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feat(algebra/big_operators/fin): The equivalence between `fin n → fin…
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… m` and `fin (m ^ n)` (#14817)

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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YaelDillies and eric-wieser committed Apr 26, 2023
1 parent 178a326 commit cdb01be
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 0 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/big_operators/fin.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ The most important results are the induction formulas `fin.prod_univ_cast_succ`
and `fin.prod_univ_succ`, and the formula `fin.prod_const` for the product of a
constant function. These results have variants for sums instead of products.
## Main declarations
* `fin_function_fin_equiv`: An explicit equivalence between `fin n → fin m` and `fin (m ^ n)`.

open_locale big_operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +212,125 @@ end partial_prod

end fin

/-- Equivalence between `fin n → fin m` and `fin (m ^ n)`. -/
@[simps] def fin_function_fin_equiv {m n : ℕ} : (fin n → fin m) ≃ fin (m ^ n) :=
(le_of_eq $ by simp_rw [fintype.card_fun, fintype.card_fin])
(λ f, ⟨∑ i, f i * m ^ (i : ℕ), begin
induction n with n ih generalizing f,
{ simp },
cases m,
{ exact is_empty_elim (f $ fin.last _) },
simp_rw [fin.sum_univ_cast_succ, fin.coe_cast_succ, fin.coe_last],
refine (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le (ih _) $ mul_le_mul_right' (fin.is_le _) _).trans_eq _,
rw [←one_add_mul, add_comm, pow_succ],
(λ a b, ⟨a / m ^ (b : ℕ) % m, begin
cases n,
{ exact b.elim0 },
cases m,
{ rw zero_pow n.succ_pos at a,
exact a.elim0 },
{ exact nat.mod_lt _ m.succ_pos }
(λ a, begin
induction n with n ih generalizing a,
{ haveI : subsingleton (fin (m ^ 0)) := (fin.cast $ pow_zero _).to_equiv.subsingleton,
exact subsingleton.elim _ _ },
simp_rw [fin.forall_iff, fin.ext_iff, fin.coe_mk] at ih,
simp_rw [fin.coe_mk, fin.sum_univ_succ, fin.coe_zero, fin.coe_succ, pow_zero, nat.div_one,
mul_one, pow_succ, ←nat.div_div_eq_div_mul, mul_left_comm _ m, ←mul_sum],
rw [ih _ (nat.div_lt_of_lt_mul a.is_lt), nat.mod_add_div],

lemma fin_function_fin_equiv_apply {m n : ℕ} (f : fin n → fin m):
(fin_function_fin_equiv f : ℕ) = ∑ (i : fin n), ↑(f i) * m ^ (i : ℕ) := rfl

lemma fin_function_fin_equiv_single {m n : ℕ} [ne_zero m] (i : fin n) (j : fin m) :
(fin_function_fin_equiv (pi.single i j) : ℕ) = j * m ^ (i : ℕ) :=
rw [fin_function_fin_equiv_apply, fintype.sum_eq_single i, pi.single_eq_same],
rintro x hx,
rw [pi.single_eq_of_ne hx, fin.coe_zero, zero_mul],

/-- Equivalence between `Π i : fin m, fin (n i)` and `fin (∏ i : fin m, n i)`. -/
def fin_pi_fin_equiv {m : ℕ} {n : fin m → ℕ} :
(Π i : fin m, fin (n i)) ≃ fin (∏ i : fin m, n i) :=
(le_of_eq $ by simp_rw [fintype.card_pi, fintype.card_fin])
(λ f, ⟨∑ i, f i * ∏ j, n (fin.cast_le i.is_lt.le j), begin
induction m with m ih generalizing f,
{ simp },
rw [fin.prod_univ_cast_succ, fin.sum_univ_cast_succ],
suffices : ∀ (n : fin m → ℕ) (nn : ℕ) (f : Π i : fin m, fin (n i)) (fn : fin nn),
∑ i : fin m, ↑(f i) * ∏ j : fin i, n (fin.cast_le i.prop.le j) + ↑fn * ∏ j, n j
< (∏ i : fin m, n i) * nn,
{ replace this := this (fin.init n) (n (fin.last _)) (fin.init f) (f (fin.last _)),
rw ←fin.snoc_init_self f,
simp only [←fin.snoc_init_self n] { single_pass := tt },
simp_rw [fin.snoc_cast_succ, fin.init_snoc, fin.snoc_last, fin.snoc_init_self n],
exact this },
intros n nn f fn,
cases nn,
{ exact is_empty_elim fn },
refine (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le (ih _) $ mul_le_mul_right' (fin.is_le _) _).trans_eq _,
rw [←one_add_mul, mul_comm, add_comm],
(λ a b, ⟨a / (∏ j : fin b, n (fin.cast_le b.is_lt.le j)) % n b, begin
cases m,
{ exact b.elim0 },
cases h : n b with nb,
{ rw prod_eq_zero (finset.mem_univ _) h at a,
exact is_empty_elim a },
exact nat.mod_lt _ nb.succ_pos,
intro a, revert a, dsimp only [fin.coe_mk],
refine fin.cons_induction _ _ n,
{ intro a,
haveI : subsingleton (fin (∏ i : fin 0, i.elim0)) :=
(fin.cast $ prod_empty).to_equiv.subsingleton,
exact subsingleton.elim _ _ },
{ intros n x xs ih a,
simp_rw [fin.forall_iff, fin.ext_iff, fin.coe_mk] at ih,
simp_rw [fin.coe_mk, fin.sum_univ_succ, fin.cons_succ],
have := λ i : fin n, fintype.prod_equiv (fin.cast $ fin.coe_succ i).to_equiv
(λ j, (fin.cons x xs : _ → ℕ) (fin.cast_le (fin.is_lt _).le j))
(λ j, (fin.cons x xs : _ → ℕ) (fin.cast_le (nat.succ_le_succ (fin.is_lt _).le) j))
(λ j, rfl),
simp_rw [this], clear this,
dsimp only [fin.coe_zero],
simp_rw [fintype.prod_empty, nat.div_one, mul_one, fin.cons_zero, fin.prod_univ_succ],
change _ + ∑ y : _, ((_ / (x * _)) % _) * (x * _) = _,
simp_rw [←nat.div_div_eq_div_mul, mul_left_comm (_ % _ : ℕ), ←mul_sum],
convert nat.mod_add_div _ _,
refine eq.trans _ (ih (a / x) (nat.div_lt_of_lt_mul $ a.is_lt.trans_eq _)),
{ convert fin.prod_univ_succ (fin.cons x xs : (Π _, ℕ)),
simp_rw fin.cons_succ },
congr' with i,
congr' with j,
{ cases j, refl },
{ cases j, refl } }

lemma fin_pi_fin_equiv_apply {m : ℕ} {n : fin m → ℕ} (f : Π i : fin m, fin (n i)):
(fin_pi_fin_equiv f : ℕ) = ∑ i, f i * ∏ j, n (fin.cast_le i.is_lt.le j) := rfl

lemma fin_pi_fin_equiv_single {m : ℕ} {n : fin m → ℕ} [Π i, ne_zero (n i)]
(i : fin m) (j : fin (n i)) :
(fin_pi_fin_equiv (pi.single i j : Π i : fin m, fin (n i)) : ℕ)
= j * ∏ j, n (fin.cast_le i.is_lt.le j) :=
rw [fin_pi_fin_equiv_apply, fintype.sum_eq_single i, pi.single_eq_same],
rintro x hx,
rw [pi.single_eq_of_ne hx, fin.coe_zero, zero_mul],

namespace list

section comm_monoid
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