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…nvex_space.of_*` lemmas (#17206)
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urkud committed Nov 12, 2022
1 parent f0f3d96 commit c749cc9
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Showing 4 changed files with 116 additions and 71 deletions.
36 changes: 30 additions & 6 deletions src/analysis/convex/segment.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,14 +110,12 @@ begin
simp only [subset_antisymm_iff, insert_subset, left_mem_segment, right_mem_segment,
open_segment_subset_segment, true_and],
rintro z ⟨a, b, ha, hb, hab, rfl⟩,
refine hb.eq_or_gt.imp _ (λ hb', ha.eq_or_gt.imp _ _),
refine hb.eq_or_gt.imp _ (λ hb', ha.eq_or_gt.imp _ $ λ ha', _),
{ rintro rfl,
rw add_zero at hab,
rw [hab, one_smul, zero_smul, add_zero] },
rw [← add_zero a, hab, one_smul, zero_smul, add_zero] },
{ rintro rfl,
rw zero_add at hab,
rw [hab, one_smul, zero_smul, zero_add] },
{ exact λ ha', ⟨a, b, ha', hb', hab, rfl⟩ }
rw [← zero_add b, hab, one_smul, zero_smul, zero_add] },
{ exact ⟨a, b, ha', hb', hab, rfl⟩ }

variables {𝕜}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,6 +304,32 @@ begin
rw [←sub_eq_neg_add, ←neg_sub, hxy, ←sub_eq_neg_add, hzx, smul_neg, smul_comm, neg_add_self]

open affine_map

/-- If `z = line_map x y c` is a point on the line passing through `x` and `y`, then the open
segment `open_segment 𝕜 x y` is included in the union of the open segments `open_segment 𝕜 x z`,
`open_segment 𝕜 z y`, and the point `z`. Informally, `(x, y) ⊆ {z} ∪ (x, z) ∪ (z, y)`. -/
lemma open_segment_subset_union (x y : E) {z : E} (hz : z ∈ range (line_map x y : 𝕜 → E)) :
open_segment 𝕜 x y ⊆ insert z (open_segment 𝕜 x z ∪ open_segment 𝕜 z y) :=
rcases hz with ⟨c, rfl⟩,
simp only [open_segment_eq_image_line_map, ← maps_to'],
rintro a ⟨h₀, h₁⟩,
rcases lt_trichotomy a c with hac|rfl|hca,
{ right, left,
have hc : 0 < c, from h₀.trans hac,
refine ⟨a / c, ⟨div_pos h₀ hc, (div_lt_one hc).2 hac⟩, _⟩,
simp only [← homothety_eq_line_map, ← homothety_mul_apply, div_mul_cancel _'] },
{ left, refl },
{ right, right,
have hc : 0 < 1 - c, from sub_pos.2 (hca.trans h₁),
simp only [← line_map_apply_one_sub y],
refine ⟨(a - c) / (1 - c), ⟨div_pos (sub_pos.2 hca) hc,
(div_lt_one hc).2 $ sub_lt_sub_right h₁ _⟩, _⟩,
simp only [← homothety_eq_line_map, ← homothety_mul_apply, sub_mul, one_mul,
div_mul_cancel _', sub_sub_sub_cancel_right] }

end linear_ordered_field

Expand Down
109 changes: 49 additions & 60 deletions src/analysis/convex/strict_convex_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ We also provide several lemmas that can be used as alternative constructors for
convex, then `E` is a strictly convex space;
- `strict_convex_space.of_norm_add`: if `∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥` implies `same_ray ℝ x y` for all
`x y : E`, then `E` is a strictly convex space.
nonzero `x y : E`, then `E` is a strictly convex space.
## Implementation notes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,74 +87,63 @@ lemma strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball
strict_convex_space 𝕜 E :=
⟨λ r hr, by simpa only [smul_closed_unit_ball_of_nonneg hr.le] using h.smul r⟩

/-- If `∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥` implies that `x y : E` are in the same ray, then `E` is a strictly
convex space. -/
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_add (h : ∀ x y : E, ∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥ → same_ray ℝ x y) :
/-- Strict convexity is equivalent to `∥a • x + b • y∥ < 1` for all `x` and `y` of norm at most `1`
and all strictly positive `a` and `b` such that `a + b = 1`. This lemma shows that it suffices to
check this for points of norm one and some `a`, `b` such that `a + b = 1`. -/
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_combo_lt_one
(h : ∀ x y : E, ∥x∥ = 1 → ∥y∥ = 1 → x ≠ y → ∃ a b : ℝ, a + b = 1 ∧ ∥a • x + b • y∥ < 1) :
strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
refine strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball ℝ (λ x hx y hy hne a b ha hb hab, _),
have hx' := hx, have hy' := hy,
rw [← closure_closed_ball, closure_eq_interior_union_frontier,
frontier_closed_ball (0 : E) one_ne_zero] at hx hy,
cases hx, { exact (convex_closed_ball _ _).combo_interior_self_mem_interior hx hy' ha hb.le hab },
cases hy, { exact (convex_closed_ball _ _).combo_self_interior_mem_interior hx' hy ha.le hb hab },
rw [interior_closed_ball (0 : E) one_ne_zero, mem_ball_zero_iff],
have hx₁ : ∥x∥ = 1, from mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.1 hx,
have hy₁ : ∥y∥ = 1, from mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.1 hy,
have ha' : ∥a∥ = a, from real.norm_of_nonneg ha.le,
have hb' : ∥b∥ = b, from real.norm_of_nonneg hb.le,
calc ∥a • x + b • y∥ < ∥a • x∥ + ∥b • y∥ : (norm_add_le _ _).lt_of_ne (λ H, hne _)
... = 1 : by simpa only [norm_smul, hx₁, hy₁, mul_one, ha', hb'],
simpa only [norm_smul, hx₁, hy₁, ha', hb', mul_one, smul_comm a, smul_right_inj',
smul_right_inj'] using (h _ _ H).norm_smul_eq.symm
refine strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball ℝ
((convex_closed_ball _ _).strict_convex' $ λ x hx y hy hne, _),
rw [interior_closed_ball (0 : E) one_ne_zero, closed_ball_diff_ball, mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm]
at hx hy,
rcases h x y hx hy hne with ⟨a, b, hab, hlt⟩,
use b,
rwa [affine_map.line_map_apply_module, interior_closed_ball (0 : E) one_ne_zero,
mem_ball_zero_iff, sub_eq_iff_eq_add.2 hab.symm]

lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_lt_aux {a b c d : ℝ} (ha : 0 < a) (hab : a + b = 1)
(hc : 0 < c) (hd : 0 < d) (hcd : c + d = 1) (hca : c ≤ a) {x y : E} (hy : ∥y∥ ≤ 1)
(hxy : ∥a • x + b • y∥ < 1) :
∥c • x + d • y∥ < 1 :=
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_combo_ne_one
(h : ∀ x y : E, ∥x∥ = 1 → ∥y∥ = 1 → x ≠ y →
∃ a b : ℝ, 0 ≤ a ∧ 0 ≤ b ∧ a + b = 1∥a • x + b • y∥ 1) :
strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
have hbd : b ≤ d,
{ refine le_of_add_le_add_left (hab.trans_le _),
rw ←hcd,
exact add_le_add_right hca _ },
have h₁ : 0 < c / a := div_pos hc ha,
have h₂ : 0 ≤ d - c / a * b,
{ rw [sub_nonneg, mul_comm_div, ←le_div_iff' hc],
exact div_le_div hd.le hbd hc hca },
calc ∥c • x + d • y∥ = ∥(c / a) • (a • x + b • y) + (d - c / a * b) • y∥
: by rw [smul_add, ←mul_smul, ←mul_smul, div_mul_cancel _', sub_smul,
... ≤ ∥(c / a) • (a • x + b • y)∥ + ∥(d - c / a * b) • y∥ : norm_add_le _ _
... = c / a * ∥a • x + b • y∥ + (d - c / a * b) * ∥y∥
: by rw [norm_smul_of_nonneg h₁.le, norm_smul_of_nonneg h₂]
... < c / a * 1 + (d - c / a * b) * 1
: add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le (mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left hxy h₁) (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hy h₂)
... = 1 : begin
nth_rewrite 0 ←hab,
rw [mul_add, div_mul_cancel _', mul_one, add_add_sub_cancel, hcd],
refine strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball ℝ
((convex_closed_ball _ _).strict_convex _),
simp only [interior_closed_ball _ one_ne_zero, closed_ball_diff_ball, set.pairwise,
frontier_closed_ball _ one_ne_zero, mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm],
intros x hx y hy hne,
rcases h x y hx hy hne with ⟨a, b, ha, hb, hab, hne'⟩,
exact ⟨_, ⟨a, b, ha, hb, hab, rfl⟩, mt mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.1 hne'⟩

/-- Strict convexity is equivalent to `∥a • x + b • y∥ < 1` for all `x` and `y` of norm at most `1`
and all strictly positive `a` and `b` such that `a + b = 1`. This shows that we only need to check
it for fixed `a` and `b`. -/
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_lt {a b : ℝ} (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) (hab : a + b = 1)
(h : ∀ x y : E, ∥x∥ ≤ 1 → ∥y∥ ≤ 1 → x ≠ y → ∥a • x + b • y∥ < 1) :
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_ne_two
(h : ∀ ⦃x y : E⦄, ∥x∥ = 1 → ∥y∥ = 1 → x ≠ y → ∥x + y∥ ≠ 2) :
strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
refine strict_convex_space.of_norm_combo_ne_one
(λ x y hx hy hne, ⟨1/2, 1/2, one_half_pos.le, one_half_pos.le, add_halves _, _⟩),
rw [← smul_add, norm_smul, real.norm_of_nonneg one_half_pos.le, one_div,
← div_eq_inv_mul, ne.def, div_eq_one_iff_eq (@two_ne_zero ℝ _ _)],
exact h hx hy hne,

lemma strict_convex_space.of_pairwise_sphere_norm_ne_two
(h : (sphere (0 : E) 1).pairwise $ λ x y, ∥x + y∥ ≠ 2) :
strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_ne_two $ λ x y hx hy,
h (mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.2 hx) (mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm.2 hy)

/-- If `∥x + y∥ = ∥x∥ + ∥y∥` implies that `x y : E` are in the same ray, then `E` is a strictly
convex space. See also a more -/
lemma strict_convex_space.of_norm_add
(h : ∀ x y : E, ∥x∥ = 1 → ∥y∥ = 1 → ∥x + y∥ = 2 → same_ray ℝ x y) :
strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
refine strict_convex_space.of_strict_convex_closed_unit_ball _ (λ x hx y hy hxy c d hc hd hcd, _),
rw [interior_closed_ball (0 : E) one_ne_zero, mem_ball_zero_iff],
rw mem_closed_ball_zero_iff at hx hy,
obtain hca | hac := le_total c a,
{ exact strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_lt_aux ha hab hc hd hcd hca hy (h _ _ hx hy hxy) },
rw add_comm at ⊢ hab hcd,
refine strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_lt_aux hb hab hd hc hcd _ hx _,
{ refine le_of_add_le_add_right (hcd.trans_le _),
rw ←hab,
exact add_le_add_left hac _ },
{ rw add_comm,
exact h _ _ hx hy hxy }
refine strict_convex_space.of_pairwise_sphere_norm_ne_two (λ x hx y hy, mt $ λ h₂, _),
rw mem_sphere_zero_iff_norm at hx hy,
exact (same_ray_iff_of_norm_eq (hx.trans hy.symm)).1 (h x y hx hy h₂)

variables [strict_convex_space ℝ E] {x y z : E} {a b r : ℝ}
Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/convex/topology.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alexander Bentkamp, Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.convex.jensen
import analysis.convex.strict
import topology.algebra.module.finite_dimension
import analysis.normed_space.ray
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +205,39 @@ have hf : continuous (function.uncurry f),
show f x y ∈ closure s,
from map_mem_closure₂ hf hx hy (λ x' hx' y' hy', hs hx' hy' ha hb hab)

open affine_map

/-- A convex set `s` is strictly convex provided that for any two distinct points of
`s \ interior s`, the line passing through these points has nonempty intersection with
`interior s`. -/
protected lemma convex.strict_convex' {s : set E} (hs : convex 𝕜 s)
(h : (s \ interior s).pairwise $ λ x y, ∃ c : 𝕜, line_map x y c ∈ interior s) :
strict_convex 𝕜 s :=
refine strict_convex_iff_open_segment_subset.2 _,
intros x hx y hy hne,
by_cases hx' : x ∈ interior s, { exact hs.open_segment_interior_self_subset_interior hx' hy },
by_cases hy' : y ∈ interior s, { exact hs.open_segment_self_interior_subset_interior hx hy' },
rcases h ⟨hx, hx'⟩ ⟨hy, hy'⟩ hne with ⟨c, hc⟩,
refine (open_segment_subset_union x y ⟨c, rfl⟩).trans (insert_subset.2 ⟨hc, union_subset _ _⟩),
exacts [hs.open_segment_self_interior_subset_interior hx hc,
hs.open_segment_interior_self_subset_interior hc hy]

/-- A convex set `s` is strictly convex provided that for any two distinct points `x`, `y` of
`s \ interior s`, the segment with endpoints `x`, `y` has nonempty intersection with
`interior s`. -/
protected lemma convex.strict_convex {s : set E} (hs : convex 𝕜 s)
(h : (s \ interior s).pairwise $ λ x y, ([x -[𝕜] y] \ frontier s).nonempty) :
strict_convex 𝕜 s :=
refine (hs.strict_convex' $ h.imp_on $ λ x hx y hy hne, _),
simp only [segment_eq_image_line_map, ← self_diff_frontier],
rintro ⟨_, ⟨⟨c, hc, rfl⟩, hcs⟩⟩,
refine ⟨c, hs.segment_subset hx.1 hy.1 _, hcs⟩,
exact (segment_eq_image_line_map 𝕜 x y).symm ▸ mem_image_of_mem _ hc

end has_continuous_const_smul

section has_continuous_smul
Expand Down
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/analysis/convex/uniform.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,8 +122,6 @@ variables [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] [uniform_convex_space E

@[priority 100] -- See note [lower instance priority]
instance uniform_convex_space.to_strict_convex_space : strict_convex_space ℝ E :=
strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_lt one_half_pos one_half_pos (add_halves _) $ λ x y hx hy hxy, begin
obtain ⟨δ, hδ, h⟩ := exists_forall_closed_ball_dist_add_le_two_sub E (norm_sub_pos_iff.2 hxy),
rw [←smul_add, norm_smul_of_nonneg one_half_pos.le, ←lt_div_iff' one_half_pos, one_div_one_div],
exact (h hx hy le_rfl).trans_lt (sub_lt_self _ hδ),
strict_convex_space.of_norm_add_ne_two $ λ x y hx hy hxy,
let ⟨δ, hδ, h⟩ := exists_forall_closed_ball_dist_add_le_two_sub E (norm_sub_pos_iff.2 hxy)
in ((h hx.le hy.le le_rfl).trans_lt $ sub_lt_self _ hδ).ne

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