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chore(category_theory/Fintype): Fix universe restriction in skeleton (#…
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This removes a universe restriction in the existence of a skeleton for the category `Fintype`.
Once merged, `Fintype.skeleton.{u}` will be a (small) skeleton for `Fintype.{u}`, with `u` any universe parameter.
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adamtopaz committed Aug 25, 2021
1 parent 6c3dda5 commit bd9622f
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 18 deletions.
63 changes: 45 additions & 18 deletions src/category_theory/Fintype.lean
Expand Up @@ -45,53 +45,80 @@ def incl : Fintype ⥤ Type* := induced_functor _

instance : concrete_category Fintype := ⟨incl⟩

@[simp] lemma id_apply (X : Fintype) (x : X) : (𝟙 X : X → X) x = x := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_apply {X Y Z : Fintype} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (x : X) :
(f ≫ g) x = g (f x) := rfl

universe u
The "standard" skeleton for `Fintype`. This is the full subcategory of `Fintype` spanned by objects
of the form `fin n` for `n : ℕ`. We parameterize the objects of `Fintype.skeleton` directly as `ℕ`,
as the type `fin m ≃ fin n` is nonempty if and only if `n = m`.
of the form `ulift (fin n)` for `n : ℕ`. We parameterize the objects of `Fintype.skeleton`
directly as `ulift ℕ`, as the type `ulift (fin m) ≃ ulift (fin n)` is
nonempty if and only if `n = m`. Specifying universes, `skeleton : Type u` is a small
skeletal category equivalent to `Fintype.{u}`.
def skeleton :=
def skeleton : Type u := ulift

namespace skeleton

/-- Given any natural number `n`, this creates the associated object of `Fintype.skeleton`. -/
def mk : ℕ → skeleton := id
def mk : ℕ → skeleton := ulift.up

instance : inhabited skeleton := ⟨mk 0

/-- Given any object of `Fintype.skeleton`, this returns the associated natural number. -/
def to_nat : skeleton → ℕ := id
def len : skeleton → ℕ := ulift.down

lemma ext (X Y : skeleton) : X.len = Y.len → X = Y := ulift.ext _ _

instance : category skeleton :=
{ hom := λ X Y, fin X → fin Y,
instance : small_category skeleton.{u} :=
{ hom := λ X Y, ulift.{u} (fin X.len)ulift.{u} (fin Y.len),
id := λ _, id,
comp := λ _ _ _ f g, g ∘ f }

lemma is_skeletal : skeletal skeleton := λ X Y ⟨h⟩, $ nonempty.intro $
{ to_fun := h.1,
inv_fun := h.2,
left_inv := λ _, by {change (h.hom ≫ h.inv) _ = _, simpa},
right_inv := λ _, by {change (h.inv ≫ h.hom) _ = _, simpa} }
lemma is_skeletal : skeletal skeleton.{u} := λ X Y ⟨h⟩, ext _ _ $ $
nonempty.intro $
{ to_fun := λ x, (h.hom ⟨x⟩).down,
inv_fun := λ x, (h.inv ⟨x⟩).down,
left_inv := begin
intro a,
change ulift.down _ = _,
rw ulift.up_down,
change ((h.hom ≫ h.inv) _).down = _,
right_inv := begin
intro a,
change ulift.down _ = _,
rw ulift.up_down,
change ((h.inv ≫ h.hom) _).down = _,
end }

/-- The canonical fully faithful embedding of `Fintype.skeleton` into `Fintype`. -/
def incl : skeleton ⥤ Fintype :=
{ obj := λ X, Fintype.of (fin X),
def incl : skeleton.{u} ⥤ Fintype.{u} :=
{ obj := λ X, Fintype.of (ulift (fin X.len)),
map := λ _ _ f, f }

instance : full incl := { preimage := λ _ _ f, f }
instance : faithful incl := {}
instance : ess_surj incl :=
{ mem_ess_image := λ X,
let F := fintype.equiv_fin X in
⟨fintype.card X, ⟨⟨F.symm, F, F.self_comp_symm, F.symm_comp_self⟩⟩⟩ } $ λ X, let F := fintype.equiv_fin X in ⟨mk (fintype.card X), nonempty.intro
{ hom := F.symm ∘ ulift.down,
inv := ulift.up ∘ F }⟩

noncomputable instance : is_equivalence incl :=
equivalence.of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj _

/-- The equivalence between `Fintype.skeleton` and `Fintype`. -/
noncomputable def equivalence : skeleton ≌ Fintype := incl.as_equivalence

@[simp] lemma incl_mk_nat_card (n : ℕ) : fintype.card (incl.obj (mk n)) = n := finset.card_fin n
@[simp] lemma incl_mk_nat_card (n : ℕ) : fintype.card (incl.obj (mk n)) = n :=
convert finset.card_fin n,
apply fintype.of_equiv_card,

end skeleton

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