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refactor(data/equiv/local_equiv): use dot notation for eq_on_source (
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urkud committed May 28, 2020
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Showing 5 changed files with 93 additions and 107 deletions.
90 changes: 40 additions & 50 deletions src/data/equiv/local_equiv.lean
Expand Up @@ -120,15 +120,23 @@ instance : has_coe_to_fun (local_equiv α β) := ⟨_, local_equiv.to_fun⟩
@[simp] lemma map_source {x : α} (h : x ∈ e.source) : e x ∈ :=
e.map_source' h

protected lemma maps_to : maps_to e e.source := λ _, e.map_source

@[simp] lemma map_target {x : β} (h : x ∈ : e.symm x ∈ e.source :=
e.map_target' h

lemma symm_maps_to : maps_to e.symm e.source := e.symm.maps_to

@[simp] lemma left_inv {x : α} (h : x ∈ e.source) : e.symm (e x) = x :=
e.left_inv' h

protected lemma left_inv_on : left_inv_on e.symm e e.source := λ _, e.left_inv

@[simp] lemma right_inv {x : β} (h : x ∈ : e (e.symm x) = x :=
e.right_inv' h

protected lemma right_inv_on : right_inv_on e.symm e := λ _, e.right_inv

/-- Associating to a local_equiv an equiv between the source and the target -/
protected def to_equiv : equiv (e.source) ( :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨e x, e.map_source x.mem⟩,
Expand All @@ -142,8 +150,7 @@ protected def to_equiv : equiv (e.source) ( :=

/-- A local equiv induces a bijection between its source and target -/
lemma bij_on_source : bij_on e e.source :=
inv_on.bij_on ⟨λ x, e.left_inv, λ x, e.right_inv⟩
(λ x, e.map_source) (λ x, e.map_target)
inv_on.bij_on ⟨e.left_inv_on, e.right_inv_on⟩ e.maps_to e.symm_maps_to

lemma image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage {s : set α} (h : s ⊆ e.source) :
e '' s = ∩ e.symm ⁻¹' s :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,94 +359,77 @@ local_equiv.ext (λx, rfl) (λx, rfl) $ by { simp [trans_source, inter_comm], rw
/-- `eq_on_source e e'` means that `e` and `e'` have the same source, and coincide there. Then `e`
and `e'` should really be considered the same local equiv. -/
def eq_on_source (e e' : local_equiv α β) : Prop :=
e.source = e'.source ∧ (∀x ∈ e.source, e x = e' x)
e.source = e'.source ∧ (e.source.eq_on e e')

/-- `eq_on_source` is an equivalence relation -/
instance eq_on_source_setoid : setoid (local_equiv α β) :=
{ r := eq_on_source,
iseqv := ⟨
λe, by simp [eq_on_source],
λe e' h, by { simp [eq_on_source, h.1.symm], exact λx hx, (h.2 x hx).symm },
λe e' e'' h h', ⟨by rwa [← h'.1, ← h.1], λx hx, by { rw [← h'.2 x, h.2 x hx], rwa ← h.1 }⟩⟩ }
λe e' h, by { simp [eq_on_source, h.1.symm], exact λx hx, (h.2 hx).symm },
λe e' e'' h h', ⟨by rwa [← h'.1, ← h.1], λx hx, by { rw [← h'.2, h.2 hx], rwa ← h.1 }⟩⟩ }

lemma eq_on_source_refl : e ≈ e := setoid.refl _

/-- If two local equivs are equivalent, so are their inverses -/
lemma eq_on_source_symm {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.symm ≈ e'.symm :=
have T : = e'.target,
{ have : set.bij_on e' e.source := e.bij_on_source.congr h.2,
have A : e' '' e.source = := this.image_eq,
rw [h.1, e'.bij_on_source.image_eq] at A,
exact A.symm },
refine ⟨T, λx hx, _⟩,
have xt : x ∈ := hx,
rw T at xt,
have e's : e'.symm x ∈ e.source, by { rw h.1, apply e'.map_target xt },
have A : e (e.symm x) = x := e.right_inv hx,
have B : e (e'.symm x) = x,
by { rw h.2, exact e'.right_inv xt, exact e's },
apply e.bij_on_source.inj_on (e.map_target hx) e's,
rw [A, B]

/-- Two equivalent local equivs have the same source -/
lemma source_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source = e'.source :=
lemma eq_on_source.source_eq {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source = e'.source :=

/-- Two equivalent local equivs coincide on the source -/
lemma eq_on_source.eq_on {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source.eq_on e e' :=

/-- Two equivalent local equivs have the same target -/
lemma target_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : = e'.target :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).1
lemma eq_on_source.target_eq {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : = e'.target :=
by simp only [← image_source_eq_target, ← h.source_eq, h.2.image_eq]

/-- Two equivalent local equivs coincide on the source -/
lemma apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') {x : α} (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
e x = e' x :=
h.2 x hx
/-- If two local equivs are equivalent, so are their inverses. -/
lemma eq_on_source.symm' {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.symm ≈ e'.symm :=
refine ⟨h.target_eq, eq_on_of_left_inv_on_of_right_inv_on e.left_inv_on _ _⟩;
simp only [symm_source, h.target_eq, h.source_eq, e'.symm_maps_to],
exact e'.right_inv_on.congr_right e'.symm_maps_to (h.source_eq ▸ h.eq_on.symm),

/-- Two equivalent local equivs have coinciding inverses on the target -/
lemma inv_apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') {x : β} (hx : x ∈ :
e.symm x = e'.symm x :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).2 x hx
lemma eq_on_source.symm_eq_on {e e' : local_equiv α β} (h : e ≈ e') :
eq_on e.symm e'.symm :=

/-- Composition of local equivs respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_trans {e e' : local_equiv α β} {f f' : local_equiv β γ}
lemma eq_on_source.trans' {e e' : local_equiv α β} {f f' : local_equiv β γ}
(he : e ≈ e') (hf : f ≈ f') : e.trans f ≈ e'.trans f' :=
{ have : = e'.target := (eq_on_source_symm he).1,
rw [trans_source'', trans_source'', ← this, ← hf.1],
exact eq_on.image_eq (λx hx, (eq_on_source_symm he).2 x hx.1) },
{ rw [trans_source'', trans_source'', ← he.target_eq, ← hf.1],
exact (he.symm'.eq_on.mono $ inter_subset_left _ _).image_eq },
{ assume x hx,
rw trans_source at hx,
simp [(he.2 x hx.1).symm, hf.2 _ hx.2] }
simp [(he.2 hx.1).symm, hf.2 hx.2] }

/-- Restriction of local equivs respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_restr {e e' : local_equiv α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set α) :
lemma eq_on_source.restr {e e' : local_equiv α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set α) :
e.restr s ≈ e'.restr s :=
{ simp [he.1] },
{ assume x hx,
simp only [mem_inter_eq, restr_source] at hx,
exact he.2 x hx.1 }
exact he.2 hx.1 }

/-- Preimages are respected by equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_preimage {e e' : local_equiv α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set β) :
lemma eq_on_source.source_inter_preimage_eq {e e' : local_equiv α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set β) :
e.source ∩ e ⁻¹' s = e'.source ∩ e' ⁻¹' s :=
ext x,
simp only [mem_inter_eq, mem_preimage],
{ assume hx,
rwa [apply_eq_of_eq_on_source (setoid.symm he), source_eq_of_eq_on_source (setoid.symm he)],
rw source_eq_of_eq_on_source he at hx,
exact hx.1 },
rwa [← he.2 hx.1, ← he.source_eq] },
{ assume hx,
rwa [apply_eq_of_eq_on_source he, source_eq_of_eq_on_source he],
rw source_eq_of_eq_on_source (setoid.symm he) at hx,
exact hx.1 },
rwa [← (setoid.symm he).2 hx.1, he.source_eq] }

/-- Composition of a local equiv and its inverse is equivalent to the restriction of the identity
Expand All @@ -465,10 +455,10 @@ lemma eq_of_eq_on_source_univ (e e' : local_equiv α β) (h : e ≈ e')
(s : e.source = univ) (t : = univ) : e = e' :=
apply local_equiv.ext (λx, _) (λx, _) h.1,
{ apply h.2 x,
{ apply h.2,
rw s,
exact mem_univ _ },
{ apply (eq_on_source_symm h).2 x,
{ apply h.symm'.2,
rw [symm_source, t],
exact mem_univ _ }
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/data/set/function.lean
Expand Up @@ -335,12 +335,11 @@ theorem inj_on.right_inv_on_of_left_inv_on (hf : inj_on f s) (hf' : left_inv_on
right_inv_on f f' s :=
λ x h, hf (h₂ $ h₁ h) h (hf' (h₁ h))

theorem eq_on_of_left_inv_of_right_inv (h₁ : left_inv_on f₁' f s) (h₂ : right_inv_on f₂' f t)
theorem eq_on_of_left_inv_on_of_right_inv_on (h₁ : left_inv_on f₁' f s) (h₂ : right_inv_on f₂' f t)
(h : maps_to f₂' t s) : eq_on f₁' f₂' t :=
λ y hy,
f₁' y = (f₁' ∘ f ∘ f₂') y : congr_arg f₁' (h₂ hy).symm
... = f₂' y : h₁ (h hy)
calc f₁' y = (f₁' ∘ f ∘ f₂') y : congr_arg f₁' (h₂ hy).symm
... = f₂' y : h₁ (h hy)

theorem surj_on.left_inv_on_of_right_inv_on (hf : surj_on f s t) (hf' : right_inv_on f f' s) :
left_inv_on f f' t :=
Expand Down
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions src/geometry/manifold/manifold.lean
Expand Up @@ -23,20 +23,21 @@ notion of structure groupoid, i.e., a set of local homeomorphisms stable under c
inverse, to which the change of coordinates should belong.
## Main definitions
* `structure_groupoid H` : a subset of local homeomorphisms of `H` stable under composition, inverse
and restriction (ex: local diffeos)
* `structure_groupoid H` : a subset of local homeomorphisms of `H` stable under composition,
inverse and restriction (ex: local diffeos)
* `pregroupoid H` : a subset of local homeomorphisms of `H` stable under composition and
restriction, but not inverse (ex: smooth maps)
* `groupoid_of_pregroupoid`: construct a groupoid from a pregroupoid, by requiring that a map and its
inverse both belong to the pregroupoid (ex: construct diffeos from smooth
* `groupoid_of_pregroupoid`: construct a groupoid from a pregroupoid, by requiring that a map and
its inverse both belong to the pregroupoid (ex: construct diffeos from
smooth maps)
* `continuous_groupoid H` : the groupoid of all local homeomorphisms of `H`
* `manifold H M` : manifold structure on `M` modelled on `H`, given by an atlas of local
homeomorphisms from `M` to `H` whose sources cover `M`. This is a type class.
* `has_groupoid M G` : when `G` is a structure groupoid on `H` and `M` is a manifold modelled on
`H`, require that all coordinate changes belong to `G`. This is a type
homeomorphisms from `M` to `H` whose sources cover `M`. This is a type
* `has_groupoid M G` : when `G` is a structure groupoid on `H` and `M` is a manifold modelled
on `H`, require that all coordinate changes belong to `G`. This is
a type class
* `atlas H M` : when `M` is a manifold modelled on `H`, the atlas of this manifold
structure, i.e., the set of charts
* `structomorph G M M'` : the set of diffeomorphisms between the manifolds `M` and `M'` for the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ def id_groupoid (H : Type u) [topological_space H] : structure_groupoid H :=
rwa ← this },
{ right,
change (e.to_local_equiv).source = ∅ at he,
rwa [set.mem_set_of_eq, source_eq_of_eq_on_source he'e] }
rwa [set.mem_set_of_eq, he'e.source_eq] }
end }

/-- Every structure groupoid contains the identity groupoid -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ def pregroupoid.groupoid (PG : pregroupoid H) : structure_groupoid H :=
{ apply PG.congr e'.open_source ee'.2,
simp only [ee'.1, he.1] },
{ have A := eq_on_source_symm ee',
{ have A := ee'.symm',
apply PG.congr e'.symm.open_source A.2,
convert he.2,
rw A.1,
Expand All @@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ lemma mem_pregroupoid_of_eq_on_source (PG : pregroupoid H) {e e' : local_homeomo e' e'.source :=
rw ← he'.1,
exact PG.congr e.open_source (λx hx, (he'.2 x hx).symm) he,
exact PG.congr e.open_source he'.eq_on.symm he,

/-- The pregroupoid of all local maps on a topological space H -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,12 +533,12 @@ def structomorph.trans (e : structomorph G M M') (e' : structomorph G M' M'') :
have : F₁ ≈ F₂ := calc
F₁ ≈ c.symm ≫ₕ f₁ ≫ₕ (g ≫ₕ g.symm) ≫ₕ f₂ ≫ₕ c' : by simp [F₁, trans_assoc]
... ≈ c.symm ≫ₕ f₁ ≫ₕ (of_set g.source g.open_source) ≫ₕ f₂ ≫ₕ c' :
by simp [eq_on_source_trans, trans_self_symm g]
by simp [eq_on_source.trans', trans_self_symm g]
... ≈ ((c.symm ≫ₕ f₁) ≫ₕ (of_set g.source g.open_source)) ≫ₕ (f₂ ≫ₕ c') :
by simp [trans_assoc]
... ≈ ((c.symm ≫ₕ f₁).restr s) ≫ₕ (f₂ ≫ₕ c') : by simp [s, trans_of_set']
... ≈ ((c.symm ≫ₕ f₁) ≫ₕ (f₂ ≫ₕ c')).restr s : by simp [restr_trans]
... ≈ (c.symm ≫ₕ (f₁ ≫ₕ f₂) ≫ₕ c').restr s : by simp [eq_on_source_restr, trans_assoc]
... ≈ (c.symm ≫ₕ (f₁ ≫ₕ f₂) ≫ₕ c').restr s : by simp [eq_on_source.restr, trans_assoc]
... ≈ F₂ : by simp [F₂, feq],
have : F₂ ∈ G := G.eq_on_source F₁ F₂ A (setoid.symm this),
exact this
Expand Down
40 changes: 17 additions & 23 deletions src/topology/local_homeomorph.lean
Expand Up @@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.restr_trans e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equi
/-- `eq_on_source e e'` means that `e` and `e'` have the same source, and coincide there. They
should really be considered the same local equiv. -/
def eq_on_source (e e' : local_homeomorph α β) : Prop :=
e.source = e'.source ∧ (∀x ∈ e.source, e x = e' x)
e.source = e'.source ∧ (eq_on e e' e.source)

lemma eq_on_source_iff (e e' : local_homeomorph α β) :
eq_on_source e e' ↔ local_equiv.eq_on_source e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv :=
by refl

/-- `eq_on_source` is an equivalence relation -/
instance : setoid (local_homeomorph α β) :=
Expand All @@ -412,42 +412,36 @@ instance : setoid (local_homeomorph α β) :=
lemma eq_on_source_refl : e ≈ e := setoid.refl _

/-- If two local homeomorphisms are equivalent, so are their inverses -/
lemma eq_on_source_symm {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.symm ≈ e'.symm :=
local_equiv.eq_on_source_symm h
lemma eq_on_source.symm' {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.symm ≈ e'.symm :=
local_equiv.eq_on_source.symm' h

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have the same source -/
lemma source_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source = e'.source :=
lemma eq_on_source.source_eq {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : e.source = e'.source :=

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have the same target -/
lemma target_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : = e'.target :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).1
lemma eq_on_source.target_eq {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') : = e'.target :=

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have coinciding `to_fun` on the source -/
lemma apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e')
{x : α} (hx : x ∈ e.source) : e x = e' x :=
h.2 x hx
lemma eq_on_source.eq_on {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') :
eq_on e e' e.source :=

/-- Two equivalent local homeomorphisms have coinciding `inv_fun` on the target -/
lemma inv_apply_eq_of_eq_on_source {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e')
{x : β} (hx : x ∈ : e.symm x = e'.symm x :=
(eq_on_source_symm h).2 x hx
lemma eq_on_source.symm_eq_on_target {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (h : e ≈ e') :
eq_on e.symm e'.symm :=

/-- Composition of local homeomorphisms respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_trans {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} {f f' : local_homeomorph β γ}
lemma eq_on_source.trans' {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} {f f' : local_homeomorph β γ}
(he : e ≈ e') (hf : f ≈ f') : e.trans f ≈ e'.trans f' :=
change local_equiv.eq_on_source (e.trans f).to_local_equiv (e'.trans f').to_local_equiv,
simp only [trans_to_local_equiv],
apply local_equiv.eq_on_source_trans,
exact he,
exact hf
local_equiv.eq_on_source.trans' he hf

/-- Restriction of local homeomorphisms respects equivalence -/
lemma eq_on_source_restr {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set α) :
lemma eq_on_source.restr {e e' : local_homeomorph α β} (he : e ≈ e') (s : set α) :
e.restr s ≈ e'.restr s :=
local_equiv.eq_on_source_restr he _
local_equiv.eq_on_source.restr he _

/-- Composition of a local homeomorphism and its inverse is equivalent to the restriction of the
identity to the source -/
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