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feat(category_theory/limits): special shapes API cleanup (#2423)
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This is the 2.5th PR in a series of most likely three PRs about the cohomology functor. This PR has nothing to do with cohomology, but I'm going to need a lemma from this pull request in the final PR in the series.

In this PR, I
* perform various documentation and cleanup tasks
* add lemmas similar to the ones seen in #2396 for equalizers, kernels and pullbacks (NB: these are not needed for biproducts since the `simp` and `ext` lemmas for products and coproducts readily fire)
* generalize `prod.hom_ext` to the situation where we have a `binary_fan X Y` and an `is_limit` for that specific fan (and similar for the other shapes)
* add "bundled" versions of lift and desc. Here is the most important example:
def kernel.lift' {W : C} (k : W ⟶ X) (h : k ≫ f = 0) : {l : W ⟶ kernel f // l ≫ kernel.ι f = k} :=
⟨kernel.lift f k h, kernel.lift_ι _ _ _⟩
This definition doesn't really do anything by itself, but it makes proofs comforable and readable. For example, if you say `obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := kernel.lift' g p hpg`, then the interesting property of `t` is right there in the tactic view, which I find helpful in keeping track of things when a proof invokes a lot of universal properties.
  • Loading branch information
TwoFX committed Apr 15, 2020
1 parent 9b797ee commit ce72cde
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Showing 6 changed files with 440 additions and 100 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/category/Module/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ def kernel_is_limit : is_limit (kernel_cone f) :=
rw [coe_comp, function.comp_app, ←linear_map.comp_apply],
cases j,
{ erw @linear_map.subtype_comp_cod_restrict _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fork.ι s) f.ker _, refl },
{ rw [←cone_parallel_pair_right, ←cone_parallel_pair_right], refl }
{ erw @linear_map.subtype_comp_cod_restrict _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fork.ι s) f.ker _ },
{ rw [←fork.app_zero_left, ←fork.app_zero_left], refl }
uniq' := λ s m h, linear_map.ext $ λ x, subtype.ext.2 $
have h₁ : (m ≫ (kernel_cone f).π.app zero).to_fun = (s.π.app zero).to_fun,
Expand Down
162 changes: 128 additions & 34 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/binary_products.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ open category_theory
namespace category_theory.limits

/-- The type of objects for the diagram indexing a binary (co)product. -/
@[derive decidable_eq]
@[derive decidable_eq, derive inhabited]
inductive walking_pair : Type v
| left | right

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,14 +83,40 @@ def diagram_iso_pair (F : discrete walking_pair ⥤ C) :
F ≅ pair (F.obj walking_pair.left) (F.obj walking_pair.right) :=
map_pair_iso (eq_to_iso rfl) (eq_to_iso rfl)

/-- A binary fan is just a cone on a diagram indexing a product. -/
abbreviation binary_fan (X Y : C) := cone (pair X Y)

/-- The first projection of a binary fan. -/
abbreviation binary_fan.fst {X Y : C} (s : binary_fan X Y) := s.π.app walking_pair.left

/-- The second projection of a binary fan. -/
abbreviation binary_fan.snd {X Y : C} (s : binary_fan X Y) := s.π.app walking_pair.right

lemma binary_fan.is_limit.hom_ext {W X Y : C} {s : binary_fan X Y} (h : is_limit s)
{f g : W ⟶ s.X} (h₁ : f ≫ s.fst = g ≫ s.fst) (h₂ : f ≫ s.snd = g ≫ s.snd) : f = g :=
h.hom_ext $ λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j h₁ h₂

/-- A binary cofan is just a cocone on a diagram indexing a coproduct. -/
abbreviation binary_cofan (X Y : C) := cocone (pair X Y)

/-- The first inclusion of a binary cofan. -/
abbreviation binary_cofan.inl {X Y : C} (s : binary_cofan X Y) := s.ι.app walking_pair.left

/-- The second inclusion of a binary cofan. -/
abbreviation binary_cofan.inr {X Y : C} (s : binary_cofan X Y) := s.ι.app walking_pair.right

lemma binary_cofan.is_colimit.hom_ext {W X Y : C} {s : binary_cofan X Y} (h : is_colimit s)
{f g : s.X ⟶ W} (h₁ : s.inl ≫ f = s.inl ≫ g) (h₂ : s.inr ≫ f = s.inr ≫ g) : f = g :=
h.hom_ext $ λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j h₁ h₂

variables {X Y : C}

/-- A binary fan with vertex `P` consists of the two projections `π₁ : P ⟶ X` and `π₂ : P ⟶ Y`. -/
def {P : C} (π₁ : P ⟶ X) (π₂ : P ⟶ Y) : binary_fan X Y :=
{ X := P,
π := { app := λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j π₁ π₂ }}

/-- A binary cofan with vertex `P` consists of the two inclusions `ι₁ : X ⟶ P` and `ι₂ : Y ⟶ P`. -/
def {P : C} (ι₁ : X ⟶ P) (ι₂ : Y ⟶ P) : binary_cofan X Y :=
{ X := P,
ι := { app := λ j, walking_pair.cases_on j ι₁ ι₂ }}
Expand All @@ -104,53 +130,149 @@ def {P : C} (ι₁ : X ⟶ P) (ι₂ : Y ⟶ P) : binary_cofan X
@[simp] lemma binary_cofan.mk_ι_app_right {P : C} (ι₁ : X ⟶ P) (ι₂ : Y ⟶ P) :
( ι₁ ι₂).ι.app walking_pair.right = ι₂ := rfl

/-- If `s` is a limit binary fan over `X` and `Y`, then every pair of morphisms `f : W ⟶ X` and
`g : W ⟶ Y` induces a morphism `l : W ⟶ s.X` satisfying `l ≫ s.fst = f` and `l ≫ s.snd = g`.
def binary_fan.is_limit.lift' {W X Y : C} {s : binary_fan X Y} (h : is_limit s) (f : W ⟶ X)
(g : W ⟶ Y) : {l : W ⟶ s.X // l ≫ s.fst = f ∧ l ≫ s.snd = g} :=
⟨h.lift $ f g, h.fac _ _, h.fac _ _⟩

/-- If `s` is a colimit binary cofan over `X` and `Y`,, then every pair of morphisms `f : X ⟶ W` and
`g : Y ⟶ W` induces a morphism `l : s.X ⟶ W` satisfying `s.inl ≫ l = f` and `s.inr ≫ l = g`.
def binary_cofan.is_colimit.desc' {W X Y : C} {s : binary_cofan X Y} (h : is_colimit s) (f : X ⟶ W)
(g : Y ⟶ W) : {l : s.X ⟶ W // s.inl ≫ l = f ∧ s.inr ≫ l = g} :=
⟨h.desc $ f g, h.fac _ _, h.fac _ _⟩

/-- If we have chosen a product of `X` and `Y`, we can access it using `prod X Y` or
`X ⨯ Y`. -/
abbreviation prod (X Y : C) [has_limit (pair X Y)] := limit (pair X Y)

/-- If we have chosen a coproduct of `X` and `Y`, we can access it using `coprod X Y ` or
`X ⨿ Y`. -/
abbreviation coprod (X Y : C) [has_colimit (pair X Y)] := colimit (pair X Y)

notation X ` ⨯ `:20 Y:20 := prod X Y
notation X ` ⨿ `:20 Y:20 := coprod X Y

/-- The projection map to the first component of the product. -/
abbreviation prod.fst {X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X :=
limit.π (pair X Y) walking_pair.left

/-- The projecton map to the second component of the product. -/
abbreviation prod.snd {X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] : X ⨯ Y ⟶ Y :=
limit.π (pair X Y) walking_pair.right

/-- The inclusion map from the first component of the coproduct. -/
abbreviation coprod.inl {X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] : X ⟶ X ⨿ Y :=
colimit.ι (pair X Y) walking_pair.left

/-- The inclusion map from the second component of the coproduct. -/
abbreviation coprod.inr {X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] : Y ⟶ X ⨿ Y :=
colimit.ι (pair X Y) walking_pair.right

@[ext] lemma prod.hom_ext {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] {f g : W ⟶ X ⨯ Y}
(h₁ : f ≫ prod.fst = g ≫ prod.fst) (h₂ : f ≫ prod.snd = g ≫ prod.snd) : f = g :=
binary_fan.is_limit.hom_ext (limit.is_limit _) h₁ h₂

@[ext] lemma coprod.hom_ext {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] {f g : X ⨿ Y ⟶ W}
(h₁ : coprod.inl ≫ f = coprod.inl ≫ g) (h₂ : coprod.inr ≫ f = coprod.inr ≫ g) : f = g :=
binary_cofan.is_colimit.hom_ext (colimit.is_colimit _) h₁ h₂

/-- If the product of `X` and `Y` exists, then every pair of morphisms `f : W ⟶ X` and `g : W ⟶ Y`
induces a morphism `prod.lift f g : W ⟶ X ⨯ Y`. -/
abbreviation prod.lift {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) : W ⟶ X ⨯ Y :=
limit.lift _ ( f g)

/-- If the coproduct of `X` and `Y` exists, then every pair of morphisms `f : X ⟶ W` and
`g : Y ⟶ W` induces a morphism `coprod.desc f g : X ⨿ Y ⟶ W`. -/
abbreviation coprod.desc {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W) : X ⨿ Y ⟶ W :=
colimit.desc _ ( f g)

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma prod.lift_fst {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) :
prod.lift f g ≫ prod.fst = f :=
limit.lift_π _ _

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma prod.lift_snd {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) :
prod.lift f g ≫ prod.snd = g :=
limit.lift_π _ _

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma coprod.inl_desc {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W) :
coprod.inl ≫ coprod.desc f g = f :=
colimit.ι_desc _ _

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma coprod.inr_desc {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W) :
coprod.inr ≫ coprod.desc f g = g :=
colimit.ι_desc _ _

instance prod.mono_lift_of_mono_left {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y)
[mono f] : mono (prod.lift f g) :=
mono_of_mono_fac $ show prod.lift f g ≫ prod.fst = f, by simp
mono_of_mono_fac $ prod.lift_fst _ _

instance prod.mono_lift_of_mono_right {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y)
[mono g] : mono (prod.lift f g) :=
mono_of_mono_fac $ show prod.lift f g ≫ prod.snd = g, by simp
mono_of_mono_fac $ prod.lift_snd _ _

instance coprod.epi_desc_of_epi_left {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W)
[epi f] : epi (coprod.desc f g) :=
epi_of_epi_fac $ show coprod.inl ≫ coprod.desc f g = f, by simp
epi_of_epi_fac $ coprod.inl_desc _ _

instance coprod.epi_desc_of_epi_right {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W)
[epi g] : epi (coprod.desc f g) :=
epi_of_epi_fac $ show coprod.inr ≫ coprod.desc f g = g, by simp

epi_of_epi_fac $ coprod.inr_desc _ _

/-- If the product of `X` and `Y` exists, then every pair of morphisms `f : W ⟶ X` and `g : W ⟶ Y`
induces a morphism `l : W ⟶ X ⨯ Y` satisfying `l ≫ prod.fst = f` and `l ≫ prod.snd = g`. -/
def prod.lift' {W X Y : C} [has_limit (pair X Y)] (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) :
{l : W ⟶ X ⨯ Y // l ≫ prod.fst = f ∧ l ≫ prod.snd = g} :=
⟨prod.lift f g, prod.lift_fst _ _, prod.lift_snd _ _⟩

/-- If the coproduct of `X` and `Y` exists, then every pair of morphisms `f : X ⟶ W` and
`g : Y ⟶ W` induces a morphism `l : X ⨿ Y ⟶ W` satisfying `coprod.inl ≫ l = f` and
`coprod.inr ≫ l = g`. -/
def coprod.desc' {W X Y : C} [has_colimit (pair X Y)] (f : X ⟶ W) (g : Y ⟶ W) :
{l : X ⨿ Y ⟶ W // coprod.inl ≫ l = f ∧ coprod.inr ≫ l = g} :=
⟨coprod.desc f g, coprod.inl_desc _ _, coprod.inr_desc _ _⟩

/-- If the products `W ⨯ X` and `Y ⨯ Z` exist, then every pair of morphisms `f : W ⟶ Y` and
`g : X ⟶ Z` induces a morphism ` f g : W ⨯ X ⟶ Y ⨯ Z`. -/
abbreviation {W X Y Z : C} [has_limits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : W ⨯ X ⟶ Y ⨯ Z := (map_pair f g)

/-- If the coproducts `W ⨿ X` and `Y ⨿ Z` exist, then every pair of morphisms `f : W ⟶ Y` and
`g : W ⟶ Z` induces a morphism ` f g : W ⨿ X ⟶ Y ⨿ Z`. -/
abbreviation {W X Y Z : C} [has_colimits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : W ⨿ X ⟶ Y ⨿ Z := (map_pair f g)

lemma prod.map_fst {W X Y Z : C} [has_limits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : f g ≫ prod.fst = prod.fst ≫ f := by simp

lemma prod.map_snd {W X Y Z : C} [has_limits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : f g ≫ prod.snd = prod.snd ≫ g := by simp

lemma coprod.inl_map {W X Y Z : C} [has_colimits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : coprod.inl ≫ f g = f ≫ coprod.inl := by simp

lemma coprod.inr_map {W X Y Z : C} [has_colimits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C]
(f : W ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : coprod.inr ≫ f g = g ≫ coprod.inr := by simp

variables (C)

/-- `has_binary_products` represents a choice of product for every pair of objects. -/
class has_binary_products :=
(has_limits_of_shape : has_limits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C)

/-- `has_binary_coproducts` represents a choice of coproduct for every pair of objects. -/
class has_binary_coproducts :=
(has_colimits_of_shape : has_colimits_of_shape.{v} (discrete walking_pair) C)

Expand All @@ -173,34 +295,6 @@ def has_binary_coproducts_of_has_colimit_pair [Π {X Y : C}, has_colimit (pair X
has_binary_coproducts.{v} C :=
{ has_colimits_of_shape := { has_colimit := λ F, has_colimit_of_iso (diagram_iso_pair F) } }

@[ext] lemma prod.hom_ext [has_binary_products.{v} C] {Y A B : C} {a b : Y ⟶ A ⨯ B}
(h1 : a ≫ prod.fst = b ≫ prod.fst) (h2 : a ≫ prod.snd = b ≫ prod.snd) : a = b :=
limit.hom_ext (by rintros (_ | _); simpa)

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma prod.lift_fst [has_binary_products.{v} C] {Y A B : C} (f : Y ⟶ A) (g : Y ⟶ B) :
prod.lift f g ≫ prod.fst = f :=
limit.lift_π _ _

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma prod.lift_snd {Y A B : C} [has_binary_products.{v} C] (f : Y ⟶ A) (g : Y ⟶ B) :
prod.lift f g ≫ prod.snd = g :=
limit.lift_π _ _

@[ext] lemma coprod.hom_ext [has_binary_coproducts.{v} C] {Y A B : C} {a b : A ⨿ B ⟶ Y}
(h1 : coprod.inl ≫ a = coprod.inl ≫ b) (h2 : coprod.inr ≫ a = coprod.inr ≫ b) : a = b :=
colimit.hom_ext (by rintros (_ | _); simpa)

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma coprod.inl_desc [has_binary_coproducts.{v} C] {Y A B : C} (f : A ⟶ Y) (g : B ⟶ Y) :
coprod.inl ≫ coprod.desc f g = f :=
colimit.ι_desc _ _

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma coprod.inr_desc {Y A B : C} [has_binary_coproducts.{v} C] (f : A ⟶ Y) (g : B ⟶ Y) :
coprod.inr ≫ coprod.desc f g = g :=
colimit.ι_desc _ _


variables {C} [has_binary_products.{v} C]
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/constructions/pullbacks.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ let π₁ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X := prod.fst, π₂ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ Y := prod.snd, e := e
(s.π.app walking_cospan.right)) $ by
rw [←category.assoc, limit.lift_π, ←category.assoc, limit.lift_π];
exact pullback_cone.condition _)
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by
ext; simp only [limit.lift_π, fork.of_ι_app_zero, category.assoc];
exact walking_pair.cases_on j (h walking_cospan.left) (h walking_cospan.right) }
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by { ext,
{ simpa using h walking_cospan.left },
{ simpa using h walking_cospan.right } } }


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ let ι₁ : Y ⟶ Y ⨿ Z := coprod.inl, ι₂ : Z ⟶ Y ⨿ Z := coprod.inr,
(s.ι.app walking_span.right)) $ by
rw [category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc, category.assoc, colimit.ι_desc];
exact pushout_cocone.condition _)
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by
ext; simp only [colimit.ι_desc, cofork.of_π_app_one]; rw [←category.assoc];
exact walking_pair.cases_on j (h walking_span.left) (h walking_span.right) }
(by simp) (by simp) $ λ s m h, by { ext,
{ simpa using h walking_span.left },
{ simpa using h walking_span.right } } }


Expand Down

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