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feat(algebraic_topology): the Čech nerve of a split epi has an extra …
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…degeneracy (#16779)

In this PR, it is shown that the Čech nerve of a split epimorphism has an extra degeneracy. It is also shown that if two augmented simplicial objects are isomorphic, then an extra degeneracy for one of these transports as an extra degeneracy for the other.
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joelriou committed Oct 7, 2022
1 parent e36abd0 commit c965e54
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 6 deletions.
163 changes: 157 additions & 6 deletions src/algebraic_topology/extra_degeneracy.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Joël Riou

import algebraic_topology.simplicial_set
import algebraic_topology.cech_nerve
import tactic.fin_cases

Expand All @@ -28,17 +29,15 @@ simplicial objects in any category.
functor `C ⥤ D`
- `sSet.augmented.standard_simplex.extra_degeneracy`: the standard `n`-simplex has
an extra degeneracy
- `arrow.augmented_cech_nerve.extra_degeneracy`: the Čech nerve of a split
epimorphism has an extra degeneracy
TODO @joelriou:
1) when the category `C` is preadditive and has a zero object, and
`X : simplicial_object.augmented C` has an extra degeneracy, then the augmentation
on the alternating face map complex of `X` is a homotopy equivalence of chain
2) extra degeneracy for the Čech nerve of a split epi. In particular the
universal cover EG of the classifying space of a group G has an extra
## References
* [Paul G. Goerss, John F. Jardine, *Simplical Homotopy Theory*][goerss-jardine-2009]
Expand All @@ -49,8 +48,6 @@ open category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented
open opposite
open_locale simplicial

universes u

namespace simplicial_object

namespace augmented
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +93,38 @@ def map {D : Type*} [category D]
s_comp_δ' := λ n i, by { dsimp, erw [← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, ed.s_comp_δ], refl, },
s_comp_σ' := λ n i, by { dsimp, erw [← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, ed.s_comp_σ], refl, }, }

/-- If `X` and `Y` are isomorphic augmented simplicial objects, then an extra
degeneracy for `X` gives also an extra degeneracy for `Y` -/
def of_iso {X Y : simplicial_object.augmented C} (e : X ≅ Y) (ed : extra_degeneracy X) :
extra_degeneracy Y :=
{ s' := (point.map_iso e).inv ≫ ed.s' ≫ (drop.map_iso e) (op [0]),
s := λ n, (drop.map_iso e) (op [n]) ≫ ed.s n ≫ (drop.map_iso e) (op [n+1]),
s'_comp_ε' := by simpa only [functor.map_iso, assoc, w₀, ed.s'_comp_ε_assoc]
using (point.map_iso e).inv_hom_id,
s₀_comp_δ₁' := begin
have h := w₀ e.inv,
dsimp at h ⊢,
simp only [assoc, ← simplicial_object.δ_naturality, ed.s₀_comp_δ₁_assoc, reassoc_of h],
s_comp_δ₀' := λ n, begin
have h := ed.s_comp_δ₀',
dsimp at ⊢ h,
simpa only [assoc, ← simplicial_object.δ_naturality, reassoc_of h]
using congr_app (drop.map_iso e).inv_hom_id (op [n]),
s_comp_δ' := λ n i, begin
have h := ed.s_comp_δ' n i,
dsimp at ⊢ h,
simp only [assoc, ← simplicial_object.δ_naturality, reassoc_of h,
← simplicial_object.δ_naturality_assoc],
s_comp_σ' := λ n i, begin
have h := ed.s_comp_σ' n i,
dsimp at ⊢ h,
simp only [assoc, ← simplicial_object.σ_naturality, reassoc_of h,
← simplicial_object.σ_naturality_assoc],

end extra_degeneracy

end augmented
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,3 +215,125 @@ end standard_simplex
end augmented

end sSet

namespace category_theory

open limits

namespace arrow

namespace augmented_cech_nerve

variables {C : Type*} [category C] (f : arrow C)
[∀ n : ℕ, has_wide_pullback f.right (λ i : fin (n+1), f.left) (λ i, f.hom)]
(S : split_epi f.hom)

include S

/-- The extra degeneracy map on the Čech nerve of a split epi. It is
given on the `0`-projection by the given section of the split epi,
and by shifting the indices on the other projections. -/
noncomputable def extra_degeneracy.s (n : ℕ) :
f.cech_nerve.obj (op [n]) ⟶ f.cech_nerve.obj (op [n + 1]) :=
wide_pullback.lift (wide_pullback.base _)
(λ i, dite (i = 0) (λ h, wide_pullback.base _ ≫ S.section_)
(λ h, wide_pullback.π _ (i.pred h)))
(λ i, begin
{ subst h,
simp only [assoc,, comp_id], },
{ simp only [wide_pullback.π_arrow], },

lemma extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0 (n : ℕ) :
extra_degeneracy.s f S n ≫ wide_pullback.π _ 0 = wide_pullback.base _ ≫ S.section_ :=
by { dsimp [extra_degeneracy.s], simpa only [wide_pullback.lift_π], }

lemma extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_succ (n : ℕ) (i : fin (n+1)) :
extra_degeneracy.s f S n ≫ wide_pullback.π _ i.succ = wide_pullback.π _ i :=
dsimp [extra_degeneracy.s],
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_π],
{ exfalso,
simpa only [fin.ext_iff, fin.coe_succ, fin.coe_zero, nat.succ_ne_zero] using h, },
{ congr,
apply fin.pred_succ, },

lemma extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base (n : ℕ) :
extra_degeneracy.s f S n ≫ wide_pullback.base _ = wide_pullback.base _ :=
by apply wide_pullback.lift_base

/-- The augmented Čech nerve associated to a split epimorphism has an extra degeneracy. -/
noncomputable def extra_degeneracy :
simplicial_object.augmented.extra_degeneracy f.augmented_cech_nerve :=
{ s' := S.section_ ≫ wide_pullback.lift f.hom (λ i, 𝟙 _) (λ i, by rw id_comp),
s := λ n, extra_degeneracy.s f S n,
s'_comp_ε' :=
by simp only [augmented_cech_nerve_hom_app, assoc, wide_pullback.lift_base,],
s₀_comp_δ₁' := begin
dsimp [cech_nerve, simplicial_object.δ, simplex_category.δ],
ext j,
{ fin_cases j,
simpa only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_π, comp_id] using extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0 f S 0, },
{ simpa only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_base,, comp_id]
using extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base f S 0, },
s_comp_δ₀' := λ n, begin
dsimp [cech_nerve, simplicial_object.δ, simplex_category.δ],
ext j,
{ simpa only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_π, id_comp]
using extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_succ f S n j, },
{ simpa only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_base, id_comp]
using extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base f S n, },
s_comp_δ' := λ n i, begin
dsimp [cech_nerve, simplicial_object.δ, simplex_category.δ],
ext j,
{ simp only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_π],
by_cases j = 0,
{ subst h,
erw [fin.succ_succ_above_zero, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0],
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_base_assoc], },
{ cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h with k hk,
subst hk,
erw [fin.succ_succ_above_succ, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_succ,
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_π], }, },
{ simp only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_base],
erw [extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base],
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_base], },
s_comp_σ' := λ n i, begin
dsimp [cech_nerve, simplicial_object.σ, simplex_category.σ],
ext j,
{ simp only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_π],
by_cases j = 0,
{ subst h,
erw [extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_0],
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_base_assoc], },
{ cases fin.eq_succ_of_ne_zero h with k hk,
subst hk,
erw [fin.succ_pred_above_succ, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_π_succ,
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_π], }, },
{ simp only [assoc, wide_pullback.lift_base],
erw [extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base, extra_degeneracy.s_comp_base],
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_base], },
end, }

end augmented_cech_nerve

end arrow

end category_theory

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