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feat(data/nat/mul_ind): multiplicative induction principles (#8514)
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Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>

Co-authored-by: Eric <>
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ericrbg and ericrbg committed Aug 23, 2021
1 parent f949172 commit c811dd7
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Showing 3 changed files with 112 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1128,6 +1128,9 @@ have h3 : b = a * d * c, from
nat.eq_mul_of_div_eq_left hab hd,
show ∃ d, b = c * a * d, from ⟨d, by cc⟩

@[simp] lemma dvd_div_iff {a b c : ℕ} (hbc : c ∣ b) : a ∣ b / c ↔ c * a ∣ b :=
⟨λ h, mul_dvd_of_dvd_div hbc h, λ h, dvd_div_of_mul_dvd h⟩

lemma div_mul_div {a b c d : ℕ} (hab : b ∣ a) (hcd : d ∣ c) :
(a / b) * (c / d) = (a * c) / (b * d) :=
have exi1 : ∃ x, a = b * x, from hab,
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/mul_ind.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Rodriguez. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Rodriguez
import number_theory.padics.padic_norm

# Multiplicative induction principles for ℕ
This file provides three (closely linked) induction principles for ℕ, commonly used for proofs
about multiplicative functions, such as the totient function and the Möbius function.
## Main definitions
* `nat.rec_on_prime_pow`: Given `P 0, P 1` and a way to extend `P a` to `P (p ^ k * a)`, you can
define `P` for all natural numbers.
* `rec_on_prime_coprime`: Given `P 0`, `P (p ^ k)` for all prime powers, and a way to extend `P a`
and `P b` to `P (a * b)` when `a, b` are coprime, you can define `P` for all natural numbers.
* `nat.rec_on_pos_prime_coprime`: Given `P 0`, `P 1`, and `P (p ^ k)` for positive prime powers, and
a way to extend `P a` and `P b` to `P (a * b)` when `a, b` are coprime, you can define `P` for all
natural numbers.
* `nat.rec_on_mul`: Given `P 0`, `P 1`, `P p` for all primes, and a proof that
you can extend `P a` and `P b` to `P (a * b)`, you can define `P` for all natural numbers.
## Implementation notes
The proofs use `padic_val_nat`; however, we have `padic_val_nat p = nat.log p $ nat.gcd k (p ^ k)`
for any `p ∣ k`, which requires far less imports - the API isn't there though; however, this is why
it's in `data` even though we import `number_theory`; it's not a particularly deep theorem.
## TODO:
Extend these results to any `normalization_monoid` with unique factorization.

namespace nat

/-- Given `P 0, P 1` and a way to extend `P a` to `P (p ^ k * a)`,
you can define `P` for all natural numbers. -/
def rec_on_prime_pow {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h0 : P 0) (h1 : P 1)
(h : ∀ a p n : ℕ, → ¬ p ∣ a → P a → P (p ^ n * a)) : ∀ (a : ℕ), P a :=
λ a, nat.strong_rec_on a $ λ n,
match n with
| 0 := λ _, h0
| 1 := λ _, h1
| (k+2) := λ hk, begin
let p := (k + 2).min_fac,
haveI : fact (prime p) := ⟨min_fac_prime (succ_succ_ne_one k)⟩,
let t := padic_val_nat p (k+2),
have hpt : p ^ t ∣ k + 2 := pow_padic_val_nat_dvd,
have ht : 0 < t := one_le_padic_val_nat_of_dvd (nat.succ_ne_zero (k + 1)) (min_fac_dvd _),

convert h ((k + 2) / p ^ t) p t (fact.out _) _ _,
{ rw nat.mul_div_cancel' hpt },
{ rw [nat.dvd_div_iff hpt, ←pow_succ'],
exact pow_succ_padic_val_nat_not_dvd nat.succ_pos' },

apply hk _ (nat.div_lt_of_lt_mul _),
rw [lt_mul_iff_one_lt_left nat.succ_pos', one_lt_pow_iff],
exact (prime.one_lt' p).out

/-- Given `P 0`, `P 1`, and `P (p ^ k)` for positive prime powers, and a way to extend `P a` and
`P b` to `P (a * b)` when `a, b` are coprime, you can define `P` for all natural numbers. -/
def rec_on_pos_prime_coprime {P : ℕ → Sort*} (hp : ∀ p n : ℕ, prime p → 0 < n → P (p ^ n))
(h0 : P 0) (h1 : P 1) (h : ∀ a b, coprime a b → P a → P b → P (a * b)) : ∀ a, P a :=
rec_on_prime_pow h0 h1 $ λ a p n hp' hpa ha,
h (p ^ n) a ((prime.coprime_pow_of_not_dvd hp' hpa).symm)
(if h : n = 0 then eq.rec h1 h.symm else hp p n hp' $ nat.pos_of_ne_zero h) ha

/-- Given `P 0`, `P (p ^ k)` for all prime powers, and a way to extend `P a` and `P b` to
`P (a * b)` when `a, b` are coprime, you can define `P` for all natural numbers. -/
def rec_on_prime_coprime {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h0 : P 0) (hp : ∀ p n : ℕ, prime p → P (p ^ n))
(h : ∀ a b, coprime a b → P a → P b → P (a * b)) : ∀ a, P a :=
rec_on_pos_prime_coprime (λ p n h _, hp p n h) h0 (hp 2 0 prime_two) h

/-- Given `P 0`, `P 1`, `P p` for all primes, and a proof that you can extend
`P a` and `P b` to `P (a * b)`, you can define `P` for all natural numbers. -/
def rec_on_mul {P : ℕ → Sort*} (h0 : P 0) (h1 : P 1)
(hp : ∀ p, prime p → P p) (h : ∀ a b, P a → P b → P (a * b)) : ∀ a, P a :=
let hp : ∀ p n : ℕ, prime p → P (p ^ n) :=
λ p n hp', match n with
| 0 := h1
| (n+1) := by exact h _ _ (hp p hp') (_match _)
end in
rec_on_prime_coprime h0 hp $ λ a b _, h a b

end nat
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/pow.lean
Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,20 @@ by { rw ←one_pow n, exact pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left h₁ h₀ }
lemma one_lt_pow' (n m : ℕ) : 1 < (m+2)^(n+1) :=
one_lt_pow (n+1) (m+2) (succ_pos n) (nat.lt_of_sub_eq_succ rfl)

@[simp] lemma one_lt_pow_iff {k n : ℕ} (h : 0 ≠ k) : 1 < n ^ k ↔ 1 < n :=
cases n,
{ cases k; simp [zero_pow_eq] },
cases n,
{ rw one_pow },
refine ⟨λ _, one_lt_succ_succ n, λ _, _⟩,
induction k with k hk,
{ exact absurd rfl h },
cases k,
{ simp },
exact one_lt_mul (one_lt_succ_succ _).le (hk (succ_ne_zero k).symm),

lemma one_lt_two_pow (n : ℕ) (h₀ : 0 < n) : 1 < 2^n := one_lt_pow n 2 h₀ dec_trivial
lemma one_lt_two_pow' (n : ℕ) : 1 < 2^(n+1) := one_lt_pow (n+1) 2 (succ_pos n) dec_trivial

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