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chore(algebra/module): Move submodule to its own file (#3696)
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eric-wieser committed Aug 6, 2020
1 parent 224e0f8 commit bc2bcac
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Showing 4 changed files with 198 additions and 173 deletions.
173 changes: 1 addition & 172 deletions src/algebra/module/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,18 +25,13 @@ In this file we define
* `is_linear_map R f` : predicate saying that `f : M → M₂` is a linear map.
* `submodule R M` : a subset of `M` that contains zero and is closed with respect to addition and
scalar multiplication.
* `subspace k M` : an abbreviation for `submodule` assuming that `k` is a `field`.
## Implementation notes
* `vector_space` and `module` are abbreviations for `semimodule R M`.
## Tags
semimodule, module, vector space, submodule, subspace, linear map
semimodule, module, vector space, linear map

open function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,157 +412,6 @@ end is_linear_map
abbreviation module.End (R : Type u) (M : Type v)
[semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] := M →ₗ[R] M

set_option old_structure_cmd true

/-- A submodule of a module is one which is closed under vector operations.
This is a sufficient condition for the subset of vectors in the submodule
to themselves form a module. -/
structure submodule (R : Type u) (M : Type v) [semiring R]
[add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M] extends add_submonoid M : Type v :=
(smul_mem' : ∀ (c:R) {x}, x ∈ carrier → c • x ∈ carrier)

/-- Reinterpret a `submodule` as an `add_submonoid`. -/
add_decl_doc submodule.to_add_submonoid

namespace submodule

variables [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M]

instance : has_coe_t (submodule R M) (set M) := ⟨λ s, s.carrier⟩
instance : has_mem M (submodule R M) := ⟨λ x p, x ∈ (p : set M)⟩
instance : has_coe_to_sort (submodule R M) := ⟨_, λ p, {x : M // x ∈ p}⟩

variables (p q : submodule R M)

@[simp, norm_cast] theorem coe_sort_coe : ↥(p : set M) = p := rfl

variables {p q}

protected theorem «exists» {q : p → Prop} : (∃ x, q x) ↔ (∃ x ∈ p, q ⟨x, ‹_›⟩) := set_coe.exists

protected theorem «forall» {q : p → Prop} : (∀ x, q x) ↔ (∀ x ∈ p, q ⟨x, ‹_›⟩) := set_coe.forall

theorem coe_injective : injective (coe : submodule R M → set M) :=
λ p q h, by cases p; cases q; congr'

@[simp, norm_cast] theorem coe_set_eq : (p : set M) = q ↔ p = q := coe_injective.eq_iff

theorem ext'_iff : p = q ↔ (p : set M) = q := coe_set_eq.symm

@[ext] theorem ext (h : ∀ x, x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ q) : p = q := coe_injective $ set.ext h

theorem to_add_submonoid_injective :
injective (to_add_submonoid : submodule R M → add_submonoid M) :=
λ p q h, ext'_iff.2 $ add_submonoid.ext'_iff.1 h

@[simp] theorem to_add_submonoid_eq : p.to_add_submonoid = q.to_add_submonoid ↔ p = q :=

end submodule

namespace submodule

section add_comm_monoid

variables [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M]

-- We can infer the module structure implicitly from the bundled submodule,
-- rather than via typeclass resolution.
variables {semimodule_M : semimodule R M}
variables {p q : submodule R M}
variables {r : R} {x y : M}

variables (p)
@[simp] theorem mem_coe : x ∈ (p : set M) ↔ x ∈ p := iff.rfl

@[simp] lemma zero_mem : (0 : M) ∈ p := p.zero_mem'

lemma add_mem (h₁ : x ∈ p) (h₂ : y ∈ p) : x + y ∈ p := p.add_mem' h₁ h₂

lemma smul_mem (r : R) (h : x ∈ p) : r • x ∈ p := p.smul_mem' r h

lemma sum_mem {t : finset ι} {f : ι → M} : (∀c∈t, f c ∈ p) → (∑ i in t, f i) ∈ p :=

lemma sum_smul_mem {t : finset ι} {f : ι → M} (r : ι → R)
(hyp : ∀ c ∈ t, f c ∈ p) : (∑ i in t, r i • f i) ∈ p :=
submodule.sum_mem _ (λ i hi, submodule.smul_mem _ _ (hyp i hi))

@[simp] lemma smul_mem_iff' (u : units R) : (u:R) • x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ p :=
⟨λ h, by simpa only [smul_smul, u.inv_mul, one_smul] using p.smul_mem ↑u⁻¹ h, p.smul_mem u⟩

instance : has_add p := ⟨λx y, ⟨x.1 + y.1, add_mem _ x.2 y.2⟩⟩
instance : has_zero p := ⟨⟨0, zero_mem _⟩⟩
instance : inhabited p := ⟨0
instance : has_scalar R p := ⟨λ c x, ⟨c • x.1, smul_mem _ c x.2⟩⟩

@[simp] lemma mk_eq_zero {x} (h : x ∈ p) : (⟨x, h⟩ : p) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := subtype.ext_iff_val

variables {p}
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_eq_coe {x y : p} : (x : M) = y ↔ x = y := subtype.ext_iff_val.symm
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_eq_zero {x : p} : (x : M) = 0 ↔ x = 0 := @coe_eq_coe _ _ _ _ _ _ x 0
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_add (x y : p) : (↑(x + y) : M) = ↑x + ↑y := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : p) : M) = 0 := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_smul (r : R) (x : p) : ((r • x : p) : M) = r • ↑x := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_mk (x : M) (hx : x ∈ p) : ((⟨x, hx⟩ : p) : M) = x := rfl
@[simp] lemma coe_mem (x : p) : (x : M) ∈ p := x.2

@[simp] protected lemma eta (x : p) (hx : (x : M) ∈ p) : (⟨x, hx⟩ : p) = x := subtype.eta x hx

variables (p)

instance : add_comm_monoid p :=
{ add := (+), zero := 0, .. p.to_add_submonoid.to_add_comm_monoid }

instance : semimodule R p :=
by refine {smul := (•), ..};
{ intros, apply set_coe.ext, simp [smul_add, add_smul, mul_smul] }

/-- Embedding of a submodule `p` to the ambient space `M`. -/
protected def subtype : p →ₗ[R] M :=
by refine {to_fun := coe, ..}; simp [coe_smul]

@[simp] theorem subtype_apply (x : p) : p.subtype x = x := rfl

lemma subtype_eq_val : ((submodule.subtype p) : p → M) = subtype.val := rfl

end add_comm_monoid

section add_comm_group

variables [ring R] [add_comm_group M]
variables {semimodule_M : semimodule R M}
variables (p p' : submodule R M)
variables {r : R} {x y : M}

lemma neg_mem (hx : x ∈ p) : -x ∈ p := by rw ← neg_one_smul R; exact p.smul_mem _ hx

/-- Reinterpret a submodule as an additive subgroup. -/
def to_add_subgroup : add_subgroup M :=
{ neg_mem' := λ _, p.neg_mem , .. p.to_add_submonoid }

@[simp] lemma coe_to_add_subgroup : (p.to_add_subgroup : set M) = p := rfl

lemma sub_mem : x ∈ p → y ∈ p → x - y ∈ p := p.to_add_subgroup.sub_mem

@[simp] lemma neg_mem_iff : -x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ p := p.to_add_subgroup.neg_mem_iff

lemma add_mem_iff_left : y ∈ p → (x + y ∈ p ↔ x ∈ p) := p.to_add_subgroup.add_mem_cancel_right

lemma add_mem_iff_right : x ∈ p → (x + y ∈ p ↔ y ∈ p) := p.to_add_subgroup.add_mem_cancel_left

instance : has_neg p := ⟨λx, ⟨-x.1, neg_mem _ x.2⟩⟩

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_neg (x : p) : ((-x : p) : M) = -x := rfl

instance : add_comm_group p :=
{ add := (+), zero := 0, neg := has_neg.neg, ..p.to_add_subgroup.to_add_comm_group }

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_sub (x y : p) : (↑(x - y) : M) = ↑x - ↑y := rfl

end add_comm_group

end submodule

Vector spaces are defined as an `abbreviation` for semimodules,
Expand All @@ -591,21 +435,6 @@ library_note "vector space definition"
abbreviation vector_space (R : Type u) (M : Type v) [field R] [add_comm_group M] :=
semimodule R M

/-- Subspace of a vector space. Defined to equal `submodule`. -/
abbreviation subspace (R : Type u) (M : Type v)
[field R] [add_comm_group M] [vector_space R M] :=
submodule R M

namespace submodule

variables [division_ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
variables (p : submodule R M) {r : R} {x y : M}

theorem smul_mem_iff (r0 : r ≠ 0) : r • x ∈ p ↔ x ∈ p :=
p.smul_mem_iff' (units.mk0 r r0)

end submodule

namespace add_comm_monoid
open add_monoid

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/algebra/module/default.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes
import algebra.module.basic
import algebra.module.submodule

# Default file for module
This file imports `algebra.module.basic`
This file imports `algebra.module.basic` and `algebra.module.submodule`.

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