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MichaelStollBayreuth committed Jun 27, 2022
1 parent 226e7b5 commit cad5c63
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 82 deletions.
123 changes: 41 additions & 82 deletions src/number_theory/legendre_symbol/mul_character.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ In this setting, there is an equivalence between multiplicative characters
have a natural structure as a commutative group.

universes u v w
universes u v

section defi

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,9 +91,8 @@ instance coe_to_fun : has_coe_to_fun (mul_char R R') (λ _, R → R') :=
lemma coe_coe (χ : mul_char R R') : (χ.to_monoid_hom : R → R') = χ := rfl

/-- Extensionality. See `ext` below for the version that will actually be used. -/
lemma ext' {χ χ' : mul_char R R'} : (∀ a, χ a = χ' a) χ = χ' :=
lemma ext' {χ χ' : mul_char R R'} (h : ∀ a, χ a = χ' a) : χ = χ' :=
intro h,
cases χ,
cases χ',
Expand All @@ -114,9 +113,8 @@ lemma map_nonunit (χ : mul_char R R') {a : R} (ha : ¬ is_unit a) : χ a = 0 :=
/-- Extensionality. Since `mul_char`s always take the value zero on non-units, it is sufficient
to compare the values on units. -/
lemma ext {χ χ' : mul_char R R'} : (∀ a, is_unit a → χ a = χ' a) χ = χ' :=
lemma ext {χ χ' : mul_char R R'} (h : ∀ a, is_unit a → χ a = χ' a) : χ = χ' :=
intro h,
apply ext',
intro a,
by_cases ha : is_unit a,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,19 +165,16 @@ def of_unit_hom (f : Rˣ →* R'ˣ) : mul_char R R' :=
end ,
map_nonunit' := by { intros a ha, simp only [ha, not_false_iff, dif_neg], }, }

lemma of_unit_hom_eval_def (f : Rˣ →* R'ˣ) (a : R) :
of_unit_hom f a = if ha : is_unit a then f ha.unit else 0 := rfl

lemma of_unit_hom_eval (f : Rˣ →* R'ˣ) {a : R} (ha : is_unit a) :
of_unit_hom f a = f ha.unit :=
change (of_unit_hom f).to_fun _ = _,
simp only [ha, of_unit_hom, units.is_unit, dif_pos, is_unit.unit_of_coe_units],
by simp only [ha, of_unit_hom_eval_def, dif_pos]

lemma of_unit_hom_eval' (f : Rˣ →* R'ˣ) (a : Rˣ) :
of_unit_hom f a = f a :=
change (of_unit_hom f).to_fun _ = _,
simp only [of_unit_hom, units.is_unit, dif_pos, is_unit.unit_of_coe_units],
by simp only [of_unit_hom_eval_def, units.is_unit, is_unit.unit_of_coe_units, dite_eq_ite, if_true]

/-- The equivalence between multiplicative characters and homomorphisms of unit groups. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,21 +208,19 @@ instance has_one : has_one (mul_char R R') := ⟨trivial R R'⟩
instance inhabited : inhabited (mul_char R R') := ⟨1

/-- Evaluation of the trivial character -/
lemma one_eval {a : R} : (1 : mul_char R R') a = if (is_unit a) then 1 else 0 :=

lemma trivial_unit {a : R} (ha : is_unit a) :
lemma one_eval_of_is_unit {a : R} (ha : is_unit a) :
(1 : mul_char R R') a = 1 :=
change (mul_char.trivial R R').to_fun a = _,
simp only [ha, mul_char.trivial, ite_eq_left_iff, not_true, forall_false_left],
by simp only [one_eval, ha, if_true]

lemma trivial_nonunit {a : R} (ha : ¬ is_unit a) :
lemma one_eval_of_not_is_unit {a : R} (ha : ¬ is_unit a) :
(1 : mul_char R R') a = 0 :=
change (mul_char.trivial R R').to_fun a = _,
simp only [ha, mul_char.trivial, ite_eq_right_iff, forall_false_left],
by simp only [one_eval, ha, if_false]

/-- Multiplication of multiplicative characters. (This needs the target to be commutative.) -/
def mul (χ χ' : mul_char R R') : mul_char R R' :=
Expand All @@ -244,61 +237,31 @@ instance has_mul : has_mul (mul_char R R') := ⟨mul⟩

lemma mul_apply (χ χ' : mul_char R R') (a : R) : (χ * χ') a = χ a * χ' a := rfl

lemma coe_to_fun_mul (χ χ' : mul_char R R') : ⇑(χ * χ') = χ * χ' :=
ext a,
change (χ.mul χ').to_fun a = χ.to_fun a * χ'.to_fun a,
simp only [mul, monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, monoid_hom.mul_apply],
lemma coe_to_fun_mul (χ χ' : mul_char R R') : ⇑(χ * χ') = χ * χ' := rfl

lemma one_mul (χ : mul_char R R') : (1 : mul_char R R') * χ = χ :=
ext a ha,
rw [coe_to_fun_mul, pi.mul_apply, trivial_unit ha, one_mul],
rw [coe_to_fun_mul, pi.mul_apply, one_eval_of_is_unit ha, one_mul],

lemma mul_one (χ : mul_char R R') : χ * 1 = χ :=
ext a ha,
rw [coe_to_fun_mul, pi.mul_apply, trivial_unit ha, mul_one],
rw [coe_to_fun_mul, pi.mul_apply, one_eval_of_is_unit ha, mul_one],

instance mul_one_class : mul_one_class (mul_char R R') :=
{ one_mul := one_mul,
mul_one := mul_one,
..has_mul }

instance semigroup : semigroup (mul_char R R') :=
{ mul_assoc := by { intros χ₁ χ₂ χ₃, ext a, repeat {rw [coe_to_fun_mul]}, rw [mul_assoc], },
..has_mul }

instance monoid : monoid (mul_char R R') :=
{ ..mul_one_class,
..semigroup }

instance comm_semigroup : comm_semigroup (mul_char R R') :=
{ mul_comm := by { intros χ₁ χ₂, ext a, repeat {rw [coe_to_fun_mul]}, rw [mul_comm], },
..semigroup }

instance comm_monoid : comm_monoid (mul_char R R') :=
{ ..monoid,
..comm_semigroup }

/-- The inverse of a multiplicative character. We define it as `inverse ∘ χ`. -/
def inv (χ : mul_char R R') : mul_char R R' :=
{ map_nonunit' :=
intros a ha,
simp only [monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, monoid_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app,
monoid_with_zero_hom.to_monoid_hom_coe, monoid_with_zero.coe_inverse, coe_coe],
rw [map_nonunit _ ha, ring.inverse_zero],
monoid_with_zero_hom.to_monoid_hom_coe, monoid_with_zero.coe_inverse, coe_coe,
map_nonunit _ ha, ring.inverse_zero],
..monoid_with_zero.inverse.to_monoid_hom.comp χ.to_monoid_hom }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,36 +295,33 @@ end
lemma inv_apply' {R : Type u} [field R] (χ : mul_char R R') (a : R) : χ⁻¹ a = χ a⁻¹ :=
(inv_apply χ a).trans $ congr_arg _ (ring.inverse_eq_inv a)

instance div_inv_monoid : div_inv_monoid (mul_char R R') :=
{ ..monoid,
..has_inv }

/-- The product of a character with its inverse is the trivial character. -/
lemma inv_mul (χ : mul_char R R') : χ⁻¹ * χ = 1 :=
ext x hx,
rw [coe_to_fun_mul, pi.mul_apply, inv_apply_eq_inv,
ring.inverse_mul_cancel _ ( _ hx), trivial_unit hx],
ring.inverse_mul_cancel _ ( _ hx), one_eval_of_is_unit hx],

instance group : group (mul_char R R') :=
{ mul_left_inv := inv_mul,
..div_inv_monoid }

/-- Finally, the commutative group structure on `mul_char R R'`. -/
instance comm_group : comm_group (mul_char R R') :=
..comm_monoid }
{ mul_left_inv := inv_mul,
mul_assoc := by { intros χ₁ χ₂ χ₃, ext a, repeat {rw [coe_to_fun_mul]}, rw [mul_assoc], },
mul_comm := by { intros χ₁ χ₂, ext a, repeat {rw [coe_to_fun_mul]}, rw [mul_comm], },
one_mul := one_mul,
mul_one := mul_one,
..has_inv }

/-- If `a` is a unit and `n : ℕ`, then `(χ ^ n) a = (χ a) ^ n`. -/
lemma pow_apply (χ : mul_char R R') (n : ℕ) {a : R} (ha : is_unit a) :
(χ ^ n) a = (χ a) ^ n :=
induction n with n ih,
{ rw [pow_zero, pow_zero, trivial_unit ha], },
{ rw [pow_zero, pow_zero, one_eval_of_is_unit ha], },
{ rw [pow_succ, pow_succ, mul_apply, ih], },

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,7 +355,7 @@ namespace mul_char

universes u v w

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [comm_ring R'] {R'' : Type v} [comm_ring R'']
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {R' : Type v} [comm_ring R'] {R'' : Type w} [comm_ring R'']

/-- A multiplicative character is *nontrivial* if it takes a value `≠ 1` on a unit. -/
def is_nontrivial (χ : mul_char R R') : Prop := ∃ (a : R), is_unit a ∧ χ a ≠ 1
Expand All @@ -406,28 +366,27 @@ begin
{ intros h₁ h₂,
obtain ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ := h₁,
rw [h₂, trivial_unit ha₁] at ha₂,
rw [h₂, one_eval_of_is_unit ha₁] at ha₂,
exact ha₂ rfl, },
{ contrapose!,
intro h,
change ¬ ∃ a, is_unit a ∧ χ a ≠ 1 at h,
push_neg at h,
ext a ha,
rw [trivial_unit ha, h a ha], },
rw [one_eval_of_is_unit ha, h a ha], },

/-- A multiplicative character is *quadratic* if it takes only the values `0`, `1`, `-1`. -/
def is_quadratic (χ : mul_char R R') : Prop := ∀ a, χ a = 0 ∨ χ a = 1 ∨ χ a = -1

/-- We can post-compose a multiplicative character with a ring homomorphism. -/
-- I can't let `R''` have universe `w` here -- why?
def ring_hom_comp (χ : mul_char R R') (f : R' →+* R'') : mul_char R R'' :=
{ map_nonunit' :=
intros a ha,
simp only [ring_hom.to_monoid_hom_eq_coe, monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, monoid_hom.coe_comp,
ring_hom.coe_monoid_hom, coe_coe, function.comp_app],
rw [map_nonunit χ ha, ring_hom.map_zero],
ring_hom.coe_monoid_hom, coe_coe, function.comp_app, map_nonunit χ ha,
..f.to_monoid_hom.comp χ.to_monoid_hom}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,14 +476,16 @@ begin
exact eq_zero_of_mul_eq_self_left hb h₁,

-- this can go once #14873 is merged
instance {M} [monoid M] (x : M) [h : decidable (∃ u : Mˣ, ↑u = x)] : decidable (is_unit x) := h

/-- The sum over all values of the trivial multiplicative character on a finite ring is
the cardinality of its unit group. -/
lemma sum_eq_card_units_of_is_trivial [fintype R] [decidable_eq R] :
∑ a, (1 : mul_char R R') a = fintype.card Rˣ :=
classical, -- should be unnecessary once #14873 is merged
have h₁ : ∀ a : R, (1 : mul_char R R') a = ite (is_unit a) 1 0 :=
by { intro a, split_ifs, { exact trivial_unit h }, { exact trivial_nonunit h } },
by { intro a, split_ifs, { exact one_eval_of_is_unit h }, { exact one_eval_of_not_is_unit h } },
simp_rw [h₁],
have h₂ := @finset.sum_filter R' R finset.univ _ is_unit _ 1,
simp only [pi.one_apply] at h₂,
Expand All @@ -545,5 +506,3 @@ end
end mul_char

end properties


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