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feat(group_theory/submonoid/basic): add `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_to…
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* rename `monoid_hom.of_mdense` to `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_right`;
* add `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_left`.
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urkud committed Oct 11, 2022
1 parent 419c83f commit c8243a6
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 17 deletions.
50 changes: 33 additions & 17 deletions src/group_theory/submonoid/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This file defines bundled multiplicative and additive submonoids. We also define
a `complete_lattice` structure on `submonoid`s, define the closure of a set as the minimal submonoid
that includes this set, and prove a few results about extending properties from a dense set (i.e.
a set with `closure s = ⊤`) to the whole monoid, see `submonoid.dense_induction` and
## Main definitions
Expand All @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ definition in the `add_submonoid` namespace.
* `` : `closure : set M → submonoid M` and coercion `coe : submonoid M → set M`
form a `galois_insertion`;
* `monoid_hom.eq_mlocus`: the submonoid of elements `x : M` such that `f x = g x`;
* `monoid_hom.of_mdense`: if a map `f : M → N` between two monoids satisfies `f 1 = 1` and
`f (x * y) = f x * f y` for `y` from some dense set `s`, then `f` is a monoid homomorphism.
E.g., if `f : ℕ → M` satisfies `f 0 = 0` and `f (x + 1) = f x + f 1`, then `f` is an additive
monoid homomorphism.
* `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_right`: if a map `f : M → N` between two monoids satisfies
`f 1 = 1` and `f (x * y) = f x * f y` for `y` from some dense set `s`, then `f` is a monoid
homomorphism. E.g., if `f : ℕ → M` satisfies `f 0 = 0` and `f (x + 1) = f x + f 1`, then `f` is
an additive monoid homomorphism.
## Implementation notes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,24 +498,40 @@ namespace monoid_hom
open submonoid

/-- Let `s` be a subset of a monoid `M` such that the closure of `s` is the whole monoid.
Then `monoid_hom.of_mdense` defines a monoid homomorphism from `M` asking for a proof
of `f (x * y) = f x * f y` only for `y ∈ s`. -/
def of_mdense {M N} [monoid M] [monoid N] {s : set M} (f : M → N) (hs : closure s = ⊤)
(h1 : f 1 = 1) (hmul : ∀ x (y ∈ s), f (x * y) = f x * f y) :
Then `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_left` defines a monoid homomorphism from `M` asking for
a proof of `f (x * y) = f x * f y` only for `x ∈ s`. -/
@[to_additive "/-- Let `s` be a subset of an additive monoid `M` such that the closure of `s` is
the whole monoid. Then `add_monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_left` defines an additive monoid
homomorphism from `M` asking for a proof of `f (x + y) = f x + f y` only for `x ∈ s`. -/"]
def of_mclosure_eq_top_left {M N} [monoid M] [monoid N] {s : set M} (f : M → N)
(hs : closure s = ⊤) (h1 : f 1 = 1) (hmul : ∀ (x ∈ s) y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) :
M →* N :=
{ to_fun := f,
map_one' := h1,
map_mul' := λ x, dense_induction x hs hmul (λ y, by rw [one_mul, h1, one_mul]) $ λ a b ha hb y,
by rw [mul_assoc, ha, ha, hb, mul_assoc] }

@[simp, norm_cast, to_additive] lemma coe_of_mclosure_eq_top_left (f : M → N) (hs : closure s = ⊤)
(h1 hmul) : ⇑(of_mclosure_eq_top_left f hs h1 hmul) = f :=

/-- Let `s` be a subset of a monoid `M` such that the closure of `s` is the whole monoid.
Then `monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_right` defines a monoid homomorphism from `M` asking for
a proof of `f (x * y) = f x * f y` only for `y ∈ s`. -/
@[to_additive "/-- Let `s` be a subset of an additive monoid `M` such that the closure of `s` is
the whole monoid. Then `add_monoid_hom.of_mclosure_eq_top_right` defines an additive monoid
homomorphism from `M` asking for a proof of `f (x + y) = f x + f y` only for `y ∈ s`. -/"]
def of_mclosure_eq_top_right {M N} [monoid M] [monoid N] {s : set M} (f : M → N)
(hs : closure s = ⊤) (h1 : f 1 = 1) (hmul : ∀ x (y ∈ s), f (x * y) = f x * f y) :
M →* N :=
{ to_fun := f,
map_one' := h1,
map_mul' := λ x y, dense_induction y hs (λ y hy x, hmul x y hy) (by simp [h1])
(λ y₁ y₂ h₁ h₂ x, by simp only [← mul_assoc, h₁, h₂]) x }

/-- Let `s` be a subset of an additive monoid `M` such that the closure of `s` is the whole monoid.
Then `add_monoid_hom.of_mdense` defines an additive monoid homomorphism from `M` asking for a proof
of `f (x + y) = f x + f y` only for `y ∈ s`. -/
add_decl_doc add_monoid_hom.of_mdense

@[simp, norm_cast, to_additive] lemma coe_of_mdense (f : M → N) (hs : closure s = ⊤) (h1 hmul) :
⇑(of_mdense f hs h1 hmul) = f := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast, to_additive] lemma coe_of_mclosure_eq_top_right (f : M → N) (hs : closure s = ⊤)
(h1 hmul) : ⇑(of_mclosure_eq_top_right f hs h1 hmul) = f :=

end monoid_hom

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