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feat(combinatorics/configuration): `nondegenerate.exists_injective_of…
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…_card_le` (#11019)

If a nondegenerate configuration has at least as many points as lines, then there exists an injective function `f` from lines to points, such that `f l` does not lie on `l`.

This is the key lemma for #10772. The proof is an application of Hall's marriage theorem.
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tb65536 committed Dec 24, 2021
1 parent 2c4e6df commit c0e613a
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/configuration.lean
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,46 @@ lemma has_lines.exists_unique_line [has_lines P L] (p₁ p₂ : P) (hp : p₁
∃! l : L, p₁ ∈ l ∧ p₂ ∈ l :=
has_points.exists_unique_point (dual L) (dual P) p₁ p₂ hp

/-- If a nondegenerate configuration has at least as many points as lines, then there exists
an injective function `f` from lines to points, such that `f l` does not lie on `l`. -/
lemma nondegenerate.exists_injective_of_card_le [nondegenerate P L]
[fintype P] [fintype L] (h : fintype.card L ≤ fintype.card P) :
∃ f : L → P, function.injective f ∧ ∀ l, (f l) ∉ l :=
let t : L → finset P := λ l, (set.to_finset {p | p ∉ l}),
suffices : ∀ s : finset L, s.card ≤ (s.bUnion t).card, -- Hall's marriage theorem
{ obtain ⟨f, hf1, hf2⟩ := (finset.all_card_le_bUnion_card_iff_exists_injective t).mp this,
exact ⟨f, hf1, λ l, (hf2 l)⟩ },
intro s,
by_cases hs₀ : s.card = 0, -- If `s = ∅`, then `s.card = 0 ≤ (s.bUnion t).card`
{ simp_rw [hs₀, zero_le] },
by_cases hs₁ : s.card = 1, -- If `s = {l}`, then pick a point `p ∉ l`
{ obtain ⟨l, rfl⟩ := hs₁,
obtain ⟨p, hl⟩ := exists_point l,
rw [finset.card_singleton, finset.singleton_bUnion, nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero],
exact finset.card_ne_zero_of_mem (set.mem_to_finset.mpr hl) },
suffices : (s.bUnion t)ᶜ.card ≤ sᶜ.card, -- Rephrase in terms of complements (uses `h`)
{ rw [finset.card_compl, finset.card_compl, tsub_le_iff_left] at this,
replace := h.trans this,
rwa [←add_tsub_assoc_of_le s.card_le_univ, le_tsub_iff_left
(le_add_left s.card_le_univ), add_le_add_iff_right] at this },
have hs₂ : (s.bUnion t)ᶜ.card ≤ 1, -- At most one line through two points of `s`
{ refine finset.card_le_one_iff.mpr (λ p₁ p₂ hp₁ hp₂, _),
simp_rw [finset.mem_compl, finset.mem_bUnion, exists_prop, not_exists, not_and,
set.mem_to_finset, set.mem_set_of_eq, not_not] at hp₁ hp₂,
obtain ⟨l₁, l₂, hl₁, hl₂, hl₃⟩ := (nat.one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one.mpr ⟨hs₀, hs₁⟩),
exact (eq_or_eq (hp₁ l₁ hl₁) (hp₂ l₁ hl₁) (hp₁ l₂ hl₂) (hp₂ l₂ hl₂)).resolve_right hl₃ },
by_cases hs₃ : sᶜ.card = 0,
{ rw [hs₃, nat.le_zero_iff],
rw [finset.card_compl, tsub_eq_zero_iff_le, has_le.le.le_iff_eq (finset.card_le_univ _),
eq_comm, finset.card_eq_iff_eq_univ, hs₃, finset.eq_univ_iff_forall] at hs₃ ⊢,
exact λ p, exists.elim (exists_line p) -- If `s = univ`, then show `s.bUnion t = univ`
(λ l hl, finset.mem_bUnion.mpr ⟨l, finset.mem_univ l, set.mem_to_finset.mpr hl⟩) },
{ exact hs₂.trans (nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero.mpr hs₃) }, -- If `s < univ`, then consequence of `hs₂`

variables {P} (L)

/-- Number of points on a given line. -/
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