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jamesa9283 committed Aug 15, 2020
1 parent 88e9a35 commit c7efc79
Showing 1 changed file with 190 additions and 0 deletions.
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/arsinh.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 James Arthur. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: James Arthur, Chris Hughes, Shing Tak Lam.
import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric
import data.real.basic
import analysis.special_functions.pow

open real
local attribute [pp_nodot] real.log
noncomputable theory

# Inverse of the sinh function
In this file we prove that sinh is bijective and hence has an
inverse, arsinh.
## Main Results
- `sinm_injective`: The proof that `sinm` is injective
- `sinm_surjective`: The proof that `sinm` is surjective
- `sinm_bijective`: The proof `sinm` is bijective
## Notation
- `arsinh`: The inverse function of `sinm`
## Tags
arsinh, sinh injective, sinh bijective, sinh surjective

/-- The real definition of `cosh`-/
lemma cosh_def (x : ℝ) : cosh x = (exp x + exp (-x)) / 2 :=
by simp only [cosh, complex.cosh, complex.div_re, complex.exp_of_real_re, complex.one_re,
bit0_zero, add_zero, complex.add_re, euclidean_domain.zero_div, complex.bit0_re,
complex.one_im, complex.bit0_im, mul_zero, ← complex.of_real_neg, complex.norm_sq];

/-- The real definition of `sinh`-/
lemma sinh_def (x : ℝ) : sinh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2 :=
by simp only [sinh, complex.sinh, complex.div_re, complex.exp_of_real_re, complex.one_re,
bit0_zero, add_zero, complex.sub_re, euclidean_domain.zero_div, complex.bit0_re,
complex.one_im, complex.bit0_im, mul_zero, ← complex.of_real_neg, complex.norm_sq];

/-- `real.cosh` is positive-/
lemma cosh_pos (x : ℝ) : 0 < real.cosh x :=
(cosh_def x).symm ▸ half_pos (add_pos (exp_pos x) (exp_pos (-x)))

/-- `sinh` is strictly monotone-/
lemma sinh_strict_mono : strict_mono sinh :=
strict_mono_of_deriv_pos differentiable_sinh (by rw [real.deriv_sinh]; exact cosh_pos)

/-- `arsinh` is defined using a logarithm-/
def arsinh (x : ℝ) := log (x + sqrt(1 + x^2))

/-- `sinh` is injective, `∀ a b, sinh a = sinh b → a = b` -/
lemma sinh_injective : function.injective sinh := sinh_strict_mono.injective

private lemma aux_lemma (x : ℝ) : 1/(x + (1 + x^2).sqrt) = - x + (1 + x^2).sqrt :=
have H : (x - (1 + x^2).sqrt)/((x - (1 + x^2).sqrt) * (x + (1 + x^2).sqrt)) = -x + (1 + x^2).sqrt,
{ have G : (x - (1 + x^2).sqrt) * (x + (1 + x^2).sqrt) = -1,
{ ring,
rw sqr_sqrt,
{ ring },
{ linarith [pow_two_nonneg x]} },
rw G,
ring },
rw [division_def, mul_inv', ←mul_assoc, mul_comm (x - sqrt (1 + x ^ 2)), inv_mul_cancel] at H,
rw one_mul at H,
rw [division_def, one_mul],
exact H,
{ intros fx,
rw sub_eq_zero at fx,
have fx_sq : x^2 = (sqrt (1 + x ^ 2)) ^ 2 := by { rw fx.symm },
rw sqr_sqrt at fx_sq,
have G : 0 ≤ x^2 := by {apply pow_two_nonneg},
linarith }

private lemma b_lt_sqrt_b_sq_add_one (b : ℝ) : b < sqrt(b^2 + 1) :=
by_cases hb : 0 ≤ b,
conv { to_lhs, rw ← sqrt_sqr hb },
rw sqrt_lt,
apply pow_two_nonneg,
have F : 0 ≤ b^2 := by { apply pow_two_nonneg },
rw not_le at hb,
apply lt_of_lt_of_le hb,
apply sqrt_nonneg,

/-- `sinh` is surjective, `∀ b, ∃ a, sinh a = b`. In this case, we use `a = arsinh b` -/
lemma sinh_surjective : function.surjective sinh :=
intro b,
use (arsinh b),
rw sinh_def,
unfold arsinh,
rw ←log_inv,
rw [exp_log, exp_log],
{ rw [← one_mul ((b + sqrt (1 + b ^ 2))⁻¹), ←division_def, aux_lemma],
ring },
{ rw [← one_mul ((b + sqrt (1 + b ^ 2))⁻¹), ←division_def, aux_lemma],
rw [neg_add_eq_sub, sub_pos],
have H : b^2 < sqrt (b ^ 2 + 1)^2,
{ rw sqr_sqrt,
have F : 0 ≤ b^2 := by {apply pow_two_nonneg},
linarith },
exact b_lt_sqrt_b_sq_add_one b,
{ have H := b_lt_sqrt_b_sq_add_one (-b),
rw [neg_square, add_comm (b^2)] at H,
linarith },

/-- `sinh` is bijective, both injective and surjective-/
lemma sinh_bijective : function.bijective sinh :=
⟨sinh_injective, sinh_surjective⟩

/-- A real version of `complex.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq`-/
lemma real.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq (x : ℝ) : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 = 1 :=
rw [sinh, cosh],
have := complex.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq x,
apply_fun at this,
rw [pow_two, pow_two] at this,
change (⟨_, _⟩ : ℂ).re - (⟨_, _⟩ : ℂ).re = 1 at this,
rw [complex.cosh_of_real_im x, complex.sinh_of_real_im x] at this,
norm_num at this,
rwa [pow_two, pow_two],

/-- A rearrangment and `sqrt` of `real.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq` -/
lemma sqrt_one_add_sinh_sq (x : ℝ): sqrt (1 + sinh x ^ 2) = cosh x :=
have H := real.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq x,
have G : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 + sinh x ^ 2 = 1 + sinh x ^ 2 := by {rw H},
ring at G,
rw add_comm at G,
rw [G.symm, sqrt_sqr],
exact le_of_lt (cosh_pos x),

/-- `arsinh` is a left inverse of `sinh` -/
lemma sinh_arsinh (x : ℝ) : arsinh (sinh x) = x :=
unfold arsinh,
rw sinh_def,
apply exp_injective,
rw exp_log,
{ rw [← sinh_def, sqrt_one_add_sinh_sq, cosh_def, sinh_def],
ring },
{ rw [← sinh_def, sqrt_one_add_sinh_sq, cosh_def, sinh_def],
exact exp_pos x },

/-- `arsinh` is the right inverse of `sinh`-/
lemma arsinh_sinh (x : ℝ) : sinh (arsinh x) = x :=
rw sinh_def,
unfold arsinh,
rw ←log_inv,
rw [exp_log, exp_log],
{ rw [← one_mul ((x + sqrt (1 + x ^ 2))⁻¹), ←division_def, aux_lemma],
ring },
{ rw [← one_mul ((x + sqrt (1 + x ^ 2))⁻¹), ←division_def, aux_lemma],
rw [neg_add_eq_sub, sub_pos],
have H : x^2 < sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)^2,
{ rw sqr_sqrt,
have F : 0 ≤ x^2 := by {apply pow_two_nonneg},
linarith },
exact b_lt_sqrt_b_sq_add_one x,
{ have H := b_lt_sqrt_b_sq_add_one (-x),
rw [neg_square, add_comm (x^2)] at H,
linarith },

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