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chore(set_theory/game/nim): General golfing (#12471)
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We make use of various relatively new theorems on ordinals to simplify various proofs, or otherwise clean up the file.
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vihdzp committed Mar 8, 2022
1 parent b3fba03 commit ccdcce1
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Showing 2 changed files with 33 additions and 79 deletions.
109 changes: 30 additions & 79 deletions src/set_theory/game/nim.lean
Expand Up @@ -33,25 +33,16 @@ useful.
universes u

/-- `ordinal.out'` and `ordinal.type_lt'` are required to make the definition of nim computable.
`ordinal.out'` performs the same job as `quotient.out` but is specific to ordinals. -/
/-- `ordinal.out'` has the sole purpose of making `nim` computable. It performs the same job as
`quotient.out` but is specific to ordinals. -/
def ordinal.out' (o : ordinal) : Well_order :=
⟨o.out.α, (<), o.out.wo⟩

/-- This is the same as `ordinal.type_lt` but defined to use `ordinal.out`. -/
private theorem ordinal.type_lt' : ∀ (o : ordinal), ordinal.type o.out'.r = o :=

/-- The definition of single-heap nim, which can be viewed as a pile of stones where each player can
take a positive number of stones from it on their turn. -/
take a positive number of stones from it on their turn. -/
def nim : ordinal → pgame
| O₁ := ⟨ O₁.out'.α, O₁.out'.α,
λ O₂, have hwf : ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂ < O₁,
from begin nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ←ordinal.type_lt' O₁, exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _ end,
nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂),
λ O₂, have hwf : ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂ < O₁,
from begin nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ←ordinal.type_lt' O₁, exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _ end,
nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂)⟩
| O₁ := let f := λ O₂, have hwf : ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂ < O₁ := ordinal.typein_lt_self O₂,
nim (ordinal.typein O₁.out'.r O₂) in ⟨O₁.out'.α, O₁.out'.α, f, f⟩
using_well_founded { dec_tac := tactic.assumption }

namespace pgame
Expand All @@ -67,55 +58,36 @@ lemma nim_def (O : ordinal) : nim O = O.out.α O.out.α
(λ O₂, nim (ordinal.typein (<) O₂)) :=
by { rw nim, refl }

lemma nim_wf_lemma {O₁ : ordinal} (O₂ : O₁.out.α) : (ordinal.typein (<) O₂) < O₁ :=
nth_rewrite_rhs 0 ← ordinal.type_lt O₁,
exact ordinal.typein_lt_type _ _

instance nim_impartial : ∀ (O : ordinal), impartial (nim O)
| O :=
rw [impartial_def, nim_def, neg_def],
split, split;
rw pgame.le_def,
{ refine ⟨λ i, _, λ j, _⟩,
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma i,
exact or.inl ⟨i, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) i).1⟩ },
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma j,
exact or.inr ⟨j, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) j).1⟩ } },
{ refine ⟨λ i, _, λ j, _⟩,
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma i,
exact or.inl ⟨i, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) i).2⟩ },
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma j,
exact or.inr ⟨j, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) j).2⟩ } },
refine ⟨λ i, _, λ j, _⟩,
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma i,
simpa using nim_impartial (typein ((<) : O.out.α → O.out.α → Prop) i) },
{ let hwf := nim_wf_lemma j,
simpa using nim_impartial (typein ((<) : O.out.α → O.out.α → Prop) j) }
all_goals { refine ⟨λ i, let hwf := ordinal.typein_lt_self i in _,
λ j, let hwf := ordinal.typein_lt_self j in _⟩ },
{ exact or.inl ⟨i, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) i).1⟩ },
{ exact or.inr ⟨j, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) j).1⟩ },
{ exact or.inl ⟨i, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) i).2⟩ },
{ exact or.inr ⟨j, (@impartial.neg_equiv_self _ $ nim_impartial $ typein (<) j).2⟩ },
{ exact nim_impartial (typein (<) i) },
{ exact nim_impartial (typein (<) j) }
using_well_founded { dec_tac := tactic.assumption }

lemma exists_ordinal_move_left_eq (O : ordinal) : ∀ i, ∃ O' < O, (nim O).move_left i = nim O' :=
by { rw nim_def, exact λ i, ⟨_, ⟨nim_wf_lemma i, rfl⟩⟩ }
by { rw nim_def, exact λ i, ⟨_, ⟨ordinal.typein_lt_self i, rfl⟩⟩ }

lemma exists_move_left_eq (O : ordinal) : ∀ O' < O, ∃ i, (nim O).move_left i = nim O' :=
lemma exists_move_left_eq {O : ordinal} : ∀ O' < O, ∃ i, (nim O).move_left i = nim O' :=
by { rw nim_def, exact λ _ h, ⟨(ordinal.principal_seg_out h).top, by simp⟩ }

lemma zero_first_loses : (nim (0 : ordinal)).first_loses :=
rw [impartial.first_loses_symm, nim_def, le_def_lt],
{ rintro (i : (0 : ordinal).out.α),
have h := ordinal.typein_lt_type _ i,
rw ordinal.type_lt at h,
exact false.elim (not_le_of_lt h (ordinal.zero_le (ordinal.typein _ i))) },
{ tidy }
exact ⟨@is_empty_elim (0 : ordinal).out.α _ _, @is_empty_elim pempty _ _⟩

lemma non_zero_first_wins (O : ordinal) (hO : O ≠ 0) : (nim O).first_wins :=
lemma non_zero_first_wins {O : ordinal} (hO : O ≠ 0) : (nim O).first_wins :=
rw [impartial.first_wins_symm, nim_def, lt_def_le],
rw ←ordinal.pos_iff_ne_zero at hO,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,29 +127,10 @@ end nim
the image of the function. It is guaranteed that the smallest ordinal not in the image will be
in the set, i.e. we can use this to find the mex. -/
def nonmoves {α : Type u} (M : α → ordinal.{u}) : set ordinal.{u} :=
{ O : ordinal | ¬ ∃ a : α, M a = O }
(set.range M)ᶜ

lemma nonmoves_nonempty {α : Type u} (M : α → ordinal.{u}) : ∃ O : ordinal, O ∈ nonmoves M :=
by_contra h,
simp only [nonmoves, not_exists, not_forall, set.mem_set_of_eq, not_not] at h,

have hle : cardinal.univ.{u (u+1)} ≤ cardinal.lift.{(u+1)} ( α),
{ refine ⟨⟨λ ⟨O⟩, ⟨classical.some (h O)⟩, _⟩⟩,
rintros ⟨O₁⟩ ⟨O₂⟩ heq,
refine eq.trans (classical.some_spec (h O₁)).symm _,
injection heq with heq,
rw heq,
exact classical.some_spec (h O₂) },

have hlt : cardinal.lift.{(u+1)} ( α) < cardinal.univ.{u (u+1)} :=
cardinal.lt_univ.2 ⟨ α, rfl⟩,

cases hlt,
lemma nonmoves_nonempty {α : Type u} (M : α → ordinal.{u}) : set.nonempty (nonmoves M) :=
⟨_, ordinal.lsub_nmem_range.{u u} M⟩

/-- The Grundy value of an impartial game, the ordinal which corresponds to the game of nim that the
game is equivalent to -/
Expand All @@ -194,7 +147,6 @@ by rw grundy_value
theorem equiv_nim_grundy_value : ∀ (G : pgame.{u}) [G.impartial], by exactI G ≈ nim (grundy_value G)
| G :=
introI hG,
rw [impartial.equiv_iff_sum_first_loses, ←impartial.no_good_left_moves_iff_first_loses],
intro i,
Expand All @@ -219,11 +171,10 @@ begin

have h' : ∃ i : G.left_moves, (grundy_value (G.move_left i)) =
ordinal.typein (quotient.out (grundy_value G)).r i₂,
{ have hlt := ordinal.typein_lt_self i₂,
revert i₂ hlt,
{ revert i₂,
rw grundy_value_def,
intros i₂ hlt,
have hnotin : _ ∉ _ := λ hin, (le_not_le_of_lt hlt).2 (cInf_le' hin),
intros i₂,
have hnotin : _ ∉ _ := λ hin, (le_not_le_of_lt (ordinal.typein_lt_self i₂)).2 (cInf_le' hin),
simpa [nonmoves] using hnotin },

cases h' with i hi,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +218,7 @@ begin
have h₀ : (nat.lxor n m : ordinal) ∈ nonmoves (λ i, grundy_value ((nim n + nim m).move_left i)),
{ -- To show that `n xor m` is unreachable, we show that every move produces a Grundy number
-- different from `n xor m`.
simp only [nonmoves, not_exists, set.mem_set_of_eq],
rw [nonmoves, set.mem_compl_eq, set.mem_range, not_exists],
equiv_rw left_moves_add _ _,

-- The move operates either on the left pile or on the right pile.
Expand All @@ -289,7 +240,7 @@ begin
intro h,
rw ordinal.nat_cast_inj at h,
try { rw [nat.lxor_comm n k, nat.lxor_comm n m] at h },
exact _root_.ne_of_lt hk (nat.lxor_left_inj h) } },
exact (nat.lxor_left_inj h) } },

have h₁ : ∀ (u : ordinal), u < nat.lxor n m →
u ∉ nonmoves (λ i, grundy_value ((nim n + nim m).move_left i)),
Expand All @@ -299,7 +250,7 @@ begin
replace hu := ordinal.nat_cast_lt.1 hu,

-- Our goal is to produce a move that gives the Grundy value `u`.
simp only [nonmoves, not_exists, not_not, set.mem_set_of_eq, not_forall],
rw [nonmoves, set.mem_compl_eq, set.mem_range, not_not],

-- By a lemma about xor, either `u xor m < n` or `u xor n < m`.
have : nat.lxor u (nat.lxor n m) ≠ 0,
Expand All @@ -309,17 +260,17 @@ begin

-- Therefore, we can play the corresponding move, and by the inductive hypothesis the new state
-- is `(u xor m) xor m = u` or `n xor (u xor n) = u` as required.
{ obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := nim.exists_move_left_eq _ _ (ordinal.nat_cast_lt.2 h),
{ obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := nim.exists_move_left_eq _ (ordinal.nat_cast_lt.2 h),
refine ⟨(left_moves_add _ _).symm (sum.inl i), _⟩,
simp only [hi, add_move_left_inl],
rw [hn _ h, nat.lxor_assoc, nat.lxor_self, nat.lxor_zero] },
{ obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := nim.exists_move_left_eq _ _ (ordinal.nat_cast_lt.2 h),
{ obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := nim.exists_move_left_eq _ (ordinal.nat_cast_lt.2 h),
refine ⟨(left_moves_add _ _).symm (sum.inr i), _⟩,
simp only [hi, add_move_left_inr],
rw [hm _ h, nat.lxor_comm, nat.lxor_assoc, nat.lxor_self, nat.lxor_zero] } },

-- We are done!
apply le_antisymm (cInf_le' h₀),
apply (cInf_le' h₀).antisymm,
contrapose! h₁,
exact ⟨_, ⟨h₁, Inf_mem (nonmoves_nonempty _)⟩⟩
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/ordinal.lean
Expand Up @@ -790,6 +790,9 @@ begin
exact not_lt_of_le (ordinal.zero_le _) this

instance : is_empty (0 : ordinal.{u}).out.α :=
by rw out_empty_iff_eq_zero

@[simp] theorem out_nonempty_iff_ne_zero {o : ordinal} : nonempty o.out.α ↔ o ≠ 0 :=
by rw [←not_iff_not, ←not_is_empty_iff, not_not, not_not, out_empty_iff_eq_zero]

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