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feat(linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse): more lemmas (#8216)
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add more defs and lemmas

Co-authored-by: l534zhan <>
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l534zhan and l534zhan committed Jul 10, 2021
1 parent b52c1f0 commit d0e09dd
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Showing 2 changed files with 83 additions and 11 deletions.
92 changes: 82 additions & 10 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse.lean
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Tim Baanen. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Tim Baanen
Authors: Tim Baanen, Lu-Ming Zhang
import algebra.associated
import linear_algebra.matrix.determinant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ Defines the matrix `nonsing_inv A` and proves it is the inverse matrix
of a square matrix `A` as long as `det A` has a multiplicative inverse.

variables (A : matrix n n α)
variables (A : matrix n n α) (B : matrix n n α)

open_locale classical

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ def invertible_of_det_invertible [invertible A.det] : invertible A :=
by rw [smul_mul_assoc, matrix.mul_eq_mul, adjugate_mul, smul_smul, inv_of_mul_self, one_smul] }

/-- `A.det` is invertible if `A` has a left inverse. -/
def det_invertible_of_left_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : invertible A.det :=
def det_invertible_of_left_inverse (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : invertible A.det :=
{ inv_of := B.det,
mul_inv_of_self := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_of_mul_self := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one] }

/-- `A.det` is invertible if `A` has a right inverse. -/
def det_invertible_of_right_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : invertible A.det :=
def det_invertible_of_right_inverse (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : invertible A.det :=
{ inv_of := B.det,
mul_inv_of_self := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_of_mul_self := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one] }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,23 +383,95 @@ begin
apply invertible_of_det_invertible, },

lemma is_unit_det_of_left_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
/- `is_unit_of_invertible A`
converts the "stronger" condition `invertible A` to proposition `is_unit A`. -/

/-- `matrix.is_unit_det_of_invertible` converts `invertible A` to `is_unit A.det`. -/
lemma is_unit_det_of_invertible [invertible A] : is_unit A.det :=
@is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _(det_invertible_of_invertible A)

lemma inv_eq_nonsing_inv_of_invertible [invertible A] : ⅟ A = A⁻¹ :=
suffices : is_unit A,
{ rw [←this.mul_left_inj, inv_of_mul_self, matrix.mul_eq_mul, nonsing_inv_mul],
rwa ←is_unit_iff_is_unit_det },
exact is_unit_of_invertible _

variables {A} {B}

/- `is_unit.invertible` lifts the proposition `is_unit A` to a constructive inverse of `A`. -/

/-- "Lift" the proposition `is_unit A.det` to a constructive inverse of `A`. -/
noncomputable def invertible_of_is_unit_det (h : is_unit A.det) : invertible A :=
⟨A⁻¹, nonsing_inv_mul A h, mul_nonsing_inv A h⟩

lemma is_unit_det_of_left_inverse (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
@is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _ (det_invertible_of_left_inverse _ _ h)

lemma is_unit_det_of_right_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
lemma is_unit_det_of_right_inverse (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
@is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _ (det_invertible_of_right_inverse _ _ h)

lemma nonsing_inv_left_right (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : B ⬝ A = 1 :=
lemma nonsing_inv_left_right (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : B ⬝ A = 1 :=
have h' : is_unit B.det := B.is_unit_det_of_left_inverse A h,
have h' : is_unit B.det := is_unit_det_of_left_inverse h,
calc B ⬝ A = (B ⬝ A) ⬝ (B ⬝ B⁻¹) : by simp only [h', matrix.mul_one, mul_nonsing_inv]
... = B ⬝ ((A ⬝ B) ⬝ B⁻¹) : by simp only [matrix.mul_assoc]
... = B ⬝ B⁻¹ : by simp only [h, matrix.one_mul]
... = 1 : mul_nonsing_inv B h',

lemma nonsing_inv_right_left (B : matrix n n α) (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : A ⬝ B = 1 :=
B.nonsing_inv_left_right A h
lemma nonsing_inv_right_left (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : A ⬝ B = 1 :=
nonsing_inv_left_right h

/-- If matrix A is left invertible, then its inverse equals its left inverse. -/
lemma inv_eq_left_inv (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : A⁻¹ = B :=
have h1 := (is_unit_det_of_left_inverse h),
have h2 := matrix.invertible_of_is_unit_det h1,
have := @inv_of_eq_left_inv (matrix n n α) (infer_instance) A B h2 h,
simp* at *,

/-- If matrix A is right invertible, then its inverse equals its right inverse. -/
lemma inv_eq_right_inv (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : A⁻¹ = B :=
have h1 := (is_unit_det_of_right_inverse h),
have h2 := matrix.invertible_of_is_unit_det h1,
have := @inv_of_eq_right_inv (matrix n n α) (infer_instance) A B h2 h,
simp* at *,

/-- We can construct an instance of invertible A if A has a left inverse. -/
def invertible_of_left_inverse (h: B ⬝ A = 1) : invertible A :=
⟨B, h, nonsing_inv_right_left h⟩

/-- We can construct an instance of invertible A if A has a right inverse. -/
def invertible_of_right_inverse (h: A ⬝ B = 1) : invertible A :=
⟨B, nonsing_inv_left_right h, h⟩

variables {C: matrix n n α}

/-- The left inverse of matrix A is unique when existing. -/
lemma left_inv_eq_left_inv (h: B ⬝ A = 1) (g: C ⬝ A = 1) : B = C :=
by rw [←(inv_eq_left_inv h), ←(inv_eq_left_inv g)]

/-- The right inverse of matrix A is unique when existing. -/
lemma right_inv_eq_right_inv (h: A ⬝ B = 1) (g: A ⬝ C = 1) : B = C :=
by rw [←(inv_eq_right_inv h), ←(inv_eq_right_inv g)]

/-- The right inverse of matrix A equals the left inverse of A when they exist. -/
lemma right_inv_eq_left_inv (h: A ⬝ B = 1) (g: C ⬝ A = 1) : B = C :=
by rw [←(inv_eq_right_inv h), ←(inv_eq_left_inv g)]

variable (A)

@[simp] lemma mul_inv_of_invertible [invertible A] : A ⬝ A⁻¹ = 1 :=
mul_nonsing_inv A (is_unit_det_of_invertible A)

@[simp] lemma inv_mul_of_invertible [invertible A] : A⁻¹ ⬝ A = 1 :=
nonsing_inv_mul A (is_unit_det_of_invertible A)

end inv

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/unitary_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace unitary_submonoid

lemma star_mem {A : matrix n n α} (h : A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α)) :
star A ∈ unitary_submonoid (matrix n n α) :=
matrix.nonsing_inv_left_right _ _ $ (star_star A).symm ▸ h
matrix.nonsing_inv_left_right $ (star_star A).symm ▸ h

lemma star_mem_iff {A : matrix n n α} :
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