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feat(ring_theory/localization/basic): generalize to semiring (#13459)
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The main ingredient of this PR is the definition of `is_localization.lift` that works for semirings. The previous definition uses `'` that essentially states that `f 0 = 0` follows from other conditions. This does not holds for semirings. Instead, this PR defines the localization of monoid with zero, and uses this to define `is_localization.lift`.

- I think definitions around `localization_with_zero_map` might be ad hoc, and any suggestions for improvement are welcome!
- I plan to further generalize the localization API for semirings. This needs generalization of other ring theory stuff such as `local_ring` and `is_domain` (generalizing `local_ring` is partially done in #13341).
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yuma-mizuno committed Apr 22, 2022
1 parent 2a0c165 commit cfd3c66
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Showing 3 changed files with 234 additions and 97 deletions.
101 changes: 100 additions & 1 deletion src/group_theory/monoid_localization.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ add_decl_doc localization_map.to_add_monoid_hom

end add_submonoid

section comm_monoid

variables {M : Type*} [comm_monoid M] (S : submonoid M) (N : Type*) [comm_monoid N]
{P : Type*} [comm_monoid P]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -788,7 +790,10 @@ monoid_hom.ext_iff.1 (f.lift_of_comp $ N) x
/-- Given two localization maps `f : M →* N, k : M →* P` for a submonoid `S ⊆ M`,
the hom from `P` to `N` induced by `f` is left inverse to the hom from `N` to `P`
induced by `k`. -/
@[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_left_inverse {k : localization_map S P} (z : N) :
@[simp, to_additive "Given two localization maps `f : M →+ N, k : M →+ P` for a submonoid `S ⊆ M`,
the hom from `P` to `N` induced by `f` is left inverse to the hom from `N` to `P`
induced by `k`."]
lemma lift_left_inverse {k : localization_map S P} (z : N) :
k.lift f.map_units (f.lift k.map_units z) = z :=
rw lift_spec,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1315,3 +1320,97 @@ mul_equiv_of_quotient f

end away
end localization

end comm_monoid

section comm_monoid_with_zero

variables {M : Type*} [comm_monoid_with_zero M] (S : submonoid M)
(N : Type*) [comm_monoid_with_zero N]
{P : Type*} [comm_monoid_with_zero P]

namespace submonoid

/-- The type of homomorphisms between monoids with zero satisfying the characteristic predicate:
if `f : M →*₀ N` satisfies this predicate, then `N` is isomorphic to the localization of `M` at
`S`. -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance] structure localization_with_zero_map
extends localization_map S N :=
(map_zero' : to_fun 0 = 0)

attribute [nolint doc_blame] localization_with_zero_map.to_localization_map

variables {S N}

/-- The monoid with zero hom underlying a `localization_map`. -/
def localization_with_zero_map.to_monoid_with_zero_hom (f : localization_with_zero_map S N) :
M →*₀ N :=
{ .. f }

end submonoid

namespace localization

local attribute [semireducible] localization

/-- The zero element in a localization is defined as `(0, 1)`.
Should not be confused with `` which is `(0, 0)`. -/
@[irreducible] protected def zero : localization S :=
mk 0 1

instance : has_zero (localization S) :=⟨ S⟩

local attribute [semireducible] localization.mul

instance : comm_monoid_with_zero (localization S) :=
by refine_struct
{ zero := 0, .. localization.comm_monoid S };
exact λ x, localization.induction_on x $ by
{ intros,
refine mk_eq_mk_iff.mpr (r_of_eq _),
simp only [zero_mul, mul_zero] }

attribute [irreducible] localization

variables {S}

lemma mk_zero (x : S) : mk 0 (x : S) = 0 :=
calc mk 0 x = mk 0 1 : mk_eq_mk_iff.mpr (r_of_eq (by simp))
... = 0 : rfl

lemma lift_on_zero {p : Type*} (f : ∀ (x : M) (y : S), p) (H) : lift_on 0 f H = f 0 1 :=
by rw [← mk_zero 1, lift_on_mk]

end localization

variables {S N}

namespace submonoid

@[simp] lemma localization_map.sec_zero_fst {f : localization_map S N} :
f.to_map (f.sec 0).fst = 0 :=
by rw [localization_map.sec_spec', mul_zero]

namespace localization_with_zero_map

/-- Given a localization map `f : M →*₀ N` for a submonoid `S ⊆ M` and a map of
`comm_monoid_with_zero`s `g : M →*₀ P` such that `g y` is invertible for all `y : S`, the
homomorphism induced from `N` to `P` sending `z : N` to `g x * (g y)⁻¹`, where `(x, y) : M × S`
are such that `z = f x * (f y)⁻¹`. -/
noncomputable def lift (f : localization_with_zero_map S N)
(g : M →*₀ P) (hg : ∀ y : S, is_unit (g y)) : N →*₀ P :=
{ map_zero' :=
rw [monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, localization_map.lift_spec, mul_zero,
←map_zero g, ←g.to_monoid_hom_coe],
refine f.to_localization_map.eq_of_eq hg _,
rw localization_map.sec_zero_fst,
exact f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.map_zero.symm
.. @localization_map.lift _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f.to_localization_map g.to_monoid_hom hg }

end localization_with_zero_map
end submonoid

end comm_monoid_with_zero
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/jacobson.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ begin
let M' : submonoid (R[X] ⧸ P) :=
(submonoid.powers ( ( (P.comap C))).leading_coeff).map (quotient_map P C le_rfl),
let φ : R ⧸ P' →+* R[X] ⧸ P := quotient_map P C le_rfl,
let φ' := Sₘ φ M.le_comap_map,
let φ' : Rₘ →+* Sₘ := Sₘ φ M.le_comap_map,
have hφ' : φ.comp ( P') = ( P).comp C := rfl,
intro p,
obtain ⟨⟨p', ⟨q, hq⟩⟩, hp⟩ := is_localization.surj M' p,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ begin
exact (let ⟨z, zM, z0⟩ := hM' in (quotient_map_injective (trans z0 φ.map_zero.symm)) ▸ zM) },
{ rw ← is_localization.map_comp M.le_comap_map,
refine ring_hom.is_integral_trans (algebra_map (R ⧸ P') (localization M))
( _ _ M.le_comap_map) _ _,
( (localization M') _ M.le_comap_map) _ _,
{ exact (algebra_map (R ⧸ P') (localization M)).is_integral_of_surjective
(is_field.localization_map_bijective hM ((quotient.maximal_ideal_iff_is_field_quotient _).mp
(is_maximal_comap_C_of_is_maximal P hP'))).2 },
Expand Down

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