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feat(probability/kernel/integral_comp_prod): Bochner integral against…
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… the composition-product of two kernels (#18976)
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RemyDegenne committed May 23, 2023
1 parent 05b93a5 commit c0d694d
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130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions src/probability/kernel/composition.lean
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Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,101 @@ lemma comp_prod_apply (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (
(κ ⊗ₖ η) a s = ∫⁻ b, η (a, b) {c | (b, c) ∈ s} ∂(κ a) :=
comp_prod_apply_eq_comp_prod_fun κ η a hs

lemma le_comp_prod_apply (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (α × β) γ)
[is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) (s : set (β × γ)) :
∫⁻ b, η (a, b) {c | (b, c) ∈ s} ∂(κ a) ≤ (κ ⊗ₖ η) a s :=
calc ∫⁻ b, η (a, b) {c | (b, c) ∈ s} ∂(κ a)
≤ ∫⁻ b, η (a, b) {c | (b, c) ∈ (to_measurable ((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) s)} ∂(κ a) :
lintegral_mono (λ b, measure_mono (λ _ h_mem, subset_to_measurable _ _ h_mem))
... = (κ ⊗ₖ η) a (to_measurable ((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) s) :
(kernel.comp_prod_apply_eq_comp_prod_fun κ η a (measurable_set_to_measurable _ _)).symm
... = (κ ⊗ₖ η) a s : measure_to_measurable s

section ae
/-! ### `ae` filter of the composition-product -/

variables {κ : kernel α β} [is_s_finite_kernel κ] {η : kernel (α × β) γ} [is_s_finite_kernel η]
{a : α}

lemma ae_kernel_lt_top (a : α) (h2s : (κ ⊗ₖ η) a s ≠ ∞) :
∀ᵐ b ∂(κ a), η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' s) < ∞ :=
let t := to_measurable ((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) s,
have : ∀ (b : β), η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' s) ≤ η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' t),
{ exact λ b, measure_mono (set.preimage_mono (subset_to_measurable _ _)), },
have ht : measurable_set t := measurable_set_to_measurable _ _,
have h2t : (κ ⊗ₖ η) a t ≠ ∞, by rwa measure_to_measurable,
have ht_lt_top : ∀ᵐ b ∂(κ a), η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' t) < ∞,
{ rw kernel.comp_prod_apply _ _ _ ht at h2t,
exact ae_lt_top (kernel.measurable_kernel_prod_mk_left' ht a) h2t, },
filter_upwards [ht_lt_top] with b hb,
exact (this b).trans_lt hb,

lemma comp_prod_null (a : α) (hs : measurable_set s) :
(κ ⊗ₖ η) a s = 0 ↔ (λ b, η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' s)) =ᵐ[κ a] 0 :=
rw [kernel.comp_prod_apply _ _ _ hs, lintegral_eq_zero_iff],
{ refl, },
{ exact kernel.measurable_kernel_prod_mk_left' hs a, },

lemma ae_null_of_comp_prod_null (h : (κ ⊗ₖ η) a s = 0) :
(λ b, η (a, b) ( b ⁻¹' s)) =ᵐ[κ a] 0 :=
obtain ⟨t, hst, mt, ht⟩ := exists_measurable_superset_of_null h,
simp_rw [comp_prod_null a mt] at ht,
rw [filter.eventually_le_antisymm_iff],
exact ⟨filter.eventually_le.trans_eq
(filter.eventually_of_forall $ λ x, (measure_mono (set.preimage_mono hst) : _)) ht,
filter.eventually_of_forall $ λ x, zero_le _⟩

lemma ae_ae_of_ae_comp_prod {p : β × γ → Prop} (h : ∀ᵐ bc ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a), p bc) :
∀ᵐ b ∂(κ a), ∀ᵐ c ∂(η (a, b)), p (b, c) :=
ae_null_of_comp_prod_null h

end ae

section restrict

variables {κ : kernel α β} [is_s_finite_kernel κ] {η : kernel (α × β) γ} [is_s_finite_kernel η]
{a : α}

lemma comp_prod_restrict {s : set β} {t : set γ} (hs : measurable_set s) (ht : measurable_set t) :
(kernel.restrict κ hs) ⊗ₖ (kernel.restrict η ht) = kernel.restrict (κ ⊗ₖ η) ( ht) :=
ext a u hu : 2,
rw [comp_prod_apply _ _ _ hu, restrict_apply' _ _ _ hu,
comp_prod_apply _ _ _ (hu.inter ( ht))],
simp only [kernel.restrict_apply, measure.restrict_apply' ht, set.mem_inter_iff,
have : ∀ b, η (a, b) {c : γ | (b, c) ∈ u ∧ b ∈ s ∧ c ∈ t}
= s.indicator (λ b, η (a, b) ({c : γ | (b, c) ∈ u} ∩ t)) b,
{ intro b,
rw set.indicator_apply,
split_ifs with h,
{ simp only [h, true_and],
refl, },
{ simp only [h, false_and, and_false, set.set_of_false, measure_empty], }, },
simp_rw this,
rw lintegral_indicator _ hs,

lemma comp_prod_restrict_left {s : set β} (hs : measurable_set s) :
(kernel.restrict κ hs) ⊗ₖ η = kernel.restrict (κ ⊗ₖ η) ( measurable_set.univ) :=
by { rw ← comp_prod_restrict, congr, exact kernel.restrict_univ.symm, }

lemma comp_prod_restrict_right {t : set γ} (ht : measurable_set t) :
κ ⊗ₖ (kernel.restrict η ht) = kernel.restrict (κ ⊗ₖ η) ( ht) :=
by { rw ← comp_prod_restrict, congr, exact kernel.restrict_univ.symm, }

end restrict

section lintegral
/-! ### Lebesgue integral -/

/-- Lebesgue integral against the composition-product of two kernels. -/
theorem lintegral_comp_prod' (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (α × β) γ)
[is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) {f : β → γ → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable (function.uncurry f)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,6 +385,41 @@ begin
{ simp_rw [g, function.uncurry_curry], exact hf, },

/-- Lebesgue integral against the composition-product of two kernels. -/
lemma lintegral_comp_prod₀ (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (α × β) γ)
[is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) {f : β × γ → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : ae_measurable f ((κ ⊗ₖ η) a)) :
∫⁻ z, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) = ∫⁻ x, ∫⁻ y, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a) :=
have A : ∫⁻ z, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) = ∫⁻ z, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) :=
lintegral_congr_ae hf.ae_eq_mk,
have B : ∫⁻ x, ∫⁻ y, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a) = ∫⁻ x, ∫⁻ y, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a),
{ apply lintegral_congr_ae,
filter_upwards [ae_ae_of_ae_comp_prod hf.ae_eq_mk] with _ ha using lintegral_congr_ae ha, },
rw [A, B, lintegral_comp_prod],
exact hf.measurable_mk,

lemma set_lintegral_comp_prod (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (α × β) γ)
[is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) {f : β × γ → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
{s : set β} {t : set γ} (hs : measurable_set s) (ht : measurable_set t) :
∫⁻ z in s ×ˢ t, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) = ∫⁻ x in s, ∫⁻ y in t, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a) :=
by simp_rw [← kernel.restrict_apply (κ ⊗ₖ η) ( ht), ← comp_prod_restrict,
lintegral_comp_prod _ _ _ hf, kernel.restrict_apply]

lemma set_lintegral_comp_prod_univ_right (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ]
(η : kernel (α × β) γ) [is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) {f : β × γ → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
{s : set β} (hs : measurable_set s) :
∫⁻ z in s ×ˢ set.univ, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) = ∫⁻ x in s, ∫⁻ y, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a) :=
by simp_rw [set_lintegral_comp_prod κ η a hf hs measurable_set.univ, measure.restrict_univ]

lemma set_lintegral_comp_prod_univ_left (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ]
(η : kernel (α × β) γ) [is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) {f : β × γ → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
{t : set γ} (ht : measurable_set t) :
∫⁻ z in set.univ ×ˢ t, f z ∂((κ ⊗ₖ η) a) = ∫⁻ x, ∫⁻ y in t, f (x, y) ∂(η (a, x)) ∂(κ a) :=
by simp_rw [set_lintegral_comp_prod κ η a hf measurable_set.univ ht, measure.restrict_univ]

end lintegral

lemma comp_prod_eq_tsum_comp_prod (κ : kernel α β) [is_s_finite_kernel κ] (η : kernel (α × β) γ)
[is_s_finite_kernel η] (a : α) (hs : measurable_set s) :
(κ ⊗ₖ η) a s = ∑' (n m : ℕ), (seq κ n ⊗ₖ seq η m) a s :=
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