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chore(data/real/cau_seq_completion): remove use of parameters (#18122)
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eric-wieser committed Jan 11, 2023
1 parent 3879543 commit cf4c49c
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Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 55 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/data/real/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ open_locale pointwise
/-- The type `ℝ` of real numbers constructed as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences of rational
numbers. -/
structure real := of_cauchy ::
(cauchy : @cau_seq.completion.Cauchy ℚ _ _ _ abs _)
(cauchy : cau_seq.completion.Cauchy (abs : ℚ → ℚ))
notation `ℝ` := real

attribute [pp_using_anonymous_constructor] real
Expand All @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ lemma ext_cauchy {x y : real} : x.cauchy = y.cauchy → x = y :=

/-- The real numbers are isomorphic to the quotient of Cauchy sequences on the rationals. -/
def equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃ cau_seq.completion.Cauchy :=
def equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃ cau_seq.completion.Cauchy abs :=
⟨real.cauchy, real.of_cauchy, λ ⟨_⟩, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩

-- irreducible doesn't work for instances:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ lemma cauchy_inv : ∀ f, (f⁻¹ : ℝ).cauchy = f.cauchy⁻¹

/-- `real.equiv_Cauchy` as a ring equivalence. -/
def ring_equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃+* cau_seq.completion.Cauchy :=
def ring_equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃+* cau_seq.completion.Cauchy abs :=
{ to_fun := cauchy,
inv_fun := of_cauchy,
map_add' := cauchy_add,
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103 changes: 51 additions & 52 deletions src/data/real/cau_seq_completion.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,85 +16,87 @@ namespace cau_seq.completion
open cau_seq

parameters {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
parameters {β : Type*} [ring β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]
variables {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
variables {β : Type*} [ring β] (abv : β → α) [is_absolute_value abv]

/-- The Cauchy completion of a ring with absolute value. -/
def Cauchy := @quotient (cau_seq _ abv) cau_seq.equiv

variables {abv}

/-- The map from Cauchy sequences into the Cauchy completion. -/
def mk : cau_seq _ abv → Cauchy :=
def mk : cau_seq _ abv → Cauchy abv :=

@[simp] theorem mk_eq_mk (f) : @eq Cauchy ⟦f⟧ (mk f) := rfl
@[simp] theorem mk_eq_mk (f) : @eq (Cauchy abv) ⟦f⟧ (mk f) := rfl

theorem mk_eq {f g} : mk f = mk g ↔ f ≈ g := quotient.eq
theorem mk_eq {f g : cau_seq _ abv} : mk f = mk g ↔ f ≈ g := quotient.eq

/-- The map from the original ring into the Cauchy completion. -/
def of_rat (x : β) : Cauchy := mk (const abv x)
def of_rat (x : β) : Cauchy abv := mk (const abv x)

instance : has_zero Cauchy := ⟨of_rat 0
instance : has_one Cauchy := ⟨of_rat 1
instance : inhabited Cauchy := ⟨0
instance : has_zero (Cauchy abv) := ⟨of_rat 0
instance : has_one (Cauchy abv) := ⟨of_rat 1
instance : inhabited (Cauchy abv) := ⟨0

theorem of_rat_zero : of_rat 0 = 0 := rfl
theorem of_rat_one : of_rat 1 = 1 := rfl
theorem of_rat_zero : (of_rat 0 : Cauchy abv) = 0 := rfl
theorem of_rat_one : (of_rat 1 : Cauchy abv) = 1 := rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_eq_zero {f} : mk f = 0 ↔ lim_zero f :=
@[simp] theorem mk_eq_zero {f : cau_seq _ abv} : mk f = 0 ↔ lim_zero f :=
by have : mk f = 0 ↔ lim_zero (f - 0) := quotient.eq;
rwa sub_zero at this

instance : has_add Cauchy :=
instance : has_add (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨quotient.map₂ (+) $ λ f₁ g₁ hf f₂ g₂ hg, add_equiv_add hf hg⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_add (f g : cau_seq β abv) : mk f + mk g = mk (f + g) := rfl

instance : has_neg Cauchy :=
instance : has_neg (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨ has_neg.neg $ λ f₁ f₂ hf, neg_equiv_neg hf⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_neg (f : cau_seq β abv) : -mk f = mk (-f) := rfl

instance : has_mul Cauchy :=
instance : has_mul (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨quotient.map₂ (*) $ λ f₁ g₁ hf f₂ g₂ hg, mul_equiv_mul hf hg⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_mul (f g : cau_seq β abv) : mk f * mk g = mk (f * g) := rfl

instance : has_sub Cauchy :=
instance : has_sub (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨quotient.map₂ has_sub.sub $ λ f₁ g₁ hf f₂ g₂ hg, sub_equiv_sub hf hg⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_sub (f g : cau_seq β abv) : mk f - mk g = mk (f - g) := rfl

instance {γ : Type*} [has_smul γ β] [is_scalar_tower γ β β] : has_smul γ Cauchy :=
instance {γ : Type*} [has_smul γ β] [is_scalar_tower γ β β] : has_smul γ (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨λ c, ((•) c) $ λ f₁ g₁ hf, smul_equiv_smul _ hf⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_smul {γ : Type*} [has_smul γ β] [is_scalar_tower γ β β] (c : γ)
(f : cau_seq β abv) :
c • mk f = mk (c • f) := rfl

instance : has_pow Cauchy ℕ :=
instance : has_pow (Cauchy abv) ℕ :=
⟨λ x n, (^ n) (λ f₁ g₁ hf, pow_equiv_pow hf _) x⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_pow (n : ℕ) (f : cau_seq β abv) : mk f ^ n = mk (f ^ n) := rfl

instance : has_nat_cast Cauchy := ⟨λ n, mk n⟩
instance : has_int_cast Cauchy := ⟨λ n, mk n⟩
instance : has_nat_cast (Cauchy abv) := ⟨λ n, mk n⟩
instance : has_int_cast (Cauchy abv) := ⟨λ n, mk n⟩

@[simp] theorem of_rat_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : of_rat n = n := rfl
@[simp] theorem of_rat_int_cast (z : ℤ) : of_rat z = z := rfl
@[simp] theorem of_rat_nat_cast (n : ℕ) : (of_rat n : Cauchy abv) = n := rfl
@[simp] theorem of_rat_int_cast (z : ℤ) : (of_rat z : Cauchy abv) = z := rfl

theorem of_rat_add (x y : β) : of_rat (x + y) = of_rat x + of_rat y :=
theorem of_rat_add (x y : β) : of_rat (x + y) = (of_rat x + of_rat y : Cauchy abv) :=
congr_arg mk (const_add _ _)

theorem of_rat_neg (x : β) : of_rat (-x) = -of_rat x :=
theorem of_rat_neg (x : β) : of_rat (-x) = (-of_rat x : Cauchy abv) :=
congr_arg mk (const_neg _)

theorem of_rat_mul (x y : β) : of_rat (x * y) = of_rat x * of_rat y :=
theorem of_rat_mul (x y : β) : of_rat (x * y) = (of_rat x * of_rat y : Cauchy abv) :=
congr_arg mk (const_mul _ _)

private lemma zero_def : 0 = mk 0 := rfl
private lemma zero_def : 0 = (mk 0 : Cauchy abv) := rfl

private lemma one_def : 1 = mk 1 := rfl
private lemma one_def : 1 = (mk 1 : Cauchy abv) := rfl

instance : ring Cauchy :=
instance : ring (Cauchy abv) :=
function.surjective.ring mk (surjective_quotient_mk _)
zero_def.symm one_def.symm (λ _ _, (mk_add _ _).symm) (λ _ _, (mk_mul _ _).symm)
(λ _, (mk_neg _).symm) (λ _ _, (mk_sub _ _).symm)
Expand All @@ -103,24 +105,23 @@ function.surjective.ring mk (surjective_quotient_mk _)

/-- `cau_seq.completion.of_rat` as a `ring_hom` -/
def of_rat_ring_hom : β →+* Cauchy :=
def of_rat_ring_hom : β →+* Cauchy abv :=
{ to_fun := of_rat,
map_zero' := of_rat_zero,
map_one' := of_rat_one,
map_add' := of_rat_add,
map_mul' := of_rat_mul, }

theorem of_rat_sub (x y : β) : of_rat (x - y) = of_rat x - of_rat y :=
theorem of_rat_sub (x y : β) : of_rat (x - y) = (of_rat x - of_rat y : Cauchy abv) :=
congr_arg mk (const_sub _ _)


parameters {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
parameters {β : Type*} [comm_ring β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]
local notation `Cauchy` := @Cauchy _ _ _ _ abv _
variables {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
variables {β : Type*} [comm_ring β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]

instance : comm_ring Cauchy :=
instance : comm_ring (Cauchy abv) :=
function.surjective.comm_ring mk (surjective_quotient_mk _)
zero_def.symm one_def.symm (λ _ _, (mk_add _ _).symm) (λ _ _, (mk_mul _ _).symm)
(λ _, (mk_neg _).symm) (λ _ _, (mk_sub _ _).symm)
Expand All @@ -132,15 +133,14 @@ end
open_locale classical

parameters {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
parameters {β : Type*} [division_ring β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]
local notation `Cauchy` := @Cauchy _ _ _ _ abv _
variables {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
variables {β : Type*} [division_ring β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]

instance : has_rat_cast Cauchy := ⟨λ q, of_rat q⟩
instance : has_rat_cast (Cauchy abv) := ⟨λ q, of_rat q⟩

@[simp] theorem of_rat_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : of_rat (↑q : β) = (q : Cauchy) := rfl
@[simp] theorem of_rat_rat_cast (q : ℚ) : of_rat (↑q : β) = (q : Cauchy abv) := rfl

noncomputable instance : has_inv Cauchy :=
noncomputable instance : has_inv (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨λ x, quotient.lift_on x
(λ f, mk $ if h : lim_zero f then 0 else inv f h) $
λ f g fg, begin
Expand All @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ noncomputable instance : has_inv Cauchy :=
mul_assoc, Ig', mul_one] }

@[simp] theorem inv_zero : (0 : Cauchy)⁻¹ = 0 :=
@[simp] theorem inv_zero : (0 : Cauchy abv)⁻¹ = 0 :=
congr_arg mk $ by rw dif_pos; [refl, exact zero_lim_zero]

@[simp] theorem inv_mk {f} (hf) : (@mk α _ β _ abv _ f)⁻¹ = mk (inv f hf) :=
Expand All @@ -167,26 +167,26 @@ have lim_zero (1 - 0), from setoid.symm h,
have lim_zero 1, by simpa,
one_ne_zero $ const_lim_zero.1 this

lemma zero_ne_one : (0 : Cauchy) ≠ 1 :=
lemma zero_ne_one : (0 : Cauchy abv) ≠ 1 :=
λ h, cau_seq_zero_ne_one $ mk_eq.1 h

protected theorem inv_mul_cancel {x : Cauchy} : x ≠ 0 → x⁻¹ * x = 1 :=
protected theorem inv_mul_cancel {x : Cauchy abv} : x ≠ 0 → x⁻¹ * x = 1 :=
quotient.induction_on x $ λ f hf, begin
simp at hf, simp [hf],
exact quotient.sound (cau_seq.inv_mul_cancel hf)

protected theorem mul_inv_cancel {x : Cauchy} : x ≠ 0 → x * x⁻¹ = 1 :=
protected theorem mul_inv_cancel {x : Cauchy abv} : x ≠ 0 → x * x⁻¹ = 1 :=
quotient.induction_on x $ λ f hf, begin
simp at hf, simp [hf],
exact quotient.sound (cau_seq.mul_inv_cancel hf)

theorem of_rat_inv (x : β) : of_rat (x⁻¹) = ((of_rat x)⁻¹ : Cauchy) :=
theorem of_rat_inv (x : β) : of_rat (x⁻¹) = ((of_rat x)⁻¹ : Cauchy abv) :=
congr_arg mk $ by split_ifs with h; [simp [const_lim_zero.1 h], refl]

/-- The Cauchy completion forms a division ring. -/
noncomputable instance : division_ring Cauchy :=
noncomputable instance : division_ring (Cauchy abv) :=
{ inv := has_inv.inv,
mul_inv_cancel := λ x, cau_seq.completion.mul_inv_cancel,
exists_pair_ne := ⟨0, 1, zero_ne_one⟩,
Expand All @@ -196,28 +196,27 @@ noncomputable instance : division_ring Cauchy :=
by rw [rat.cast_mk', of_rat_mul, of_rat_int_cast, of_rat_inv, of_rat_nat_cast],
.. Cauchy.ring }

theorem of_rat_div (x y : β) : of_rat (x / y) = (of_rat x / of_rat y : Cauchy) :=
theorem of_rat_div (x y : β) : of_rat (x / y) = (of_rat x / of_rat y : Cauchy abv) :=
by simp only [div_eq_mul_inv, of_rat_inv, of_rat_mul]

/-- Show the first 10 items of a representative of this equivalence class of cauchy sequences.
The representative chosen is the one passed in the VM to ``, so two cauchy sequences
converging to the same number may be printed differently.
meta instance [has_repr β] : has_repr Cauchy :=
meta instance [has_repr β] : has_repr (Cauchy abv) :=
{ repr := λ r,
let N := 10, seq := r.unquot in
"(sorry /- " ++ (", ".intercalate $ (list.range N).map $ repr ∘ seq) ++ ", ... -/)" }


parameters {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
parameters {β : Type*} [field β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]
local notation `Cauchy` := @Cauchy _ _ _ _ abv _
variables {α : Type*} [linear_ordered_field α]
variables {β : Type*} [field β] {abv : β → α} [is_absolute_value abv]

/-- The Cauchy completion forms a field. -/
noncomputable instance : field Cauchy :=
noncomputable instance : field (Cauchy abv) :=
{ .. Cauchy.division_ring,
.. Cauchy.comm_ring }

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