // P X} {X : C // P' X} :=
{ to_monoidal_functor := h,
braided' := λ X Y, by { rw [is_iso.eq_inv_comp], tidy } }

instance full_braided_subcategory.map_full (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
full ( h).to_functor := full_monoidal_subcategory.map_full h
instance full_braided_subcategory.map_faithful (h : ∀ ⦃X⦄, P X → P' X) :
faithful ( h).to_functor := full_monoidal_subcategory.map_faithful h

end braided

section symmetric

variables (P) [symmetric_category C]

instance full_symmetric_subcategory : symmetric_category {X : C // P X} :=
symmetric_category_of_faithful (full_braided_subcategory_inclusion P)

end symmetric

end monoidal_category

end category_theory

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